2,895 research outputs found

    Control domótico de las plazas de un aparcamiento público

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    El objetivo es diseñar un sistema para gestionar las plazas de un aparcamiento. Aunque hoy en día existen soluciones comerciales integrales, de diversos fabricantes, hechas a medida para este tipo de aplicación, el objetivo del presente proyecto es resolver una instalación de estas características basándose en alguna de las tecnologías domóticas existentes. Al tratarse de un proyecto docente, no se han considerado criterios económicos de manera estricta sino de manera general. Hay un amplio mercado de productos domóticos de entre los que se han seleccionado tres fabricantes. Entre estos fabricantes, sí se han elegido los productos en función de sus características, prestaciones y coste.Ingeniería Eléctric

    Discursos digitales en torno a violencias en contextos de pareja: una aproximación socio-cognitiva

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y Literatura, leída el 26/11/2018This research project sets out to explore one of the most salient social concerns in contemporary societies, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), from the perspective of Critical Discourse Studies (CDS). Partly due to its pervasiveness and ubiquity in the human condition, violence in general, and violence against women in particular, has been scrutinised from areas that are thought to be more directly linked to this social phenomenon. In fact, IPV has attracted attention from health, social and legal sciences. However, as suggested by scholarly voices (Aly & Naylor, 2013), trying to understand this type of violence from a single viewpoint has proved to be insufficient. In contrast to the multifarious perspectives adopted by the above-mentioned areas of expertise, there is a shortage of studies investigating IPV from disciplines that are connected with language and discourse studies. More specifically, then, this research project explores the online discourse of female survivors of Intimate Partner Violence. The main objective of this dissertation is to better understand the discourse of women who are suffering from this public health issue in their lives. To this end, 474 forum posts (circa 130,000 words) were collected from a publicly-accessible, anonymised online forum. Taking advantage of the way in which this forum is organised, posts were collected from three different online communities in this online site: (1) Is it abuse?, (2) Getting Out, and (3) Life after an abusive relationship. As their names suggest, these three communities (and the discourse used in each of them) are seen as three stages within a prototypical abusive relationship (initial, intermediate, and final)...Esta investigación pretende explorar una de las preocupaciones sociales más destacadas en la sociedad contemporánea, las violencias en el contexto de la pareja, desde la perspectiva de los Estudios del Discurso. Debido en gran medida a su ubicua presencia en la condición humana, la violencia en general, y la violencia contra las mujeres en particular, se ha estudiado en profundidad desde áreas que parecen estar más directamente vinculadas a este fenómeno social. De hecho, las violencias en el entorno de la pareja, en sus diferentes manifestaciones, han recibido la atención de disciplinas pertenecientes a las ciencias de la salud o a las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, y como algunas voces académicas han sugerido (Aly & Naylor, 2013), intentar comprender este tipo de violencia desde un único punto de vista se ha probado hasta el momento insuficiente. Por otra parte, y en contraposición a las múltiples perspectivas que muchos de los campos anteriormente mencionados adoptan, existe una palmaria escasez de estudios que investiguen este tipo de violencias desde disciplinas conectadas con la lingüística y los estudios del discurso. Por tanto, y más específicamente, esta tesis doctoral explora el discurso digital de mujeres supervivientes de violencia en el ámbito de la pareja. El objetivo principal de este estudio es contribuir a una mejor comprensión del discurso de mujeres que experimentan este problema de salud pública a lo largo de sus vidas. Con este fin, este estudio recopila 474 mensajes digitales (en torno a 130.000 palabras) procedentes de un foro de acceso público y anonimizado. Aprovechando la distribución de este foro, los mensajes fueron extraídos de tres comunidades digitales dentro de este portal web: (1) ¿Es abuso?, (2), Saliendo [de la relación abusiva] y (3) La vida después del abuso. Como sus propios nombres indican, estas comunidades (al igual que el discurso que se genera en las mismas) se toman como reflejo de tres etapas prototípicas dentro de una relación abusiva (inicial, intermedia y final)...Depto. de Estudios Ingleses: Lingüística y LiteraturaFac. de FilologíaTRUEunpu

