95 research outputs found

    A comunicação interna como diferencial competitivo

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    Este artigo se constitui numa pesquisa que trata de analisar os níveis de comunicação, buscando-se assim o aperfeiçoamento dos processos de gestão de pessoas, através do estudo dos três tipos de comunicação existentes: Ascendente, Descendente e Horizontal, e da incorporação de técnicas e ferramentas que auxiliem na exploração do desenvolvimento organizacional em uma empresa financeira. A comunicação interna tende a integrar a organização com seu público interno e compartilhar os interesses de ambos os lados. Para tal, é necessário conhecer em profundidade as necessidades e expectativas dos colaboradores, para que estes aceitem e confiem no processo. Para conquistar credibilidade, a comunicação interna deve ser eficiente em todos os sentidos, evitando a burocratização e sendo clara e objetiva. A empresa poderá construir uma cultura organizacional através de uma comunicação interna eficaz, estabelecendo metas e objetivos comuns, motivando desta forma seus colaboradores e, certamente influenciar na produtividade da empresa. Assim, busca-se através da pesquisa identificar os problemas ligados à comunicação interna, para posteriormente aplicar métodos que venham a contribuir para a modificação da problemática encontrada

    Implantação de BIM em uma construtora de médio porte: caso prático, da modelagem a quantificação

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    Information and Communication Technologies has been, in recent years, gaining ground in building construction. In Brazil, Building Information Modeling (BIM) adoption in construction firms around the country is an evidence of such growth. It first happened in firms near big economic centers; however now interest is spreading throughout the rest of the territory. This article aims to explain briefly the steps taken for BIM Implementation at a corporate building project in Aparecida de Goiânia. The BIM implementation process was done in collaboration with the University of Campinas in an action research. The research applied modeling practices and model management activities to evaluate the benefits of a model-based approach at a construction firm design process. The accomplished benefits are relate to error reduction and omissions in design and the precision of quantity take-off in the estimate process

    Implantação De Bim Em Uma Construtora De Médio Porte: Caso Prático, Da Modelagem A Quantificação

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    Information and Communication Technologies has been, in recent years, gaining ground in building construction. In Brazil, Building Information Modeling (BIM) adoption in construction firms around the country is an evidence of such growth. It first happened in firms near big economic centers; however now interest is spreading throughout the rest of the territory. This article aims to explain briefly the steps taken for BIM Implementation at a corporate building project in Aparecida de Goiânia. The BIM implementation process was done in collaboration with the University of Campinas in an action research. The research applied modeling practices and model management activities to evaluate the benefits of a model-based approach at a construction firm design process. The accomplished benefits are relate to error reduction and omissions in design and the precision of quantity take-off in the estimate process.5

    Is the relative age effect prevalent in elite Brazilian male futsal? An investigation based on age categories and playing positions

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    This study aimed to investigate the existence of relative age effect (RAE) in male Brazilian futsal athletes according to age categories and playing position. Data from male futsal athletes from the top five teams in Brazil were collected during May and June 2021. The distribution of birth dates of 387 male futsal athletes was analyzed, based on their age categories (U15, n = 97; U17, n = 88; U20, n = 116; senior, n = 86) and playing positions (defender, n = 76; winger; n = 162; pivot, n = 69; goalkeeper, n = 80). Chi-squared tests were used to analyze the birth dates distribution based on quarter and semesters of the year according to age categories and playing positions. The overall analysis of birth quarter indicated a higher occurrence of births in the first quarter of the year (p<.001; V = 0.188). The age categories analysis indicated a uniform distribution in U15 (p=.09; V = 0.15) and unequal distributions in U17 (p<.001; V = 0.29), U20 (p<.007; V = 0.19) and senior (p<.01; V = 0.21) categories. The playing position analysis indicated a uniform distribution for the pivots (p=.11; V = 0.17) and unequal distribution for goalkeepers (p<.04; V = 0.19), wingers (p<.002; V = 0.19) and defenders (p<.002; V = 0.27). We concluded that RAE was present in Brazilian elite men’s futsal, especially in the U17, U20, and senior categories, and goalkeepers, wingers, and defenders. Our results reinforce the need to consider the effects of relative age in the development of Brazilian elite futsal players

    Teor de nutrientes e trocas gasosas em plantas de copo‑de‑leite cultivadas em sistema hidropônico

