446 research outputs found

    The Concise History of the Theological Journal “Polonia Sacra”: A Hundred Jubilee

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    The paper deals with the history of the theological journal of Theological Faculty in Krakow. It was initiated just before the end of the First World War, in 1918, and published not without difficulties. There were only three issues printed till the Second World War. After it the publication of “Polonia Sacra” was reinitiated in Krakow. However, because the communist government in Poland expelled the Theological Faculty from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and allowed only that the theology might be taught at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, the journal “Polonia Sacra” was published for a very short time in Warsaw. The renewal of the journal “Polonia Sacra” as the official publication of the Faculty of Theology in Krakow was restarted again in 1997 and has been continued till now. The Internet era became a challenge for the journal, which gained the national recognition, and has the aspiration to be an international forum for the academic exchange of theological research.The paper deals with the history of the theological journal of Theological Faculty in Krakow. It was initiated just before the end of the First World War, in 1918, and published not without difficulties. There were only three issues printed till the Second World War. After it the publication of “Polonia Sacra” was reinitiated in Krakow. However, because the communist government in Poland expelled the Theological Faculty from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, and allowed only that the theology might be taught at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw, the journal “Polonia Sacra” was published for a very short time in Warsaw. The renewal of the journal “Polonia Sacra” as the official publication of the Faculty of Theology in Krakow was restarted again in 1997 and has been continued till now. The Internet era became a challenge for the journal, which gained the national recognition, and has the aspiration to be an international forum for the academic exchange of theological research

    Contemporary Chinese Historiography, with Special Emphasis on Taiwanese Historiography. Part one

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    "The beginnings of Chinese historiography are remote and glorious indeed. The earliest Chronicles date as far back as the 9th century BC. The famous Records o f the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian (145-90 BC) and his father Sima Tan, completed at the beginning of the first century BC, became the first model for dynastie chronicles which not only recorded historical events in a chronological order but also offered a certain synthesis of these events, as stated by Jacques Gemet, the French author of the monumental history of China aptly entitled Le monde chinois'. Twenty six dynastie chronicles were written according to this model; in order to ensure objectivity, each chronicie was written only after the following dynasty came into power."(...

    Ecumenism and Preaching the Word of God

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the promising fi elds in homiletics and in pastoralpraxis of preaching where interdenominational cooperation is possible. This includes the fi elds of real collaboration among preachers of diff erent ecclesial communities, but also the reminder that ecumenical preaching and true pastoral care cannot be based on resignation or declining of one’s own confessional identity. What is common for Christian denominations are the martyrs – the witnesses of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Another common heritage of all Christian denominations is the Bible as a Source of Preaching. Some of the denominations share the lectionary as a gift and challenge. But it is not the Bible, which is being preached but Jesus Christ as the Lord. Besides Christocentrism in preaching, the language of preaching is important, which should be a language of dialogue and goodwill, not one of division, dominance, hate, or confrontation.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie obiecujących badań w homiletyce oraz w praktyce przepowiadania, gdzie możliwa jest współpraca między wyznawcami Chrystusa należącymi do różnych wyznań. Obejmuje to pola prawdziwej współpracy między kaznodziejami różnych wspólnot kościelnych, ale także przypomnienie, że ekumeniczne nauczanie i prawdziwa duszpasterska opieka nie mogą opierać się na rezygnacji lub zaprzeczaniu własnej tożsamości konfesjonalnej. Tym, co wspólne dla chrześcijańskich wyznań, są męczennicy - świadkowie Dobrej Nowiny Jezusa Chrystusa. Innym wspólnym dziedzictwem wszystkich wyznań chrześcijańskich jest Biblia jako źródło przepowiadania i nauczania. Niektóre z denominacji chrześcijańskich korzystają ze wspólnego lub analogicznego lekcjonarza z czytaniami liturgicznymi. Głoszony jest jednak Jezus Chrystus jako Pan, a nie Biblia. Oprócz chrystocentrycznej treści ważny jest języka przepowiadania, który powinien być językiem dialogu, dobrej woli, a nie dystansu, dominacji, nienawiści lub konfrontacji.

    Prasa abstynencka w Polsce (1918–1939) źródłem informacji na temat wychowania do życia w trzeźwości wśród dzieci i młodzieży

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    Artykuł stanowi analizę zawartości prasy abstynenckiej okresu międzywojennego w której zamieszczano publikacje poruszające zagadnienia wstrzemięźliwości od alkoholu, i problem alkoholizmu wśród dzieci i młodzieży.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Fundusze indeksowe jako racjonalna forma inwestowania oszczędności emerytalnych

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    The ongoing reforms of the pension systems tend to shift the consequences of the investment decisions onto the prospective retirees who usually remain unaware of the factual costs and risks associated with long-term investing. It is therefore necessary that they should be taught that saving for retirement via index funds is the most rational decision for their pension plans. The prospective retirees should be informed that deviating from investing in inexpensive index funds means de facto their (typically unconscious) consent to share a large portion of their investment gains with actively managed funds charging much higher fees.Zmiany zachodzące w systemach emerytalnych powodują, że coraz większa część odpowiedzialności za podejmowane decyzje jest przenoszona na przyszłych emerytów, którzy z reguły nie są świadomi ryzyka i kosztów związanych z inwestowaniem. Konieczne jest zatem, by zacząć ich informować o tym, że najlepszym dla nich rozwiązaniem jest lokowanie w funduszach indeksowych. Każda inna decyzja oznacza nieświadomą zgodę na zbyt duży udział funduszy inwestycyjnych w dochodach z lokowania powierzanych im oszczędności emerytalnych

