115 research outputs found

    La neurociència aplicada al màrqueting en el mercat espanyol

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    El neuromàrqueting és una disciplina recent que uneix les tècniques i els mètodes de la neurociència amb els coneixements del màrqueting i de la comunicació. Aquesta nova àrea de coneixement ha creat diverses línies de recerca en diverses universitats espanyoles i ha estat implantada de manera paral·lela en el sector professional de la comunicació, la publicitat i el màrqueting. A partir de l'estudi del neuromàrqueting en els àmbits de la recerca i del sector professional a Espanya, podem confirmar l'elevat interès existent cap aquesta disciplina, tot i l'escassa producció científica amb publicacions de prestigi internacional.El neuromarketing es una disciplina reciente que aúna las técnicas y los métodos de la neurociencia con los conocimientos del marketing y de la comunicación. Esta nueva área de conocimiento ha creado varias líneas de investigación en diversas universidades españolas y ha sido implantada de manera paralela en el sector profesional de la comunicación, la publicidad y el marketing. A partir del estudio del neuromarketing en los ámbitos de la investigación y del sector profesional en España, podemos confirmar el elevado interés existente hacia esta disciplina, pese a la escasa producción científica con publicaciones de prestigio internacional

    Manejo y uso de Cnidoscolus spp. en el Totonacapan, Puebla y Mixteca Baja, Oaxaca

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    The ethnobotanical study of two species of Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae) is discussed; C. rostratus and C. multilobus, both of which are considered to be of anthropocentric importance in the communities involved in this study: Acaquizapan, Oaxaca, and Ecatlán, Puebla, respectively. The aim of this study was to establish the first qualitative-quantitative approach related to the documentation of its use. Considering a sample of 47 informants from Ecatlán and 90 from Acaquizapan, and employing participatory research and ethnobotanical indices, interviews that included 14 variables were conducted. Regarding the degree of management, C. rostratus in the wild, was observed to be tolerated and promoted, being used as food (seeds), medicine (branches and leaves) and live fence; obtaining a value of use of 3, value of importance of use 0.92 and cultural significance 34.5. C. multilobus, “mala mujer” (bad woman), appeared to be subject to a degree of wild management and toleration, the flowers are consumed as quelites, the leaves have medicinal use and as a domestic tool; a value of use of 3, value of importance of use 0.234 and cultural significance 5. This information is considered to be important for expanding the use and conservation of its genetic diversity, as well as in terms of the culture involved, in addition to representing a potential source of economic income for the residents.Se aborda el estudio etnobotánico de dos especies de Cnidoscolus (Euphorbiaceae); C. rostratus y C. multilobus siendo ambas consideradas de importancia antropocéntrica en las comunidades involucradas en el presente trabajo: Acaquizapan, Oaxaca y Ecatlán, Puebla, respectivamente. El objetivo del presente estudio fue establecer la primera aproximación documental cuali-cuantitativa relacionada con su aprovechamiento. Considerando una muestra de 47 informantes de Ecatlán y 90 de Acaquizapan. Mediante investigación participativa y la utilización de índices etnobotánicos, se hicieron entrevistas incluyendo 14 variables. Con relación a el grado de manejo, C. rostratus, se registró en forma silvestre, tolerada y fomentada, usándose como alimento (semillas), medicina (ramas y hojas) y cerco vivo; obtuvó un valor de uso de 3, valor de importancia de uso 0.92 y significancia cultural 34.5. C. multilobus, ‘mala mujer’, con grado de manejo silvestre y tolerada, las flores se consumen como quelite, las hojas tienen uso medicinal y como utensilio doméstico; valor de uso de 3, valor de importancia de uso 0.234 y significancia cultural 5. Se considera que esta información es importante para ampliar el uso y conservación de su diversidad genética, así como de la cultura involucrada, además de representar fuente potencial de ingreso económico para los pobladores

    División proporcional con múltiples referencias. Aplicación al caso de agregación y actualización de probabilidades

