221 research outputs found

    Measurable entanglement

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    Amount of entanglement carried by a quantum bipartite state is usually evaluated in terms of concurrence (see Ref. 1). We give a physical interpretation of concurrence that reveals a way of its direct measurement and discuss possible generalizations.Comment: 3 pages, submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Quantification of entanglement via uncertainties

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    We show that entanglement of pure multi-party states can be quantified by means of quantum uncertainties of certain basic observables through the use of measure that has been initially proposed in [10] for bipartite systems.Comment: Changed content, references added 7 pages, no figures, PRA in pres

    Prvi opis grinje (Hirstiella sp.) na zelenoj iguani u Turskoj i liječenje fipronilom - prikaz slučaja.

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    The aim of this case was to document the occurrence of a mite (Hirstiella sp.) on a green iguana and therapy to treat it with a 0.25% fipronil spray. Upon physical examination, a number of red mites, erythema, darkness, and itching were observed on the skin of a green iguana and Hirstiella sp. was diagnosed after microscopic examination. Treatment consisted of a 0.25% fipronil spray once weekly for three weeks. Fipronil was also sprayed into the cage. Mites were eliminated completely from both the body of the green iguana and its cage after the second application and clinical remission was observed.Svrha je ovoga prikaza prvi put opisati pojavu grinje (Hirstiella sp.) na zelenoj iguani i liječenje invazije raspršivanjem 0,25%-tnog fipronila. Kliničkim pregledom ustanovljeno je mnoštvo crvenih grinja, eritem, zamućenje i svrbež na koži. Mikroskopskom pretragom ustanovljena je Hirstiella sp. Za liječenje je bio rabljen 0,25%-tni fipronil u obliku raspršivača jednom tjedno tijekom tri tjedna. Fipronil je bio raspršen i po kavezu. Grinje su nestale s tijela iguane i kaveza nakon druge primijene fipronila, a istodobno su nestali klinički znakovi invazije

    A Chemoattractant Role for NT-3 in Proprioceptive Axon Guidance

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    Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) is required for proprioceptive neuron survival. Deletion of the proapoptotic gene Bax in NT-3 knockout mice rescues these neurons and allows for examination of their axon growth in the absence of NT-3 signaling. TrkC-positive peripheral and central axons from dorsal root ganglia follow proper trajectories and arrive in close proximity to their targets but fail to innervate them. Peripherally, muscle spindles are absent and TrkC-positive axons do not enter their target muscles. Centrally, proprioceptive axons branch in ectopic regions of the spinal cord, even crossing the midline. In vitro assays reveal chemoattractant effects of NT-3 on dorsal root ganglion axons. Our results show that survival factor NT-3 acts as a short-distance axon guidance molecule for muscle sensory afferents as they approach their proper targets

    MHD Stagnation Flow of a Newtonian Fluid towards a Uniformly Heated and Moving Vertical Plate

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    Stagnation flow of an electrically conducting incompressible viscous fluid towards a moving vertical plate in the presence of a constant magnetic field is investigated. By using the appropriate transformations for the velocity components and temperature, the partial differential equations governing flow and heat transfer are reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. These equations are solved approximately using a numerical technique for the following two problems: (i) two-dimensional stagnation-point flow on a moving vertical plate, (ii) axisymmetric stagnation-point flow on a moving vertical plate. The effects of non-dimensional parameters on the velocity components, wall shear stresses, temperature and heat transfer are examined carefully

    Structural, electronic and phononic properties of PtSe2: From monolayer to bulk

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    The layer dependent structural, electronic and vibrational properties of the 1T phase of two dimensional (2D) platinum diselenide are investigated by means of state-of-the-art first-principles calculations. The main findings of the study are: (i) monolayer platinum diselenide has a dynamically stable 2D octahedral structure with 1.66 eV indirect band gap, (ii) the semiconducting nature of 1T-PtSe2 monolayers remains unaffected even at high biaxial strains, (iii) top-to-top (AA) arrangement is found to be energetically the most favorable stacking of 1T-PtSe2 layers, (iv) the lattice constant (layer-layer distance) increases (decreases) with increasing number of layers, (v) while monolayer and bilayer 1T-PtSe2 are indirect semiconductors, bulk and few-layered 1T-PtSe2 are metals, (vi) Raman intensity and peak positions of the A1g and Eg modes are found to be highly dependent on the layer thickness of the material, hence; the number of layers of the material can be determined via Raman measurements.TUBITAK under the project number 117F09

    How high is the inter-observer reproducibility in the LIRADS reporting system?

