83 research outputs found

    Tropical forests in the deep human past

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    Since Darwin, studies of human evolution have tended to give primacy to open ‘savannah’ environments as the ecological cradle of our lineage, with dense tropical forests cast as hostile, unfavourable frontiers. These perceptions continue to shape both the geographical context of fieldwork as well as dominant narratives concerning hominin evolution. This paradigm persists despite new, ground-breaking research highlighting the role of tropical forests in the human story. For example, novel research in Africa's rainforests has uncovered archaeological sites dating back into the Pleistocene; genetic studies have revealed very deep human roots in Central and West Africa and in the tropics of Asia and the Pacific; an unprecedented number of coexistent hominin species have now been documented, including Homo erectus, the ‘Hobbit’ (Homo floresiensis), Homo luzonensis, Denisovans, and Homo sapiens. Some of the earliest members of our own species to reach South Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania and the tropical Americas have shown an unexpected rapidity in their adaptation to even some of the more ‘extreme’ tropical settings. This includes the early human manipulation of species and even habitats. This volume builds on these currently disparate threads and, for the first time, draws together a group of interdisciplinary, agenda-setting papers that firmly places a broader spectrum of tropical environments at the heart of the deep human past1. The tropics: a frontier for the deep human past 2. African tropical forests 3. Southeast Asian and pacific forests 4. Neotropical forests 5. Synthesi

    The legacy of 1300 years of land use in Jamaica

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    Despite decades of archaeological research on Jamaica, little is known about how settlers influenced landscape change on the island over time. Here, we examine the impact of human occupation through a multi-proxy approach using phytolith, charcoal, and stratigraphic analyses. White Marl was a continuously inhabited village settlement (ca. 1050–450 cal yrs BP) with large mounded midden areas, precolonial house structures, and human landscape management practices. We have shown that the local vegetation at White Marl was directly affected by human settlement through the use of agroforestry and burning, and suggest that fire was used to modify vegetation. Manioc phytoliths were found throughout human occupation and are broadly associated with increases in evidence for burning, suggesting fire was used to modify the landscape and clear vegetation for crop cultivation. The phytolith assemblages relate to three distinct temporal vegetation phases: (1) the earliest occupation dominated by arboreal vegetation (pre-ca. 870 cal yrs BP); (2) a transition to palm-dominated vegetation (ca. 870–670 cal yrs BP); and (3) the latest occupation representing European colonization associated with a more open, grass-dominated landscape (after ca. 670 cal yrs BP). These transitions occur independent of changes in paleoclimate records, suggesting humans were the dominant driver of vegetation change.Introduction Archaeological context Archaeobotany in Jamaica The White Marl site Materials and methods - Sampling, stratigraphic analysis, and recording - Phytoliths - Phytolith extraction - Phytolith identification, counting, and quantification - Charcoal extraction and quantification Results - Vegetation phase 1: Arboreal-dominated canopy - Vegetation phase 2: Palm-dominated canopy - Vegetation phase 3: Open grassland-dominated landscape - Crops - Burning indicators - Vegetation changes and climate Discussion Conclusio

    The curse of conservation: empirical evidence demonstrating that changes in land-use legislation drove catastrophic bushfires in Southeast Australia

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    Protecting “wilderness” and removing human involvement in “nature” was a core pillar of the modern conservation movement through the 20th century. Conservation approaches and legislation informed by this narrative fail to recognise that Aboriginal people have long valued, used, and shaped most landscapes on Earth. Aboriginal people curated open and fire-safe Country for millennia with fire in what are now forested and fire-prone regions. Settler land holders recognised the importance of this and mimicked these practices. The Land Conservation Act of 1970 in Victoria, Australia, prohibited burning by settler land holders in an effort to protect natural landscapes. We present a 120-year record of vegetation and fire regime change from Gunaikurnai Country, southeast Australia. Our data demonstrate that catastrophic bushfires first impacted the local area immediately following the prohibition of settler burning in 1970, which allowed a rapid increase in flammable eucalypts that resulted in the onset of catastrophic bushfires. Our data corroborate local narratives on the root causes of the current bushfire crisis. Perpetuation of the wilderness myth in conservation may worsen this crisis, and it is time to listen to and learn from Indigenous and local people, and to empower these communities to drive research and management agendas.1. Introduction 1.1. Study Region 1.2. A confluence of Factors 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Core Collection & Chronology 2.2. Pollen 2.3. Macroscopic Charcoal & Charanalysis 2.4. Magnetic Susceptibility 2.5. Numerical Data Analysis 3. Results 3.1. Chronology 3.2. Pollen 3.3. Macroscopic Charcoal & Charanalysis 3.4. Magnetic Susceptibility 3.5. Numerical Data Analysis 4. Discussion 4.1. Landscape Change between ca. 1900–2021 4.2. The Environmental Impact of Legislation 4.3. The Curse of Conservation That Ignores People as Managers and History as a Prelud

