2,061 research outputs found

    Educational Activities to Help Transferring Knowledge in Nuclear: The Seminars of Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares)

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help transferring the knowledge between those generations in the way that it can be possible

    From Secondary School To University: Attracting Young Students Towards A Career In Nuclear

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    From its creation, Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN), a non-profit organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE), has as an important scope to help spread knowledge about nuclear energy, not only pointing out its advantages and its role in our society, but also trying to correct some of the ideas that are due to the biased information and to the lack of knowledge. To try to have success in that goal, some high school lectures were taught and it has been organized regularly a Basic Course on Nuclear Science and Technolog

    Injerto autólogo cubital como complemento a una mandibulectomía parcial para el tratamiento de un tumor de células escamosas

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    Se presenta un caso clínico de un tumor de células escamosas en la cavidad oral del perro, resuelto mediante mandibulectomía parcial combinada con la implantación de un injerto óseo autólogo. En la evolución tras 30 meses no ha presentado recidivas ni metástasis

    Determining water use of sorghum from two-source energy balance and radiometric temperatures

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    Estimates of surface actual evapotranspiration (ET) can assist in predicting crop water requirements. An alternative to the traditional crop-coefficient methods are the energy balance models. The objective of this research was to show how surface temperature observations can be used, together with a two-source energy balance model, to determine crop water use throughout the different phenological stages of a crop grown. Radiometric temperatures were collected in a sorghum (<i>Sorghum bicolor</i>) field as part of an experimental campaign carried out in Barrax, Spain, during the 2010 summer growing season. Performance of the Simplified Two-Source Energy Balance (STSEB) model was evaluated by comparison of estimated ET with values measured on a weighing lysimeter. Errors of ±0.14 mm h<sup>−1</sup> and ±1.0 mm d<sup>−1</sup> were obtained at hourly and daily scales, respectively. Total accumulated crop water use during the campaign was underestimated by 5%. It is then shown that thermal radiometry can provide precise crop water necessities and is a promising tool for irrigation management

    Retos para la docencia en medicina aeroespacial en Colombia

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    La medicina aeroespacial es una especialidad médica de reciente creación de la cual existen pocos programas en el mundo, uno de ellos en Colombia. La incorporación de los egresados de este programa de posgrado al campo laboral aeronáutico no ha sido un proceso fácil, lo cual lleva a revisar si desde la universidad se están generando los profesionales que la sociedad necesita para un campo altamente especializado como el sector aeronáutico. Desde este ensayo se plantea la propuesta de la formación de un profesional integral para la medicina aeroespacial en Colombia y se formulan algunas estrategias que se pueden implementar desde la educación formal en docencia universitaria

    Completeness of uniformly accelerated observers in Galilean spacetimes

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    Acknowledgements The second author is partially supported by Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2020- 116126GB-I00. The rest of the authors are partially supported by Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2021- 126217NB-I00 and Andalusian FEDER 1380930-F. The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable suggestions.Funding Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2020- 116126GB-I00Spanish MICINN Project No. PID2021- 126217NB-I00Andalusian FEDER 1380930-FWe analyze the concept of uniformly accelerated observer in Galilean spacetimes in the context ofNewton–Cartan theory and find natural geometric assumptions to ensure that an inextensible uniformly accelerated observer in a Galilean spacetime does not disappear in a finite proper time

    Robust Federated Learning for execution time-based device model identification under label-flipping attack

