858 research outputs found

    On Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Over Hyper-Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    Relayed transmission holds promise for the next generation of wireless communication systems due to the performance gains it can provide over non-cooperative systems. Recently hyper-Rayleigh fading, which represents fading conditions more severe than Rayleigh fading, has received attention in the context of many practical communication scenarios. Though power allocation for Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying networks has been studied in the literature, a theoretical analysis of the power allocation problem for hyper-Rayleigh fading channels is a novel contribution of this work. We develop an optimal power allocation (OPA) strategy for a dual-hop AF relaying network in which the relay-destination link experiences hyper-Rayleigh fading. A new closed-form expression for the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at destination is derived and it is shown to provide a new upper-bound on the average SNR at destination, which outperforms a previously proposed upper-bound based on the well-known harmonic-geometric mean inequality. An OPA across the source and relay nodes, subject to a sum-power constraint, is proposed and it is shown to provide measurable performance gains in average SNR and SNR outage at the destination relative to the case of equal power allocation

    Error Analysis of Fixed-Gain AF Relaying with MRC Over Nakagami-m Fading Channels

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    This article investigates the error performance of wireless communication systems that employ binary modulations and Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying over flat Nakagami-m faded links with maximum ratio combining (MRC) at destination. Specifically, we derive a simple yet accurate closed-form approximation for the average bit error probability (ABEP) and closed-form expressions for its tight upper and lower bounds. The effect of power imbalance between the relayed links is also studied. Numerical investigations show good agreement between proposed theoretical results and simulations whereas our performance bounds are shown to be tighter than previously proposed bounds for the case of unbalanced relayed links

    Active-Adaptive Control of Inlet Separation Using Supersonic Microjets

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    Flow separation in internal and external flows generally results in a significant degradation in aircraft performance. For internal flows, such as inlets and transmission ducts in aircraft propulsion systems, separation is undesirable as it reduces the overall system performance. The aim of this research has been to understand the nature of separation and more importantly, to explore techniques to actively control it. In this research, we extended our investigation of active separation control (under a previous NASA grant) where we explored the use of microjets for the control of boundary layer separation. The geometry used for the initial study was a simple diverging Stratford ramp, equipped with arrays of microjets. These early results clearly show that the activation of microjets eliminated flow separation. Furthermore, the velocity-field measurements, using PIV, also demonstrate that the gain in momentum due to the elimination of separation is at least an order of magnitude larger (two orders of magnitude larger in most cases) than the momentum injected by the microjets and is accomplished with very little mass flow through the microjets. Based on our initial promising results this research was continued under the present grant, using a more flexible model. This model allows for the magnitude and extent of separation as well as the microjet parameters to be independently varied. The results, using this model were even more encouraging and demonstrated that microjet control completely eliminated significant regions of flow separation over a wide range of conditions with almost negligible mass flow. Detailed studies of the flowfield and its response to microjets were further examined using 3-component PIV and unsteady pressure measurements, among others. As the results presented this report will show, microjets were successfully used to control the separation of a much larger extent and magnitude than demonstrated in our earlier experiments. In fact, using the appropriate combination of control parameters (microjet, location, angle and pressure) separation was completely eliminated for the largest separated flowfield we could generate with the present model. Separation control also resulted in a significant reduction in the unsteady pressures in the flow where the unsteady pressure field was found to be directly responsive to the state of the flow above the surface. Hence, our study indicates that the unsteady pressure signature is a strong candidate for a flow state sensor , which can be used to estimate the location, magnitude and other properties of the separated flowfield. Once better understood and properly utilized, this behavior can be of significant practical importance for developing and implementing online control

    Active control of Boundary Layer Separation & Flow Distortion in Adverse Pressure Gradient Flows via Supersonic Microjets

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    Inlets to aircraft propulsion systems must supply flow to the compressor with minimal pressure loss, flow distortion or unsteadiness. Flow separation in internal flows such as inlets and ducts in aircraft propulsion systems and external flows such as over aircraft wings, is undesirable as it reduces the overall system performance. The aim of this research has been to understand the nature of separation and more importantly, to explore techniques to actively control this flow separation. In particular, the use of supersonic microjets as a means of controlling boundary layer separation was explored. The geometry used for the early part of this study was a simple diverging Stratford ramp, equipped with arrays of supersonic microjets. Initial results, based on the mean surface pressure distribution, surface flow visualization and Planar Laser Scattering (PLS) indicated a reverse flow region. We implemented supersonic microjets to control this separation and flow visualization results appeared to suggest that microjets have a favorable effect, at least to a certain extent. However, the details of the separated flow field were difficult to determine based on surface pressure distribution, surface flow patterns and PLS alone. It was also difficult to clearly determine the exact influence of the supersonic microjets on this flow. In the latter part of this study, the properties of this flow-field and the effect of supersonic microjets on its behavior were investigated in further detail using 2-component (planar) Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The results clearly show that the activation of microjets eliminated flow separation and resulted in a significant increase in the momentum of the fluid near the ramp surface. Also notable is the fact that the gain in momentum due to the elimination of flow separation is at least an order of magnitude larger (two orders of magnitude larger in most cases) than the momentum injected by the microjets and is accomplished with very little mass flow through the microjets

