378 research outputs found

    Advokater och klienter i samtal om domar. Från intervjuer om uppfattad förståelse till ”lärande i interaktion” som metod för att studera begriplighet i text

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    Through their work, lawyers are privy to certain insights into how their clients understand and react to verdicts – insights that may prove useful in the plain language work with court texts. In my presentation I first described the results from a smaller interview-based study I conducted on this theme at the request of the so called Förtroendeutredningen (the Swedish Government Official Report on trust, SOU 2008:106, “Increased trust in courts of law – strategies and suggestions”). I then discussed the pros and cons of using interviews with lawyers to capture clients’ understanding of court texts, and outlined a possible continuance study based on my results. In the article “Lawyers and clients discussing verdicts” I follow the same disposition, but look at the possible follow-up study in greater detail. Could the intelligibility of court texts be investigated by analyzing the discussions between lawyer and client from a learning by interaction-perspective

    Natural living – a precondition for animal welfare in organic farming

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    Results from a four year interdisciplinary project are presented. Animal welfare is discussed in relation to values and aims in organic farming. Based on analyzes of organic standards and other publications from the organic movement, basic “organic values” were defined. In addition, two studies of Swedish organic livestock farmers (one quantitative and one qualitative) were made. Ecocentric ethics was then identified as an ethical position for organic farming. The overall concern in organic farming is to develop sustainable farming systems, although animal welfare is also important. These aims are partly contrary, causing some difficult dilemmas related to animal welfare. The actual welfare situation in organic animal husbandry was scrutinized through a literature study. The criticism regarding bad welfare in organic farming could not be confirmed, although parasitic diseases appear to be a problem. An important finding is that animal welfare is understood differently from what is usual in conventional agriculture. It is interpreted in terms of natural living, which includes the possibility to perform a natural behavior, feed adapted to animal physiology and a natural environment. Problems in organic production should be solved with this in mind

    Fantastic beasts and why to conserve them: animals, magic and biodiversity conservation

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    There is a broad set of human beliefs, attitudes and behaviours around the issue of magical animals, referring to both mythical animals not recognized by science and extant animals that are recognized by science but have magical properties. This is a broad issue ranging from spiritual beliefs around mythical animals living in Malagasy forests, to cultural heritage associated with the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. Beliefs and behaviours around magical animals can have positive and negative impacts on biodiversity conservation goals. Yet, so far, the discipline of conservation biology has not adequately considered magical animals, neglecting to account for the broader knowledge from outside the natural sciences on this issue, and taking a narrow, utilitarian approach to how magical animals should be managed, without necessarily considering the broader impacts on conservation goals or ethics. Here we explore how magical animals can influence conservation goals, how conservation biology and practice has thought about magical animals, and some of the limitations of current approaches, particularly the failure to consider magical animals as part of wider systems of belief and culture. We argue that magical animals and their implications for conservation merit wider consideration

    Parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic: differences between seven European countries and between children with and without mental health conditions

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    The aim of the present study was to examine parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic in families with or without a child with a mental health condition across Europe. The study included 6720 parents recruited through schools, patient organizations and social media platforms (2002 parents with a child with a mental health condition and 4718 without) from seven European countries: The United Kingdom (n=508), Sweden (n=1436), Spain (n=1491), Belgium (n=508), the Netherlands (n=324), Germany (n=1662) and Italy (n=794). Many parents reported negative effects of homeschooling for themselves and their child, and many found homeschooling to be of poor quality, with insufficient support from schools. In most countries, contact with teachers was limited, leaving parents with primary responsibility for managing homeschooling. Parents also reported increased levels of stress, worry, social isolation, and domestic conflict. A small number of parents reported increased parental alcohol/drug use. Some differences were found between countries and some negative experiences were more common in families with a child with a mental health condition. However, differences between countries and between families with and without a mental health condition were generally small, indicating that many parents across countries reported negative experiences. Some parents also reported positive experiences of homeschooling. The adverse effects of homeschooling will likely have a long-term impact and contribute to increased inequalities. Given that school closures may be less effective than other interventions, policymakers need to carefully consider the negative consequences of homeschooling during additional waves of the COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics

    Creating a Virtual Products Market Based on Open Standards An investigation on Legal Aspects of the XML Web Services Market

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    In the essay, a virtual products market is being investigated from a legal perspective. The market is being viewed from the dimensions of law, markets, norms and technology. Three specific focus points are being highlighted - if parties that engage in automatic transaction in a standards-based system obligated towards each other; what changes XML Web Services may create in creating a solution to diminish illegal copying of software, and if there are risks for providers of XML Web Services to be subject to patent infringement

    The Relevance and Purpose of Including Personal Qualities in an Organization’s Recruitment Process

