A novel, lineage-primed prestalk cell subtype involved in the morphogenesis of D-discoideum


Dictyostelium morphogenesis requires the tip, which acts as an organizer and conducts orchestrated cell movement and cell differentiation. At the slug stage the tip region contains prestalk A (pstA) cells, which are usually recognized by their expression of reporter constructs that utilize a fragment of the promoter of the ecmA gene. Here, using the promoter region of the o-methyl transferase 12 gene (omt12) to drive reporter expression, we demonstrate the presence, also within the pstA region, of a novel prestalk cell subtype: the pstVA cells. Surprisingly, a sub-population of the vegetative cells express a pstVA: GFP marker and, sort out to the tip, both when developing alone and when co-developed with an excess of unmarked cells. The development of such a purified GFP-marked population is greatly accelerated: by precocious cell aggregation and tip formation with accompanying precocious elevation of developmental gene transcription. We therefore suggest that the tip contains at least two prestalk cell subtypes: the developmentally-specified pstA cells and the lineage-primed pstVA cells. It is presumably the pstVA cells that play the dominant role in morphogenesis during the earlier stages of development. The basis for the lineage priming is, however, unclear because we can find no correlation between pstVA differentiation and nutrient status during growth or cell cycle position at the time of starvation, the two known determinants of probable cell fate

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