    Silent and Efficient Supersonic Bi-Directional Flying Wing

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    The supersonic bi-directional (SBiDir) flying wing (FW) concept has a great potential to achieve low sonic boom with high supersonic aerodynamic performance due to removal of performance conflict between high speed and low speed by rotating goo in flight. This NIAC Phase 1 research has achieved three objectives: 2) prove the concept based on simulation that it can achieve very low boom with smooth Sine wave ground over-pressure signature and excellent aerodynamic efficiency; 3) conduct trade study to correlate the geometric parameters with sonic boom and aerodynamic performance for further automated design optimization in Phase II. The design methodology developed in Phase I includes three parts: 1) an advanced geometry model, which can vary airfoil meanline angle distribution to control the expansion and shock waves on the airplane surface to mitigate sonic boom and improve aerodynamic efficiency. 2) a validated CFD procedure to resolve near field flow with accurate shock strength. The sonic boom propagation from near field to far field ground is simulated by NASA NF Boom code. The surface friction drag prediction is based on fiat plate correlation adopted by Seebass and supported by the experimental study of Winter and Smith, which is on the conservative side and is more reliable than CFD RANS simulation. 3) a mission analysis tool based on Corke's model that provides design requirements and constraints of supersonic airplanes for range, payload, volume, size, weight, etc. The design mission target is a supersonic transport with cruise Mach number 1.6, 100 passengers, and 4000nm range. The trade study has several very important findings: 1) The far field ground sonic boom signature is directly related to the smoothness of the flow on the airplane surface. The meanline angle distribution is a very effective control methodology to mitigate surface shock and expansion wave strength, and mitigating compression wave coalescing by achieving smooth loading distribution chord-wise. Compared with a linear meanline angle distribution, a design using nonlinear and non-monotonic meanline angle distribution is able to reduce the sonic boom ground loudness by over 20dBP1. The design achieves sonic boom ground loudness less than 70dBP1 and aerodynamic dynamic efficiency 1/D of 8.4. 2) Decreasing sweep angle within the Mach cone will increase 1/D as well as sonic boom. A design with variable sweep from 84 at the very leading edge to 68 at the tip achieves an extraordinarily high 1/D of 10.4 at Mach number 1.6 due to the low wave drag. If no sonic boom constraint is attached, SBiDir-FW concept still has a lot of room to increase the 1/D. 3) The round leading edge and trailing edge under high sweep angle are beneficial to improve aerodynamic performance, sonic boom, and to increase volume of the airplane. 4) Subsonic performance is benefited greatly from the high slenderness of supersonic configuration after rotating goo. A design with excellent supersonic aspect ratio of 0.44, 1/D of 8.g, gives an extraordinary subsonic aspect ration of 10 and 1/D of 1g.7. Two configurations are designed in details to install internal seats, landing gears, and engine installation to demonstrate the feasibility of SBiDir-FW configuration to accommodate all the required volume for realistic airplane. Here we emphasize that the qualitative findings in Phase I are very encouraging, more important than the quantitative results. Qualitative findings give the understanding of physics and provide the path to achieve the ultimate high performance design. The promising quantitative results achieved in Phase I need to be confirmed by wind tunnel testing in Phase II and ultimately proved by flight test. The other important step forward will be made to study the rotation transition from both CFD unsteady simulation and wind tunnel testing

    Mathematical simulation of graphene with modified c-c bond length and transfer energy

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    In nanotechnology research, allotropes of carbon like Graphene, Fullerene (Buckyball) and Carbon nanotubes are widely used due to their remarkable properties. Electrical and mechanical properties of those allotropes vary with their molecular geometry. This paper is specially based on modeling and simulation of graphene in order to calculate energy band structure in k space with varying the C-C bond length and C-C transfer energy. Significant changes have been observed in the energy band structure of graphene due to variation in C-C bond length and C-C transfer energy. In particular, this paper focuses over the electronic structure of graphene within the frame work of tight binding approximation. It has been reported that conduction and valence states in graphene only meet at two points in k-space and that dispersion around these special points is conical. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2305

    Bias Gender Dalam Iklan Attack Easy Di Televisi

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    Selama ini di Indonesia telah terjadi ketidakseimbangan gender terhadap perempuan dalamrumah tangga. Hal ini terjadi karena dominasi laki-laki terhadap perempuan yang dikuatkan dengannilai-nilai paternalistik. Perempuan berada dalam posisi yang dirugikan, sehingga terjadi ketidakseimbangandalam pembagian pekerjaan rumah tangga. Laki-laki atau kepala rumah tangga selaluberada di atas perempuan atau ibu rumah tangga. Nilai-nilai tersebut juga sering muncul dalam iklan.Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bias gender dalam iklan televisi Attack Easy versi “Ibuku Cantik saatMencuci” dengan analisis semiologi Roland Barthes. Hasilnya terdapat kesetaraan gender dan ketidakseimbangangender. Perempuan mampu mengerjakan pekerjaan berat yang biasa dikerjakan lakilaki,namun masih ditempatkan sebagai ibu rumah tangga

    Aesthetics and Functions of Craft Art in Public Art Space

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    The problem in this research is about how to assess the aesthetics and functions of craft art in Indonesian city public space compare to other cities in other countries. It is also about how these craft arts can be used to improve the aesthetics and strength a city\u27s identity. Approaches used in this research are aesthetic theory and sociology of art. Aesthetic theory is used to assess the craft art textually or intra aesthetics. Sociology of art theory is used to see how craft art role can fulfil its function as a medium for craftsperson to participate in creating an art work that is useful to the society, so the existence of craft art in public space can give positive impacts towards the urban society. Results of this research is a positive impact of the craft art existence in some Indonesian public places where craft art becomes a city icon or identity with a special symbol attached to it; as a sign of historical or contemporary works. It also creates the aesthetics of a city design to be more humanist and healthy for all citizens