876 research outputs found

    Evolution of Shock Melt Compositions in Lunar Regoliths

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    Space weathering processes - driven primarily by solar wind ion and micrometeorite bombardment, are constantly changing the surface regoliths of airless bodies, such as the Moon. It is essential to study lunar soils in order to fully under-stand the processes of space weathering, and how they alter the optical reflectance spectral properties of the lunar surface relative to bedrock. Lunar agglutinates are aggregates of regolith grains fused together in a glassy matrix of shock melt produced during micrometeorite impacts into the lunar regolith. The formation of the shock melt component in agglutinates involves reduction of Fe in the target material to generate nm-scale spherules of metallic Fe (nanophase Fe0 or npFe0). The ratio of elemental Fe, in the form of npFe0, to FeO in a given bulk soil indicates its maturity, which increases with length of surface exposure as well as being typically higher in the finer-size fraction of soils. The melting and mixing process in agglutinate formation remain poorly understood. This includes incomplete knowledge regarding how the homogeneity and overall compositional trends of the agglutinate glass portions (agglutinitic glass) evolve with maturity. The aim of this study is to use sub-micrometer scale X-ray compositional mapping and image analysis to quantify the chemical homogeneity of agglutinitic glass, correlate its homogeneity to its parent soil maturity, and identify the principal chemical components contributing to the shock melt composition variations. An additional focus is to see if agglutinitic glass contains anomalously high Fe sub-micron scale compositional domains similar to those recently reported in glassy patina coatings on lunar rocks

    Self-stresses and Crack Formation by Particle Swelling in Cohesive Granular Media

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    We present a molecular dynamics study of force patterns, tensile strength and crack formation in a cohesive granular model where the particles are subjected to swelling or shrinkage gradients. Non-uniform particle size change generates self-equilibrated forces that lead to crack initiation as soon as strongest tensile contacts begin to fail. We find that the coarse-grained stresses are correctly predicted by an elastic model that incorporates particle size change as metric evolution. The tensile strength is found to be well below the theoretical strength as a result of inhomogeneous force transmission in granular media. The cracks propagate either inward from the edge upon shrinkage and outward from the center upon swelling

    Unilateral interactions in granular packings: A model for the anisotropy modulus

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    Unilateral interparticle interactions have an effect on the elastic response of granular materials due to the opening and closing of contacts during quasi-static shear deformations. A simplified model is presented, for which constitutive relations can be derived. For biaxial deformations the elastic behavior in this model involves three independent elastic moduli: bulk, shear, and anisotropy modulus. The bulk and the shear modulus, when scaled by the contact density, are independent of the deformation. However, the magnitude of the anisotropy modulus is proportional to the ratio between shear and volumetric strain. Sufficiently far from the jamming transition, when corrections due to non-affine motion become weak, the theoretical predictions are qualitatively in agreement with simulation results.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Fatal poisoning in drug addicts in the Nordic countries in 2017

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    This study is the seventh report on fatal poisonings among drug addicts in the Nordic countries. In this report, we analyse data from the five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Data on gender, number of deaths, places of deaths, age, main intoxicants and substances detected in blood were recorded to obtain national and comparable Nordic data, and to allow comparison with earlier studies conducted in 1984, 1991, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012. The death rate (number of deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) was highest in Iceland (6.58) followed closely by Sweden (6.46) and then lowest in Denmark (4.29). The death rate increased in Finland (5.84), Iceland and Sweden and decreased in Denmark compared to earlier studies. The death rate in Norway, which has decreased since 2002, has stabilised around 5.7 as of 2017. Women accounted for 7-23% of the fatal poisonings. The percentage was lowest in Iceland and highest in Finland and Norway. The age range was 14-70 years. The median age (41 years) was highest in Denmark and Norway. The other countries had a median age between 33 and 35 years. Opioids were the main cause of death. Methadone remained the main intoxicant in Denmark, while heroin/morphine was still the main intoxicant in Norway, as was buprenorphine in Finland. However, the picture has changed in Sweden compared to 2012, where heroin/morphine caused most deaths in 2017. Sweden also experienced the highest number of deaths from fentanyl analogues (67 deaths) and buprenorphine (61 deaths). Deaths from fentanyl analogues also occurred in Denmark, Finland and Norway, but to a smaller extent. Over the years, the proportion of opioid deaths has decreased in all countries except Sweden, which has experienced an increase. This decline has been replaced by deaths from CNS stimulants like cocaine, amphetamine and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). Cocaine deaths have occurred in all countries but most frequently in Denmark. MDMA deaths have increased in all countries but mostly in Finland. Poly-drug use was widespread, as seen in the earlier studies. The median number of detected drugs per case varied from 4-6. Heroin/morphine, methadone, buprenorphine, cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and benzodiazepines were frequently detected. Pregabalin and gabapentin were detected in all countries, especially pregabalin, which was detected in 42% of the Finnish cases. New psychoactive substances (NPS) occurred in all countries except Iceland. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Solid behavior of anisotropic rigid frictionless bead assemblies

