527 research outputs found

    Optimum training programme during pregnancy to prevent gestational hypertension and preeclampsia: a systematic review

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    Gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia are hypertensive disorders which are the world’s leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality. Currently, evidences support the benefit of moderate physical exercise (PE) during uncomplicated pregnancies in the prevention of HTG and pre-eclampsia. However, there is no evidence on which kind of training is more effective for its prevention. The aim of this study was to analyze which kind of exercise, duration of the intervention and session, frequency and intensity produce the greatest benefits in the prevention of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia in women with uncomplicated pregnancies. An exhaustive search of PubMed and Web of Science was carried out until October 21, 2020. From 705 studies found, we analyzed 14 original full-text intervention articles in English or Spanish, with a PE program in pregnant women without complications, evaluating BP and including in their methodology, at least, frequency, duration, intensity, or kind of exercise. Exercise training in healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies reduces the incidence of HTG and preeclampsia. The program with most benefits is concurrent training combined with flexibility, with a minimum duration of 29 weeks, from the 8th-9th gestational week to 36, but can be extended until the end of pregnancy. It’s recommended to get to a training frequency equal to or greater than 3 days a week, with sessions at 50-70% of the maximum heart rate and 10-14 on the Borg Scale, and a duration of 45 and 60 minutes per session

    A trait-based framework for dung beetle functional ecology

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    1. Traits are key for understanding the environmental responses and ecological roles of organisms. Trait approaches to functional ecology are well established for plants, whereas consistent frameworks for animal groups are less developed. Here we suggest a framework for the study of the functional ecology of animals from a trait-based response–effect approach, using dung beetles as model system. Dung beetles are a key group of decomposers that are important for many ecosystem processes. The lack of a trait-based framework tailored to this group has limited the use of traits in dung beetle functional ecology. 2. We review which dung beetle traits respond to the environment and affect ecosystem processes, covering the wide range of spatial, temporal and biological scales at which they are involved. Dung beetles show trait-based responses to variation in temperature, water, soil properties, trophic resources, light, vegetation structure, competition, predation and parasitism. Dung beetles' influence on ecosystem processes includes trait-mediated effects on nutrient cycling, bioturbation, plant growth, seed dispersal, other dung-based organisms and parasite transmission, as well as some cases of pollination and predation. 3. We identify 66 dung beetle traits that are either response or effect traits, or both, pertaining to six main categories: morphology, feeding, reproduction, physiology, activity and movement. Several traits pertain to more than one category, in particular dung relocation behaviour during nesting or feeding. We also identify 136 trait–response and 77 trait–effect relationships in dung beetles. 4. No response to environmental stressors nor effect over ecological processes were related with traits of a single category. This highlights the interrelationship between the traits shaping body-plans, the multi-functionality of traits, and their role linking responses to the environment and effects on the ecosystem. 5. Despite current developments in dung beetle functional ecology, many knowledge gaps remain, and there are biases towards certain traits, functions, taxonomic groups and regions. Our framework provides the foundations for the thorough development of trait-based dung beetle ecology. It also serves as an example framework for other taxa.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish Government PID2019-106840GB-C21 /AEI/10.13039/501100011033 Spanish Government CGL2011-29317 Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion Projects BES-2012-054353 RYC2020-029407-

