1,254 research outputs found

    Why Does it Matter that Beliefs and Valuations be Correctly Represented?

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    This paper contains an analysis of a simple principal-agent problem illustrating possible problems that may arise when the prinicpal ascribes to the agent subjective probabilities and utilities that are implied by the subjective expected utility model but do not represent the agent's beliefs and valuations. In particular, it is possible that an incentive contract designed by the principal indices the agent to choose an action that is not in the principal's best interest.principal agent theory;moral hazard

    Viscous shock profiles and primitive formulations

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    Weak solutions of hyperbolic systems in primitive (non-conservation) form for which a consistent conservation form exists are considered. It is shown that primitive formulations, shock relations are not uniquely defined by the states to either side of the shock but also depend on the viscous path connecting the two. Scheme-dependent high order correction terms are derived that enforce consistent viscous shock profiles. The resulting primitive algorithm is conservative to the order of approximation. One dimensional Euler calculations of flows containing strong shocks clearly show that conservation errors in primitive flow calculations are of comparable quality

    Rekontruksi Asas Otoritas Syariah Dalam Hukum Perbankan: Studi Komparasi Beberapa Negara Muslim

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    ABSTRAK   Rekonstruksi asas dan model otoritas syariah dalam hukum perbankan di Indonesia dan berbagai negara muslim berada  dalam  tarik  menarik  antara prinsip legalitas, kompetensi, dan independensi. Hal itu dituangkan dalam tiga elemen utama otoritas syariah: otoritas produksi fatwa, proses transformasi fatwa dalam hukum positif, dan mekanisme pengawasan kepatuhan syariah. Formula di Indonesia adalah bentuk kompromi yang mengedepankan prinsip independensi terhadap negara dan meneguhkan praktek living law. Model  ini relevan untuk periode transisi. Namun dalam  jangka panjang, diperlukan model otoritas yang tak hanya independen secara politik hukum, tapi juga legitimated dalam aspek legalitas dan daya ikat produk hukum, serta kredibel dari aspek kompetensi.   Kata Kunci: Otoritas Syariah; Hukum Perbankan Islam; Fatwa.   ABSTRACT   The reconstruction of the principles and models of sharia authority in Islamic banking law in Indonesia and various Muslim countries is in a tension between the principles of legality, competence and independence. This is stated in three main elements of sharia authority: the authority of fatwa production, the process of transformation of fatwa in positive law, and the mechanism of sharia compliance monitoring. Formula in Indonesia is a form of compromise that promotes the principle of independence of the state and reinforces the practice of living law. This model is relevant for the transition period. But in the long period, we need a model of authority that is not only politically independent from the state, but is also legitimated in terms of legality and the binding capacity of legal products, as well as credible in terms of competence aspects.   Keywords: Sharia Authority; Islamic Banking Law; Fatwa


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    Bahan cetak irreversible hydrocolloids alginat akan mengeluarkan cairan bila dibiarkan diudara terbuka pada temperatur kamar yang dikenal dengan proses sineresis. Ada beberapa laporan mengenai efek sineresis pada perubahan dimensi pada bahan cetak ini dan kebanyakan dalam waktu beberapa hari setelah pelepasan cetakan. Tujuan pengamatan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan waktu akhir proses sineresis dan kehilangan berat cetakan sehubungan dengan kehilangan cairan yang menguap oleh proses sineresis pada beberapa bahan cetak alginat. Bahan cetak alginat Hong Ye, Hygedent Normal Set, New Gin, dan Hygedent Chromatic Fast Set dipergunakan dalam pembuatan 10 sampel alginat untuk masing-masing merk berbentuk balok pada master cast metal. Sampel dibiarkan diudara terbuka dan dilakukan penimbangan berturut-turut segera setelah dikeluarkan dari cetakan (menit 0), menit ke 15, 30, 45, jam pertama, ke 2,3,4,24,48,72,96, 120, 144, 168, 192,216 dan 240. Analisa perbedaan persentase kehilangan berat dari keempat macam bahan cetak alginat dipergunakan uji statistik Anova One Way dengan tingkat kemaknaan (a=0,05). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada bahan cetak alginat merk Hong Ye terjadi rerata kehilangan berat 66,75% dengan waktu akhir sineresis pada jam ke 144, Hygedent Normal Set 67,88% dan 144 jam, New Gin 66,93% dan 192 jam dan Hygedent Chromatic Fast Set 64,51% dengan waktu akhir sineresis 192 jam. Persentase kehilangan berat pada bahan cetak Hong Ye dan New Gin tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna sedang bahan cetak yang lain terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Dapat disimpulkan dari penelitian ini bahwa persentase kehilangan berat pada hasil cetakan bahan cetak alginat yang dibiarkan di udara terbuka berkisar diantara 64,51-67,88% dengan waktu \u27akhir sineresis berkisar diantara 144-192 jam setelah cetakan dilepaskan

