8,588 research outputs found

    A new view of quiet-Sun topology from Hinode/SOT

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    Context. With the recent launch of the Hinode satellite our view of the nature and evolution of quiet-Sun regions has been improved. In light of the new high resolution observations, we revisit the study of the quiet Sun's topological nature. Aims. Topology is a tool to explain the complexity of the magnetic field, the occurrence of reconnection processes, and the heating of the corona. This Letter aims to give new insights to these different topics. Methods. Using a high-resolution Hinode/SOT observation of the line-of-sight magnetic field on the photosphere, we calculate the three dimensional magnetic field in the region above assuming a potential field. From the 3D field, we determine the existence of null points in the magnetic configuration. Results. From this model of a continuous field, we find that the distribution of null points with height is significantly different from that reported in previous studies. In particular, the null points are mainly located above the bottom boundary layer in the photosphere (54%) and in the chromosphere (44%) with only a few null points in the corona (2%). The density of null points (expressed as the ratio of the number of null points to the number of photospheric magnetic fragments) in the solar atmosphere is estimated to be between 3% and 8% depending on the method used to identify the number of magnetic fragments in the observed photosphere. Conclusions. This study reveals that the heating of the corona by magnetic reconnection at coronal null points is unlikely. Our findings do not rule out the heating of the corona at other topological features. We also report the topological complexity of the chromosphere as strongly suggested by recent observations from Hinode/SOT

    Study of the winter 2005 Antarctica polar vortex

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    During winter and springtime, the flow above Antarctica at high altitude (upper troposphere and stratosphere) is dominated by the presence of a vortex centered above the continent. It lasts typically from August to November. This vortex is characterized by a strong cyclonic jet centered above the polar high. In a recent study of our group (Hagelin et al., 2008) of four different sites in the Antarctic internal plateau (South Pole, Dome C, Dome A and Dome F), it was made the hypothesis that the wind speed strength in the upper atmosphere should be related to the distance of the site to the center of the Antarctic polar vortex. This high altitude wind is very important from an astronomical point of view since it might trigger the onset of the optical turbulence and strongly affect other optical turbulence parameters. What we are interested in here is to localize the position of the minimum value of the wind speed at high altitude in order to confirm the hypothesis of Hagelin et al. (2008).Comment: 3rd ARENA conference, 11-15 May 2009 EAS Publication Serie

    Performance of alkaline battery cells used in emergency locator transmitters

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    The characteristics of battery power supplies for emergency locator transmitters (ELT's) were investigated by testing alkaline zinc/manganese dioxide cells of the type typically used in ELT's. Cells from four manufacturers were tested. The cells were subjected to simulated environmental and load conditions representative of those required for survival and operation. Battery cell characteristics that may contribute to ELT malfunctions and limitations were evaluated. Experimental results from the battery cell study are discussed, and an evaluation of ELT performance while operating under a representative worst-case environmental condition is presented

    The clinical relevance and newsworthiness of NIHR HTA-funded research: a cohort study

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    ObjectiveTo assess the clinical relevance and newsworthiness of the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme funded reports.Study designRetrospective cohort study.SettingThe cohort included 311 NIHR HTA Programme funded reports publishing in HTA in the period 1 January 2007–31 December 2012. The McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE) system independently identified the clinical relevance and newsworthiness of NIHR HTA publications and non-NIHR HTA publications. The MORE system involves over 4000 physicians rating publications on a scale of relevance (the extent to which articles are relevant to practice) and a scale of newsworthiness (the extent to which articles contain news or something clinicians are unlikely to know).Main outcome measuresThe proportion of reports published in HTA meeting MORE inclusion criteria and mean average relevance and newsworthiness ratings were calculated and compared with publications from the same studies publishing outside HTA and non-NIHR HTA funded publications.Results286/311 (92.0%) of NIHR HTA reports were assessed by MORE, of which 192 (67.1%) passed MORE criteria. The average clinical relevance rating for NIHR HTA reports was 5.48, statistically higher than the 5.32 rating for non-NIHR HTA publications (mean difference=0.16, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.29, p=0.01). Average newsworthiness ratings were similar between NIHR HTA reports and non-NIHR HTA publications (4.75 and 4.70, respectively; mean difference=0.05, 95% CI ?0.18 to 0.07, p=0.402). NIHR HTA-funded original research reports were statistically higher for newsworthiness than reviews (5.05 compared with 4.64) (mean difference=0.41, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.64, p=0.001).ConclusionsFunding research of clinical relevance is important in maximising the value of research investment. The NIHR HTA Programme is successful in funding projects that generate outputs of clinical relevance

