1,091 research outputs found

    O acesso à Internet para pessoas com capacidades limitadas nos municípios espanhóis

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    Este artículo analiza el grado de accesibilidad de las web de la administración local española para las personas con capacidades reducidas, en el contexto de la Ley de Transparencia de 2013. Se presentan 16 indicadores que permiten medir el acceso a la información por parte de usuarios con limitaciones sociodemográficas o discapacidades físicas, los que se aplicaron a las web de los 62 ayuntamientos españoles con más de 100.000 habitantes. Los resultados muestran que la administración local española no permite el empoderamiento digital de estos ciudadanos, dificultando su derecho de acceso a la información y la rendición de cuentas.This article analyzes the degree of accessibility of the websites of the Spanish local administration for people with disabilities in the context of the Transparency Law of 2013. We present 16 indicators that measure the access to information by users with sociodemographic limitations or physical disabilities, which were applied to the websites of the 62 Spanish municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The results show that the Spanish local administration does not fully allow the digital empowerment of these citizens, hindering their right of access to information and accountability.Este artigo analisa o grau de acessibilidade de pessoas com capacidades reduzidas aos sites da administração local espanhola no contexto da Lei de Transparência de 2013. Existem 16 indicadores que medem o acesso à informação por usuários com limitações sociodemográficas ou deficiências físicas. Os indicadores são aplicados aos sites dos 62 municípios espanhóis com mais de 100 mil habitantes. Os resultados mostram que a administração local espanhola não permite o empoderamento digital desses cidadãos, impedindo seu direito de acesso à informação e à prestação de contas.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España CSO2015-64568-REuropean Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)European Union (UE

    ¿Solamente platos? Cerámicas de barniz rojo en el depósito ibérico del Zacatín (Granada)

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    Se presenta un conjunto homogéneo de platos de barniz rojo indígena con un perfil muy particular y sin paralelos conocidos por el momento. Dicho conjunto formaba parte del depósito ritual hallado en la granadina calle del Zacatín, una fosa junto al río Darro que se rellenó con los resultantes de un festín sagrado posiblemente en relación con el propio río. En este trabajo planteamos que estos platos fueron fabricados ex profeso para el ritual que tuvo lugar fuera de las murallas de Iliberri en torno al 370 a.C

    Las cerámicas griegas áticas de figuras rojas de Zacatín (Granada, España)

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    In the city of Granada (Spain), during a rescue excavation at the foot of the Iberian oppidum of Iliberri, calle Zacatín, 5000 pottery sherds were uncovered in a pit (mainly Greek fragments but Iberian too), and also small items of Greek glassware. The precise context and function are still obscure. Greek pottery is composed of Attic vessels (2000 fragments) having homogeneous formal and iconographic features, stemless cups especially, some cups (scarcely found in the Iberian Peninsula outside Ampurias), and skyphoi, dated to the second quarter of the 4th century BC, and which can be assigned to the Vienna 116 Painter; some other pieces belong to the Group FB et to the Meleager Painter. This exceptional set —by its homogeneity and the amount of sherds— will allow to examine in depth the questions of the Athenian pottery workshops structuring and organisation, and also of transport modalities.A los pies del oppidum ibérico de Iliberri en la ciudad de Granada, una excavación de urgencia en la calle Zacatín ha permitido desvelar una fosa, en cuyo interior fueron exhumados entre diversos objetos, 5000 fragmentos de cerámica (mayoritariamente griega, aunque también ibérica), así como recipientes de vidrio de origen griego. No obstante, su contexto preciso y su función están todavía por determinar. El material cerámico griego está compuesto por vasos áticos (2000 fragmentos) y presenta un carácter formal et iconográfico muy homogéneo. Nos encontramos mayoritariamente frente a copas de pie bajo, escasas copas con pie alto (forma poco abundante en la península Ibérica a la excepción de Ampurias) y de escifoi. Este conjunto podría ser datado hacia el segundo cuarto del siglo IV a. C., siendo principalmente atribuible al pintor de Viena 116, así como ciertas piezas al Grupo FB o al pintor de Meleagro. De naturaleza excepcional, por su volumen y homogeneidad, este hallazgo permite y permitirá ahondar en las cuestiones de estructuración y de organización de los talleres de cerámica de Atenas, así como sobre las modalidades de su transporte