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    En este trabajo se considera una extensión de los problemas clásicos de reparto en los que las referencias relevantes de cada agente están expresadas por un vector, es decir, problemas de división con múltiples referencias. Nuestro propósito es definir una regla que, permitiendo que se reduzca el número de agentes, se comporte como una regla de división no manipulable y satisfaga algunas propiedades deseables en este tipo de problemas. Como aplicación se analizan los problemas de agregación y actualización de probabilidades.In this paper, we consider an extension of classic division problems in which the relevant references of each agent are represented by a vector, that is, division problems with multiple references. We define a non-manipulable division rule satisfying some desirable properties in the class of multi-issue allocation problems. As an application we analyze the probability aggregation problem and the probability updating problem.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología SEJ2007-62711Consejería de Innovación de la Junta de Andalucía P06-SEJ-0180

    Situation of neuromarketing in Spain

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    Neuromarketing has existed for just over a decade, and its theoretical framework, techniques and research methods have been defined during these years. The absence of legislation regulating neuromarketing experiments and the secrecy of the private sector due to its client agreements, it is difficult to know how brands use this discipline. Currently, the scientific sector in Spain has great interest in neuromarketing. Sixteen of Spain’s 75 universities (21%) have a research group, institute or center that studies neuromarketing, but this activity has had little international impact. Meanwhile, a fifth of the Spanish professional commercial sector shows real interest in neuromarketing, either having a separate department dedicated to it or offering this service to others. Ethics, traditionally presented as an impediment to the development of neuromarketing, should not pose a problem for the development of this field of knowledge

    Situación del neuromarketing en España

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    El neuromarketing existe desde hace poco más de una década, y está despertando el interés de la investigación científica. En estos años se ha definido el marco teórico, las técnicas y los métodos de investigación. La ausencia de una legislación que regule cualquier experimento en neuromarketing y el hermetismo del sector privado debido a sus clientes hace difícil conocer el uso de esta disciplina por las marcas. 16 de los 75 centros universitarios españoles realizan investigación en neuromarketing, pero no tiene repercusión en los índices de impacto internacionales. Por su parte, una quinta parte del sector publicitario profesional español muestra interés real en neuromarketing, bien teniendo un departamento propio dedicado al mismo, o bien ofreciendo los servicios pertinentes. La ética, presentada tradicionalmente como un impedimento para el desarrollo del neuromarketing, no debe suponer un problema para la evolución de este campo de conocimiento.Neuromarketing has existed for just over a decade, and its theoretical framework, techniques and research methods have been defined during these years. The absence of legislation regulating neuromarketing experiments and the secrecy of the private sector due to its client agreements, it is difficult to know how brands use this discipline. Currently, the scientific sector in Spain has great interest in neuromarketing. Sixteen of Spain's 75 universities (21%) have a research group, institute or center that studies neuromarketing, but this activity has had little international impact. Meanwhile, a fifth of the Spanish professional commercial sector shows real interest in neuromarketing, either having a separate department dedicated to it or offering this service to others. Ethics, traditionally presented as an impediment to the development of neuromarketing, should not pose a problem for the development of this field of knowledge

    Impact of Fish, Mollusk and Seafood Consumption before Sample Donation on Urinary and Toenail Metal Levels in Workers Exposed to Heavy Metals

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    Introduction: We assessed the impact on metal levels of seafood, mollusk and fish consumption (SMFc) before urine and toenail sample donation among workers exposed to metals. Methods: This is a cross-sectional epidemiological study with 101 workers from the chemical and metal industry and 40 unexposed workers from the services sector. We measured urinary (As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Li, Mo, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, W and Zn) and toenail (same plus Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni and U) metal levels. Results: Urinary arsenic levels were higher among workers eating seafood or mollusks (102 ppm vs. 55.4 ppm; p = 0.042) or fish (109 ppm vs. 48 ppm; p = 0.007) 8 h before sample donation. Urinary mercury was associated with consumption of blue fish (11.865 ppm) and canned sardines (19.125 ppm) (p = 0.028). With respect to toenails, fish consumption was associated with aluminum (17 ppm vs. 8.6 ppm; p = 0.012) and beryllium (5 ppb vs. 1 ppb; p = 0.017). Arsenic urinary levels were associated with numbers of hours prior to sample collection since latest SMFc (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Among workers exposed to metals, seafood, mollusk and fish consumption is an important determinant of urinary arsenic levels, as sea fish for urinary mercury, but not for other metals.This research received external funding from the Spanish Government (Ministry of Human Health) Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI05-2511

