33 research outputs found

    MIRRAGGE – Minimum Information Required for Reproducible AGGregation Experiments

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    Reports on phase separation and amyloid formation for multiple proteins and aggregation-prone peptides are recurrently used to explore the molecular mechanisms associated with several human diseases. The information conveyed by these reports can be used directly in translational investigation, e.g., for the design of better drug screening strategies, or be compiled in databases for benchmarking novel aggregation-predicting algorithms. Given that minute protocol variations determine different outcomes of protein aggregation assays, there is a strong urge for standardized descriptions of the different types of aggregates and the detailed methods used in their production. In an attempt to address this need, we assembled the Minimum Information Required for Reproducible Aggregation Experiments (MIRRAGGE) guidelines, considering first-principles and the established literature on protein self-assembly and aggregation. This consensus information aims to cover the major and subtle determinants of experimental reproducibility while avoiding excessive technical details that are of limited practical interest for non-specialized users. The MIRRAGGE table (template available in Supplementary Information) is useful as a guide for the design of new studies and as a checklist during submission of experimental reports for publication. Full disclosure of relevant information also enables other researchers to reproduce results correctly and facilitates systematic data deposition into curated databases.This work was supported by (i) the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE 2020—Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES) in the framework of grants POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031173, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031323 (“Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences”), UID/Multi/04046/2013 (BioISI) and PTDC/NEUNMC/2138/2014 (to CMG). SV was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIO2016-78310-R) and by ICREA (ICREA-Academia 2015). ZG and ZB were funded by Slovak research agentures VEGA 02/0145/17, 02/0030/18 and APVV-18-0284. RS was funded by VEGA 02/0163/19. DEO was funded by the Lundbeck Foundation (grant no. R276-2018-671) and the Independent Research Foundation Denmark | Natural Sciences (grant no. 8021-00208B). AP research was supported by UK Dementia Research Institute (RE1 3556) and by ARUK (ARUK-PG2019B-020)