57 research outputs found

    Fungal biodeterioration of paper: development of safer and accessible conservation treatments

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    Great part of the History of mankind is registered in the form of documents or works of art on paper support. Paper can be deteriorated due to physical, chemical and biological agents. Within microorganisms, fungi are the major paper biodeteriogens. Throughout history, several toxic methods have been used to prevent and stop fungal deterioration on paper based materials. More recently, a growing concern about environmental and health issues has led to the research on new antifungal alternatives, with lower toxicity. However, the existent antifungal methods and compounds still have drawbacks in terms of efficacy, health hazards, damaging effects on paper, or lack of thorough testing. In this context, the present thesis focused on testing and developing accessible antifungal treatments with low toxicity, which could prevent the long term paper deterioration. The selection of antifungal compounds was made taking into account the results from a literature review on antifungals used on paper conservation, a survey to paper conservators, and a review of antifungals used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, having as a basic premise their low toxicity. Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Penicillium chrysogenum and Penicillium corylophilum were selected as test fungal species. Fungal growth on paper was evaluated by measuring colonization areas and biomass dry weight determination. A formulation containing parabens and calcium propionate (PBs+CP) presented the best antifungal activity on paper samples, followed by a formulation containing clotrimazole and calcium hydroxide nanoparticles (CLT+NPs), and ultimately 70% ethanol (70%EtOH). Before application on cultural heritage materials, conservation treatments have to be thoroughly tested to assess if they can cause any damage on the treated materials in the short and long term. The effects of the tested formulations on paper were evaluated in terms of pH, colourimetry, folding endurance and molecular alterations, using moist heat artificial ageing. Besides plain paper, paper previously biodeteriorated by A. niger was tested in order to evaluate the potential of each compound to prevent further deterioration caused by fungal metabolites. The obtained results on biodeteriorated samples illustrate how tremendously damaging the products excreted by fungi can be in the long term. PBs+CP formulation was the only one capable of preventing long term acidification, loss of folding endurance, and discoloration caused by fungal metabolites, but on the other hand, on plain samples, this formulation caused paper discoloration. CLT+NPs formulation significantly prevented the acidification and loss of folding endurance, although causing a minor discoloration on paper at a long term. 70%EtOH had a mild positive impact in the chemical stabilization of paper and did not cause any paper discoloration. The information provided in this thesis contributes to a deeper understanding on safer options for preventing and treating paper deterioration by fungi and opens the way for further research in this challenging field of heritage conservation

    Fungi in archives, libraries, and museums: a review on paper conservation and human health

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    PTDC/EPH-PAT/0224/2014. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-PTDC/EPHPAT/3345/2014.The action of fungi on books, documents, maps, and works of art on paper can result in inestimable cultural losses. Plus, some of the fungi present in paper documents, surfaces and air from archives, libraries and museums are also a threat to human health. This work aims to review the literature on the most important and frequent microfungal populations found in paper-based collections all over the world, and correlate these data with human health risks. A total of 71 studies, dating between 1997 and 2018 were reviewed and organized. From 27 different countries, 207 fungal genera and 580 species were reported. Chaetomium sp. and Fusarium sp. were found to be special contaminants in the air of archives and have been associated with paper biodeterioration. The most common fungi reported (e.g. Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Alternaria species) have an impact on paper conservation but can also cause adverse human health effects. The most frequent fungal species retrieved from discoloured paper materials are discussed in greater detail. Considerations on methods of identification and quantification of fungal contamination are also presented. Finally, the authors acknowledge an urgent need for standardizing research in this area and further studies are proposed.publishersversionpublishe

    O professor de português e o ensino de crianças e jovens refugiados

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    Este estudo teve como finalidade conhecer a preparação dos professores de Português para promover a inclusão de crianças e jovens refugiados no ensino da língua no contexto das medidas de acolhimento a esse público. Recolheram-se dados junto de 32 professores de Português. Concluímos que há dificuldades no trabalho de equipa, que os professores sentem a falta de flexibilidade para desenvolver competências interculturais e pouco contactaram com conceitos como diálogo intercultural ou consciência crítica intercultural, mediação intercultural e cidadania global. Preocupações maiores dos professores são a língua de comunicação; a adaptação dos programas; o desconhecimento da cultura e dos conteúdos programáticos nas escolas de origem dos alunos; a possibilidade de existirem choques culturais; as dificuldades de integração; a falta de recursos e materiais didáticos apelativos e adequados. Concluímos assim que a interculturalidade é vista como um problema e perspetivada como sendo de difícil gestão, sendo que as atividades letivas se encontram aquém do desenvolvimento desejável da consciência crítica intercultural.This study aims to know the capability of Portuguese teachers to promote the inclusion of children and teenagers refugees when it comes to language teaching, in the context of reception measures. Data was collected on 32 Portuguese language teachers. We conclude that there are some problems with teamwork, that teachers feel the lack of flexibility to develop intercultural competence and few of them contacted with concepts as intercultural dialogue, or intercultural cultural consciousness, intercultural mediation and global citizenship. Teachers’ main preoccupations are the language of communication; planning adaptation; unfamiliarity with culture and syllabus of schools of the students; the possibility of cultural shock; integration difficulties; lack of attractive and suitable didactic resources and materials. We thus conclude that interculturality is seen as a problem and is perceived as being difficult to manage, with academic activities falling short of the desirable development of critical intercultural awareness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Study of rare familial monogenic dyslipidemias