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of growing calla lily plants (Zantedeschia aethiopica) in a hydroponic system on vegetative growth, nutrient content in shoots, and gas exchange. A completely randomized design in a triple factorial arrangement (2x2x2) was used, with eight treatments, three replicates, and eight plants per plot. The treatments consisted of two dimensions of phenolic foam (2.5x2.5x2.5 and 5.0x5.0x3.8 cm, expressed as height x length x width), two nutrient solutions, and two hydroponic profiles (100 and 150 mm). The calla lily plants were grown in a nutrient film technique (NFT) hydroponic system and presented nutrient content in the shoots in the following decreasing order: K>N>Ca>P>S>Mg for macronutrients and Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu for micronutrients. Calla lily plants grown in a NFT hydroponic system, in the phenolic foam of 5.0x5.0x3.8‑cm dimensions and in the hydroponic profile of 150 mm, show greater dry matter accumulation in shoots and bulbs, as well higher photosynthetic rates, regardless of nutrient solution.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do cultivo de plantas de copo‑de‑leite (Zantedeschia aethiopica) em sistema hidropônico, no crescimento vegetativo, no teor de nutrientes na parte aérea e nas trocas gasosas. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial triplo (2x2x2), com oito tratamentos, três repetições e oito plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos consistiram de duas dimensões de espuma fenólica (2,5x2,5x2,5 e 5,0x5,0x3,8 cm, expressas em altura x comprimento x largura), duas soluções nutritivas e dois perfis hidropônicos (100 e 150 mm). As plantas de copo‑de‑leite foram cultivadas em sistema hidropônico fluxo laminar de nutriente (NFT) e apresentaram teores de nutrientes na parte aérea, na seguinte sequência decrescente: K>N>Ca>P>S>Mg para macronutrientes e Fe>Mn>Zn>B>Cu para micronutrientes. Plantas de copo‑de‑leite cultivadas em sistema hidropônico NFT, em espuma fenólica de 5,0x5,0x3,8 cm e em perfil hidropônico de 150 mm, apresentam maior acúmulo de massa de matéria seca na parte aérea e no rizoma, bem como maiores taxas fotossintéticas, independentemente da solução nutritiva

    Sensory profile and acceptance of milk chocolate beverage

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    The sensory profile of three commercial brands of milk chocolate beverage was obtained using the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). Twelve descriptive terms, their definitions, and reference samples were generated by a selected and trained panel. The statistical analysis included the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Tukey's Test for means, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Brand A showed strong sweetness taste, aroma, and caramel flavor, whereas the predominant characteristics of brand B were the brown color, viscosity, and very intense sandiness. Brand C differed from the others for presenting stronger aroma and milk flavor. An acceptance test was also performed to evaluate the samples thoroughly in terms of the intensity of the ideal sweetness and buying intention. All brands presented high acceptability, and there was no significant difference between them.O perfil sensorial de bebida láctea achocolatada foi obtido por meio da Análise Descritiva Quantitativa (ADQ), utilizando três marcas comerciais do produto. Doze termos descritivos foram desenvolvidos por uma equipe de provadores selecionados e treinados, que geraram também a definição de cada termo e as amostras referência. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA, teste de Tukey e Análise de Componentes Principais. A bebida láctea achocolatada da marca A caracterizou-se por apresentar maior intensidade de doçura, aroma e sabor de caramelo, enquanto as características predominantes da marca B foram a cor marrom, viscosidade e arenosidade muito intensos. O produto da marca C diferiu dos demais por apresentar maior aroma e sabor de leite. Foi também realizado um teste de aceitação para avaliar as amostras de uma forma global, quanto a intensidade do ideal de doçura e a intenção de compra. Todas as marcas apresentaram boa aceitabilidade global, não apresentando diferença significativa entre si, assim como a intenção de compra. O teste com o consumidor indicou que a amostra B apresentou intensidade de doçura ideal.39139

    Padrões de distribuição e ocorrência espaço-temporal de ovos e larvas de peixes nos rios Pardo e Anhanduí, bacia do alto rio Paraná, Brasil

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    In this study we assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of ichthyoplankton and their reproductive strategies into the Pardo and Anhanduí rivers, located on the right bank of the Paraná river, MS. Samples were obtained from October/2009 to March/2010 using conical-cylindrical plankton net for surface samples at nightfall. In general, the family  Anostomidae was the most abundant in this study. We also registered eight migratory species: Prochilodus lineatus; Salminus brasiliensis; Brycon orbignyanus; Rhaphiodon vulpinus; Hemisorubim platyrhynchos/Pseudoplastytoma corruscans; Pimelodus maculatus; Sorubim lima and Zungaro zungaro. However, the sedentary species without parental care were more representative. Considering larval stages of development, significant differences were found for the stage of post-flexion at the mouths of rivers. A spatial pattern of eggs and larvae was registered: eggs were more abundant in the upstream stretches of the rivers and larvae in the downstream stretches. Higher abundances of eggs were found from october to january, and larvae in november, december and january. We conclude that Pardo as Anhanduí are suitable areas for spawning and early development of several fish species. This was clearly observed for the marginal lagoon into the Pardo river, where we registered higher occurrences of larvae in relation to the other sampling stations performed for both rivers.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição espacial e temporal do ictioplâncton e suas respectivas estratégias reprodutivas ao longo dos rios Pardo e Anhanduí, situados na margem direita do rio Paraná, bacia do alto rio Paraná, Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. As coletas foram realizadas entre os meses de outubro/2009 a março/2010 na superfície ao anoitecer, com rede de plâncton cônico-cilíndrica em diversos locais de amostragem. Em geral, a família Anostomidae foi a mais abundante. Foram registradas a presença de oito espécies migradoras: Prochilodus lineatus; Salminus brasiliensis; Brycon orbignyanus; Rhaphiodon vulpinus; Hemisorubim platyrhynchos/Pseudoplastytoma corruscans; Pimelodus maculatus; Sorubim lima and Zungaro zungaro. Porém, as espécies não migradoras sem cuidado parental tiveram maior representatividade. Com relação aos estágios larvais de desenvolvimento, foram verificadas diferenças significativas para o estágio de pós-flexão na foz dos rios. Um padrão espacial de ovos e larvas foi encontrado: os ovos foram mais abundantes nos trechos mais à montante dos rios e as larvas nos trechos mais à jusante. Quanto aos meses amostrados, as abundâncias de ovos foram mais elevadas de outubro a janeiro, e de larvas em novembro, dezembro e janeiro. Assim, pode-se concluir que tanto o rio Pardo como o Anhanduí constituem locais adequados para reprodução e desenvolvimento inicial de várias espécies de peixes, especialmente a lagoa do rio Pardo, onde foram registradas as maiores ocorrências de larvas em relação aos demais pontos de amostragens realizados para ambos os rios