    A Qualitative Study of the Cognitive Rehabilitation Program GRADIOR for People with Cognitive Impairment: Outcomes of the Focus Group Methodology

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    [EN]In recent years, technology has been implemented in the field of interventions for older adults. GRADIOR 4.5 is a cognitive software within the wide variety of available multimedia programs that support healthcare professionals in cognitive assessment and neuropsychological rehabilitation. The study aimed to evaluate the new version of GRADIOR (v4.5) based on the experience of people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), people with dementia (PWD), and healthcare professionals. A qualitative study using the focus group methodology was carried out involving 13 people with MCI, 13 PWD, and 11 healthcare professionals. An analysis of the content and the level of feedback was performed. The study showed that GRADIOR 4.5 might be sufficiently adapted to PWD and people with MCI. Participants were motivated to use GRADIOR 4.5, showed high acceptability of the software, and a positive attitude towards technology. However, healthcare professionals suggested significant improvements to the software. GRADIOR 4.5 appeared to be a promising intervention that, because of its positive experience and acceptability, could be systematically implemented to complement cognitive rehabilitation interventions for older adults with MCI and dementia. Finally, it is advisable to consider the suggestions gathered in this study for future developments

    Classification of strengthening exercises of the lower member posterior chain, based on the amplitude of muscular activation in amateur soccer players between 18-25 years

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    The hamstring injuries are recurrent in the sports disciplines of teams such as football, with rehabilitation being a key point to prevent future alterations. Within this process, the strengthening paradigms are rather empirical, therefore, criteria based on the exercises used are required. In this context, the objective of the present investigation is to classify the strengthening exercises of the posterior lower limb chain, based on the amplitude of muscular activation, in amateur soccer players of the Andrés Bello University (UNAB), for which a non-experimental, descriptive, cross-sectional design. The study population was 30 university students, who were studying from first to fifth year, during the academic period 2017. The participants were summoned to the Laboratory of Rehabilitation Sciences, where after signing the informed consent they had to perform a phase of heating on a cycle ergometer, then the MCIV (maximum voluntary isometric contraction) of the semimembranous, semitendinous, biceps femoral and gluteus maximus muscles was calculated, finally applying a battery of strengthening exercises, which were classified according to the intensity of muscle activation. In relation to this, it was obtained that 8 of the 13 exercises implemented were classified as low intensity (p <0.05), 3 of medium intensity (p <0.05) and 2 of high intensity (p <0.05), while the peak of amplitude of the semimembranous, semitendinous and biceps femoral muscles moved to the right in temporal terms, to the extent that the exercises classified as low, medium and high intensity are compared.Las lesiones de isquiotibiales son recurrentes en disciplinas deportivas de equipos como el fútbol, siendo la rehabilitación un punto clave para prevenir alteraciones futuras. Dentro de este proceso, los paradigmas de fortalecimiento son más bien empíricos, por lo tanto, criterios fundamentados en torno a los ejercicios utilizados son requeridos. Bajo este contexto, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue clasificar los ejercicios de fortalecimiento de la cadena posterior de miembro inferior, en base a la amplitud de activación muscular, en futbolistas amateur de la Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), para lo cual se utilizó un diseño no experimental de tipo descriptivo y de corte transversal. La población de estudio, fueron 30 estudiantes universitarios, que estaban cursando de primero a quinto año, durante el periodo académico 2017. Los participantes fueron citados al Laboratorio de Ciencias de Rehabilitación de la UNAB, en donde luego de firmar el consentimiento informado debieron realizar una fase de calentamiento en cicloergómetro, posteriormente se calculó la MCIV (Máxima contracción isométrica voluntaria) de los músculos semimembranoso, semitendinoso, bíceps femoral y glúteo mayor, para finalmente aplicar una batería de ejercicios de fortalecimientos, los cuales fueron clasificados según la intensidad de activación muscular. En relación con esto, se obtuvo que 8 de los 13 ejercicios implementados fueron clasificados de baja intensidad (p<0.05), 3 de mediana intensidad (p<0.05) y 2 de alta intensidad (p<0.05), mientras que el peak de amplitud de los músculos semimembranoso, semitendinoso y bíceps femoral se desplazó a la derecha en términos temporales, en la medida que se comparan los ejercicios clasificados como de baja, media y alta intensidad

