975 research outputs found

    A case report on the physiological responses to extreme heat during Sicily's July 2023 heatwave

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    July 2023 has been confirmed as Earth's hottest month on record, and it was characterized by extraordinary heatwaves across southern Europe. Field data collected under real heatwave periods could add important evidence to understand human adaptability to extreme heat. However, field studies on human physiological responses to heatwave periods remain limited. We performed field thermo-physiological measurements in a healthy 37-years male undergoing resting and physical activity in an outdoor environment in the capital of Sicily, Palermo, during (July 21; highest level of local heat-health alert) and following (August 10; lowest level of local heat-health alert) the peak of Sicily's July 2023 heatwave. Results indicated that ~40 min of outdoor walking and light running in 33.8°C Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) conditions (July 21) resulted in significant physiological stress (i.e., peak heart rate: 209 bpm; core temperature: 39.13°C; mean skin temperature: 37.2°C; whole-body sweat losses: 1.7 kg). Importantly, significant physiological stress was also observed during less severe heat conditions (August 10; WBGT: 29.1°C; peak heart rate: 190 bpm; core temperature: 38.48°C; whole-body sweat losses: 2 kg). These observations highlight the physiological strain that current heatwave conditions pose on healthy young individuals. This ecologically-valid empirical evidence could inform more accurate heat-health planning

    Risk profiling and efficacy of albendazole against the hookworms Necator americanus and Ancylostoma ceylanicum in Cambodia to support control programs in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific

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    Background: Hookworm disease is endemic throughout many parts of the Asia Pacific, despite targeted control programs of at-risk populations. The success of these programs has been hindered by the limited efficacy of widely-used mebendazole, rapid re-infection rates linked to persistent reservoirs of untreated people and dogs, and the low sensitivity of conventional coprodiagnostic techniques employed. Methods: Here, we used standard faecal flotation (SFF) and a multiplex qPCR (mqPCR) assay to calculate and compare species-specific cure and egg reduction rates of single dose albendazole (400 mg) against hookworm infections at community level. Data from a cross-sectional survey in 1,232 people from Cambodia were used to inform a generalised linear mixed model to identify risk factors linked to hookworm infection(s) at baseline. Furthermore, we calculated risk factors associated to the probability of being cured after albendazole administration. Findings: Overall, 13.5% of all 1,232 people tested by SFF were positive for hookworm infection(s). Most (80.1%) infected people were >12 years of age, hence above the age targeted by the WHO control program. We estimate that as age increases, the odds of being infected increases at a faster rate for females than for males. We revealed a substantial difference in cure rate of hookworm infection(s) following albendazole treatment using the SFF (81.5%) and mqPCR (46.4%) assays, and provide the first data on the efficacy of this drug against the zoonotic hookworm Ancylostoma ceylanicum. We estimated that as age increases by one year, the odds of being cured decreases by 0.4%-3.7%. Similarly, the odds of being cured for people who boiled drinking water was estimated to be between 1.02 and 6.82. Interpretation: These findings show that the adoption of refined diagnostic techniques is central to monitoring hookworm infection(s) and the success of control strategies, which can ultimately aid in reducing associated morbidity in human populations. The approach taken is likely to be directly applicable to other parts of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific, where specific epidemiological conditions might hamper the success of targeted treatment programs. Funding: Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences Strategic Research Funds, The University of Melbourne

    Allogeneic Stem Cells Alter Gene Expression and Improve Healing of Distal Limb Wounds in Horses.

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    Distal extremity wounds are a significant clinical problem in horses and humans and may benefit from mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy. This study evaluated the effects of direct wound treatment with allogeneic stem cells, in terms of gross, histologic, and transcriptional features of healing. Three full-thickness cutaneous wounds were created on each distal forelimb in six healthy horses, for a total of six wounds per horse. Umbilical cord-blood derived equine MSCs were applied to each wound 1 day after wound creation, in one of four forms: (a) normoxic- or (b) hypoxic-preconditioned cells injected into wound margins, or (c) normoxic- or (d) hypoxic-preconditioned cells embedded in an autologous fibrin gel and applied topically to the wound bed. Controls were one blank (saline) injected wound and one blank fibrin gel-treated wound per horse. Data were collected weekly for 6 weeks and included wound surface area, thermography, gene expression, and histologic scoring. Results indicated that MSC treatment by either delivery method was safe and improved histologic outcomes and wound area. Hypoxic-preconditioning did not offer an advantage. MSC treatment by injection resulted in statistically significant increases in transforming growth factor beta and cyclooxygenase-2 expression at week 1. Histologically, significantly more MSC-treated wounds were categorized as pro-healing than pro-inflammatory. Wound area was significantly affected by treatment: MSC-injected wounds were consistently smaller than gel-treated or control wounds. In conclusion, MSC therapy shows promise for distal extremity wounds in horses, particularly when applied by direct injection into the wound margin. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 2018;7:98-108

    Frações de N do solo cultivado com milho e plantas de cobertura.

