877 research outputs found

    Software Support for Discourse-Based Textual Information Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review and Software Guidelines in Practice

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    [Abstract] The intrinsic characteristics of humanities research require technological support and software assistance that also necessarily goes through the analysis of textual narratives. When these narratives become increasingly complex, pragmatics analysis (i.e., at discourse or argumentation levels) assisted by software is a great ally in the digital humanities. In recent years, solutions have been developed from the information visualization domain to support discourse analysis or argumentation analysis of textual sources via software, with applications in political speeches, debates, online forums, but also in written narratives, literature or historical sources. This paper presents a wide and interdisciplinary systematic literature review (SLR), both in software-related areas and humanities areas, on the information visualization and the software solutions adopted to support pragmatics textual analysis. As a result of this review, this paper detects weaknesses in existing works on the field, especially related to solutions’ availability, pragmatic framework dependence and lack of information sharing and reuse software mechanisms. The paper also provides some software guidelines for improving the detected weaknesses, exemplifying some guidelines in practice through their implementation in a new web tool, Viscourse. Viscourse is conceived as a complementary tool to assist textual analysis and to facilitate the reuse of informational pieces from discourse and argumentation text analysis tasks.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; FJCI-2016-6 28032Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; RTI2018-093336-B-C2

    Reversal of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase 2 enables anaplerosis via redox rescue in respiration-deficient cells

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    Supplemental information can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2022.10.005ACKNOWLEDGMENTS P.A.-M was supported by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions individual fellowship and the Beug Foundation. A.V. was supported by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO Vlaanderen). J.E.-H. was supported by an MRC studentship. J.C.A was supported by a Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellowship (C47559/A16243). S.-M.F. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the ERC Consolidator grant agreement no. 771486–MetaRegulation, FWO Projects, Fonds Baillet Latour, KU Leuven- FTBO/Internal Funding, Stichting Tegen Kanker and the King Baudouin Foundation. Work in the A.J.F. group was supported by a Wellcome Trust-ISSF grant, funding from Barts Charity (MGU0404), and by a Cancer Research UK Centre Grant to Barts Cancer Institute (C355/A25137). The illustrations in the graphical abstract and Figure 5F were created using BioRender.com.Inhibition of the electron transport chain (ETC) prevents the regeneration of mitochondrial NAD+, resulting in cessation of the oxidative tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and a consequent dependence upon reductive carboxylation for aspartate synthesis. NAD+ regeneration alone in the cytosol can rescue the viability of ETC-deficient cells. Yet, how this occurs and whether transfer of oxidative equivalents to the mitochondrion is required remain unknown. Here, we show that inhibition of the ETC drives reversal of the mitochondrial aspartate transaminase (GOT2) as well as malate and succinate dehydrogenases (MDH2 and SDH) to transfer oxidative NAD+ equivalents into the mitochondrion. This supports the NAD+-dependent activity of the mitochondrial glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and thereby enables anaplerosis—the entry of glutamine-derived carbon into the TCA cycle and connected biosynthetic pathways. Thus, under impaired ETC function, the cytosolic redox state is communicated into the mitochondrion and acts as a rheostat to support GDH activity and cell viability.Marie Sklodowska-Curie ActionsBeug FoundationFonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO Vlaanderen)Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellowship (C47559/A16243)European Research Council under the ERC Consolidator grant agreement no. 771486–MetaRegulationFWO ProjectsFonds Baillet LatourKU Leuven- FTBO/Internal FundingWellcome Trust-ISSF grantBarts Charity (MGU0404)Cancer Research UK Centre Grant to Barts Cancer Institute (C355/A25137

    Precisión y exactitud de simulaciones de radiancia de cielo mediante su comparación con medidas experimentales