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    The computing device deployment explosion experienced in recent years, motivated by the advances of technologies such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) and 5G, has led to a global scenario with increasing cybersecurity risks and threats. Among them, device spoofing and impersonation cyberattacks stand out due to their impact and, usually, low complexity required to be launched. To solve this issue, several solutions have emerged to identify device models and types based on the combination of behavioral fingerprinting and Machine/Deep Learning (ML/DL) techniques. However, these solutions are not appropriate for scenarios where data privacy and protection are a must, as they require data centralization for processing. In this context, newer approaches such as Federated Learning (FL) have not been fully explored yet, especially when malicious clients are present in the scenario setup. The present work analyzes and compares the device model identification performance of a centralized DL model with an FL one while using execution time-based events. For experimental purposes, a dataset containing execution-time features of 55 Raspberry Pis belonging to four different models has been collected and published. Using this dataset, the proposed solution achieved 0.9999 accuracy in both setups, centralized and federated, showing no performance decrease while preserving data privacy. Later, the impact of a label-flipping attack during the federated model training is evaluated using several aggregation mechanisms as countermeasures. Zeno and coordinate-wise median aggregation show the best performance, although their performance greatly degrades when the percentage of fully malicious clients (all training samples poisoned) grows over 50%

    Conservación de la conectividad del paisaje forestal bajo diferentes escenarios de cambio en las cubiertas del suelo

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    Managing forest landscapes to sustain functional connectivity is considered one of the key strategies to counteract the negative effects of climate and human-induced changes in forest species pools. With this objective, we evaluated whether a robust network of forest connecting elements can be identified so that it remains efficient when facing different types of potential land cover changes that may affect forest habitat networks and ecological fluxes. For this purpose we considered changes both in the forested areas and in the non-forest intervening landscape matrix. We combined some of the most recent developments in graph theory with models of land cover permeability and least-cost analysis through the forest landscape. We focused on a case of study covering the habitat of a forestdwelling bird (nuthatch, Sitta europaea) in the region of Galicia (NW Spain). Seven land-use change scenarios were analysed for their effects on connecting forest elements (patches and links): one was the simplest case in which the landscape is represented as a binary forest/non-forest pattern (and where matrix heterogeneity is disregarded), four scenarios in which forest lands were converted to other cover types (to scrubland due to wildfires, to extensive and intensive agriculture, and to urban areas), and two scenarios that only involved changes in the non-forested matrix (renaturalization and intensification). Our results show that while the network of connecting elements for the species was very robust to the conversion of the forest habitat patches to different cover types, the different change scenarios in the landscape matrix could more significantly weaken its long-term validity and effectiveness. This is particularly the case when most of the key connectivity providers for the nuthatch are located outside the protected areas or public forests in Galicia, where biodiversity-friendly measures might be more easily implemented. We discuss how the methodology can be applied to a wide range of forest landscape management situations, where both the conservation of the forest critical areas and an adequate management of the landscape matrix between them are of concern to achieve the sustainability of the ecological flows and ecosystem services at the wider forest landscape scale.La gestión de los bosques para mantener la conectividad ecológica se considera una de las estrategias clave para contrarrestar los efectos negativos provocados por el cambio climático y de los usos del suelo sobre las especies forestales. Con este objetivo, en este estudio evaluamos la posibilidad de identificar una red de elementos conectores forestales que sea robusta y eficiente ante cambios potenciales en las cubiertas del suelo que puedan afectar a las redes landde hábitats forestales y a los flujos ecológicos entre ellos. Para ello, consideramos cambios tanto en las áreas de bosque como en la matriz no arbolada del paisaje. Combinamos algunos desarrollos recientes en teoría de grafos con modelos de permeabilidad del paisaje forestal y análisis de mínimo coste. Centramos nuestro caso de estudio en el hábitat de un ave forestal (trepador azul, Sitta europaea) en Galicia (NO España). Analizamos siete escenarios de cambios de uso del suelo según sus efectos en los elementos conectores (teselas y enlaces): uno (el caso más simple) en el que el paisaje se representó como un patrón binario de bosque/no bosque (sin considerar la heterogeneidad de la matriz), cuatro escenarios en los que las teselas de bosque se transformaron en otros tipos de cubierta del suelo (matorral debido a incendios, agricultura extensiva e intensiva y zonas urbanas), y dos escenarios en los que los cambios se produjeron tan solo en la matriz no arbolada (renaturalización e intensificación). Nuestros resultados muestran que a pesar de que la red de elementos conectores para esta especie fue eficiente frente a la conversión de las teselas de hábitat forestal en diferentes tipos de cubierta, los cambios en la matriz del paisaje podrían debilitar considerablemente su validez y eficacia a largo plazo. Este es especialmente el caso dado que la mayor parte de los elementos conectores clave para el trepador azul están localizados fuera de las zonas protegidas o de los montes de utilidad pública en Galicia, donde las medidas para la conservación de la biodiversidad forestal podrían implementarse con mayor facilidad. Discutimos cómo esta metodología puede aplicarse en un amplio rango de escenarios de gestión del paisaje forestal, en los que tanto la conservación de las teselas de hábitat forestal críticas como un manejo adecuado de la matriz situada entre las mismas son de interés para conseguir la sostenibilidad de los flujos ecológicos y de los servicios de los ecosistemas en las escalas amplias en las que operan dichos procesos

