1,037 research outputs found

    Isolation and map location of a new acetate-requiring mutant, ace-9, of Neurospora crassa

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    A new acetate-requiring mutant strain of Neurospora crassa (ace-9), has been isolated from the double mutant strain cot-1;inl a, by inositol-less death (Lester and Gross 1959. Science 129:572) in Vogel\u27s medium supplemented with 0.3% sodium acetate and 2% sucrose. The mutant grows well on complex medium and on Vogel\u27s medium supplemented with casamino acids, acetate, or acetate plus ethanol. Like ace-2, ace-3 and ace-4 (Okumura and Kuwana 1979. Japan J. Genet. 54:235-244), it shows very weak activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase compelx, but has normal activities of pyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate kinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

    Optical Absorption Phenomena at Electrode Surfaces

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    A novel, lineage-primed prestalk cell subtype involved in the morphogenesis of D-discoideum

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    Dictyostelium morphogenesis requires the tip, which acts as an organizer and conducts orchestrated cell movement and cell differentiation. At the slug stage the tip region contains prestalk A (pstA) cells, which are usually recognized by their expression of reporter constructs that utilize a fragment of the promoter of the ecmA gene. Here, using the promoter region of the o-methyl transferase 12 gene (omt12) to drive reporter expression, we demonstrate the presence, also within the pstA region, of a novel prestalk cell subtype: the pstVA cells. Surprisingly, a sub-population of the vegetative cells express a pstVA: GFP marker and, sort out to the tip, both when developing alone and when co-developed with an excess of unmarked cells. The development of such a purified GFP-marked population is greatly accelerated: by precocious cell aggregation and tip formation with accompanying precocious elevation of developmental gene transcription. We therefore suggest that the tip contains at least two prestalk cell subtypes: the developmentally-specified pstA cells and the lineage-primed pstVA cells. It is presumably the pstVA cells that play the dominant role in morphogenesis during the earlier stages of development. The basis for the lineage priming is, however, unclear because we can find no correlation between pstVA differentiation and nutrient status during growth or cell cycle position at the time of starvation, the two known determinants of probable cell fate

    Expression and function of the Delta-1/Notch-2/Hes-1 pathway during experimental acute kidney injury

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    The Notch signaling pathway consists of several receptors and their ligands Delta and Jagged and is important for embryogenesis, cellular differentiation and proliferation. Activation of Notch receptors causes their cleavage yielding cytoplastic domains that translocate into the nucleus to induce target proteins such as the basic-loop-helix proteins Hes and Hey. Here we sought to clarify the significance of the Notch signaling pathway in acute kidney injury using a rat ischemia-reperfusion injury model and cultured NRK-52E cells. Analysis of the whole kidney after injury showed increased expression of Delta-1 and Hes-1 mRNA and protein along with processed Notch-2. Confocal microscopy, using specific antibodies, showed that Delta-1, cleaved Notch-2 and Hes-1 colocalized in the same segments of the injured renal proximal tubules. Recombinant Delta-1 significantly stimulated NRK-52E cell proliferation. Our study suggests that the Delta-1/Notch-2/Hes-1 signaling pathway may regulate the regeneration and proliferation of renal tubules during acute kidney injury

    Effect of splenectomy on type-1/type-2 cytokine gene expression in a patient with adult idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

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    BACKGROUND: In view of clinical observations and laboratory results that support a central role of the spleen in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) pathophysiology, we studied the effect of splenectomy on type-1 and type-2 cytokine gene expression in an adult ITP case, refractory to conservative treatment. CASE PRESENTATION: The patient was subjected to splenectomy 9 months after the diagnosis with complete response, attaining platelet counts over 150 × 10(6)/L within 10 days after the operation. Two consecutive blood samples were obtained from the patient, 3 and 7 months after the splenectomy for the purposes of this study. A control group consisted of 11 healthy adults. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were prepared from each blood sample and cultured in vitro for 8 h with the addition of the mitogens phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin. Total cellular RNA extracted from 10(6 )cells was submitted to semiquantitave reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the amplification of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 metagraphs. The PCR products were run on ethidium-stained agarose gels, photographed and quantified by densitometry. A steep decrease of type-1 cytokine expression (IL-2, IFN-γ) and their calculated sum expressing Th1 activity was observed at 7 months post-splenectomy compared to 3 months post-splenectomy, in parallel with a rise of platelet count from 190 × 10(6)/L to 265 × 10(6)/L. The change of type-2 cytokine expression (IL-4, IL-5, IL-10) was slight and the Th2 activity (IL-4+IL-5) remained largely unchanged. The Th1/Th2 ratio, that reflects the pathogenic disease-specific T-cell immune deviation, was accordingly reduced 7 months post-splenectomy (Th1/Th2 = 1.3) compared to 3 months (Th1/Th2 = 3.5). CONCLUSIONS: The reduction of the Th1/Th2 cytokine ratio that was observed over time after splenectomy was accompanied by full clinical remission. Nevertheless, the persistence of a type-1 polarization, even after several months following spleen removal, is suggestive of a more basic abnormality of the immune function in these patients