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    La radiación solar que llega a la Tierra es responsable de multitud de fenómenos dignos de estudio y puede verse afectada por factores astronómicos y atmosféricos. Esta radiación presenta una alta variabilidad y, en ocasiones, su medida puede ser compleja o consumir un tiempo o recursos de los cuales puede no disponerse. Las herramientas de simulación de distintos fenómenos como alternativa a la toma directa de medidas ha probado ser una alternativa viable en muchos campos, capaz de ahorrar tiempo y de ofrecer datos de calidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es averiguar la precisión y exactitud del programa “libRadtran” para simular correctamente la radiancia que llega a la superficie de la Tierra en condiciones sin nubosidad. Para ello, se van a comparar las medidas de radiancia simuladas obtenidas por dicho programa, con las obtenidas por un fotómetro solar situado en la localidad de Valladolid. Las simulaciones se realizarán para las condiciones conocidas en Valladolid en el periodo enero-marzo 2020. La toma de datos reales se obtiene de un fotómetro perteneciente a la red AERONET (Aerosol Robotic Network) e instalado en la terraza de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Valladolid. Será clave toda la información acerca de las propiedades de los aerosoles y vapor de agua que aporta dicho instrumento para una correcta caracterización de la atmósfera en las simulaciones a realizar. La simulación en “libRadtran” ha sido configurada mediante dichos archivos para ser lo más similar posible a las condiciones reales de los días que se querían simular. En este trabajo se han realizado un total de 170 simulaciones y los datos de las mismas han sido adquiridos, procesados, y manipulados mediante una rutina escrita en MATLAB. La comparación final de los valores simulados y los valores reales se ha realizado utilizando rutinas programadas en dicha plataforma de la misma manera. Los datos que se han obtenido reflejan la radiancia obtenida para varios días a lo largo de los primeros meses del año 2020, y han sido tratados para eliminar medidas que estén contaminadas por nubes parciales y que no se pueden usar en la comparación. El estudio se ha realizado en función de las longitudes de onda disponibles en el fotómetro (440, 675, 870, 1020 nm) y del ángulo de “scattering”. Se ha realizado un análisis estadístico de la comparación entre simulaciones y medidas experimentales. Las principales conclusiones que se pueden obtener de este trabajo son que la simulación con “libRadtran” ofrece un sistema preciso, en el que, aunque funciona mejor para algunas longitudes de onda, las discrepancias generales son bajas. Además, la integración con MATLAB permite realizar modificaciones sucesivas al programa y calcular estos resultados para otras otras condiciones de aerosol, vapor de agua además de diferentes parámetros.Solar radiation that reaches Earth is responsible for many essential phenomena and it can be affected by astronomical and atmospheric factors. This radiation has an enormous variability, and its measurement can sometimes be complex and consume time or resources which may not be available at the moment. Simulation tools can be used as an viable alternative to direct measuring, providing good quality data and saving time. The objective of this research is to evaluate the precision and accuracy of the athmospheric simulation program “libRadtran” when used to simulate the radiance that reaches the surface of the Earth under non-cloudy conditions. For this, some simulated radiance values obtained with the program will be compared with solar radiance values measured by a photometer in Valladolid. Simulations will be done under known conditions for Valladolid between January and March 2020. The real measurements are obtained from a photometer belonging to the AERONET network which is installed on the terrace of the Science Faculty of the University of Valladolid. The information about the aerosol and water vapour properties that the instrument is able to provide will be key for the proper characterizaton of the athmosphere for the simulations. The simulation in “libRadtran” has been configured using these files in order to be as similar as possible to the real conditions of the days in which the measures were taken. In total, 170 simulations have been carried out and the obtained data has been acquired, processed, and manipulated through a written routine in MATLAB. The final comparison of the simulated values and the measured values has been performed using routines programmed in MATLAB as well. The data reflect the radiance obtained for several days throughout the first months of the year 2020, and have been treated to remove measures that were affected by partial clouds and that cannot be used at the comparison. THe study has been performed according to the different wavelengths available at the photometer (440, 675, 870, 1020 nm) and the scattering angle. An statistic analysis has been carried out between the experimental measures and the simulations. The main conclusions that can be obtained from this work are that the simulation with “libRadtran” offers a precise system, in which, although the program works better for some wavelengths, the overall discrepancies are low. Also, the proposed integration with MATLAB allows successive modifications to the program and the calculation of these results for other conditions.Departamento de Física Teórica, Atómica y ÓpticaMáster en Físic

    Análisis comparativo de los libros de texto de matemáticas en la Educación Secundaria en el área de geometría