    The STRS (shortness of breath, tremulousness, racing heart, and sweating): A brief checklist for acute distress with panic-like autonomic indicators; development and factor structure

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    Background: Peritraumatic response, as currently assessed by Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) diagnostic criterion A2, has weak positive predictive value (PPV) with respect to PTSD diagnosis. Research suggests that indicators of peritraumatic autonomic activation may supplement the PPV of PTSD criterion A2. We describe the development and factor structure of the STRS (Shortness of Breath, Tremulousness, Racing Heart, and Sweating), a one page, two-minute checklist with a five-point Likert-type response format based on a previously unpublished scale. It is the first validated self-report measure of peritraumatic activation of the autonomic nervous system.\ud \ud Methods: We selected items from the Potential Stressful Events Interview (PSEI) to represent two latent variables: 1) PTSD diagnostic criterion A, and 2) acute autonomic activation. Participants (a convenience sample of 162 non-treatment seeking young adults) rated the most distressing incident of their lives on these items. We examined the factor structure of the STRS in this sample using factor and cluster analysis.\ud \ud Results: Results confirmed a two-factor model. The factors together accounted for 68% of the variance. The variance in each item accounted for by the two factors together ranged from 41% to 74%. The item loadings on the two factors mapped precisely onto the two proposed latent variables.\ud \ud Conclusion: The factor structure of the STRS is robust and interpretable. Autonomic activation signs tapped by the STRS constitute a dimension of the acute autonomic activation in response to stress that is distinct from the current PTSD criterion A2. Since the PTSD diagnostic criteria are likely to change in the DSM-V, further research is warranted to determine whether signs of peritraumatic autonomic activation such as those measured by this two-minute scale add to the positive predictive power of the current PTSD criterion A2. Additionally, future research is warranted to explore whether the four automatic activation items of the STRS can be useful as the basis for a possible PTSD criterion A3 in the DSM-V

    The appearance, motion, and disappearance of three-dimensional magnetic null points

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    N.A.M. acknowledges support from NASA grants NNX11AB61G, NNX12AB25G, and NNX15AF43G; NASA contract NNM07AB07C; and NSF SHINE grants AGS-1156076 and AGS-1358342 to SAO. C.E.P. acknowledges support from the St Andrews 2013 STFC Consolidated grant.While theoretical models and simulations of magnetic reconnection often assume symmetry such that the magnetic null point when present is co-located with a flow stagnation point, the introduction of asymmetry typically leads to non-ideal flows across the null point. To understand this behavior, we present exact expressions for the motion of three-dimensional linear null points. The most general expression shows that linear null points move in the direction along which the magnetic field and its time derivative are antiparallel. Null point motion in resistive magnetohydrodynamics results from advection by the bulk plasma flow and resistive diffusion of the magnetic field, which allows non-ideal flows across topological boundaries. Null point motion is described intrinsically by parameters evaluated locally; however, global dynamics help set the local conditions at the null point. During a bifurcation of a degenerate null point into a null-null pair or the reverse, the instantaneous velocity of separation or convergence of the null-null pair will typically be infinite along the null space of the Jacobian matrix of the magnetic field, but with finite components in the directions orthogonal to the null space. Not all bifurcating null-null pairs are connected by a separator. Furthermore, except under special circumstances, there will not exist a straight line separator connecting a bifurcating null-null pair. The motion of separators cannot be described using solely local parameters because the identification of a particular field line as a separator may change as a result of non-ideal behavior elsewhere along the field line.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Two-Stream Instability of Counter-Rotating Galaxies

