13,271 research outputs found

    Self-Efficacy of First-Generation College Students and the Relationship to Academic Performance and College Adjustment

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    The authors examined whether self-efficacy mediated the relationship between generational status and 2 academic outcome indicators of 192 college students. A mediation effect was not found with either academic performance or college adjustment. However, high self-efficacy at the beginning of the year predicted better college adjustment at the end of the 1st year. For college students in general, high self-efficacy was related to better college adjustment. Recommendations for counselors are discussed

    Multiculturalism and Internationalization in Spanish Universities: ¿North-south Socio-cultural Differences?

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    Introduction. Spanish universities are undergoing a process of continuous Europeanization and globalization, translated into a growing interest in studying the development of internationalization and multiculturalism. Objectives: To compare internationalization and multiculturalism in Spanish universities from the north and the south of the country. Methodology: The questionnaire consists of 61 items divided into nine topics. It was implemented in 2014-2015. Results: There were no statistically significant differences in variables on multiculturalism, but some differences regarding internationalization were found, where a higher budget and amount of involved staff in the University of the North versus the ones from the south was observed. Conclusions: All universities met, however, more than 50% of the objectives established on internationalization

    Una indagación sobre el papel de la proficiencia en L3 sobre la influencia transversal en la adquisición de terceras lenguas

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    Abstract: With the rise of multilingualism, studies have proliferated that investigate the interaction of the different languages. The study presented here sets out to examine the role that proficiency plays on the occurrence of a specific interaction, namely interlanguage transfer from a prior non–native language (L2 German) upon another non–native language (L3 English) at the level of syntax in Spanish/ Catalan bilinguals. Data were collected from 80 learners of L3 English who were at different proficiency levels (as indicated by a 30-item cloze test), while data for the analysis of transfer was elicited using a story telling task. Statistical tests revealed significant differences across proficiency levels, i.e. low and pre–intermediate (p= .032), low and intermediate levels (p= .000), and pre–intermediate and intermediate levels (p= .018). Título en español: “Una indagación sobre el papel de la proficiencia en L3 sobre la influencia transversal en la adquisición de terceras lenguas”Resumen: Con el crecimiento del multilingüismo, han proliferado los estudios que investigan la interacción entre diferentes lenguas. El presente estudio se plantea examinar el rol que desempeña la proficiencia en la ocurrencia de un tipo específico de interacción, a saber, transferencia entre interlenguas de una lengua no nativa (L2 Alemán) a otra lengua no nativa (L3 Inglés) a nivel sintáctico en bilingües Castellano/ Catalán. Se recogieron datos de 80 aprendices de L3 Inglés que estaban en diferentes niveles de proficiencia (como indicó un cloze test de 30 ítems), mientras que los datos para el análisis de la transferencia se elicitaron empleando una tarea narrativa. Los tests estadísticos realizados revelaron diferencias significativas entre niveles bajo y pre–intermedio (p= .032), bajo e intermedio (p= .000) y pre–intermedio e intermedio (p= .018).</jats:p

    Earnings Mobility in Times of Growth and Decline: Argentina from 1996 to 2003

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    In recent years, the economy of Argentina has experienced both rapid economic growth and severe economic decline. In this paper, we use a series of one-year long panels to study who gained the most in pesos when the economy grew and who lost the most in pesos when the economy contracted. Various considerations led us to expect that mobility would be divergent—that is, that the individuals who started with the highest initial earnings would enjoy the largest earnings gains in pesos. Contrary to expectations and for a wide range of specifications, mobility is found to be mostly convergent, sometimes neutral, and never divergent. We then demonstrate how generally rising inequality and convergent mobility can be reconciled. Thus, the panel data analysis performed in this paper presents a picture of economic growth that is much more pro-poor than what one gets from cross-sectional inequality comparisons

    Leonor Serrano, educadora i feminista en temps de canvis (1890-1942)

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    Reseña del libro: Leonor Serrano: educadora i feminista en temps de canvis Immaculada Artero Broch, Miquel Ortells Roca Universitat Jaume I, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2015. ISBN 978-84-16356-21-

    Barcelona, 1802. Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Palatina de Parma y su visión artística de la ciudad

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    In the year 1802, Barcelona became the point of encounter of the Spanish and Neapolitan Royal families, wich arrived to attend the marriage of their children. The choice of the city as the promised exchange point meant a great challenge to the Barcelona autho rities at the time, who were forced to deal with a multitude of issues inj order to render the presence of such illustrious guests comfortable and workable. On of the aspects that tad to be dealt wich was an exemplary urban reform at all leves, from the pavement of the streets to problems raletd wich sanitation or the availability of water. The square then called Plaza de Palacio, wich housed the royal families of Spain (in the Royal Palace) and Naples (in the Palacio de la Aduana Nueva) and the Prime Minister Manuel Godoy (in the Casa Lonja) was one of the more drastically remodeled areas. The result not only made the participants proud but it was olsed reflected in the written impressions provided by foreign visitors and chroniclers of the royal trip

    La Corona versus Cataluña: Don Fernando de Austria y las polémicas Cortes de Barcelona de 1632

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    Si el nombramiento de Francisco Gómez de Sandoval, duque de Lerma, inició durante el reinado de Felipe III una línea permanente de favoritos cuyo mérito principal fue su relación personal con el rey, la presencia de Gaspar de Guzmán, conde-duque de Olivares, representó la continuidad natural de la figura del valido bajo el reinado de Felipe IV. Más proclives a otro tipo de actividades que a las grandes responsabilidades que debían afrontar por nacimiento, ambos monarcas tomaron la decisión en su momento de delegar las riendas del país en sus manos..

    La plaça de Palau i el Portal del Mar: un projecte de l'urbanisme neoclàssic

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    Intervención arqueológica de urgencia en la calle Concepción nº 13 de Córdoba. Restos de pintura mural hallados en un edificio altoimperial próximo al foro colonial

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    In this archaelogical action it has to be emphasized the discovery in situ of some roman wal coverings decorated with paintings. The preserved paintings imitate the marble walls of luxurious houses, fitting into the "First pompeian style", where architectural simulation is reduced to representation of a building of the high imperial period, and it's situated nearby the Porta Principal Sinistra (The main left gate) in the west side of the roman wal, nowadays known as Puerta de Gallegos.De esta actuación arqueológica cabe destacar el descubrimiento in situ de unos paramentos romanos con decoración parietal pintada. Estas pinturas imitan las paredes marmóreas de lujosas casas, encuadrándose en el "Primer estilo pompeyano" donde la simulación arquitectónica se reduce a representar altos zócalos. Los paramentos decoraban las estancias de un edificio de cronología alto-imperial, ubicado en las inmediaciones de la Porta Principal Sinistra en el lienzo oeste de la muralla romana, actual Puerta de Gallegos