    Numerical sunspot models: Robustness of photospheric velocity and magnetic field structure

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    MHD simulations of sunspots have successfully reproduced many aspects of sunspot fine structure as consequence of magneto convection in inclined magnetic field. We study how global sunspot properties and penumbral fine structure depend on the magnetic top boundary condition as well as on grid spacing. The overall radial extent of the penumbra is subject to the magnetic top boundary condition. All other aspects of sunspot structure and penumbral fine structure are resolved at an acceptable level starting from a grid resolution of 48 [24] km (horizontal [vertical]). We find that the amount of inverse polarity flux and the overall amount of overturning convective motions in the penumbra are robust with regard to both, resolution and boundary conditions. At photospheric levels Evershed flow channels are strongly magnetized. We discuss in detail the relation between velocity and magnetic field structure in the photosphere and point out observational consequences.Comment: 23 pages, 22 figures, 2 movies, accepted for publication in Ap

    Evaluación del comportamiento mecánico de capas bituminosas ultra delgadas como una adecuada estrategia para la rehabilitación de pavimentos urbanos

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    Very Thin Asphalt Overlay (VTAO) has been introduced as an alternative to traditional thick overlays, seal coats, and micro-surfacings. Nonetheless, there are some challenges that still remain regarding the application of VTAOs (such as mixture type, cohesiveness, wear resistance, cracking and durability), particularly in heavy traffic urban areas. Therefore, this paper presents an extensive comparative evaluation of the mechanical performance, durability and safety issues (cohesiveness, adhesiveness, ageing, cracking, plastic deformation, permeability, macrotexture, skid and wear resistance, and fuel resistance) of a VTAO (20 mm thick) and a high performance BBTM 11B (35 mm thick), commonly used as an open-graded mixture for pavement overlays. The results demonstrated that VTAO is an appropriate material for urban pavements as it provides good durability and resistance to the propagation of defects. Nonetheless, further studies are required to improve its behavior under distresses related to plastic deformations and safety properties.Las capas bituminosas ultra delgadas para rehabilitación superficial de carreteras son una alternativa a las tradicionales capas asfálticas, riegos bituminosos y micro-aglomerados. No obstante, aún son numerosos los aspectos a estudiar para la generalización de su uso, particularmente en zonas urbanas con elevado tráfico. Así, este artículo recoge un análisis comparativo del comportamiento mecánico, durabilidad y factores de seguridad (evaluando parámetros como cohesividad, adhevisvidad, envejecimiento, fisuración, deformaciones, permeabilidad, macrotextura, y resistencia al deslizamiento, al desgaste y a los combustibles) entre una capa delgada de 20 mm de espesor, y una mezcla discontinua de altas prestaciones (BBTM-11B con 35 mm), comúnmente utilizada en capas de rodadura. Los resultados indican que puede ser una adecuada solución para pavimentos urbanos dada su durabilidad y resistencia a la propagación de fallos. No obstante, se requieren futuros estudios centrados en la mejora de parámetros de seguridad y de su resistencia a las deformaciones permanentes