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    Purpose: To investigate the reproducibility of LIRADS v2014 and contribute to its widespread use in clinical practice. Material and methods: This retrospective, single-centre study was conducted between January 2010 and October 2015. A total of 132 patients who had dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/computed tomography (CT) images in the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) with liver nodule were included in the study, 37 of whom had histopathology results. Five radiologists who participated in the study, interpreted liver nodules independently on different PACS stations according to the LIRADS reporting system and its main parameters. Results: We determined that level of inter-observer agreement in the LR-1, LR-5, and LR-5V categories was higher than in the LR-2, LR-3, and LR-4 categories (κ = 0.522, 0.442, and 0.600 in the LR-1, LR-5, and LR-5V categories, respectively; κ = 0.082, 0.298, and 0.143 in the LR-2, LR-3, and LR-4 categories, respectively). The parameter that we observed to have the highest level of inter-observer agreement was venous thrombus (κ = 0.600). Conclusions: Our study showed that LIRADS achieves an acceptable inter-observer reproducibility in terms of clinical practice although it is insufficient at intermediate risk levels. We think that the prevalence of its use will be further increased with training related to the subject and the assignment of numerical values that express the probability of malignancy for each category and including the ancillary features in the algorithm according to clearer rules

    Modeling impacts of climate change scenario over Turkey

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    Bu çalışmada izlenen yöntem, Türkiye ve çevresi üzerinde, günümüz ve gelecek için NASA-Sonlu Hacim Genel Dolaşım Modeli (fvGCM) tarafından üretilen projeksiyonların, ICTP-Bölgesel İklim Modeli (RegCM3) kullanılarak dinamik olarak ölçek küçültülmesidir. Günümüz (1961-1990, RF) ve gelecek (2071-2100, A2) simülasyonları için, Hükümetlerarası İklim Değşikliği Paneli (IPCC) tarafından belirlenmiş sera gazları emisyon senaryoları dikkate alınmıştır. A2 ve RF simülasyonlarının sıcaklık ve yağış için yapılan mevsimsel analizleri Türkiye’nin iklimsel bölgeleri üzerinde alansal ortalama alınarak ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. A2 simülasyonuna göre, Türkiye üzerinde sıcaklıklardaki en dramatik değişim yaz mevsiminde Ege Bölgesi üzerindeki 5 ila 6 °C’ler arasındaki artıştır. Kış ayları dışındaki mevsimlerde artış, 3-4 °C arasında değişmektedir. Gelecek simülasyonundaki minimum artış, kış mevsiminden 2-3 °C olarak hesaplanmıştır. Yine A2 simülasyonunda, Doğu Karadeniz dağları boyunca uzanan bölgede kış yağışlarıdaki artış, rüzgar paterninin değişmesiyle orografik etkinin güçlenmesine bağlıdır. Türkiye’nin güneyi üzerinde de rüzgar paterninin güneyli değişimine bağlı olarak kış yağışlarında çok ciddi azalmalar (% 34) model sonuçlarında ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonbahar meviminde ise Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yağışlarda % 50’lere varan artışlar görülmüştür. Bu artışların ana nedeni değişen rüzgar akımlarının taşıdığı nem olabilir. Gelecek iklim senaryosunda Fırat ve Dicle su havzalarını kapsayan alandaki kış yağışlarında yaşanan azalmalarla, küresel ısınmaya paralel sıcaklık artışının buharlaşmaya etkisiyle birlikte değerlendirildiğinde, model sonuçlarının hidrolojik analizlerinin önemi daha çok ortaya çıkmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: İklim değişimi, bölgesel iklim modellemesi, ölçek küçültme.The Earth's climate has changed many times and fluctuated between the glacial and the interglacial periods since its formed. These changes related to natural forcings like volcanic eruptions, intense tectonic activity, solar activity and variation of Earth's orbital parameters, were sometimes very dramatic. Today, the global change we face to is different than the natural changes occurred in the past. Human-induced climate change has been taken into consideration extensively within the last decade more than ever. Recent advances in both climate observing systems and methodologies to detect the climate change, as well as broader global coverage of observations help scientists to better understand the climate system. Scientific studies which are led