    Los derechos on-line en el ordenamiento laboral español : estado de la cuestión

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    Los derechos on-line son una categoría jurídica de reciente creación, que incluye diversos derechos relacionados con el uso de TIC en la empresa. Entre éstos pueden encontrarse tanto derechos de acceso como de privacidad. Una de las prioridades de los sindicatos europeos es el reconocimiento y la protección legal de estos derechos, para lo que han tomado una serie de iniciativas de distinto tipo. La situación de estos derechos en el ordenamiento laboral español es muy deficientes, y ni el Derecho positivo ni la jurisprudencia laboral han sido capaces hasta ahora de darles un tratamiento válido. Sólo la negociación colectiva ha sido capaz de dar algunas respuestas a los problemas de acceso y privacidad, si bien de una manera limitada, y en un número pequeño de convenios.Online rights are a legal category of recent creation, that includes diverse rights related to the use of TIC in the company. Among these, rights of access and privacy can be found. One of the trade unions priorities is the recognition and legal protection of these rights, for which they have taken a series of different types of initiatives. These right’s situation in the Spanish legal order are quite poor, and neither the positive law nor the labour jurisprudence have been able to provide them with a valid treatment. Only the collective negotiation has been able to give some answers to the accessibility and privacy issues, although in a limited way and in a small number of agreements

    Optimization of an enzimatic hydrolysis method assisted by microwave energy (EHMAE) for simultaneous determination of metals in food (Brazil nuts)

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se ha puesto a prueba la utilidad de la hidrólisis enzimática asistida con energía de microondas (EH-MAE) para la extracción de metales en nueces de Brasil. Los metales objetos de estudio son: Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, W y Zn. Los resultados obtenidos por este método se comparan con las concentraciones determinadas para cada metal al someter la nuez de Brasil a una digestión ácida asistida con energía microondas (MAE). Adicionalmente, y como objetivo secundario, se determina el contenido metálico de otras muestras ricas en oligoelementos, tales como: baya inca del Perú, açai en polvo y palmito. Los metales contenidos en todos los extractos (ácidos y enzimáticos) son analizados mediante espectrometría de masas con plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-MS). Para evaluar el efecto matriz en la determinación de cada metal, se realiza la comparación estadística entre las rectas de calibrado con patrones acuosos y las rectas de adiciones estándar, empleando siempre como patrones internos Sc, Ge, Y, Rh e In. De esta forma, se selecciona el método de cuantificación más adecuado. Para identificar las variables más importantes implicadas en el método de extracción EH-MAE se realiza un diseño de experiencias Plackett-Burman. Las variables que se tienen en cuenta son las siguientes: Etapas de extracción Masa de proteasa pH Concentración de Tris Volumen de tampón Tris-HCl Masa de DTT Los resultados obtenidos en el diseño Plackett-Burman se analizan mediante la representación de cartas Pareto de primer y segundo orden, obteniéndose que las variables estadísticamente significativas (al 95% de confianza) para la extracción de dichos metales son la masa de DTT y las etapas de extracción. Finalmente, se realiza un estudio de optimización para dichas variables.[Resumo] Neste traballo púxose a proba a utilidade da hidrólise enzimática asistida con enerxía de microondas (EH-MAE) para a extracción de metais en noces de Brasil. Os metais estudados foron: Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, W y Zn. Os resultados acadados por este método compáranse coas concentracións obtidas para cada metal ó someter a noz de Brasil a unha dixestión ácida asistida con enerxía de microondas (MAE). Ademais, e como obxectivo secundario, determínase o contido metálico doutras mostras ricas en oligoelementos, tales como: baga inca do Perú, açaí en po e palmito. Os metais contidos en todos os extractos (ácidos y enzimáticos) son analizados mediante espectrometría de masas con plasma acoplado inductivamente (ICP-MS). Para avalia-lo efecto matriz na determinación de cada metal, realízase a comparación estatística entre as rectas de calibrado con patróns acuosos e as rectas de adicións estándar, empregando sempre como patróns internos Sc, Ge, Y, Rh e In. Desta forma, selecciónase o método de cuantificación máis adecuado. Para identifica-las variables máis importantes implicadas no método de extracción EH-MAE realízase un diseño de experiencias Plackett-Burman. As variables que se teñen en conta son as seguintes: Etapas de extracción Masa de proteasa pH Concentración de Tris Volume de tampón Tris-HCl Masa de DTT Os resultados obtidos no diseño Plackett-Burman analízanse mediante a representación das cartas Pareto de primeiro e segundo orde, obténdose que as variables estadísticamente significativas (ó 95% de confianza) para a extracción de ditos metais son a masa de DTT e as etapas de extracción. Finalmente, realízase un estudo de optimización para ditas variables.[Abstract] In this work, the feasibility of microwave energy to speed up enzymatic hydrolysis of Brazil nuts for simultaneous metal (Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, Tl, V, W and Zn Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, V y Zn) extraction is studied. Results obtained are compared with metal concentrations achieved after Brazil nut microwave acid extraction (MAE). The metal content of several food samples with high oligoelements such as Inca berry, açai fruit and palmito after MAE was also assessed. The target elements extracted (by using MAE and EH-MAE) are simultaneously determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP–MS). Both external calibration and standard addition calibration using Sc, Ge, Y, Rh and In are selected as internal standards were tested. Matrix effect was statistically evaluated for each target metal. The statistical significance of the variables involves on the extraction procedure by EH-MAE was simultaneously evaluated by applying a Plackett–Burman experimental design approach. The studied variables were: Extraction steps Protease mass pH Tris concentration Tris-HCl volume DTT mass The design is analyzed by the main effect Pareto chart and two-factor interactions Pareto charts. The results showed that extraction steps and DTT mass are statistically significant (confidence interval of 95%) variables for several metals extraction by EH-MAE. Finally, optimum values of these variables were assessed.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2015/21