    Cuantificación en cerámica, ¿ejercicio especulativo o ejercicio hipotético? Las cerámicas ibéricas y púnicas en la Iliberri del siglo IV a.C. procedentes del depósito de la calle Zacatín (Granada)

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    Digging in 1999 fossa filled in with an archaeological material from the first half of 4th century BC was found; this would be a mean advance to knowledge about Iberic oppidum of Iliberri because of the enlarge of periurban space until the landscape throunght the close relationship between the city and the idea of Darro river. In this paper we show the Iberic and Punic pottery from this context, with a very interesting contributions to quantifying and classification pottery systems in protohistorical archaeology.La excavación en 1999 de una fosa rellena con abundante material datado en la primera mitad del siglo IV a.C. supone un importante avance en el conocimiento de la arqueología ibérica en el oppidum de Iliberri, pues amplia el ámbito periurbano a la relación tan estrecha que mantiene la ciudad con su territorio a través de la imagen del rio Darro. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio del material ibérico y púnico procedente de ese contexto, con interesantes aportaciones acerca de los sistemas de clasificación y cuantificación cerámica en arqueología protohistórica

    A study of Burnout in students of the University of Granada: the modulating effect of variables of emotional intelligence and course classifications

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    Recepción: 20 de mayo de 2016 | Revisión: 21 de mayo de 2016 | Aceptado: 30 de mayo de 2016Correspondencia: [email protected] siguiente artículo se ha realizado con la finalidad de estudiar la relación entre el Síndrome de Burnout y la Inteligencia Emocional en población universitaria en función de su curso académico. Se le aplicó a una muestra de 70 sujetos universitarios estudiantes de grado o máster escogidos aleatoriamente los cuestionarios SBI-U-9 en versión española y el TMMS24 para medir respectivamente el Síndrome de Burnout y la Inteligencia Emocional. Una vez realizado el análisis estadístico, se pudo comprobar que las expectativas se cumplían en cuanto a la relación existente entre Burnout y curso, pero no en cuanto a la relación entre Burnout e Inteligencia Emocional.The aim of this article is to investigate the relation between Burnout Syndrome and Emotional Intelligence in University students, in connection to their academic year. A sample of 70 randomly selected subjects, currently studying a Master's or Bachelor's degree, were asked to complete two questionnaires, the Spanish version of the SBI-U-9 and the TMMS24, in order to evaluate Burnout Syndrome and Emotional Intelligence, respectively. It can be stated that the results of the statistical analysis correlated with the initial hypothesis as far as the relation that exists between Burnout Syndrome and academic year, but not with regards to the relationship between Burnout and Emotional Intelligence.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Multitemporal monitoring of plant area index in the Valencia Rice District with PocketLAI

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is a key biophysical parameter used to determine foliage cover and crop growth in environmental studies in order to assess crop yield. Frequently, plant canopy analyzers (LAI-2000) and digital cameras for hemispherical photography (DHP) are used for indirect effective plant area index (PAIeff ) estimates. Nevertheless, these instruments are expensive and have the disadvantages of low portability and maintenance. Recently, a smartphone app called PocketLAI was presented and tested for acquiring PAIeff measurements. It was used during an entire rice season for indirect PAIeff estimations and for deriving reference high-resolution PAIeff maps. Ground PAIeff values acquired with PocketLAI, LAI-2000, and DHP were well correlated (R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 0.21 m2/m2 for Licor-2000, and R2 = 0.94, RMSE = 0.6 m2/m2 for DHP). Complementary data such as phenology and leaf chlorophyll content were acquired to complement seasonal rice plant information provided by PAIeff. High-resolution PAIeff maps, which can be used for the validation of remote sensing products, have been derived using a global transfer function (TF) made of several measuring dates and their associated satellite radiances

