3,220 research outputs found
Alumnado con Trastorno Mental Grave: análisis de la atención educativa recibida en la Comunidad de Madrid
Los alumnos con Trastorno Mental Grave (TMG) conforman un grupo poblacional
heterogéneo, pero con características similares tanto desde el impacto que la enfermedad tiene sobre su
recorrido académico como de la atención educativa que deberían recibir. En este sentido entendemos que
es importante cuestionar el tipo de intervención educativa que se realiza con esta población en el ámbito
de la Comunidad de Madrid, ya que cuando el menor tiene un TMG las dificultades para mantener en
condiciones óptimas sus estudios son mayores. Esto se debe a que la atención terapéutica intensiva que
tienen que recibir junto a la sintomatología propia del trastorno mental dificultan enormemente su
permanencia y asistencia al centro educativo. El objetivo que nos planteamos para esta investigación es
analizar la atención educativa que recibe el alumnado con TMG en la Comunidad de Madrid, focalizando
la atención en las prácticas pedagógicas que se utilizan y en el papel del profesorado como agente
fundamental de la intervención educativa. Para ello nos hemos servido de entrevistas en profundidad y
cuestionario de actitudes para indagar en nuestro tema de investigación a través de la visión especializada
de los profesores y profesoras que realizan su práctica docente en los Centros Educativos Terapéuticos de
la Comunidad de Madrid. Los resultados que obtenemos cuestionan la atención educativa que recibe el
alumnado con TMG y hablan de la falta de recursos humanos y de la falta de formación específica del
profesorado. Por otro lado encontramos significación estadística (p 0,02<0,05) entre la puesta en marcha
de prácticas educativas inclusivas y el rol del profesor
La dimensión comunitaria como factor de prevención del abandono escolar
El objetivo del estudio se ha orientado hacia la identificación de los factores de riesgo que generan el abandono escolar de los jóvenes desde una perspectiva comunitaria. Hemos profundizado en el epicentro escolar y su tejido en la comunidad, como instrumento para abordar y superar dichos factores. La finalidad del estudio ha sido descubrir las condiciones que favorecen la retención de éstos jóvenes en los centros escolares. Desde un metodología etnográfica se han analizado un total de 38 entrevistas a jóvenes en la etapa educativa de educación secundaria obligatoria (17 entrevistas sobre la trayectoria académica para el acceso a los estudios, 14 entrevistas sobre permanencia en referencia a las dificultades de estudio, y 7 entrevistas sobre el egreso y las expectativas futuras) y el análisis de documentos pertinentes para evaluar la problemática del abandono escolar temprano desde una dimensión comunitaria. Los resultados sugieren, que la existencia de bajas expectativas educativas, la falta de medidas de apoyo y la orientación escolar, sean abordadas conjuntamente entre centros educativos y organizaciones educativas de la comunidad, como estrategia para reducir el abandono. La reciprocidad de los jóvenes de bajas expectativas con una organización educativa de base comunitaria, supone un apoyo imprescindible para contribuir hacia el egreso y la formación.The aim of this survey has been directed towards identifying risk factors that generate youth dropouts from a community perspective. We have analysed in depth the fabric and role of the school in the community as an instrument to address and overcome these factors. The purpose of this research was to discover the conditions that favour the retention of young people at school. From an ethnographic methodology we have analysed a total of 38 interviews with young people at the stage of compulsory secondary education (17 interviews on the academic path to educational access, 14 interviews on continuity with reference to educational difficulties, and 7 interviews on graduation and future expectations) and reviewed relevant documents to assess the problem of early school leavers from a community dimension. In this regard we have identified the risk factors that place these young people outside the compulsory education system and prevent them from staying in the system. The results suggest that the existence of low educational expectations, the lack of mechanisms of support and scholastic guidance need to be tackled jointly by educational centres and community educational organisations as a strategy in order to reduce dropouts. The feedback of young people with low expectations with a community-based educational organization is an essential support to contribute to egress and training
Las competencias profesionales del tutor virtual ante las tecnologías emergentes de la sociedad del conocimiento
La investigación que presentamos tiene el objetivo de analizar las competencias profesionales del tutor virtual necesarias para desenvolverse con las tecnologías emergentes en espacios de formación on-line. La metodología de investigación de carácter descriptivo desarrollada con un cuestionario en formato digital recoge las habilidades y destrezas que se esperan de este grupo profesional. Entre los resultados destaca la necesidad de planificación formativa que capacite al tutor en el manejo y aprovechamiento didáctico de las mismas.