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    A dislipidemia é um distúrbio do perfil lipídico, seja por elevação ou diminuição de partículas lipídicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão dos casos com dislipidemia rara em estudo no Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, apresentando os dados clínicos e moleculares mais relevantes. O perfil lipídico foi determinado para cada caso índex e familiares e o estudo molecular dos genes envolvidos foi realizado por amplificação por PCR e sequenciação de Sanger. Foram estudados, ou está em curso o estudo, de 14 casos índex com os seguintes diagnósticos clínicos: Deficiência familiar em lipoproteína lípase (3), Lipodistrofia familiar parcial de Dunningan Tipo 2 (1), Deficiência em lípase ácida lisossomal (3), Abeta/hipobetalipoproteinemia (2), Deficiência em HDL (1), Hipertrigliceridemia autossómica recessiva (3), Sitosterolemia (1). O fenótipo clínico de cada caso índex é variável dependendo de cada condição. Foi encontrada a causa genética da doença em 8/14 doentes, estando os restantes ainda em estudo. Doentes com as várias dislipidemias raras apresentadas têm um risco acrescido de ter outras doenças graves como pancreatite, doença cardiovascular ou complicações neurológicas e devem, por esta razão, ser identificados o mais precocemente possível, de forma a minimizar ou prevenir os efeitos nefastos destas condições.Dyslipidemia is a disorder of lipid metabolism, characterized by either an increase or decrease in lipid particles. The aim of this study is to review all cases with rare dyslipidemia, studied in the National Health Institute of Portugal, presenting the most relevant clinical and molecular data. Lipid profile was determined for each index case and relatives, and molecular analysis of the genes involved was performed by PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. This study includes 14 index cases, with the following clinical diagnoses: Familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency (3), Familial partial lipodystrophy, Dunningan Type 2 (1), Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (3), Abeta / hypobetalipoproteinemia (2), HDL deficiency (1), Autosomal recessive hypertriglyceridemia (3), Sitosterolaemia (1). The clinical phenotype of each index case varies depending on each condition. It was possible to find the genetic cause of the disease in 8/14 patients, and the remaining are still under study. Patients with the rare dyslipidemias presented have an increased risk of having other serious disorders such as pancreatitis, cardiovascular disease or neurological complications and should, therefore, be identified as early as possible in order to minimize or prevent the adverse effects of these conditions

    Fungal stains on paper: Is what you see what you get?

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    This work was funded with national funds by FCT -Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, I. P., within the scope of CleanART research project (PTDC/EPH-PAT/0224/2014). Nuno Mesquita was supported by POCH -Programa Operacional Capital Humano (co-funding by the European Social Fund and national funding by MCTES), with a post-doc research grant (SFRH/BPD/112830/2015). The authors thank Sara Fragoso for offering the fungal stained print to this study.Mitigation of fungal biodeterioration on paper documents and artworks represents a challenge to conservators worldwide. Numerous lists of fungal species have been identified from paper collections, but are those species responsible for the respective biodeterioration phenomena or just environmental contaminants? The present work was aimed at obtaining an association between specific fungal stains and causative fungal species. 23 stains from three paper documents were sampled. Fungal structures observed in situ with optical and scanning electron microscopy were compared with the identification of isolates by molecular biology tools. Correlation between the observed fungal structures and the identified fungal isolates was achieved, varying from 13% to 64% of the samples within the three studied documents. Grey/black and dark brown stains were associated with Chaetomium globosum, C. murorum, Penicillium chrysogenum, P. commune, Myxotrichum deflexum and Stachybotrys chartarum. Eurotium rubrum was isolated from a foxing stain and Penicillium citrinum was identified on light orange stains.publishersversionpublishe