    Proyecto Utica. Excavaciones en la ciudad fenicio-púnica. Campaña de 2015

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    La campaña de 2015 en Utica ha tenido objetivos limitados pero resultados interesantes. Se finalizó el pozo 20017 del corte 20, confirmando su carácter de hallazgo cerrado del siglo ix a. C. En el corte 21 se amplió la superficie de excavación en el edificio anejo al pozo, localizando estratos y estructuras de adobe fenicias que confirman un uso posterior a la clausura del pozo. En el corte 10 se profundizó en el sector 14 para datar fases constructivas localizadas en campañas anteriores y se documentaron construcciones del siglo vii a. C. En el corte 11 se efectuaron ampliaciones en el área monumental y se descubrió una estancia con muros de sillares paralela a la gran escalera romana, así como estructuras medievales adosadas a estructuras fenicias del Edificio B, cuyo propósito fue la instalación de una noria. En los cortes 10 y 11 los trabajos se interrumpieron al alcanzarse el nivel freático.The campaign of 2015 in Utica has had limited aims but interesting results. The excavation of the well 20017 in the square 20 was concluded, confirming its character of closed finding of the 9th century B.C. In the square 21 the surface of excavation was extended into the attached building to the well, locating Phoenician strata and structures of mudbrick that confirm its later use to the closing of the well. In the square 10, sector 14 was deepened to date constructive phases located in previous campaigns. Construction remains of the 7th B.C. century were documented too. In the square 11 were executed some extensions in the monumental area, discovering a room with walls of regular stones oriented with the big Roman stairs, as well as medieval structures attached to Phoenician structures of the Building B, which intention was the installation of a waterwheell. In squares 10 and 11 the works were interrupted after reaching to the groundwater level

    Suicidal ideation and history of suicide attempts in treatment-seeking patients with gambling disorder: The role of emotion dysregulation and high trait impulsivity

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    Background and aims: Gambling disorder (GD) presents high rates of suicidality. The combined influences of emotion dysregulation and trait impulsivity are crucially important (albeit understudied) for developing strategies to treat GD and prevent suicide attempts. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between trait impulsivity, emotion dysregulation, and the dispositional use of emotion regulation (ER) strategies with suicidal ideation and psychopathological symptom severity in GD. Methods: The sample composed of 249 patients with GD (166 with suicidal ideation) who underwent face-to-face clinical interviews and completed questionnaires to assess psychopathological symptoms, impulsive traits, and ER. Results: Patients with GD who presented suicidal ideation were older and had a later age of GD onset and higher GD severity. Analyses of variance showed higher comorbid symptoms, emotion dysregulation, and trait impulsivity in patients with suicidal ideation. Still, no significant differences were found in the use of ER strategies. SEM analysis revealed that a worse psychopathological state directly predicted suicidal ideation and that both emotion dysregulation and GD severity indirectly increased the risk of suicidal ideation through this state. High trait impulsivity predicted GD severity. Finally, a history of suicide attempts was directly predicted by suicidal ideation. Conclusions: Patients with GD are at risk of presenting suicidal behaviors. The results of this study revealed the importance of comorbid psychopathology in the occurrence of suicidal ideation and the indirect effect of trait impulsivity and emotion dysregulation on suicidality. Thus, suicidal rates in GD could possibly be reduced by specifically targeting these domains during treatment

    Effect of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and chitosan coatings with and without bergamot essential oil on quality and safety of cold-stored grapes

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    [EN] Biodegradable coatings based on hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) or chitosan (CH) with and without bergamot essential oil were applied to table grapes, cv. Muscatel, in order to find environmentally friendly, healthy treatments with which to better preserve fresh fruit quality and safety during postharvest cold storage. Physicochemical properties (weight loss, °Brix, total phenols, antioxidant activity, colour and texture), respiration rates and microbial counts of samples were determined throughout cold storage. The coatings had a significant effect on the development of quality variables, with the additional effect of essential oil addition as a function of the polysaccharide matrix being especially notable. Although incorporation of essential oil resulted in smaller weight losses and a greater antimicrobial effect, it also led to browner samples when using CH. Chitosan coatings containing bergamot oil were more effective than pure CH and HPMC coatings at inhibiting respiration rates. All the coatings improved the mechanical resistance of the samples at the end of storage. The most recommended coating for Muscatel table grapes is CH containing bergamot oil since, despite only contributing slightly to the sample colour, this showed the highest antimicrobial activity and the greatest control of respiration rates with a reasonably good control of water loss during storage. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Project AGL2007-65503).Sánchez González, L.; Pastor Navarro, C.; Vargas, M.; Chiralt, A.; González Martínez, MC.; Cháfer Nácher, MT. (2011). Effect of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and chitosan coatings with and without bergamot essential oil on quality and safety of cold-stored grapes. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 60(1):57-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2010.11.004S576360