    A comment on BCC crystalization in higher dimensions

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    The result that near the melting point three-dimensional crystals have an octahedronic structure is generalized to higher flat non compact dimensions


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    This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a feedback compensator that will render a given continuous-time or discrete-time linear system SPR. When these conditions hold, the controller is explicitly found

    FAR - field boundaries and their numerical treatment

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    Many computational problems of theoretical and practical interest are not naturally bounded by physical boundaries. Aerodynamic examples include flow calculations past aerofoils or past wing-body configurations, semi-bounded channel flows etc. Other examples include simulations of Turbomachinery flows, problems in Underwater Acoustics etc. To obtain a numerical solution, the problem has first to be converted to a finite region, by introducing an artificial boundary at some finite distance. Boundary conditions must be specified at the artificial boundary for well-posedness of the truncated problem. They should simulate an open boundary across which the fluid flows and should ideally allow outgoing waves to pass through without generating reflections. Indeed, reflections at the boundary not only degrade the accuracy of transient solutions but also inhibit convergence to steady-state. In many problems of practical interest, perfect absorption cannot be achieved. Instead one aims at minimizing the amount of reflected energy using asymptotic expansions based on various asymptotic arguments. The more accurate the boundary statements, the closer the artificial boundaries can be located to the regions of aerodynamic interest, thereby reducing the computational domain and costs. We present a thorough numerical study of the efficiency of several widely used boundary conditions in absorbing outgoing waves. We identify the key parameters upon which the level of absorption at the boundaries depends and expose the limitations of some of the existing recipes. We show that substantial reflections may occur even under conditions which are considerably milder than those encountered in practical calculations. We then introduce an unconventional approach to the treatment of artificial boundaries. It is proposed that in the far field the governing equations are modified in a boundary-layer like manner. Two closely related far field modifications are derived and analysed: (a) Slowing down the outgoing waves and (b) Attenuating the outgoing waves. Under the first modification the outgoing waves are prevented from reaching the boundary hence from reflecting. Under the second, the outgoing waves are attenuated to practically zero strength before reaching the boundary. Both modifications do not alter the propagation of the incoming waves to allow the launching of correct information from the boundary into the interior. Analytic conditions are derived to ensure that no reflections are generated due to the change of coefficients in the governing equations. Reflection analysis is also performed on the discrete level. Well-posedness of the modified systems is established as well as stability of the resulting interface problem. The modifications are extended to two space dimensions and are applied to a variety of one and multidimensional test problems. Results indicate that the proposed far field modifications are attractive in genuinely time-dependent calculations. Preliminary steady state calculations with the unsteady 2D Euler equations show significantly improved convergence properties.Ph

    Sequence Specific Motor Performance Gains after Memory Consolidation in Children and Adolescents

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    Memory consolidation for a trained sequence of finger opposition movements, in 9- and 12-year-old children, was recently found to be significantly less susceptible to interference by a subsequent training experience, compared to that of 17-year-olds. It was suggested that, in children, the experience of training on any sequence of finger movements may affect the performance of the sequence elements, component movements, rather than the sequence as a unit; the latter has been implicated in the learning of the task by adults. This hypothesis implied a possible childhood advantage in the ability to transfer the gains from a trained to the reversed, untrained, sequence of movements. Here we report the results of transfer tests undertaken to test this proposal in 9-, 12-, and 17-year-olds after training in the finger-to-thumb opposition sequence (FOS) learning task. Our results show that the performance gains in the trained sequence partially transferred from the left, trained hand, to the untrained hand at 48-hours after a single training session in the three age-groups tested. However, there was very little transfer of the gains from the trained to the untrained, reversed, sequence performed by either hand. The results indicate sequence specific post-training gains in FOS performance, as opposed to a general improvement in performance of the individual, component, movements that comprised both the trained and untrained sequences. These results do not support the proposal that the reduced susceptibility to interference, in children before adolescence, reflects a difference in movement syntax representation after training