    Identification of phlebotomine sand fly (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Atlantic forest fragments and their dispersal to urban area

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    Abstract The geographical distribution of sand flies in Brazil has been the subject of some studies, yet there is no information about the phlebotomine fauna in João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil. The aim of this work is to evaluate the occurrence and distribution of sand flies in the Atlantic forest fragments and to evaluate a possible dispersion in 06 nearby districts. Light traps were used during three consecutive nights, supplemented by an aspirator during the dry period and rainy season. A total of 222 sand flies were found, 143 (130 males and 13 females) in the Atlantic forest, and 79 in urban areas. During the entire dry season, three species of phlebotomine sand flies were recorded in 11 forest fragments, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lu. migonei and Lu. whitmani. During the rainy season, only Lu. longipalpis was found. This was the only species identified in the studied neighborhoods during both seasons. The differences in diversity of sand flies encountered between natural habitats and urban areas may thus be correlated mostly with adaptations to particular habitats and availability of food. One species (Lu. longipalpis) appears to be rapidly adapting to urban areas because of deforestation


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    Objetivou-se com esta revisão de literatura apresentar alguns resultados de pesquisa, por meio de trabalhos que buscaram consolidar a melhor forma de manejo das pastagens e do pastejo. Buscou-se aliar estudos já existentes na área, para comparar com os resultados obtidos com as novas técnicas. Nas pesquisas são utilizadas os sitemas de pastejo sob lotação continua e sob lotação rotativa, com o âmbito de equilibrar o manejo com a fisiologia da planta. Conclui-se com os resultados de pesquisas que cada cultivar deve ter seu própio manejo, pois reagem de forma diferente após a desfolhação. Porém, sem um manejo adequado da estrutura do pasto, nem o animal e nem a planta poderão exercer seu máximo potencial produtivo. Neste sentido, estudos devem ser realizados para que possamos entender e aliar o manejo do pastejo com o manejo da pastagem, maximizando o sistema de produção.

    Unilateral giant renal angiomyolipoma and pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis

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    Angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are mesenchymal neoplasms, named so because\ud of the complex tissue composition represented by variable proportions of\ud mature adipose tissue, smooth muscle cells, and dysmorphic blood vessels.\ud Although AMLs may rise in different sites of the body, they are mostly observed\ud in the kidney and liver. In the case of renal AMLs, they are described in two\ud types: isolated AMLs and AMLs associated with tuberous sclerosis (TS). While\ud most cases of AMLs are found incidentally during imaging examinations and\ud are asymptomatic, others may reach huge proportions causing symptoms.\ud Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare benign disease\ud characterized by cystic changes in the pulmonary parenchyma and smooth\ud muscle proliferation, leading to a mixed picture of interstitial and obstructive\ud disease. AML and LAM constitute major features of tuberous sclerosis\ud complex (TSC), a multisystem autosomal dominant tumor-suppressor gene\ud complex diagnosis. The authors report the case of a young female patient\ud who presented a huge abdominal tumor, which at computed tomography (CT)\ud show a fat predominance. The tumor displaced the right kidney and remaining\ud abdominal viscera to the left. Chest CT also disclosed pulmonary lesions\ud compatible with lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Because of sudden abdominal\ud pain accompanied by a fall in the hemoglobin level, the patient underwent an\ud urgent laparotomy. The excised tumor was shown to be a giant renal AML with\ud signs of bleeding in its interior. The authors call attention to the diagnosis of\ud AML and the huge proportions that the tumor can reach, as well as for ruling\ud out the TSC diagnosis, once it may impose genetic counseling implications