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    Los libros de texto son el material o recurso más utilizado en el panorama de la educación, en nuestro país. Los profesores se guían y apoyan en ellos, muchas veces de forma ciega, por lo que el trabajo de las editoriales debe ser muy escrupuloso a la hora de redactar estos elementos, exponiéndolos de una forma atractiva para el alumnado, conteniendo el currículo y contenido que exigen las leyes nacionales y autonómicas, y explicados de una forma accesible para todo el mundo, teniendo en cuenta las competencias y demás exigencias para conseguir una educación de calidad y que las futuras generaciones sean lo más competentes posible. El objetivo principal del trabajo que aquí se presenta es la realización de una comparativa entre las diferentes editoriales de libros de texto en el ámbito de las matemáticas, centrándose más concretamente en el bloque de geometría. Para ello, se utiliza una rúbrica de elaboración propia que abarca diferentes aspectos a tener en cuenta de los libros de texto y así poder analizar los mismos de la forma más objetiva posible. Se han analizado cinco editoriales (Editex, Santillana, SM, Edelvives y Anaya) en los cuatro cursos de la ESO y los dos cursos del Bachillerato. Se ha realizado un análisis por editorial y un análisis exhaustivo del currículo curso a curso en secciones separadas. Las conclusiones principales de este trabajo hacen referencia al cumplimiento más o menos conseguido del currículo por parte de todas las editoriales, pero a la falta de innovación en cuanto a metodologías empleadas y al tratamiento erróneo de conceptos como las competencias o el aprendizaje colaborativo. Se propone la ampliación futura de este trabajo mediante un estudio ampliado a más editoriales, analizando otros bloques y realizando un análisis estadístico completo incluyendo resultados de otras Comunidades Autónomas hasta llegar a un nivel estatal.Textbooks are the most used resource in education in Spain. Teachers are guided and supported by them, often blindly, so the work of publishers must be very scrupulous when writing these elements, exposing them in an attractive way for students, containing the curriculum and content that national and regional laws require, and explaining its contents in an accessible way for everyone, taking into consideration the competences in order to achieve a quality education for future generations. The main objective of this work is to make a comparison between different publishers of textbooks in the field of mathematics, focusing more specifically on the geometry. To do this, a self-made rubric is used that covers different aspects to study the textbooks and thus be able to analyze them in the most objective way. Five publishing houses (Editex, Santillana, SM, Edelvives and Anaya) have been analyzed in the four levels of the Secondary Education (ESO) and two courses of the Baccalaureate. An analysis by publisher and a comprehensive analysis of the curriculum on a course-by-course basis has been performed in separate sections. The main conclusions of this work refer to the partially achieved compliance with the curriculum by all publishers, but to the lack of innovation in terms of the methodologies used and the erroneous treatment of concepts such as competences or collaborative learning. The future lines of work proposed are a study extended to more publishers, analyzing other blocks and carrying out a complete statistical analysis including results from other Regions until reaching a national level.Departamento de PsicologíaMatemática AplicadaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Application of dynamical system methods to galactic dynamics : from warps to double bars