    Rice and bean AHL-mimic quorum-sensing signals specifically interfere with the capacity to form biofilms by plant-associated bacteria

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    Many bacteria regulate their gene expression in response to changes in their population density in a process called quorum sensing (QS), which involves communication between cells mediated by small diffusible signal molecules termed autoinducers. n-acyl-homoserine-lactones (AHLs) are the most common autoinducers in proteobacteria. QS-regulated genes are involved in complex interactions between bacteria of the same or different species and even with some eukaryotic organisms. Eukaryotes, including plants, can interfere with bacterial QS systems by synthesizing molecules that interfere with bacterial QS systems. In this work, the presence of AHL-mimic QS molecules in diverse Oryza sativa (rice) and Phaseolus vulgaris (bean) plant-samples were detected employing three biosensor strains. A more intensive analysis using biosensors carrying the lactonase enzyme showed that bean and rice seed-extract contain molecules that lack the typical lactone ring of AHLs. Interestingly, these molecules specifically alter the QS-regulated biofilm formation of two plant-associated bacteria, Sinorhizobium fredii SMH12 and Pantoea ananatis AMG501, suggesting that plants are able to enhance or to inhibit the bacterial QS systems depending on the bacterial strain. Further studies would contribute to a better understanding of plant–bacteria relationships at the molecular level

    Dietary diversity and nutritional adequacy among an older Spanish population with metabolic syndrome in the PREDIMED-Plus study: a cross-sectional analysis

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    Dietary guidelines emphasize the importance of a varied diet to provide an adequate nutrient intake. However, an older age is often associated with consumption of monotonous diets that can be nutritionally inadequate, increasing the risk for the development or progression of diet-related chronic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome (MetS). To assess the association between dietary diversity (DD) and nutrient intake adequacy and to identify demographic variables associated with DD, we cross-sectionally analyzed baseline data from the PREDIMED-Plus trial: 6587 Spanish adults aged 55-75 years, with overweight/obesity who also had MetS. An energy-adjusted dietary diversity score (DDS) was calculated using a 143-item validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Nutrient inadequacy was defined as an intake below 2/3 of the dietary reference intake (DRI) forat least four of 17 nutrients proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Logistic regression models were used to evaluate the association between DDS and the risk of nutritionally inadequate intakes. In the higher DDS quartile there were more women and less current smokers. Compared with subjects in the highest DDS quartile, those in the lowest DDS quartile had a higher risk of inadequate nutrient intake: odds ratio (OR) = 28.56 (95% confidence interval (CI) 20.80-39.21). When we estimated food varietyfor each of the food groups, participants in the lowest quartile had a higher risk of inadequate nutrient intake for the groups of vegetables, OR = 14.03 (95% CI 10.55-18.65), fruits OR = 11.62 (95% CI 6.81-19.81), dairy products OR = 6.54 (95% CI 4.64-9.22) and protein foods OR = 6.60 (95% CI 1.96-22.24). As DDS decreased, the risk of inadequate nutrients intake rose. Given the impact of nutrient intake adequacy on the prevention of non-communicable diseases, health policies should focus on the promotion of a healthy varied diet, specifically promoting the intake of vegetables and fruit among population groups with lower DDS such as men, smokers or widow(er)s