Educational processes in Early Childhood Education through graphic design and writing
This research shows how developing handstroke and writing through experiential movement facilitates learning and improves motor skills, spatial awareness, the trajectory of the stroke and the execution of handwriting. The sample for this study is made up of 113 early years children (most of them 5 years old) from 5 different public schools and socio-cultural backgrounds. The evaluation techniques used consisted of a test to measure the subjects’ writing level and a questionnaire for their teachers. The results show that students become more familiarised with the intricacies of western handwriting through experienced movement and creative learning. Among the conclusions we emphasize that educating the graphic gesture from the motive movement is a powerful alternative in Infantile Education because it facilitates the resolution of the learning problem of the layout and the writing; The results show that being a way to teach more playful, dynamic and creative than the traditional system and being the protagonist child, he assumes it as his own. In this way, help and positive assessment is promoted for the acquisition of skills that lead to learning to learn
Uncoupled phytoplanktonbacterioplankton relationship by multiple drivers interacting at diferent temporal scales in a highmountain Mediterranean lake
Global-change stressors act under diferent timing, implying complexity and uncertainty in the
study of interactive efects of multiple factors on planktonic communities. We manipulated three
types of stressors acting in diferent time frames in an in situ experiment: ultraviolet radiation (UVR);
phosphorus (P) concentration; temperature (T) in an oligotrophic Mediterranean high-mountain lake.
The aim was to examine how the sensitivity of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton to UVR and their
trophic relationship change under nutrient acclimation and abrupt temperature shifts. Phytoplankton
and bacteria showed a common pattern of metabolic response to UVR× P addition interaction, with an
increase in their production rates, although evidencing an inhibitory UVR efect on primary production
(PP) but stimulatory on bacterial production (HBP). An abrupt T shift in plankton acclimated to UVR and
P addition decreased the values of PP, evidencing an inhibitory UVR efect, whereas warming increased
HBP and eliminated the UVR efect. The weakening of commensalistic and predatory relationship
between phyto- and bacterioplankton under all experimental conditions denotes the negative efects
of present and future global-change conditions on planktonic food webs towards impairing C fux within
the microbial loop
Trastorno de la personalidad: un desafío en la relación médico-paciente
ResumenEl paciente con trastorno de la personalidad límite o con trastornos afectivos suele obstaculizar la relación médico-paciente debido a sus conflictos emocionales. Es importante que el médico familiar reconozca de manera oportuna dichos trastornos y desarrolle habilidades tanto para la comunicación como para la empatía; con el propósito de favorecer una adecuada relación médico-paciente y referir oportunamente al enfermo a un servicio de atención especializado. De este modo se podrán prevenir la cronicidad, la iatrogenia y la estigmatización del paciente, así como la frustración e impotencia del equipo médico.SummaryPatients with limit personality disorder or affective disorders often hinder the doctor-patient relationship due to their emotional conflicts. It is important that the Family Physician recognized in a timely manner such disorders and develop skills for communication and empathy; in order to promote a proper doctor-patient relationship and promptly refer the patient to a specialist. Thus this will prevent chronicity, iatrogenic and stigmatization of the patient, as well as frustration and a sense of helplessness of the medical team
Estratégias para o trabalho colaborativo: revisitando o uso de fóruns on-line na educação a distância
Como os fóruns on-line podem ser espaços estratégicos para o desenvolvimento de habilidades colaborativas para aprendizagem? O presente estudo partiu deste questionamento
e focalizou a interação de estudantes portugueses e espanhóis em fóruns on-line de discussão em duas disciplinas da área da Educação ofertadas pela Universidade Aberta (UAb) de Portugal e pela Universidade Nacional de Educação a Distância (UNED) da Espanha. Os
dados interacionais foram coletados e analisados qualitativamente em função de diferentes estratégias didáticas desenvolvidas pelos docentes. Os resultados revelaram distintas