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    The present study of the two-stream instability in stellar disks with counter-rotating components of stars and/or gas is stimulated by recently discovered counter-rotating spiral and S0 galaxies. Strong linear two-stream instability of tightly-wrapped spiral waves is found for one and two-armed waves with the pattern angular speed of the unstable waves always intermediate between the angular speed of the co-rotating matter (+Ω+\Omega) and that of the counter-rotating matter (Ω-\Omega). The instability arises from the interaction of positive and negative energy modes in the co- and counter-rotating components. The unstable waves are in general convective - they move in radius and radial wavenumber space - with the result that amplification of the advected wave is more important than the local growth rate. For a galaxy of co-rotating stars and counter-rotating stars of mass-fraction ξ<12\xi_* < {1\over 2}, or of counter-rotating gas of mass-fraction ξg<12\xi_g < {1\over 2}, the largest amplification is usually for the one-armed leading waves (with respect to the co-rotating stars). For the case of both counter-rotating stars and gas, the largest amplifications are for ξ+ξg12\xi_*+\xi_g \approx {1\over 2}, also for one-armed leading waves. The two-armed trailing waves usually have smaller amplifications. The growth rates and amplifications all decrease as the velocity spreads of the stars and/or gas increase. It is suggested that the spiral waves can provide an effective viscosity for the gas causing its accretion.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to ApJ. One table and 17 figures can be obtained by sending address to R. Lovelace at [email protected]

    Diffuse HI Disks in Isolated Galaxies

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    In order to investigate the contribution of diffuse components to their total HI emission, we have obtained high precision HI line flux densities with the 100m Green Bank Telescope for a sample of 100 isolated spiral and irregular galaxies which we have previously observed with the 43m telescope. A comparison of the observed HI line fluxes obtained with the two different telescopes, characterized by half-power beam widths of 9 arcmin and 21 arcmin respectively, exploits a ``beam matching'' technique to yield a statistical determination of the occurrence of diffuse HI components in their disks. A simple model of the HI distribution within a galaxy well describes ~75 % of the sample and accounts for all of the HI line flux density. The remaining galaxies are approximately evenly divided into two categories: ones which appear to possess a significantly more extensive HI distribution than the model predicts, and ones for which the HI distribution is more centrally concentrated than predicted. Examples of both extremes can be found in the literature but little attention has been paid to the centrally concentrated HI systems. Our sample has demonstrated that galaxies do not commonly possess extended regions of low surface brightness HI gas which is not accounted for by our current understanding of the structure of HI disks. Eight HI-rich companions to the target objects are identified, and a set of extragalactic HI line flux density calibrators is presented.Comment: 26 page

    The representation of abstract task rules in the human prefrontal cortex

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    We have previously reported sustained activation in the ventral prefrontal cortex while participants prepared to perform 1 of 2 tasks as instructed. But there are studies that have reported activation reflecting task rules elsewhere in prefrontal cortex, and this is true in particular when it was left to the participants to decide which rule to obey. The aim of the present experiment was to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to find whether there was activation in common, irrespective of the way that the task rules were established. On each trial, we presented a word after a variable delay, and participants had to decide either whether the word was abstract or concrete or whether it had 2 syllables. The participants either decided before the delay which task they would perform or were instructed by written cues. Comparing the self-generated with the instructed trials, there was early task set activation during the delay in the middle frontal gyrus. On the other hand, a conjunction analysis revealed sustained activation in the ventral prefrontal and polar cortex for both conditions. We argue that the ventral prefrontal cortex is specialized for handling conditional rules regardless of how the task rules were established