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    O milho é uma cultura de relevância no país e exige quantidades elevadas de nitrogênio (N) durante o seu crescimento. A sua disponibilidade para as plantas depende tanto do teor imediatamente disponível no solo, representada pelas formas inorgânicas, quanto do N das formas orgânicas, mineralizáveis durante o seu ciclo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações de frações do nitrogênio sob cultivo de plantas de cobertura na cultura do milho. O experimento está sendo conduzido há oito anos em Latossolo Vermelho sob milho cultivado em sistema plantio direto em sucessão às seguintes plantas de cobertura: Urochloa ruziziensis, Canavalia brasiliensis, Cajanus cajan e Sorghum bicolor. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. Nas parcelas foram semeadas as plantas de cobertura e nas subparcelas foi feita a adubação fertilização nitrogenada em cobertura (com e sem N) na cultura do milho. Em Abril de 2013, após a colheita do milho foi realizada a coleta do solo nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-20 cm. As plantas de cobertura apresentaram comportamento diferenciado em relação às camadas de solo. O solo sob U. ruziziensis apresentou maior N total e particulado que aquele sob C. cajan

    Technology for monitoring everyday prosthesis use: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND Understanding how prostheses are used in everyday life is central to the design, provision and evaluation of prosthetic devices and associated services. This paper reviews the scientific literature on methodologies and technologies that have been used to assess the daily use of both upper- and lower-limb prostheses. It discusses the types of studies that have been undertaken, the technologies used to monitor physical activity, the benefits of monitoring daily living and the barriers to long-term monitoring. METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CINAHL and EMBASE of studies that monitored the activity of prosthesis-users during daily-living. RESULTS 60 lower-limb studies and 9 upper-limb studies were identified for inclusion in the review. The first studies in the lower-limb field date from the 1990s and the number has increased steadily since the early 2000s. In contrast, the studies in the upper-limb field have only begun to emerge over the past few years. The early lower-limb studies focused on the development or validation of actimeters, algorithms and/or scores for activity classification. However, most of the recent lower-limb studies used activity monitoring to compare prosthetic components. The lower-limb studies mainly used step-counts as their only measure of activity, focusing on the amount of activity, not the type and quality of movements. In comparison, the small number of upper-limb studies were fairly evenly spread between development of algorithms, comparison of everyday activity to clinical scores, and comparison of different prosthesis user populations. Most upper-limb papers reported the degree of symmetry in activity levels between the arm with the prosthesis and the intact arm. CONCLUSIONS Activity monitoring technology used in conjunction with clinical scores and user feedback, offers significant insights into how prostheses are used and whether they meet the user’s requirements. However, the cost, limited battery-life and lack of availability in many countries mean that using sensors to understand the daily use of prostheses and the types of activity being performed has not yet become a feasible standard clinical practice. This review provides recommendations for the research and clinical communities to advance this area for the benefit of prosthesis users

    Low-voltage 2D materials-based printed field-effect transistors for integrated digital and analog electronics on paper

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    Paper is the ideal substrate for the development of flexible and environmentally sustainable ubiquitous electronic systems, which, combined with two-dimensional materials, could be exploited in many Internet-of-Things applications, ranging from wearable electronics to smart packaging. Here we report high-performance MoS2 field-effect transistors on paper fabricated with a “channel array” approach, combining the advantages of two large-area techniques: chemical vapor deposition and inkjet-printing. The first allows the pre-deposition of a pattern of MoS2; the second, the printing of dielectric layers, contacts, and connections to complete transistors and circuits fabrication. Average ION/IOFF of 8 × 103 (up to 5 × 104) and mobility of 5.5 cm2 V−1 s−1 (up to 26 cm2 V−1 s−1) are obtained. Fully functional integrated circuits of digital and analog building blocks, such as logic gates and current mirrors, are demonstrated, highlighting the potential of this approach for ubiquitous electronics on paper

    A prospective study of physician-observed concussion during a varsity university ice hockey season: Incidence and neuropsychological changes. Part 2 of 4