    Psicoterapia en pacientes con cáncer avanzado y depresión. Una revisión bibliográfica

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Psicoloxía. Curso 2017-2018[ES] A lo largo de la literatura científica cáncer y depresión aparecen frecuentemente unidos. En la investigación desde la última década es notable un interés en el tratamiento de la depresión en enfermos con cáncer avanzado. Tanto investigadores como clínicos demandan un mayor número de estudios en este campo. Para intentar asegurar el bienestar psicológico de estos pacientes se han desarrollado diferentes psicoterapias. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es evaluar la eficacia de diversos tipos de psicoterapias (CALM, terapia de la dignidad y terapia centrada en el sentido) a la hora de disminuir el sufrimiento psicológico y existencial/espiritual en enfermos oncológicos avanzados. Al analizar los resultados, puede concluirse que, a nivel general, las psicoterapias han sido eficaces para disminuir sintomatología depresiva y distrés, resultando adecuadas para reducir la tristeza en enfermos cercanos al final de la vida.[EN] Cancer and depression are often united throughout the scientific literature. A remarkable interest in the treatment of depression in patients with advanced cancer has been present in the research from the past decade. Both researchers and clinicians are demanding a greater number of studies in this field. To try to ensure the psychological well-being of these patients, different psychotherapies have been developed The aim of this literature review is to evaluate the efficacy of various types of psychotherapies (CALM, therapy of dignity and meaning-centered therapy) to decrease the psychological and existential/spiritual suffering in advanced cancer patients. Analyzing the results, it can be concluded that, overall, psychotherapies have been effective to reduce depressive symptoms and distress, resulting suitable to reduce the sadness in patients near the end of life

    Maximal Contrast Adaptive Region Growing for CT Airway Tree Segmentation

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    In this paper we propose a fully self-assessed adaptive region growing airway segmentation algorithm. We rely on a standardized and self-assessed region-based approach to deal with varying imaging conditions. Initialization of the algorithm requires prior knowledge of trachea location. This can be provided either by manual seeding or by automatic trachea detection in upper airway tree image slices. The detection of the optimal parameters is managed internally using a measure of the varying contrast of the growing region. Extensive validation is provided for a set of 20 chest CT scans. Our method exhibits very low leakage into the lung parenchyma, so even though the smaller airways are not obtained from the region growing, our fully automatic technique can provide robust and accurate initialization for other method