    Catastrophic Bushfires, Indigenous Fire Knowledge and Reframing Science in Southeast Australia.

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    The catastrophic 2019/2020 Black Summer bushfires were the worst fire season in the recorded history of Southeast Australia. These bushfires were one of several recent global conflagrations across landscapes that are homelands of Indigenous peoples, homelands that were invaded and colonised by European nations over recent centuries. The subsequent suppression and cessation of Indigenous landscape management has had profound social and environmental impacts. The Black Summer bushfires have brought Indigenous cultural burning practices to the forefront as a potential management tool for mitigating climate-driven catastrophic bushfires in Australia. Here, we highlight new research that clearly demonstrates that Indigenous fire management in Southeast Australia produced radically different landscapes and fire regimes than what is presently considered “natural”. We highlight some barriers to the return of Indigenous fire management to Southeast Australian landscapes. We argue that to adequately address the potential for Indigenous fire management to inform policy and practice in managing Southeast Australian forest landscapes, scientific approaches must be decolonized and shift from post-hoc engagement with Indigenous people and perspectives to one of collaboration between Indigenous communities and scientists

    The origins of Amazonian landscapes: Plant cultivation, domestication and the spread of food production in tropical South America

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    During the last two decades, new archaeological projects which systematically integrate a variety of plant recovery techniques, along with palaeoecology, palaeoclimate, soil science and floristic inventories, have started to transform our understanding of plant exploitation, cultivation and domestication in tropical South America. Archaeobotanical studies are providing a far greater appreciation of the role of plants in the diets of early colonists. Since ~13ka, these diets relied mainly on palm, tree fruits, and underground tubers, along with terrestrial and riverine faunal resources. Recent evidence indicates two areas of precocious plant cultivation and domestication: the sub-Andean montane forest of NW South America and the shrub savannahs and seasonal forests of SW Amazonia. In the latter area, thousands of anthropic keystone structures represented by forest islands show a significant human footprint in Amazonia from the start of the Holocene. While radiocarbon date databases show a decline in population during the middle Holocene, important developments happened during this epoch, including the domestication of cacao, the adoption of maize and the spread of manioc across the basin. The late Holocene witnessed the domestication of rice and the development of agricultural landscapes characterised by raised fields and Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs). Our multi-proxy analysis of 23 late Holocene ADEs and two lakes from southern Amazonia provides the first direct evidence of field polyculture agriculture including the cultivation of maize, manioc, sweet potato, squash, arrowroot and leren within closed-canopy forest, as well as enrichment with palms, limited clearing for crop cultivation, and low-severity fire management. Collectively, the evidence shows that during the late Holocene Amazonian farmers engaged in intensive agriculture marked by the cultivation of both annual and perennial crops relying on organic amendments requiring soil preparation and maintenance. Our study has broader implications for sustainable Amazonian futures