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    Most galaxies have a warped shape when they are seen from an edge-on point of view. In this work we apply dynamical system methods to find an explanation of this phenomenon that agrees with its abundance among galaxies, its persistence in time and the angular size of observed warps. Starting from a simple, but realistic, 3D galaxy model formed by a bar and a flat disc, we study the effect produced by a small misalignment between the angular momentum of the system and its angular velocity. To this end, a precession model is developed and considered, assuming that the bar behaves like a rigid body. In order to study the behaviour of the rigid body, we solve its Euler equations. We study the resulting solution in a precessing reference system, selected in such a way to make the angular momentum and angular velocity of the body time independent. After checking that the periodic orbits inside the bar keep being the skeleton of the inner system, even after inflicting a precession to the potential, we compute the invariant manifolds of the unstable periodic orbits departing from the equilibrium points at the ends of the bar to get evidence of their warped shapes. As is well known, from previous studies with 2D galaxy models, the invariant manifolds associated with these periodic orbits drive the arms and rings of barred galaxies and constitute the skeleton of these building blocks. Now, looking at them from an edge-on viewpoint, we find that these manifolds present warped shapes such as those recognized in observations with a close concordance in angles. In addition, test particle simulations have been performed to determine how the stars are affected by the applied precession, confirming in this way the theoretical results obtained. Once the behaviour of the precessing model is known, we develop the model with a more complex potential, including a spherical halo, in order to study the influence of each parameter that gives shape to the potential and to determine the effect of the halo in the formation of galaxy warps. We have observed that the presence of the halo helps to increase the resulting warp angle. The theory of invariant manifolds is also applied to the study of the existence of galaxies with four spiral arms, such as ESO 566-24 and possibly the Milky Way. A double-barred galaxy model is tested as a plausible explanation of the formation of four spiral arms in a galaxy. This is checked through the method of invariant manifolds in various double-barred systems, not restricting ourselves to the Milky Way. We find that the double-barred model is not sufficient by itself to give rise to the shape of four spiral arms as observed, and we suggest possible refinements of the galaxy model in order to better match the experimental observations. The most promising of these model refinements is to consider the galaxy as a non-autonomous system, with two bars which are rotating with different pattern speeds. Dealing with non-autonomous systems leads to the study of their dynamics by means of Lagrange Coherent Structures (LCS). This is a recent, still developing theory, in which the LCS behave analogously to the invariant manifolds in autonomous systems, organizing the evolution of the flow. We have developed our own code for the computation of LCS, which can be applied to parametrized surfaces in systems of any dimension. To establish the comparison between LCS and invariant manifolds, we apply both methods to the pendulum problem, in its autonomous and non-autonomous versions. After this, we compute the LCS for our galaxy model formed by a disc and bar, without precession. We demonstrate that the LCS show the same behaviour as the stable invariant manifolds, and that they exhibit more information in a wide region of the space.La mayoría de galaxias tienen forma alabeada cuando son vistas desde un punto de vista lateral. En este trabajo aplicamos métodos de sistemas dinámicos para encontrar una explicación de este fenómeno que concuerde con su abundancia entre galaxias, su persistencia en el tiempo y el tamaño de los ángulos de alabeo observados. Partiendo de un modelo de galaxia tridimensional sencillo, pero realista, formado por una barra y un disco delgado, estudiamos los efectos que produce un pequeño desalineamiento entre el momento angular del sistema y su velocidad angular. Con este fin, se desarrolla un modelo de precesión, asumiendo que la barra se comporta como un sólido rígido. Para estudiar el comportamiento del sólido rígido, resolvemos sus ecuaciones de Euler. Estudiamos la solución obtenida en un sistema de referencia de precesión, que hace que el momento y la velocidad angular del cuerpo sean constantes. Después de comprobar que las órbitas periódicas del interior de la barra siguen siendo el esqueleto del sistema, incluso después de aplicar una precesión al potencial, calculamos las variedades invariantes de las órbitas periódicas inestables que parten de los puntos de equilibrio en los extremos de la barra, obteniendo evidencias de sus formas alabeadas. Como es conocido, a partir de estudios previos con modelos bidimensionales de galaxias, las variedades invariantes asociadas con estas órbitas periódicas marcan la posición de los brazos y anillos de las galaxias barradas y constituyen el esqueleto de estos elementos. Ahora, observándolos desde un punto de vista lateral, hallamos que estas variedades presentan formas alabeadas análogas a las observadas, y con una gran concordancia de ángulos. Además, hemos realizado simulaciones de test de partículas para determinar como la precesión aplicada al potencial afecta a las estrellas, confirmando de esta manera los resultados teóricos obtenidos. Una vez se conoce el comportamiento del modelo de precesión, lo sofisticamos con un potencial más complejo, incluyendo un halo esférico, para estudiar la influencia de cada parámetro que da forma al potencial y para determinar el efecto del halo en la formación de galaxias alabeadas. Hemos constatado que la presencia del halo incrementa el ángulo de alabeo. Aplicamos también la teoría de variedades invariantes al estudio de galaxias con cuatro brazos espirales, tales como la ESO 566-24 y posiblemente la Vía Láctea. Se prueba por el método de variedades invariantes un modelo de galaxia con doble barra como una explicación plausible de la formación de los cuatro brazos espirales en una galaxia, utilizando para ello varios sistemas de doble barra, no restringiéndonos a la Vía Láctea. Concluimos que el modelo de doble barra no es suficiente para explicar la formación de cuatro brazos espirales, y sugerimos posibles refinamientos del modelo galáctico para que concuerde mejor con las observaciones experimentales. El más prometedor de estos refinamientos del modelo es considerar la galaxia como un sistema no autónomo, donde las dos barras rotan a distinta velocidad. Tratar con sistemas no autónomos nos conduce al estudio de su dinámica por medio de las Estructuras Coherentes Lagrangianas (LCS). Esta es una teoría muy reciente, todavía en desarrollo, en la que las LCS organizan la dinámica del sistema de manera análoga a cómo lo hacen las variedades invariantes en sistemas autónomos. Hemos creado un programa propio para el cálculo de las LCS, que puede ser aplicado a superficies parametrizadas en sistemas de cualquier dimensión. Para establecer la comparación entre LCS y variedades invariantes, aplicamos ambos métodos al problema del péndulo, en sus versiones autónoma y no autónoma. Después, calculamos las LCS en nuestro modelo galáctico formado por un disco y una barra, sin precesión. Mostramos que las LCS se comportan como las variedades invariantes estables, y que proporcionan más información en una amplia región del espacio

    Obtaining gravitational models from planetary ephemeris

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    Ephemerides describe the position and velocity of a celestial object as a function of time. The ephemerides data are obtained by solving the fundamental equations of motion of the body, which is obtained by applying the fundamental laws of motion postulated by Keppler and Newton. The objective of this project is to build a software package that manages JPL ephemerides. With this software, we will can select planets or natural satellites contained in the ephemerides file and we will can work with them on different ways. Also, we are going to do several programs to make changes of coordinates and some vector fields. Finally, we are going to explain an application of this software, such as the parallel shooting, and we are going to show different simulations.. En aquest projecte es desenvoluparan models gravitacionals a partir d'efemerides JPL dels planetes del Sistema Solar i els seus satel.lits més importants. S'haurà de desenvolupar un paquet de software que pugui ser usat per a fer diferents calculs en problemes de mecànica celest i astrodinàmica

    Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation to the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [Guasch, O., Sánchez-Martín, P., Pont, A., Baiges, J., and Codina, R. (2016) Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation to the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 82: 839–857. doi: 10.1002/fld.4243], which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fld.4243/abstract. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.The acoustic perturbation equations (APE) are suitable to predict aerodynamic noise in the presence of a non-uniform mean flow. As for any hybrid computational aeroacoustics approach, a first computational fluid dynamics simulation is carried out from which the mean flow characteristics and acoustic sources are obtained. In a second step, the APE are solved to get the acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields. However, resorting to the finite element method (FEM) for that purpose is not straightforward. Whereas mixed finite elements satisfying an appropriate inf–sup compatibility condition can be built in the case of no mean flow, that is, for the standard wave equation in mixed form, these are difficult to implement and their good performance is yet to be checked for more complex wave operators. As a consequence, strong simplifying assumptions are usually considered when solving the APE with FEM. It is possible to avoid them by resorting to stabilized formulations. In this work, a residual-based stabilized FEM is presented for the APE at low Mach numbers, which allows one to deal with the APE convective and reaction terms in its full extent. The key of the approach resides in the design of the matrix of stabilization parameters. The performance of the formulation and the contributions of the different terms in the equations are tested for an acoustic pulse propagating in sheared-solenoidal mean flow, and for the aeolian tone generated by flow past a two-dimensional cylinder.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Com les Varietats Invariants formen Espirals i Anells en Galàxies barrades

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    L'espectacularitat de les galàxies barrades consisteix no solament en la presència de la barra, allargada en el centre de la galàxia, sinó també en els braços espirals o anells que es desenvolupen en les parts exteriors. No hi ha una teoria clara per a la formació d'anells i, fins fa poc, només n'hi havia una que explicava l'origen dels braços espirals en galàxies no barrades. En els darrers anys hem desenvolupat una teoria basada en els sistemes dinàmics que relaciona els braços espirals i els anells amb les varietats invariants hiperbòliques associades a òrbites periòdiques i quasiperiòdiques al voltant de punts d'equilibri colineals del sistemaPostprint (published version

    Com les varietats invariants formen espirals i anells en galaxies barrades

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    L'espectacularitat de les galàxies barrades consisteix no solament en la presència de la barra, allargada en el centre de la galàxia, sinó també en els braços espirals o anells que es desenvolupen en les parts exteriors. No hi ha una teoria clara per a la formació d'anells i, fins fa poc, només n'hi havia una que explicava l'origen dels braços espirals en galàxies no barrades. En els darrers anys hem desenvolupat una teoria basada en els sistemes dinàmics que relaciona els braços espirals i els anells amb les varietats invariants hiperbòliques associades a òrbites periòdiques i quasiperiòdiques al voltant de punts d'equilibri colineals del sistema.The spectacularity of barred galaxies resides not only in the presence of their bars, extended in the center of the galaxy, but also in the rings and spiral arms developed in the exterior regions. There is no clear theory on the rings formation and, until recently, there was only one explaining the origin of spiral arms in non-barred galaxies. In recent years, and based on dynamical systems, we have developed a theory that relates rings and spiral arms with hyperbolic invariant manifolds associated with periodic and quasiperiodic orbits about the collinear points of the system

    Warp evidence in precessing galactic bar models

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    Most galaxies have a warped shape when they are seen edge-on. The reason for this curious form is not completely known so far, so in this work we apply dynamical system tools to contribute to its explanation. Starting from a simple, but realistic model formed by a bar and a disc, we study the effect of a small misalignment between the angular momentum of the system and its angular velocity. To this end, a precession model was developed and considered, assuming that the bar behaves like a rigid body. After checking that the periodic orbits inside the bar continue to be the skeleton of the inner system even after inflicting a precession to the potential, we computed the invariant manifolds of the unstable periodic orbits departing from the equilibrium points at the ends of the bar to find evidence of their warped shapes. As is well known, the invariant manifolds associated with these periodic orbits drive the arms and rings of barred galaxies and constitute the skeleton of these building blocks. Looking at them from a side-on viewpoint, we find that these manifolds present warped shapes like those recognised in observations. Lastly, test particle simulations have been performed to determine how the stars are affected by the applied precession, this way confirming the theoretical results