    Aprendiendo a leer en las estratificaciones cruzadas. Learning to read cross-bedding

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    [ES] estudio detallado de las estratificaciones cruzadas, de sus geometrías, sucesiones, cambios horizontales y propiedades vectoriales proporciona en muchas ocasiones información inmediata sobre las condiciones en que tuvo lugar la sedimentación. Estas estructuras sedimentarias reflejan condiciones hidrodinámicas específicas y dan información acerca del agente de transporte, la velocidad de sedimentación, de la dirección y sentido de las paleocorrientes, o del medio sedimentario en que se generaron. Desde el punto de vista didáctico son un excelente recurso para que los alumnos aprendan a relacionar los procesos naturales que intervienen en la formación de algunas rocas sedimentarias. [EN] The careful study of cross-bedding, its geometries, vertical and lateral changes, sequences and vector properties, often provides immediate information on the circumstances in which sedimentation took place. Some of these structures reflect specific hydrodynamic conditions and give information about the transport agent, sedimentation rate, or the direction of the palaeocurrents. From an educational point of view, cross-bedding structures are an excellent resource for students to acquaint themselves with natural processes intervening in the formation of certain sedimentary rocks.Peer Reviewe

    Critical rainfall conditions for the initiation of torrential flows: results from the Rebaixader catchment (Central Pyrenees)

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    Torrential flows like debris flows or debris floods are fast movements formed by a mix of water and different amounts of unsorted solid material. They generally occur in steep torrents and pose high risk in mountainous areas. Rainfall is their most common triggering factor and the analysis of the critical rainfall conditions is a fundamental research task. Due to their wide use in warning systems, rainfall thresholds for the triggering of torrential flows are an important outcome of such analysis and are empirically derived using data from past events. In 2009, a monitoring system was installed in the Rebaixader catchment, Central Pyrenees (Spain). Since then, rainfall data of 25 torrential flows (“TRIG rainfalls”) were recorded, with a 5-min sampling frequency. Other 142 rainfalls that did not trigger torrential flows (“NonTRIG rainfalls”) were also collected and analyzed. The goal of this work was threefold: (i) characterize rainfall episodes in the Rebaixader catchment and compare rainfall data that triggered torrential flows and others that did not; (ii) define and test Intensity–Duration (ID) thresholds using rainfall data measured inside the catchment by with different techniques; (iii) analyze how the criterion used for defining the rainfall duration and the spatial variability of rainfall influences the value obtained for the thresholds. The statistical analysis of the rainfall characteristics showed that the parameters that discriminate better the TRIG and NonTRIG rainfalls are the rainfall intensities, the mean rainfall and the total rainfall amount. The antecedent rainfall was not significantly different between TRIG and NonTRIG rainfalls, as it can be expected when the source material is very pervious (a sandy glacial soil in the study site). Thresholds were derived from data collected at one rain gauge located inside the catchment. Two different methods were applied to calculate the duration and intensity of rainfall: (i) using total duration, Dtot, and mean intensity, Imean, of the rainfall event, and (ii) using floating durations, D, and intensities, Ifl, based on the maximum values over floating periods of different duration. The resulting thresholds are considerably different (Imean = 6.20 Dtot-0.36 and Ifl_90% = 5.49 D-0.75, respectively) showing a strong dependence on the applied methodology. On the other hand, the definition of the thresholds is affected by several types of uncertainties. Data from both rain gauges and weather radar were used to analyze the uncertainty associated with the spatial variability of the triggering rainfalls. The analysis indicates that the precipitation recorded by the nearby rain gauges can introduce major uncertainties, especially for convective summer storms. Thus, incorporating radar rainfall can significantly improve the accuracy of the measured triggering rainfall. Finally, thresholds were also derived according to three different criteria for the definition of the duration of the triggering rainfall: (i) the duration until the peak intensity, (ii) the duration until the end of the rainfall; and, (iii) the duration until the trigger of the torrential flow. An important contribution of this work is the assessment of the threshold relationships obtained using the third definition of duration. Moreover, important differences are observed in the obtained thresholds, showing that ID relationships are significantly dependent on the applied methodology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Airport terminals and desert planes: re-visiting the border in the terminal and no country for old men