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    The recruitment and selection process is based on finding the right candidate fora job in an orgnization. Deciding who is the right candidate means looking at an applicants formal competencies and personal qualities, something often portrayed in the job ads issued by organizations. This thesis aims to investigate the relevance and purpose of the personal qualities that organizations choose to include in their job ads, and how they can affect a recruitment process. Through qualitative interviews with six recruiters, recruiting for different positionswithin their within two different organizations, empirical material was collected. The interviews sought to find out how and why personal qualities are used during the recruitment process at the two companies, Volvo Car Group and SKF. The interviews showed that personal qualities do not seem to be vital for applying candidates in the first part of the process. The reason for including personal qualities is a mean for the organization to both attract and deter potential candidates. It motivates the recruiters decision for selecting certain applicants in front of others, while at the same time presenting the potential applicants with an impression of the company. The thesis suggest that including personal qualities in the recruitment process will stay a permanent feature, both on the behalf of the organization and its potential applicants to create a better match

    Children are unbeatable – Experiences of primary prevention by the child health nurse to avoid domestic child maltreatment

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    Inledning: Att barn far illa, där förövaren är en vårdnadshavare, är ett stort problem för barnets hälsa. Barnet lider inte bara i den stund misshandeln eller övergreppet sker, utan konsekvenser kvarstår oftast upp i vuxenlivet. Specialistsjuksköterskan i barnhälsovården, som arbetar på barnavårdscentralen (BVC), möter nästintill alla barn som växer upp i Sverige vilket innebär att BVC-sjuksköterskan har möjlighet att arbeta primärpreventivt med familjen under barnets första levnadsår. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva BVC-sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av primärpreventivt arbete för att barn inte ska fara illa i sin hemmiljö. Metod: I studien har fyra BVC-sjuksköterskor intervjuats. Insamlat datamaterial har analyserats utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Tre kategorier presenteras; i Att medvetandegöra om barnets omgivning beskrivs vikten av att BVC-sjuksköterskan talar med föräldrarna om plötslig spädbarnsdöd, skakvåld och barnsäkerhet, samt vågar ställa obekväma frågor om våld och alkohol i familjen. I Att vara en stödjande person betonas vikten av att bygga en bra relation till familjen, samt att utföra föräldrastöd både individuellt och i grupp för att främja en bra anknytning mellan föräldrar och barn. I Att samarbeta med andra professioner lyfts BVC-sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av samverkan med andra professioner och möjligheter till förbättringar i samarbetet fram. Diskussion: BVC-sjuksköterskan har en viktig funktion i att stödja och utbilda föräldrarna, för att stärka föräldrarna i sin föräldraroll. För att BVC-sjuksköterskan ska kunna ha en helhetssyn på barnet behövs en familjecentrerad omvårdnad. Slutsats: Mycket av BVC-sjuksköterskans arbete syftar till att barn inte ska fara illa och få en så trygg uppväxt som möjligt. BVC-sjuksköterskorna i studien uppger inte om de ger muntlig information om att aga är förbjudet i Sverige, men en storskalig studie behöver utföras för att kunna dra några slutsatser. I vidare forskning skulle föräldrarnas upplevelser av BVC-sjuksköterskans primärpreventiva arbete kunna studeras.Introduction: Child maltreatment, perpetrated by a caregiver, is a major health problem. The child suffers not only at the instance the abuse or maltreatment occurs, the consequences may persist into adulthood. The specialist nurse in child health (CHN), who works at a child health care unit, comes across almost every child growing up in Sweden. The CHN has an opportunity to implement primary prevention with the family during the child's first years. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe the CHN experiences regarding primary prevention to avoid domestic child maltreatment. Method: Four CHN’s were interviewed. Collected data material has been analyzed based on a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Results: Three categories are presented; To raise awareness about child environment focusing on the importance of talking about SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), abusive head trauma and child safety with the parents and also the importance of asking uncomfortable questions about violence and alcohol in the family. In To be a supportive person the CHN’s emphasizes the importance of establishing a good relationship with the family, to perform support both individually and in groups and to promote a good attachment between parents and child. To cooperate with other professions emphasizes the CHN experience of collaboration with other professionals and opportunities for improvement in cooperation. Discussion: The CHN plays an important role to educate and support the parents to help them grow in their parenting role. To have a holistic view of the child necessities, a family-centered care is required by the CHN. Conclusion: A lot of the CHN’s work is aimed to prevent child maltreatment and for the child to get as safe upbringing as possible. The CHN’s in the study doesn’t declare if they give verbal information about corporal punishment being forbidden by law, but the large-scale study needs to be performed in order to draw any conclusions. In further research parents' experiences of the CHN's primary preventive work may be interesting to study
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