72 research outputs found

    The impact of digital learning resources on developing the educational process for faculty members at the PAAET

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    The study aimed to identify the impact of digital learning resources on the development of the educational process for faculty members at the PAAET, and its role in developing the academic capabilities of faculty members, including the areas of academic advancement and the quality of scientific research in the international publishing observatories, where the study applied the curriculum standards survey descriptive; The questionnaire was applied as a main tool to measure the impact of digital learning resources on the development of the educational process for faculty members through a sample of (78) faculty members from various disciplines. The study concluded that digital learning resources are one of the most important sources for developing the educational process for faculty members. Teaching, whether at the level of scientific research or academic promotion, with its active role in the development of the educational process. The study recommended the need to expand the use of faculty members for digital learning resources, with the need to intensify training courses and workshops in this field, with the need to develop policies and decisions related to their field of work, which In turn, it enhances the development of the educational process

    Preventive maintenance for effective operation of boilers in Kuwait industry

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    In this research study, preventive maintenance technique for improving the boiler efficiency is analysed with help of specific methodology. High efficiency can be achieved with the help of an optimal approach of the preventive method. In Kuwait. Among (80) participants, 62.5% of the participants were technical while 37.5% were engineers, the highest group 51.3% were 45 to 55 years old, 51% had master’s degree, 42.5% had more than 10 years as experience and 28.8% working in steel industry. The participants' responses towards the preventive maintenance for efficient operation of boilers had high level with mean score > (3.57) out of (5) according to Likert scale; indicate a high level of agreements. The first rank was (It is required to clean the water side surfaces under preventive maintenance) with the highest mean score 3.9250, indicate that 78.5% of the total participants agreed about it. Last rank is observed (It is required to check the efficiency of boiler routinely by inspecting all major components) with the lowest mean score 3.2500, indicating that only 65% of the total participants agreed about it. Result show that there is a significant difference in the degree of responds towards the preventive maintenance for efficient operation of boilers according to job in favor of engineers group. There is a significant association between job and the following issues which concerned preventive maintenance for efficient operation of boilers, the higher the job as an engineer, the higher the approval score in the following issues: Preventive maintenance is more useful than other maintenance program. It is required to purpose an efficient plan/ schedule for preventive maintenance of boile

    مدى تطبيق المعيار المحاسبي الإسلامي رقم (2) المرابحة والمرابحة بالشراء في البنوك الإسلامية الكويتية ومعوقات تطبيقها = The extent of application of Islamic Accounting Standard No. (2) Murabaha and Murabaha to the purchase orderer In Islamic Kuwaiti Banks and the obstacles to their application

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى تطبيق المعيار المحاسبي الإسلامي رقم (2) المرابحة والمرابحة بالشراء في البنوك الإسلامية الكويتية ومعوقات تطبيقها. واعتمد الباحث على عينه من مديري الإدارات العليا والإدارات الوسطى، والمديرين الماليين والمحاسبين العاملين في الدائرة المالية في البنوك الإسلامية الكويتية مكونة (91) مبحوثا، واعتمد الباحث على مصدرين رئيسين لجمع المعلومات والبيانات هما: البيانات الأولية والبيانات الثانوية، واستخدم عددا من أساليب الإحصاء الوصفي والاستدلالي. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن البنوك الإسلامية الكويتية تطبق المعيار المحاسبي الإسلامي رقم (2) عمليات المرابحة الداخلية. وتبين أن قسم الائتمان في البنك يقوم بحساب التكاليف التقديرية وبيان نسبة الأرباح المتوقعة من القيام بإجراء عملية المرابحة. وتبين أن هناك مجموعة من المعوقات تحول دون تطبيق المعيار المحاسبي الإسلامي رقم (2) المرابحة والمرابحة بالشراء في البنوك الإسلامية الكويتية. وفي ضوء ذلك قدمت الدراسة مجموعة من التوصيات أهمها: قيام قسم الائتمان في البنوك الإسلامية بتوفير التشريعات والإجراءات اللازمة لضمان شراء البضاعة بثمن المبيع مضافا إليه هامش ربح محدد حسب سياسة البنك. *************************************************************************** The study aims to identify the extent of application of Islamic accounting standard No. (2) murabaha and murabaha to the purchase orderer In Islamic Kuwaiti banks and the obstacles to their application. The researcher relied on two main sources to collect information and data: primary data and secondary data, and used a number of descriptive and explanatory statistics methods. The study concluded that the Islamic banks in Kuwait apply Islamic accounting standard No. (2) internal Murabaha transactions. It was found that the Bank's credit department calculates the estimated costs and the percentage of profits expected from conducting the Murabaha transaction. It was found that there are a number of obstacles that prevent the application of Islamic Accounting Standard No. (2) Murabaha and Murabaha in Kuwaiti Islamic Banks. In light of this, the study presented a number of recommendations, the most important of which is: The credit department of Islamic banks provides the necessary legislation and procedures to guarantee the purchase of the goods at the selling price plus a profit margin specified in accordance with the Bank's policy