    Characterization of Fungal Melanins from Black Stains on Paper Artefacts

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    This work was supported by Portuguese funds from FCT/MCTES through the CleanART research project (PTDC/EPH-PAT/0224/2014); the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry— LAQV (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020); the i3N Associate Laboratory and PTNMR (POCI01-0145-FEDER-007688; UIDB/50025/2020-2023, ROTEIRO/0031/2013–PINFRA/22161/2016); the iMed.ULisboa (UIDB/04138/2020), the fellowship number SFRH/BD/133447/2017 (T.G.P.) and the researcher contracts CEECIND/01474/2018 (S.O.S.) and 2021.03255.CEECIND (M.C.C).Melanins play a fundamental role in the biology and ecology of several fungal species. Unfortunately, this group of amorphous macromolecules also severely (and most times irreversibly) stains cultural heritage objects. Despite efforts made throughout the years, knowledge of the chemical composition and structure of melanins is still insufficient, which hampers the task of safely cleaning these colourants from cultural heritage materials in a targeted way without causing further deterioration. This work aimed therefore to contribute towards enlightening the characteristics of fungal melanins from three fungi that are common paper colonizers: Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium globosum and Cladosporium cladosporioides. The extracted melanins were characterized by FTIR, Raman, UV-vis, Solid-State NMR and MALDI-TOF MS spectroscopies and the effect of inhibitors of DHN-melanin and DOPA-melanin pathways on colony pigmentation and growth was evaluated. Although all the extracted colourants show a predominantly aromatic structure with carbonyl and phenolic groups, some differences between the melanins can be highlighted. Melanins obtained from Ch. globosum and Cl. cladosporioides exhibited similar structures and composition and both presented DHN-melanin characteristics, while A. niger’s melanins revealed a more complex and ordered structure, with a higher prevalence of highly conjugated carbonyls than the others, besides the additional presence of a yellow/green component. These conclusions cannot be overlooked while selecting targeted cleaning methodologies for melanin stains on cultural heritage materials.publishersversionpublishe

    Conservar Património in 2022

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Cholesterol, low is not always the best: Part 2 – Alterations in Lipoprotein Metabolism causing low lipid levels

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    A dislipidemia é um distúrbio do perfil lipídico, seja por elevação ou diminuição de uma ou mais partículas lipídicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão das causas moleculares de hipolipidemias e suas consequências clínicas. São também apresentados casos com hipolipidemias raras já estudados, ou com estudo em curso no laboratório do INSA, apresentando os dados clínicos e moleculares mais relevantes. O perfil lipídico foi determinado por métodos automatizados para cada caso índex e familiares e o estudo molecular dos genes envolvidos foi realizado por amplificação por PCR e sequenciação de Sanger ou sequenciação de nova geração (NGS). Foram referenciados ao laboratório do INSA 7 casos índex, tendo sido possível até ao momento identificar a causa molecular do fenótipo apresentado em 3 casos: 2 com hipobetalipoproteinemia (1 homozigoto e 1 heterozigoto) e 1 caso índex com doença de Tangier; os restantes encontram se ainda em estudo. Doentes com as dislipidemias raras apresentadas têm um risco elevado de ter complicações cardiovasculares, neurológicas e/ou esteatose hepática e devem, por esta razão, ser identificados o mais precocemente possível, de forma a minimizar ou prevenir os efeitos nefastos destas condições.Dyslipidemia is a disorder of the lipid metabolism profile, by either elevation or decrease of lipid particles. The objective of this work is to review the molecular causes of hypolipidemia and its clinical consequences. In this study, we present cases with rare hypolipidemias already studied or with a study in progress in laboratory of INSA, presenting the most relevant clinical and molecular data. The lipid profile was determined by automated methods for each index case and relatives and the molecular study of the genes involved was performed by PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing or next generation sequencing (NGS). Seven index cases were referred to laboratory of INSA and it was possible to identify the molecular cause of the phenotype presented by 3 cases: 2 with hypobetalipoproteinemia (1 homozygous and 1 heterozygous) and 1 with Tangier's disease; the remaining cases are still under study. Patients with the rare dyslipidemias presented have a high risk of having cardiovascular, neurological complications and/or hepatic steatosis and should therefore be identified as early as possible in order to minimize or prevent the harmful effects of these conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Achievements of the Bologna process reforms: an integrated management and IT approach

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    In this paper we will describe a national perspective on the achievements of the Bologna Process in Portugal regarding the academic years of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008, and detail the approach followed at the Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL). The main objective of the paper is to describe the joint initiative that has been developed at ISCTE-IUL to implement a Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable the collection, analysis and dissemination (through reporting) of the required performance indicators to render possible an automatic elaboration of these reports. The paper will focus on the requirements gathering phase of the decision support system designed to enable the automatic generation of Bologna reports. This DSS constitutes a research project and is being developed with the sponsorship of the Computer Center (DSI) and Quality Assurance and Evaluation Office (GAQE), integrated with the University’s information system Fénix (based on FénixEDU®)

    2020: Heritage, the pandemic and the journal

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