    Charcoal analysis for temperature reconstruction with infrared spectroscopy

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    The duration and maximum combustion temperature of vegetation fires are important fire properties with implications for ecology, hydrology, hazard potential, and many other processes. Directly measuring maximum combustion temperature during vegetation fires is difficult. However, chemical transformations associated with temperature are reflected in the chemical properties of charcoals (a by-product of fire). Therefore, charcoal could be used indirectly to determine the maximum combustion temperature of vegetation fires with application to palaeoecological charcoal records. To evaluate the reliability of charcoal chemistry as an indicator of maximum combustion temperature, we studied the chemical properties of charcoal formed through two laboratory methods at measured temperatures. Using a muffle furnace, we generated charcoal from the woody material of ten different tree and shrub species at seven distinct peak temperatures (from 200°C to 800°C in 100°C increments). Additionally, we simulated more natural combustion conditions by burning woody material and leaves of four tree species in a combustion facility instrumented with thermocouples, including thermocouples inside and outside of tree branches. Charcoal samples generated in these controlled settings were analyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to characterize their chemical properties. The Modern Analogue Technique (MAT) was employed on FTIR spectra of muffle furnace charcoal to assess the accuracy of inferring maximum pyrolysis temperature. The MAT model temperature matching accuracy improved from 46% for all analogues to 81% when including ±100°C. Furthermore, we used MAT to compare charcoal created in the combustion facility with muffle furnace charcoal. Our findings indicate that the spectra of charcoals generated in a combustion facility can be accurately matched with muffle furnace-created charcoals of similar temperatures using MAT, and the accuracy improved when comparing the maximum pyrolysis temperature from muffle furnace charcoal with the maximum inner temperature of the combustion facility charcoal. This suggests that charcoal produced in a muffle furnace may be representative of the inner maximum temperatures for vegetation fire-produced charcoals

    The legacy of 1300 years of land use in Jamaica

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    Despite decades of archaeological research on Jamaica, little is known about how settlers influenced landscape change on the island over time. Here, we examine the impact of human occupation through a multi-proxy approach using phytolith, charcoal, and stratigraphic analyses. White Marl was a continuously inhabited village settlement (ca. 1050–450 cal yrs BP) with large mounded midden areas, precolonial house structures, and human landscape management practices. We have shown that the local vegetation at White Marl was directly affected by human settlement through the use of agroforestry and burning, and suggest that fire was used to modify vegetation. Manioc phytoliths were found throughout human occupation and are broadly associated with increases in evidence for burning, suggesting fire was used to modify the landscape and clear vegetation for crop cultivation. The phytolith assemblages relate to three distinct temporal vegetation phases: (1) the earliest occupation dominated by arboreal vegetation (pre-ca. 870 cal yrs BP); (2) a transition to palm-dominated vegetation (ca. 870–670 cal yrs BP); and (3) the latest occupation representing European colonization associated with a more open, grass-dominated landscape (after ca. 670 cal yrs BP). These transitions occur independent of changes in paleoclimate records, suggesting humans were the dominant driver of vegetation change

    Reconstructions of biomass burning from sediment charcoal records to improve data-model comparisons

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    The location, timing, spatial extent, and frequency of wildfires are changing rapidly in many parts of the world, producing substantial impacts on ecosystems, people, and potentially climate. Paleofire records based on charcoal accumulation in sediments enable modern changes in biomass burning to be considered in their long-term context. Paleofire records also provide insights into the causes and impacts of past wildfires and emissions when analyzed in conjunction with other paleoenvironmental data and with fire models. Here we present new 1000 year and 22 000 year trends and gridded biomass burning reconstructions based on the Global Charcoal Database version 3, which includes 736 charcoal records (57 more than in version 2). The new gridded reconstructions reveal the spatial patterns underlying the temporal trends in the data, allowing insights into likely controls on biomass burning at regional to global scales. In the most recent few decades, biomass burning has sharply increased in both hemispheres, but especially in the north, where charcoal fluxes are now higher than at any other time during the past 22 000 {years}. We also discuss methodological issues relevant to data-model comparisons, and identify areas for future research. Spatially gridded versions of the global dataset from GCDv3 are provided to facilitate comparison with and validation of global fire simulations

    Nonlinear landscape and cultural response to sea-level rise

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    Rising sea levels have been associated with human migration and behavioral shifts throughout prehistory, often with an emphasis on landscape submergence and consequent societal collapse. However, the assumption that future sea-level rise will drive similar adaptive responses is overly simplistic. While the change from land to sea represents a dramatic and permanent shift for preexisting human populations, the process of change is driven by a complex set of physical and cultural processes with long transitional phases of landscape and socioeconomic change. Here, we use reconstructions of prehistoric sea-level rise, paleogeographies, terrestrial landscape change, and human population dynamics to show how the gradual inundation of an island archipelago resulted in decidedly nonlinear landscape and cultural responses to rising sea levels. Interpretation of past and future responses to sea-level change requires a better understanding of local physical and societal contexts to assess plausible human response patterns in the future