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    Eighteen years after the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington and in the present context of bitter conflict over the building of a wall across the US-Mexico border promoted by current President of the United States, Donald Trump, this article reads Steven Spielberg's The Terminal and the Coen Brothers' No Country for Old Men through the use of border theory and Cosmopolitanism. The main aim of the article is to reveal the mechanisms by which these films promote and intervene in an ongoing debate on the nature of the nation-state and the role of national borders in the creation of national identities. The two films appear to consolidate certain social imaginaries while highlighting the extent to which, though the turn of the millennium seemed to promise a world with more mobile, hybrid identities in multicultural spaces, most social and cultural realities still tend to be trapped within nation-state borders which prove the staying power of national identities

    New palynological and isotopic data for the Triassic of the western Cantabrian Mountains (Spain)

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    Triassic carbonate rocks of the western Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain, have long been attributed to the Muschelkalk facies, and as such have been correlated with other Middle Triassic carbonate units of the Iberian Peninsula. Data on palynological assemblages here presented, point to a Ladinian-lower Carnian age of the upper part of the Buntsandstein facies in this area. In addition, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the limestones formerly attributed to the Muschelkalk facies indicates a Norian or Norian-Rhaetian boundary age. These findings also imply that the position of the marine coast during the Middle Triassic Tethys transgression should be moved to a more easterly position, in the Basque Country.Las rocas carbonatadas triásicas que afloran en la zona occidental de la Cordillera Cantábrica en el norte de España, han sido tradicionalmente atribuidas al Muschelkalk por correlación con las unidades carbonatadas del Triásico Medio de otras áreas de la Península Ibérica. Las asociaciones palinológicas encontradas en la parte superior de las facies Buntsandstein que afloran en esta área, indican una edad Ladiniense-Carniense inferior. La relación 87Sr/86Sr de los niveles de calizas atribuidos anteriormente al Muschelkalk, son propios de los carbonatos de edad Noriense o Noriense-Rhetiense. Estos datos implican, además, que la posición de la línea de máximo avance del mar del Tethys hacia occidente durante el Triásico Medio se situó en una posición más oriental y dentro del País Vasco

    Are you ready for retirement? The influence of values on membership in voluntary organizations in midlife and old age

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    Membership in voluntary organizations is associated with individual and social benefits. Due to the negative consequences of the global pandemic on older people, and the governmental challenges posed by population aging, voluntary membership is of great importance to society. To effectively promote volunteering among older people, it is necessary to understand the determinants of voluntary membership. This study analyses the influence of individual values—secular/traditional and survival/selfexpression– on voluntary membership among European adults (N = 31,985). Specifically, it examines which values orient two age groups (middle age: 50–64 and old age: 65–79), as well as men and women toward a certain type of association (Social Awareness; Professional and Political; Education and Leisure; Religion). The sample of 31,985 comprises 60% of adults aged 50–64 and 40% aged 65–79; of which 56% are women and 44% men. The empirical estimation considers different levels of data aggregation: individual, national and welfare system, therefore multilevel analysis is used as an analytical strategy. Individual-level variables from the Integrated Values Survey (2005/09, 2010/14, and 2017/20) and nationallevel variables (Gini Index and Gross Domestic Product Per Capita) from the World Bank and Eurostat are used. The results indicate that traditional and self-expression values promote membership in voluntary organizations in general more than secular and survival values. However, there are differences according to the type of organization. Furthermore, values are found to moderate the effect of age and gender on voluntary membership.Gobierno de Aragon CSO2017-82110-RSpanish Government PRE2018-083981State Research Agency BYCS S16_17