171 research outputs found

    Differences between caves with and without bats in a Brazilian karst habitat

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    Since bats shelter in roosts during their period of diurnal inactivity, the quality and availability of roosts are important aspects of their ecology. Karst areas have great potential for the availability of day roosts, since they form caves, which serve as bat shelters. Here we characterize the caves used by bats in a preserved karst area of Southeastern Brazil. Using logistic regression analysis we identified the cave characteristics that influence bat occupation. Sixty-six caves were characterized based on measurements of internal height and width, height and width of the entrance(s) of the cave, number of entrances, maximum horizontal development of cave, and internal temperature and humidity. In nineteen months we found 14 species in 32 caves. Most species were eventually recorded in multiple caves, with the exception of D. rotundus, G. soricina and A. planirostris, which were always found in the same caves. Desmodus rotundus showed maternity roost fidelity. We found no differences in microclimate between the caves that are occupied and those that are not. In other words, the microclimate of the caves studied herein can be characterized as stable over the years. The only predictor affecting the presence of bats in the study area was the cave's maximum horizontal development: the caves that are occupied have greater horizontal development. Based on our results, we conclude that bats occupy many of the caves and that some species are more frequent in certain caves than in others, including some roosts that are used as maternity roosts. These findings indicate that these caves are important resources for the bats in the karst environment studied, and should be preserved

    Postural tremor and dystonia: clinical correlates and pathophysiological considerations

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    The coexistence of tremor and dystonia is usually seen but there is not a satisfactory explanation for it. Some consider that essential tremor (ET) and idiopathic dystonia (ID) may be genetically linked. To clarify this relationship we evaluated the frequency of postural hand tremor in ID and symptomatic dystonia (SD) patients. We studied the records of patients with dystonia seen in our Movement Disorders Unit. ID was considered when there was no other neurological abnormality in the examination aside from dystonia, normal laboratorial tests and neuroimaging related to dystonia, and a negative past history for any known cause for it, except for genetic predisposition. We analyzed the clinical characteristics of dystonia and the occurrence of postural tremor. We collected 185 patients, being 120 with ID and 65 with SD. Tremor was seen in 27 (22.5%) of ID and 14 (21.5%) of SD. Tremor was present in either focal, segmental or generalized dystonia in both ID and SD. Family history for ET was absent in all patients. The similar frequency of tremor in ID and SD patients suggests that the pathophysiologic derangement resulting in dystonia can favor the development of tremor.A presença de tremor e distonia de torção no mesmo paciente é frequente mas não há uma explicação satisfatória para isso. Suspeita-se que haja uma associação da distonia idiopática (DI) com o tremor essencial (TE). O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a frequência de tremor postural das mãos em pacientes com DI e distonia sintomática (DS). Foram estudados os prontuários de 185 pacientes com o diagnóstico sindrômico de distonia atendidos no Setor de Investigação em Moléstias Extrapiramidais da Escola Paulista de Medicina. DI foi diagnosticada quando não havia anormalidade no exame neurológico além da distonia e havia exames laboratoriais e de neuroimagem, relacionados à distonia, normais e história pregressa negativa para fatores causais de distonia. Foram analisadas as características clínicas da distonia e a presença de tremor postural nas mãos. Havia 185 pacientes, 120 com DI e 65 com DS. Tremor postural das mãos ocorreu em 27 (22,5%) das DI e 14 (21,5%) das DS. Tremor esteve presente nos quadros focais, segmentares e generalizados e também nos diversos tipos clínicos de DI e DS em proporções semelhantes. História familiar de TE estava ausente em todos os casos com tremor. A presença de tremor postural das mãos em pacientes com DI e DS pode sugerir que a desorganização fisiopatológica que produz a distonia pode favorecer o aparecimento do tremor.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Potential biological properties of lycopene in a self-emulsifying drug delivery system

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    In recent years, lycopene has been highlighted due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, associated with a beneficial effect on human health. The aim of this study was to advance the studies of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms on human keratinocytes cells (HaCaT) of a self-emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS) loaded with lycopene purified from red guava (nanoLPG). The characteristics of nanoLPG were a hydrodynamic diameter of 205 nm, a polydispersity index of 0.21 and a zeta potential of −20.57, providing physical stability for the nanosystem. NanoLPG demonstrated antioxidant capacity, as shown using the ORAC methodology, and prevented DNA degradation (DNA agarose). Proinflammatory activity was evaluated by quantifying the cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-8, with only IL-8 showing a significant increase (p < 0.0001). NanoLPG showed greater inhibition of the tyrosinase and elastase enzymes, involved in the skin aging process, compared to purified lycopene (LPG). In vitro treatment for 24 h with 5.0 µg/mL of nanoLPG did not affect the viability of HaCaT cells. The ultrastructure of HaCaT cells demonstrated the maintenance of morphology. This contrasts with endoplasmic reticulum stresses and autophagic vacuoles when treated with LPG after stimulation or not with LPS. Therefore, the use of lycopene in a nanoemulsion may be beneficial in strategies and products associated with skin health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hemoglobin Uptake by Paracoccidioides spp. Is Receptor-Mediated

