473 research outputs found

    Gamow-Teller sum rule in relativistic nuclear models

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    Relativistic corrections are investigated to the Gamow-Teller(GT) sum rule with respect to the difference between the β−\beta_- and β+\beta_+ transition strengths in nuclei. Since the sum rule requires the complete set of the nuclear states, the relativistic corrections come from the anti-nucleon degrees of freedom. In the relativistic mean field approximation, the total GT strengths carried by the nucleon sector is quenched by about 12% in nuclear matter, while by about 8% in finite nuclei, compared to the sum rule value. The coupling between the particle-hole states with the nucleon-antinucleon states is also discussed with the relativistic random phase approximation, where the divergence of the response function is renormalized with use of the counter terms in the Lagrangian. It is shown that the approximation to neglect the divergence, like the no-sea approximation extensively used so far, is unphysical, from the sum-rule point of view.Comment: 12 pages, Brief review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A, using ws-mpla.cl

    Agricultural microcredit and technical efficiency : The case of smallholder rice farmers in Northern Ghana

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    In the current study, we compared technical efficiency of smallholder rice farmers with and without credit in northern Ghana using data from a farm household survey. We fitted a stochastic frontier production function to input and output data to measure technical efficiency. We addressed self-selection into credit participation using propensity score matching and found that the mean efficiency did not differ between credit users and non-users. Credit-participating households had an efficiency of 63.0 percent compared to 61.7 percent for non-participants. The results indicate significant inefficiencies in production and thus a high scope for improving farmers’ technical efficiency through better use of available resources at the current level of technology. Apart from labour and capital, all the conventional farm inputs had a significant effect on rice production. The determinants of efficiency included the respondent’s age, sex, educational status, distance to the nearest market, herd ownership, access to irrigation and specialisation in rice production. From a policy perspective, we recommend that the credit should be channelled to farmers who demonstrate the need for it and show the commitment to improve their production through external financing. Such a screening mechanism will ensure that the credit goes to the right farmers who need it to improve their technical efficiency.Peer reviewe

    Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society (BERAS project) - a case of Juva milk system

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    The aim of the study was to determine the potential, impact and prerequisites of localization and enhanced recycling in a rural food system, illustrated by the case of Juva milk. An interdisciplinary scenario based on the increase of local, organic milk to 50 % of milk comsumption was created and the sustainability was compared, on the basis of the statistics and data collected from the actors, with the present milk system

    WOW – a multilayered reflection on collective movements

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    Through a collective writing five dance artists share their individual and common experiences of collective, weaving together an intricate body of text. A playful and sincere approach towards different collective settings, modes and textures, exploring the rich complexity of being many in one – what it can entail, unfold and generat

    Cognitive and neural plasticity in aging: General and task-specific limitations

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    There is evidence for cognitive as well as neural plasticity across the adult life span, although aging is associated with certain constraints on plasticity. In the current paper, we argue that the age-related reduction in cognitive plasticity may be due to (a) deficits in general processing resources, and (b) failure to engage in task-relevant cognitive operations. Memory-training research suggests that age-related processing deficits (e.g., executive functions, speed) hinder older adults from utilizing mnemonic techniques as efficiently as the young, and that this age difference is reflected by diminished frontal activity during mnemonic use. Additional constraints on memory plasticity in old age are related to difficulties that are specific to the task, such as creating visual images, as well as in binding together the information to be remembered. These deficiencies are paralleled by reduced activity in occipito-parietal and medial–temporal regions, respectively. Future attempts to optimize intervention-related gains in old age should consider targeting both general processing and task-specific origins of age-associated reductions in cognitive plasticity

    Adaptive strategies in nocturnally migrating insects and songbirds: contrasting responses to wind.

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    1. Animals that use flight as their mode of transportation must cope with the fact that their migration and orientation performance is strongly affected by the flow of the medium they are moving in, i.e. by the winds. Different strategies can be used to mitigate the negative effects and benefit from the positive effects of a moving flow. The strategies an animal can use will be constrained by the relationship between the speed of the flow and the speed of the animal’s own propulsion in relation to the surrounding air. 2. Here we analyse entomological and ornithological radar data from north-western Europe to investigate how two different nocturnal migrant taxa, the noctuid moth Autographa gamma and songbirds, deal with wind by analysing variation in resulting flight directions in relation to the wind-dependent angle between the animal’s heading and track direction. 3. Our results, from fixed locations along the migratory journey, reveal different global strategies used by moths and songbirds during their migratory journeys. As expected, nocturnally migrating moths experienced a greater degree of wind drift than nocturnally migrating songbirds, but both groups were more affected by wind in autumn than in spring. 4. The songbirds’ strategies involve elements of both drift and compensation, providing some benefits from wind in combination with destination and time control. In contrast, moths expose themselves to a significantly higher degree of drift in order to obtain strong wind assistance, surpassing the songbirds in mean ground speed, at the cost of a comparatively lower spatiotemporal migratory precision. 5. Moths and songbirds show contrasting but adaptive responses to migrating through a moving flow, which are fine-tuned to the respective flight capabilities of each group in relation to the wind currents they travel within

    Momentum Distribution in Nuclear matter within a Perturbation Approximation

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    It is shown that the norm corrections, introduced to avoid the violation of the constraints on the depletion of the hole states in the standard perturbative 2p2h approach, leads in nuclear matter to a dependence of the momentum distribution with the total nucleon number. This unphysical behavior, which in turn makes the depletion to be non-extensive, arises from contributions of disconnected diagrams contained in the norm. It is found that the extensivity is again recovered when the 4p4h excitations in the ground state are included, and a reasonable value for the total number of nucleons promoted above the Fermi level is obtained.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, figures 1 to 3 included in the latex file, postscript files of figures 4 and 5 available from the Authors. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Self-consistent calculations within the Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems

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    The Extended Theory of Finite Fermi Systems(ETFFS) describes nuclear excitations considering phonons and pairing degrees of freedom, using experimental single particle energies and the effective Landau-Migdal interaction. Here we use the Skyrme interactions in order to extend the range of applicability of the ETFFS to experimentally not yet investigated short-lived isotopes. We find that Skyrme interactions which reproduce at the mean field level both ground state properties and nuclear excitations are able to describe the spreading widths of the giant resonances in the new approach, but produce shifts of the centroid energies. A renormalization of the Skyrme interactions is required for approaches going beyond the mean field level.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, corrected typo
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