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    Object: The primary objective of this study was to measure the incidence of concussion according to a relative number of athlete exposures among 25 male and 20 female varsity ice hockey players. The secondary objective was to present neuropsychological test results between preseason and postseason play and at 72 hours, 2 weeks, and 2 months after concussion. Methods: Every player underwent baseline assessments using the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-2 (SCAT2), Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (ImPACT), and MRI. Each regular season and postseason game was observed by 2 independent observers (a physician and a nonphysician observer). Players with a diagnosed concussion were removed from the game, examined in the team physician\u27s office using the SCAT2 and ImPACT, and sent to undergo MRI. Results: Eleven concussions occurred during the 55 physician-observed games (20%). The incidence of concussion, expressed as number of concussions per 1000 athlete exposures, was 10.70 for men and women combined in regular season play, 11.76 for men and women combined across both the regular season and playoff season, 7.50 for men and 14.93 for women in regular season play, and 8.47 for men across both the regular season and playoff season. One male player experienced repeat concussions. No concussions were reported during practice sessions, and 1 concussion was observed and diagnosed in an exhibition game. Neuropsychological testing suggested no statistically significant preseason/postseason differences between athletes who sustained a physician-diagnosed concussion and athletes who did not sustain a physician-diagnosed concussion on either the ImPACT or SCAT2. The athletes who sustained a physician-diagnosed concussion demonstrated few reliable changes postinjury. Conclusions: Although the incidence of game-related concussions per 1000 athlete exposures in this study was half the highest rate reported in the authors\u27 previous research, it was 3 times higher than the incidence reported by other authors within the literature concerning men\u27s collegiate ice hockey and 5 times higher than the highest rate previously reported for woman\u27s collegiate ice hockey. Interestingly, the present results suggest a substantively higher incidence of concussion among women (14.93) than men (7.50). The reproducible and significantly higher incidence of concussion among both men and woman ice hockey players, when compared with nonphysician-observed games, suggests a significant underestimation of sports concussion in the scientific literature

    Data analysis of gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars. III. Detection statistics and computational requirements

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    We develop the analytic and numerical tools for data analysis of the gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars for ground-based laser interferometric detectors. We study in detail the statistical properties of the optimum functional that need to be calculated in order to detect the gravitational-wave signal from a spinning neutron star and estimate its parameters. We derive formulae for false alarm and detection probabilities both for the optimal and the suboptimal filters. We assess the computational requirements needed to do the signal search. We compare a number of criteria to build sufficiently accurate templates for our data analysis scheme. We verify the validity of our concepts and formulae by means of the Monte Carlo simulations. We present algorithms by which one can estimate the parameters of the continuous signals accurately.Comment: LaTeX, 45 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    High precision X-ray logN-logS distributions: implications for the obscured AGN population

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    We have constrained the extragalactic source count distributions over a broad range of X-ray fluxes and in various energy bands to test whether the predictions from X-ray background synthesis models agree with the observational constraints provided by our measurements. We have used 1129 XMM-Newton observations at |b|>20 deg covering a sky area of 132.3 deg^2 to compile the largest complete samples of X-ray objects to date in the 0.5-1 keV, 1-2 keV, 2-4.5 keV, 4.5-10 keV, 0.5-2 keV and 2-10 keV energy bands. Our survey includes in excess of 30,000 sources down to ~10^-15 erg/cm^2/s below 2 keV and down to ~10^{-14} erg/cm^2/s above 2 keV. A break in the source count distributions was detected in all energy bands except the 4.5-10 keV band. An analytical model comprising 2 power-law components cannot adequately describe the curvature seen in the source count distributions. The shape of the logN(>S)-logS is strongly dependent on the energy band with a general steepening apparent as we move to higher energies. This is due to non-AGN populations, comprised mainly of stars and clusters of galaxies, contribute up to 30% of the source population at energies 10^{-13} erg/cm^2/s, and these populations of objects have significantly flatter source count distributions than AGN. We find a substantial increase in the relative fraction of hard X-ray sources at higher energies, from >55% below 2 keV to >77% above 2 keV. However the majority of sources detected above 4.5 keV still have significant flux below 2 keV. Comparison with predictions from the synthesis models suggest that the models might be overpredicting the number of faint absorbed AGN, which would call for fine adjustment of some model parameters such as the obscured to unobscured AGN ratio and/or the distribution of column densities at intermediate obscuration.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abridged Abstract. 23 pages, 47 figures, 8 table