abordagens estratégicas que podem ser utilizadas em fóruns on-line como, por exemplo,
a diversificação dos tipos de questões propostas e as atividades solicitadas, envolvendo
diversos formatos de interação e participação nesses espaços de aprendizagem.How can online forums be strategic spaces for the development of collaborative learning skills? The present study started from this questioning and focused on the interaction of Portuguese and Spanish students in online discussion forums in subjects related to
Education and offered by the Open University (UAb) of Portugal and the National University
of Distance Education (UNED) of Spain. Interaction data were collected and analyzed qualitatively in function of different didactic strategies developed by the teachers. The results
revealed different strategic approaches that can be used in online forums such as the diversification of the types of questions proposed and the activities requested, involving several
formats of interaction and participation in these learning spaces.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Analysis of primary language competition through ICT
Este artículo muestra el uso de las TIC para la mejora de la competencia lingüística de los
estudiantes de Educación Primaria. Desde un diseño cuasi-experimental, la muestra conformada por 34
estudiantes de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria de diferentes centros educativos en la comunidad
andaluza, se ha dividido en dos grupos, grupo de control y grupo experimental, con la medición de la
variable competencia lingüística a través de un cuestionario pretest-postest (? = ,821). A través del
análisis estadístico para muestras independientes T de Student, los resultados muestran diferencias
significativas en la variable de competencia lingüística (t=2,506; p=0.017) obteniendo un mayor valor en
el grupo experimental. En conclusión, se mejora la competencia lingüística con las TIC en las rutinas
aprendizaje.This article shows the use of ICTs for the improvement of Primary Education students' linguistic
competence. From a quasi-experimental design, the sample made up of 34 students of the third cycle of
Primary Education from different educational centers in the Andalusian community, has been divided into
two groups, the control group and the experimental group, with the measurement of the linguistic competence
variable through a pretest-postest questionnaire (? =, 821). Through statistical analysis for independent
Student's T samples, the results showed significant differences in the linguistic competence variable (t =
2.506; p = 0.017), obtaining a higher score in the experimental group. In conclusion, the linguistic
competence improves when the ICT is applied in learning routines
Rediscovery of the Moratalla amber (Murcia, Spain): a Cretaceous outcrop in the southernmost end of the peninsular amber strip
This study is a contribution of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project CGL2011-23948/BTE
Psychosocial Factors Linked to Severe Mental Disorders in a Convenience Sample of Teenage Students
Students with severe mental disorders (SMDs) are a vulnerable population with higher risks of early school dropout than the general population. Our aim has been to define psychosocial factors of students aged 12–18 years who have been diagnosed with severe mental disorders. So, we have defined the psychosocial factors of a group of students aged 12 to 18 years who have been diagnosed with a SMD. We have made the selection of the sample through an intentional nonprobability sampling. One hundred and nine cases of students were analyzed. We have analyzed the evolution of the student throughout their academic history until the moment in which they are hospitalized in serious condition by means of an exploratory factor analysis, with the application of the KMO sample adequacy of 0.776 and the significance of Bartlett’s test of sphericity p < .001, we have obtained a high correlation between the variables. The factors obtained are study limitations, symptomatology representation, study facilitators, other limitations. The results show that it is necessary to take into account the conditions that prevent them from permanence, inclusion, coexistence, and educational achievement. Likewise, symptomatic expression and family support are key elements in improving the educational process of pupils with SMD. These factors allow us to infer pedagogical practices that are more appropriate to their needs
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