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    We investigate the structure and mechanical behavior of assemblies of frictionless, nearly rigid equal-sized beads, in the quasistatic limit, by numerical simulation. Three different loading paths are explored: triaxial compression, triaxial extension and simple shear. Generalizing recent results [1], we show that the material, despite rather strong finite sample size effects, is able to sustain a finite deviator stress in the macroscopic limit, along all three paths, without dilatancy. The shape of the yield surface is adequately described by a Lade-Duncan (rather than Mohr-Coulomb) criterion. While scalar state variables keep the same values as in isotropic systems, fabric and force anisotropies are each characterized by one parameter and are in one-to-one correspondence with principal stress ratio along all three loading paths.The anisotropy of the pair correlation function extends to a distance between bead surfaces on the order of 10% of the diameter. The tensor of elastic moduli is shown to possess a nearly singular, uniaxial structure related to stress anisotropy. Possible stress-strain relations in monotonic loading paths are also discussed

    Surface Meltwater Impounded by Seasonal Englacial Storage in West Greenland

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    The delivery of surface meltwater through englacial drainage systems to the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet modulates ice flow through basal lubrication. Recent studies in Southeast Greenland have identified a perennial firn aquifer; however, there are few observations quantifying the input or residence time of water within the englacial system and it remains unknown whether water can be stored within solid ice. Using hourly stationary radar measurements, we present observations of englacial and episodic subglacial water in the ablation zone of Store Glacier in West Greenland. We find significant storage of meltwater in solid ice damaged by crevasses extending down to 48 m below the ice surface during the summer which is released or refrozen during winter. This is a significant hydrological component newly observed in the ablation zone of Greenland that could delay the delivery of meltwater to the bed, changing the ice dynamic response to surface meltwater.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Contrasting carbon cycle responses to dry (2015 El Niño) and wet (2008 La Niña) extreme events at an Amazon tropical forest.

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    Land surface models diverge in their predictions of the Amazon forest's response to climate change-induced droughts, with some showing a catastrophic collapse of forests, while others simulating resilience. Therefore, observations of tropical ecosystem responses to real-world droughts and other extreme events are needed. We report long-term seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis, respiration, net carbon exchange, phenology, and tree demography and characterize the effect of dry and wet events on ecosystem form and function at the Tapajós National Forest, Brazil, using over two decades of eddy covariance observations that include the 2015–2016 El Niño drought and La Niña 2008–2009 wet periods. We found strong forest responses to both ENSO events: La Niña saw forest net carbon loss from reduced photosynthesis (due to lower incoming radiation from increased cloudiness) even as ecosystem respiration (Reco) was maintained at mean seasonal levels. El Niño induced the opposite short-term effect, net carbon gains, despite significant reductions in photosynthesis (from a drought-induced halving of canopy conductance to CO2 and significant losses of leaf area), because drought suppression of Reco losses was even greater. However, long-term responses to the two climate perturbations were very different: transient during La Niña –the forest returned to its “normal” state as soon as the climate did, and long-lasting during El Niño –leaf area loss and associated declines in photosynthetic capacity (Pc) and canopy conductance were exacerbated and extended by feedbacks from higher temperatures and atmospheric evaporative demand and persisted for ∼3+ years after normal rainfall resumed. These findings indicate that these forests are more vulnerable to drought than to excess rain, because drought drives significant changes in forest structure (e.g., leaf-abscission and mortality) and ecosystem function (e.g. reduced stomatal conductance). As future Amazonian climate change increases frequencies of hydrological extremes, these mechanisms will determine the long-term fate of tropical forests