by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) showed that dominance of anthropogenic effect on global warming is indisputable (IPCC, 2007). Regional climate change modeling has been applied to many different areas such as agriculture, seasonal forecasting, hydrology applications, paleoclimate and climate projections. Because of its ability to resolve sharp gradients and contrasts in the surface conditions, the regional climate modeling approach yields more accurate and spatially detailed information. In this study,  the ICTP-Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) has been used to downscale present and future scenario simulations generated by the NASA-Finite Volume General Circulation Model (fvGCM) over Turkey and its surroundings. The present-day (1961-1990, RF) and the future climate change simulations (2071-2100, A2) are based on the IPCC Greenhouse Gases emissions, which are CO2, CH4, N2O, and CFC11- CFC12. Emission scenarios for these gases have been implemented into the radiation scheme for the simulations and, relatively high resolution of 30 km is adopted to resolve the complex topography of the domain. The role of the domain characteristics such as complex land-sea distribution determines the sub-regional climatic features and spatial climate variability. This diverse climatic structure of the region brings great challenge for regional climate modeling. Levantine Sea, Aegean Sea and Black Sea are main moisture sources of the Turkey and its surrounding regions. A2 simulation results which correspond future climate indicate that warming over Turkey's climatic zones is in the range of 2-5 °C. Summer temperature changes are more dominant in the A2 scenario. This pattern has also been observed for neighboring countries. Summer heat wave conditions over Aegean region (5 °C increase) are more obvious in the area averages than in the spatial pattern based model results. The difference between the summer and winter change is about 3 °C and it could play an important role in contributing to temporal shifts of the transition seasons. In addition, warming in winter over eastern and southeastern of Turkey which have higher altitudes are nearly 1 °C higher than for Marmara and Aegean regions which have lower altitudes. Autumn temperature changes for all regions are affected by the extension of the summer season extension due to the global warming. Most significant precipitation changes in A2 scenario have been occurred over the Mediterranean region of Turkey in winter and over the Southeastern of Turkey in autumn. Our analyses show a 34% decrease over Mediterranean region and it is related to the change in the atmospheric circulation which in turn causes reduced orographic forcing. The same circulation change also enhanced orographic forcing especially over the east of the Black Sea region and results in significant precipitation increase. Decreases over the Aegean and Southeastern regions are around 20% in winter. Autumn precipitation over Southeastern region increased as high as 48%. Flow pattern changes which also affected Iraq and Syria are consistent with enhanced moisture availability over this region which may account for the major precipitation increase. All precipitation changes in winter and autumn are also statistically significant. The amount of precipitation over Turkey in summer season is very little except eastern Black Sea region. Therefore, percent changes for summer precipitation over all of regions could not be meaningful to discuss. Analyses of A2 simulation show that combined effect of precipitation decrease and evapotranspiration increase related to temperature increase could play major role to reduce water resources over Turkey. Especially, there could be significant problems over Euphrates-Tigris basin because of the decreasing water availability in future scenario. Keywords: Climate change, regional climate modeling, downscaling scenarios

    Properties of Solutions in 2+1 Dimensions

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    We solve the Einstein equations for the 2+1 dimensions with and without scalar fields. We calculate the entropy, Hawking temperature and the emission probabilities for these cases. We also compute the Newman-Penrose coefficients for different solutions and compare them.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figures, PlainTeX, Dedicated to Prof. Yavuz Nutku on his 60th birthday. References adde