    β2-Glycoprotein I-Reactive T Cells in Autoimmune Disease

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    Anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are autoimmune diseases characterized by autoantibody production and autoantibody-related pathology. Anti-phospholipid antibodies (aPL) are found in all patients with APS and in 20–30% of individuals with SLE. aPL recognize a number of autoantigens, but the primary target in both APS and SLE is β2-glycoprotein I (β2GPI). The production of IgG aPL in APS and SLE, as well as the association of aPL with certain MHC class II molecules, has led to investigation of the role of β2GPI-reactive T helper (Th). β2GPI-reactive CD4 Th cells have been associated with the presence of aPL and/or APS in both primary APS and secondary APS associated with SLE, as well as in SLE patients and healthy controls lacking aPL. CD4 T cells reactive with β2GPI have also been associated with atherosclerosis and found within atherosclerotic plaques. In most cases, the epitopes targeted by autoreactive β2GPI-reactive CD4 T cells in APS and SLE appear to arise as a consequence of antigenic processing of β2GPI that is structurally different from the soluble native form. This may arise from molecular interactions (e.g., with phospholipids), post-translational modification (e.g., oxidation or glycation), genetic alteration (e.g., β2GPI variants), or molecular mimicry (e.g., microbiota). A number of T cell epitopes have been characterized, particularly in Domain V, the lipid-binding domain of β2GPI. Possible sources of negatively charged lipid that bind β2GPI include oxidized LDL, activated platelets, microbiota (e.g., gut commensals), and dying (e.g., apoptotic) cells. Apoptotic cells not only bind β2GPI, but also express multiple other cellular autoantigens targeted in both APS and SLE. Dying cells that have bound β2GPI thus provide a rich source of autoantigens that can be recognized by B cells across a wide range of autoantigen specificities. β2GPI-reactive T cells could potentially provide T cell help to autoantigen-specific B cells that have taken up and processed apoptotic (or other dying) cells, and subsequently present β2GPI on their surface in the context of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Here, we review the literature on β2GPI-reactive T cells, and highlight findings supporting the hypothesis that these T cells drive autoantibody production in both APS and SLE

    The systemic lupus erythematosus IRF5 risk haplotype is associated with systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a fibrotic autoimmune disease in which the genetic component plays an important role. One of the strongest SSc association signals outside the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region corresponds to interferon (IFN) regulatory factor 5 (IRF5), a major regulator of the type I IFN pathway. In this study we aimed to evaluate whether three different haplotypic blocks within this locus, which have been shown to alter the protein function influencing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility, are involved in SSc susceptibility and clinical phenotypes. For that purpose, we genotyped one representative single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of each block (rs10488631, rs2004640, and rs4728142) in a total of 3,361 SSc patients and 4,012 unaffected controls of Caucasian origin from Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and United Kingdom. A meta-analysis of the allele frequencies was performed to analyse the overall effect of these IRF5 genetic variants on SSc. Allelic combination and dependency tests were also carried out. The three SNPs showed strong associations with the global disease (rs4728142: P = 1.34×10<sup>−8</sup>, OR = 1.22, CI 95% = 1.14–1.30; rs2004640: P = 4.60×10<sup>−7</sup>, OR = 0.84, CI 95% = 0.78–0.90; rs10488631: P = 7.53×10<sup>−20</sup>, OR = 1.63, CI 95% = 1.47–1.81). However, the association of rs2004640 with SSc was not independent of rs4728142 (conditioned P = 0.598). The haplotype containing the risk alleles (rs4728142*A-rs2004640*T-rs10488631*C: P = 9.04×10<sup>−22</sup>, OR = 1.75, CI 95% = 1.56–1.97) better explained the observed association (likelihood P-value = 1.48×10<sup>−4</sup>), suggesting an additive effect of the three haplotypic blocks. No statistical significance was observed in the comparisons amongst SSc patients with and without the main clinical characteristics. Our data clearly indicate that the SLE risk haplotype also influences SSc predisposition, and that this association is not sub-phenotype-specific

    Bim and Bmf synergize to induce apoptosis in Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection

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    Abstract: Bcl-2 family proteins including the pro-apoptotic BH3-only proteins are central regulators of apoptotic cell death. Here we show by a focused siRNA miniscreen that the synergistic action of the BH3-only proteins Bim and Bmf is required for apoptosis induced by infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ngo). While Bim and Bmf were associated with the cytoskeleton of healthy cells, they both were released upon Ngo infection. Loss of Bim and Bmf from the cytoskeleton fraction required the activation of Jun-N-terminal kinase-1 (JNK-1), which in turn depended on Rac-1. Depletion and inhibition of Rac-1, JNK-1, Bim, or Bmf prevented the activation of Bak and Bax and the subsequent activation of caspases. Apoptosis could be reconstituted in Bim-depleted and Bmf-depleted cells by additional silencing of antiapoptotic Mcl-1 and Bcl-XL, respectively. Our data indicate a synergistic role for both cytoskeletal-associated BH3-only proteins, Bim, and Bmf, in an apoptotic pathway leading to the clearance of Ngo-infected cells. Author Summary: A variety of physiological death signals, as well as pathological insults, trigger apoptosis, a genetically programmed form of cell death. Pathogens often induce host cell apoptosis to establish a successful infection. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ngo), the etiological agent of the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhoea, is a highly adapted obligate human-specific pathogen and has been shown to induce apoptosis in infected cells. Here we unveil the molecular mechanisms leading to apoptosis of infected cells. We show that Ngo-mediated apoptosis requires a special subset of proapoptotic proteins from the group of BH3-only proteins. BH3-only proteins act as stress sensors to translate toxic environmental signals to the initiation of apoptosis. In a siRNA-based miniscreen, we found Bim and Bmf, BH3-only proteins associated with the cytoskeleton, necessary to induce host cell apoptosis upon infection. Bim and Bmf inactivated different inhibitors of apoptosis and thereby induced cell death in response to infection. Our data unveil a novel pathway of infection-induced apoptosis that enhances our understanding of the mechanism by which BH3-only proteins control apoptotic cell death