    Individuals with obesity and COVID-19: A global perspective on the epidemiology and biological relationships

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    The linkage of individuals with obesity and COVID-19 is controversial and lacks systematic reviews. After a systematic search of the Chinese and English language literature on COVID-19, 75 studies were used to conduct a series of meta-analyses on the relationship of individuals with obesity–COVID-19 over the full spectrum from risk to mortality. A systematic review of the mechanistic pathways for COVID-19 and individuals with obesity is presented. Pooled analysis show individuals with obesity were more at risk for COVID-19 positive, >46.0% higher (OR = 1.46; 95% CI, 1.30–1.65; p < 0.0001); for hospitalization, 113% higher (OR = 2.13; 95% CI, 1.74–2.60; p < 0.0001); for ICU admission, 74% higher (OR = 1.74; 95% CI, 1.46–2.08); and for mortality, 48% increase in deaths (OR = 1.48; 95% CI, 1.22–1.80; p < 0.001). Mechanistic pathways for individuals with obesity are presented in depth for factors linked with COVID-19 risk, severity and their potential for diminished therapeutic and prophylactic treatments among these individuals. Individuals with obesity are linked with large significant increases in morbidity and mortality from COVID-19. There are many mechanisms that jointly explain this impact. A major concern is that vaccines will be less effective for the individuals with obesity

    The economic burden of overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia

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    ContextThe prevalence of overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia has been rising. Although the health burden of excess weight is well established, little is known about the economic burden.AimsTo assess the economic burden-both direct medical costs and the value of absenteeism and presenteeism-resulting from overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia.Settings and designThe cost of overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia was estimated from a societal perspective using an epidemiologic approach.Methods and materialsData were obtained from previously published studies and secondary databases.Statistical analysis usedOverweight/obesity-attributable costs were calculated for six major noncommunicable diseases; sensitivity analyses were conducted for key model parameters.ResultsThe impact of overweight and obesity for these diseases is found to directly cost a total of 3.8billion,equalto4.3percentoftotalhealthexpendituresinSaudiArabiain2019.Estimatedoverweightandobesityattributableabsenteeismandpresenteeismcostsatotalof3.8 billion, equal to 4.3 percent of total health expenditures in Saudi Arabia in 2019. Estimated overweight and obesity-attributable absenteeism and presenteeism costs a total of 15.5 billion, equal to 0.9 percent of GDP in 2019.ConclusionsEven when limited to six diseases and a subset of total indirect costs, results indicate that overweight and obesity are a significant economic burden in Saudi Arabia. Future studies should identify strategies to reduce the health and economic burden resulting from excess weight in Saudi Arabia

    Histopathological alterations in Senegal sole, Solea Senegalensis, from a polluted Huelva estuary (SW, Spain)