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    Iron is essential for the proliferation of fungal pathogens during infection. The availability of iron is limited due to its association with host proteins. Fungal pathogens have evolved different mechanisms to acquire iron from host; however, little is known regarding how Paracoccidioides species incorporate and metabolize this ion. In this work, host iron sources that are used by Paracoccidioides spp. were investigated. Robust fungal growth in the presence of the iron-containing molecules hemin and hemoglobin was observed. Paracoccidioides spp. present hemolytic activity and have the ability to internalize a protoporphyrin ring. Using real-time PCR and nanoUPLC-MSE proteomic approaches, fungal growth in the presence of hemoglobin was shown to result in the positive regulation of transcripts that encode putative hemoglobin receptors, in addition to the induction of proteins that are required for amino acid metabolism and vacuolar protein degradation. In fact, one hemoglobin receptor ortholog, Rbt5, was identified as a surface GPI-anchored protein that recognized hemin, protoporphyrin and hemoglobin in vitro. Antisense RNA technology and Agrobacterium tumefaciensmediated transformation were used to generate mitotically stable Pbrbt5 mutants. The knockdown strain had a lower survival inside macrophages and in mouse spleen when compared with the parental strain, which suggested that Rbt5 could act as a virulence factor. In summary, our data indicate that Paracoccidioides spp. can use hemoglobin as an iron source most likely through receptor-mediated pathways that might be relevant for pathogenic mechanisms

    Methylene blue associated with maghemite nanoparticles has antitumor activity in breast and ovarian carcinoma cell lines

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    Background: Cancer constitutes group of diseases responsible for the second largest cause of global death, and it is currently considered one of the main public health concerns nowadays. Early diagnosis associated with the best choice of therapeutic strategy, is essential to achieve success in cancer treatment. In women, breast cancer is the second most common type, whereas ovarian cancer has the highest lethality when compared to other neoplasms of the female genital system. The present work, therefore, proposes the association of methylene blue with citrate-coated maghemite nanoparticles (MAGCIT–MB) as a nanocomplex for the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer. Results: In vitro studies showed that T-47D and A2780 cancer cell lines underwent a significant reduction in cell viability after treatment with MAGCIT–MB, an event not observed in non-tumor (HNTMC and HUVEC) cells and MDA-MB-231, a triple-negative breast cancer cell line. Flow cytometry experiments suggest that the main mechanism of endocytosis involved in the interiorization of MAGCIT–MB is the clathrin pathway, whereas both late apoptosis and necrosis are the main types of cell death caused by the nanocomplex. Scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy reveal significant changes in the cell morphology. Quantification of reactive oxygen species confirmed the MAGCIT–MB cytotoxic mechanism and its importance for the treatment of tumor cells. The lower cytotoxicity of individual solution of maghemite nanoparticles with citrate (MAGCIT) and free methylene blue (MB) shows that their association in the nanocomplex is responsible for its enhanced therapeutic potential in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer in vitro. Conclusions: Treatment with MAGCIT–MB induces the death of cancer cells but not normal cells. These results highlight the importance of the maghemite core for drug delivery and for increasing methylene blue activity, aiming at the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer

    GQ-16, a TZD-derived partial PPARγ agonist, induces the expression of thermogenesis- related genes in brown fat and visceral white fat and decreases visceral adiposity in obese and hyperglycemic mice