    Central banks: Hesitant guardians of equilibrium

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    In our paper we focus on situations when central banks have to conduct monetary policy in a world in which they cannot rely fully on what is regarded the best practice and they have to cope with financial system inherent tendency to be unstable. Both phenomena are rooted in János Kornai’s intellectual heritage highlighting that economy tends to divert from equilibrium and that soft budget constraint erodes economic actors’ behavior

    Stress and lifestyle of the adult youths in Bydgoszcz

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    Nowadays, we observe an increase of stress and unhealthy behaviours in the youth. Health behaviours are the basic components of life style and may affect not only physical health but also other dimensions of health, including mental health, which is a growing health problem for young people. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the connection between stress level that affects the youth before secondary school graduation exam with selected health behaviours. The youth that are now several months before secondary school graduate exam are characterized by a moderate level of stress. Some of the health behaviours are conditioned upon the stress level of secondary school graduates. This applies to smoking marijuana and number of hours spend in front of the screen of computer, TV and other similar devices. Lifestyle can be affected by stress level but also by many other factors. This suggests the need of applying qualitative research, which may contribute to implementing effective prevention of negative health behaviours

    Health behaviors of Bydgoszcz high school graduates

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    Lifestyle affects the physical, mental, social development, health and learning ability. It seems that there are differences in the health behaviors  of young females and males, however these differences are not well described. The aim of the current study was to assess the lifestyle of eighteen-years old and to compare their health behaviors of young persons according to their gender. The study was conducted among 98 students of high schools in Bydgoszcz (35 females and 68 males). All participants were 18 years old. The questionnaire was prepared especially for the purposes of the study, a part of the questions of this questionnaire was taken from the Canada Fitness Survey. The physical activity, mode of nutrition, use of stimulants, hours of sleep, time spent in front of screens and the level of stress were taken into consideration while assessing the teenagers’ lifestyle. The lifestyle of high school graduates is worrisome. It is characterized by low level of physical activity, irregular nutrition, not enough fruits, vegetables and water consumed. A large group of young people drink alcohol, smoke tobacco and marijuana, sleep too short. Males also spend too many hours in front of a television, computer or other similar device. Differences in the health behaviors of  women and men appear to be significant. The prevalence of alcohol abuse in this group is very high and affects both sexes. The sex differences in the health-promoting behaviors among men and women in this group of adolescents seems to diminish. Observed unhealthy behaviors indicates the urgent need for health education, especially those that educate the student about the value of the person, the value of health, and the development of social skills that underlie personal development. The foremost priority is  risk prevention implementation in primary schools. Further research and continuous monitoring of health behaviors in different age groups  is needed as well as  to implement and permanently evaluate specific, comprehensive programs among children and adolescents

    Zapomniane podręczniki szkolne z serii „Zarysy Przyrody” (1865–1867) autorstwa Romana Pacewicza

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Geneza, kontekst i tematyka kazań pasyjnych

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    The proclamation about the crucified and risen Jesus Christ is the nucleus of the Christian preaching. There are however moments in the liturgical year in which the Passion of Jesus is emphasized in a special way. In addition to the liturgy of Palm Sunday and Good Friday there is also popular devotion during the Lent time, which delivers opportunity to preach the Passion of Jesus crucified. The most famous popular Passion piety associated with the proclamation of the word of God are: The last words of Christ from the Cross and a special devotion in Poland called “Gorzkie żale” – “Bitter complains”. The latter is typically Polish. An important part of this devotion is the sermon, whose main theme is the salvific dimension of the Passion of Christ. It is evangelical story about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which provides for the source for these sermons. This article presents the origins, context, content and the structure of sermons preached in Poland during the popular passion devotion.Głoszenie prawdy o Chrystusie ukrzyżowanym i zmartwychwstałym stanowi jądro chrześcijańskiego przepowiadania. Są jednak w ciągu roku kościelnego okoliczności, w których dominuje tematyka pasyjna. Oprócz liturgii Niedzieli Palmowej i Wielkiego Piątku okazją do przepowiadania pasyjnego są nabożeństwa ludowe służące rozważaniu męki Pańskiej, odprawiane głównie w okresie Wielkiego Postu. Są one wyrazem pobożności pasyjnej. Do najbardziej znanych nabożeństw pasyjnych związanych z głoszeniem słowa Bożego należą: nabożeństwo ostatnich słów Chrystusa z krzyża i nabożeństwo gorzkich żali. To ostatnie jest typowo polskie. Jego istotnym elementem jest kazanie pasyjne, którego podstawowym tematem jest zbawczy wymiar męki Chrystusa. Źródłem dla tych kazań są ewangeliczne opowiadania o ukrzyżowaniu Chrystusa. Artykuł przedstawia genezę, kontekst, tematykę i strukturę kazań pasyjnych