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    As a component of a large research project to evaluate the effects of contaminants on fish health in the field, histopathological studies have been conducted to help establish causal relationship between pollutants (heavy metals and aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons—PAHs) and histopathological responses in Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis, from an estuary of SW Spain. Heavy metals (As, Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and Fe) and 16 PAHs (proprietary USEPA) concentrations in water, sediment and tissues (liver and gills) and histopathological alterations in S. senegalensis from three sampling sites of Ria de Huelva estuary during 2004–2006 years have been analysed. The histopathological studies revealed seasonal and spatial differences in the lesion grade of alterations observing the highest lesion grades in fish from Odiel River and autumn season. No significant differences were observed in the alterations prevalence between sampling sites, but significant differences were observed between seasons observing the highest prevalence in autumn season. However, calculated IPAT demonstrated a low–moderate impact of pollutants on health fish. Correlations between histopathological alterations and pollutants analysed were observed being heavy metals the group that presented a major number of correlations with alterations in several organs of S. senegalensis. In evaluating the general health of fish, the use of histopathological studies in recommended for making more reliable assessment of biochemical responses in fish exposed to a variety of environmental stressors. Statistical analysis using semiquantitative data on pathological lesions can help to establish correlation between cause (stressor) and effect (biomarker)

    Effect of rice husk ash addition on the physical properties of soda-lime-silica glass for building glass and window

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    One of the promising raw materials in producing glass is rice husk (RH), which contains about 90% of silica and is usually burnt in an open area which contributed to serious air pollution problems. The environmental issues of RH could be resolved by utilizing rice husk ash (RHA) as a silica source in the glass manufacturing process. The main objective of this research is to develop an ecofriendly Soda-Lime-Silica - Rice Husk Ash (SLS-RHA) glass for the application of building glass and window. Three main experiments were conducted; morphology test, ultrasonic velocities testing and Rockwell hardness test to assess the microstructure, elastic and mechanical behaviour of the developed SLS-RHA glass. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to design the experiments incorporating two factors; such as the ratio of SLS to RHA and their interrelationship; and the effect on glass hardness properties were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). From the morphology analysis, the addition of RHA to the glass former matrix increased the porosity of the glass which influenced the elastic properties of the newly developed glass. It was observed that sample two with 5% RHA wt. addition performed the finest under elastic properties test and the longitudinal and shear modulus of RHA glass decrease with the increased of RHA content. Sample with 5% of RHA possessed high and medium elastic properties, which make it easier to bend rather than elongate, less stiff, tough at a certain direction, and has low rigidity. The value of the longitudinal modulus decreased 7.12% with the addition of 10% RHA wt. Finally, for the hardness test, based on the observation from HRF, HRB and HRG contour plots which showed that the hardness values for each sample decreased as the RHA percentage increased in the SLS glass system. The hardness of the glass decreased with an increase in the addition of RHA content due to elastic deformation. The optimal solution obtained from ANOVA for the combination of RHA and SLS is SLS (A) 29.589% wt. and RHA (B) 0.031% wt. This formulation provided the results of 130.588 for HRF, 124.844 for HRB and 120.098 for HRG. It can be summarized that the use of silica from RHA efficiently improved the bulk modulus while maintaining a lower Young’s modulus value of the glass. This resulted in improved impact resistance of the glass due to a slower decelerated in smaller stress acting on the glass even though the glasses are less stiff. In this research, RHA proved to be a good silica source alternative for the glass manufacturing process, which can potentially improve the melting process temperature indirectly helps to reduce the cost of the manufacturing process

    Numerical study on effect of vortex generator for t-junction pipe flow

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    Application of Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in studying T-Junction water pipe flow have been growing steadily. This is due to the fact that experimental work will cost more time and money. In Kuwait however, the CFD tool is not fully utilised in the T- Junction case due to lack experts to perform the CFD work. The current work focused on the CFD simulation on the T-Junction water pipe system that is available in Kuwait. The objective of the work is to investigate the fundamental physical mixing effects of the Kuwaiti T-Junction pipe and investigate the effects of the flow control device inside the T-Junction. The RANS equation was used as the governing equation. The standard k- epsilon model will be used for the turbulent flow of the water pipe. Second order discretization method was used to solve the non-linear RANS equations. The CFD results have been validated with the published experimental data with good agreement. From the baseline simulation, it is found that the physics of water flow shows that there is significant reverse flow at the downstream of the T-junction pipe. From the parametric study, three cases have been tested namely case with two vortex generators, four vortex generators, and eight vortex generators. From the results, it was found that the case with four vortex generators outperformed the other cases. The area of the reverse flow have been decreased significantly. Another parametric study was the size of the vortex generator. It was found that the best size was the 75 mm. The last parametric study was the magnitude of the water pipe flow. From the results, it was found that the vortex generator performed the best at the magnitude of 5m/s