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    Background Beige adipocytes comprise a unique thermogenic cell type in the white adipose tissue (WAT) of rodents and humans, and play a critical role in energy homeostasis. In this scenario, recruitment of beige cells has been an important focus of interest for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to treat obesity. PPARγ activation by full agonists (thiazolidinediones, TZDs) drives the appearance of beige cells, a process so-called browning of WAT. However, this does not translate into increased energy expenditure, and TZDs are associated with weight gain. Partial PPARγ agonists, on the other hand, do not induce weight gain, but have not been shown to drive WAT browning. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of GQ-16 on BAT and on browning of WAT in obese mice. Methods Male Swiss mice with obesity and hyperglycemia induced by high fat diet were treated with vehicle, rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg/d) or the TZD-derived partial PPARγ agonist GQ-16 (40 mg/ kg/d) for 14 days. Fasting blood glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and lipid profile were measured. WAT and brown adipose tissue (BAT) depots were excised for determination of adiposity, relative expression of Ucp-1, Cidea, Prdm16, Cd40 and Tmem26 by RT-qPCR, histological analysis, and UCP-1 protein expression analysis by immunohistochemistry. Liver samples were also removed for histological analysis and determination of hepatic triglyceride content. Results GQ-16 treatment reduced high fat diet-induced weight gain in mice despite increasing energy intake. This was accompanied by reduced epididymal fat mass, reduced liver triglyceride content, morphological signs of increased BAT activity, increased expression of thermogenesis- related genes in interscapular BAT and epididymal WAT, and increased UCP-1 protein expression in interscapular BAT and in epididymal and inguinal WAT. Conclusion This study suggests for the first time that a partial PPARγ agonist may increase BAT activity and induce the expression of thermogenesis-related genes in visceral WAT. General Significance These findings suggest that PPARγ activity might be modulated by partial agonists to induce WAT browning and treat obesity

    Genetic parameters for growth, reproductive and maternal traits in a multibreed meat sheep population

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    The genetic parameters for growth, reproductive and maternal traits in a multibreed meat sheep population were estimated by applying the Average Information Restricted Maximum Likelihood method to an animal model. Data from a flock supported by the Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte (GENECOC) were used. The traits studied included birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), slaughter weight (SW), yearling weight (YW), weight gain from birth to weaning (GBW), weight gain from weaning to slaughter (GWS), weight gain from weaning to yearling (GWY), age at first lambing (AFL), lambing interval (LI), gestation length (GL), lambing date (LD - number of days between the start of breeding season and lambing), litter weight at birth (LWB) and litter weight at weaning (LWW). The direct heritabilities were 0.35, 0.81, 0.65, 0.49, 0.20, 0.15 and 0.39 for BW, WW, SW, YW, GBW, GWS and GWY, respectively, and 0.04, 0.06, 0.10, 0.05, 0.15 and 0.11 for AFL, LI, GL, LD, LWB and LWW, respectively. Positive genetic correlations were observed among body weights. In contrast, there was a negative genetic correlation between GBW and GWS (-0.49) and GBW and GWY (-0.56). Positive genetic correlations were observed between AFL and LI, LI and GL, and LWB and LWW. These results indicate a strong maternal influence in this herd and the presence of sufficient genetic variation to allow mass selection for growth traits. Additive effects were of little importance for reproductive traits, and other strategies are necessary to improve the performance of these animals

    Efeitos adversos a medicamentos em hospital público: estudo piloto

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    The results from implementing a strategy for monitoring adverse effects from drugs in a public hospital in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2007, were analyzed. Based on retrospective analysis of 32 medical files, adverse effects were found in 16%. To identify these effects, 38 tracking criteria were needed. Among these, the main ones were the use of antiemetics, abrupt cessation of medication and over-sedation. Despite the difficulties, especially in relation to access to information and the record quality, application of these tracking criteria seems to be viable. To improve the implementation of the method, it is suggested that the data collection should be computerized and risk adjustment indicators should be sought.Fueron analizados los resultados de la implantación de estrategia de monitoreo de efectos adversos a los medicamentos en hospital público en Rio de Janeiro, Sureste de Brasil, en 2007. Con base en análisis retrospectivo de 32 prontuarios fueron encontrados efectos adversos en 16%. Para identificarlos, fueron necesarios 38 criterios rastreadores, de los cuales los principales fueron: uso de antieméticos, interrupción abrupta de medicamentos y sedación excesiva. A pesar de las dificultades, sobre todo relacionadas con el acceso a las informaciones y a la calidad de los registros, la aplicación de los criterios rastreadores parece ser viable. Para perfeccionar la implantación del método, se sugiere informatizar la colecta de datos y buscar indicadores de ajuste del riesgo.Foram analisados os resultados da implantação de estratégia de monitoramento de efeitos adversos aos medicamentos em hospital público no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, em 2007. Com base em análise retrospectiva de 32 prontuários foram encontrados efeitos adversos em 16%. Para identificá-los, foram precisos 38 critérios rastreadores, dos quais os principais foram: uso de antieméticos, interrupção abrupta de medicamentos e sedação excessiva. Apesar das dificuldades, sobretudo relacionadas ao acesso às informações e à qualidade dos registros, a aplicação dos critérios rastreadores parece ser viável. Para aprimorar a implantação do método, sugere-se informatizar a coleta de informações e buscar indicadores de ajuste de risco
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