    Systematic review of potential causes of intraocular lens opacification

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    Intraocular lens (IOL) opacification is an infrequent complication of cataract surgery. Surface analysis has demonstrated that the opacification of IOLs is related to calcium or phosphate precipitation on or within the lenses, but the associated mechanisms are unknown, and the scientific literature is heterogeneous and limited to case series and retrospective studies. The purpose of this systematic review was to analyse the most frequent conditions associated with opacification of IOLs reported by studies. A search was carried out using the PubMed MEDLINE, Web of Science and Scopus databases. The quality of the studies selected was evaluated using the Pierson tool. The search provided a total of 811 articles, of which 39 were selected following the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The most common opacified lenses were hydrophilic IOLs according to our analysis. The mean time of appearance of lens opacification was 14.93 ± 17.82 months. The most frequent conditions associated with opacification of the IOLs were Descemet Stripping with Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK/DSEK) and diabetes mellitus (DM), followed by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), blood hypertension (HT), and glaucoma. Concerning the quality analysis, the mean score was 7.00 ± 1.43 (scoring range from 0 to 10), indicating an acceptable quality of the case reports and retrospective studies. In conclusion, DSAEK/DSEK, DM, PPV, glaucoma and hypertension are conditions with potential risk of IOL opacification after cataract surgery, especially when implanting hydrophilic acrylic IOLs.Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain, Grant/Award Number: RYC‐2016‐20471

    Antiaromatic non-alternant heterocyclic compounds as molecular wires

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    “The dataset that supports the findings of this study are archived in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid data repository e‐cienciaDatos in https://doi.org/10.21950/BLB9NR”We have theoretically studied the electron-transport properties of a family of molecular junctions containing the non-alternant antiaromatic pentalene moiety stabilised with various 5-membered heterocycles. For this purpose, we used a combination of density functional theory and Green’s function techniques. We have focussed on dithieno derivatives to understand if the relative position of the heteroatom influences the transport properties as significantly as it does the degree of antiaromaticity. We found that the heteroatom position does significantly affect the shape of the transmission curves, but there is no correlation between the degree of antiaromaticity and the magnitude of the transmission at the Fermi level. Overall, we find that this behaviour is well-modelled by tight-binding calculations and the graphical prediction scheme. On the other hand, curly arrow rules fail for certain isomers, regardless of the degree of antiaromaticity. Reasons for this discrepancy are discusseWe thank the Spanish MICIN for the Marı´a de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (grant No. CEX2018-000805-M). Financial support from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 is acknowledged by L. A. Z. (grant PID2021-125604NB-I00), E. L. (PID2021-127964NB-C21). We also thank the Universidad Auto´noma de Madrid and the Comunidad de Madrid (grants No. SI3/PJI/ 2021-00191). E. L. thanks the Comunidad de Madrid Atraccio´n de Talento grant 2019-T1/IND-16384. IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (CEX2020-001039-S

    Bioactivity of wollastonite/aerogels composites obtained from a TEOS-MTES matrix

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    Organic-inorganic hybrid materials were synthesized by controlled hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), methyltrimethoxysilane (MTES), synthetic wollastonite powders and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in an ethanol solution. Aerogels were prepared from acid hydrolysis of TEOS and MTES with different volume ratio in ethanol, followed by addition of wollastonite powder and PDMS in order to obtain aerogels with 20 wt% of PDMS and 5 wt% of CaO of the total silica. Finally, when the wet gels were obtained, they were supercritically dried at 260°C and 90 bar, in ethanol. In order to obtain its bioactivity, one method for surface activation is based on a wet chemical alkaline treatment. The particular interest of this study is that we introduce hybrid aerogels, in a 1 M solution of NaOH, for 30 s at room temperature. We evaluate the bioactivity of TEOS-MTES aerogel when immersed in a static volume of simulated body fluid (SBF). An apatite layer of spherical-shaped particles of uniform size smaller than 5 microns is observed to form on the surface of the aerogels after 25 days soaking in SBF.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2005-01583Junta de Andalucía TEP 79