277 research outputs found

    Medición científica: la ruta crítica de la investigación en Colombia

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    Estadística en investigació

    Técnica modificada de resección transuretral de próstata en el Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, enero del 2011 a diciembre del 2013

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    Objetivo.- Determinar el sangrado intraoperatorio y la tasa de sindrome post RTU en pacientes post operados mediante la técnica modificada de Resección Transuretral de Próstata y en pacientes operados con RTU convencional. Pacientes y Métodos.- En total se realizaron 144 resecciones transuretrales de próstata de las cuales 5 no se encontraron la historias clínicas; de las 139 RTUs: 60 se realizaron con la técnica modificada de RTU y 79 se realizaron con la técnica convencional. Resultados.- El promedio de resección para próstatas entre 20 – 40 gr. para la técnica modificada es de 37 min. , mientras que para la técnica convencional es de 35.9 min. El promedio de resección para próstatas entre 40 – 60 gr. para la técnica modificada es de 46.1 min , mientras que para la técnica convencional es de 62.5 min. El promedio de resección para más 60 gramos para la técnica modificada es de 61.1 min., mientras que para la técnica convencional es de 72.5 min. Hay menor descenso de hemoglobina con la técnica modificada ( 0.6 gr/dl) que con la técnica convencional (0.8 gr/dl), hay menor descenso de sodio sérico con la técnica modificada ( 1.8 mEq/L) que con la técnica convencional (4.3 mEq/L). Conclusiones.- La técnica modificada surge como una nueva técnica para la RTU logrando menor tiempo operatorio menor sangrado y menor descenso de sodio sérico.Trabajo académic

    Prevalence of convergence insufficiency among Spanish school children aged 6 to 14 years

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    Clinical relevance: Convergence insufficiency (CI) at an early age can lead to learning difficulties affecting school performance. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of CI in a non-clinical population of Spanish children using well defined clinical criteria and to determine whether sex is a risk factor. Methods: Visual acuity and binocular vision tests were performed in 628 children aged 6-14 years (mean age 9.6 ± 1.3 years) at three schools in the Madrid Community, Spain. To assess CI prevalence we used CITT (Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial) criteria. The three signs considered were: i) exophoria at least 4∆ greater at near than at far; ii) near break point of convergence (NPC) ≥ 6 cm; and iii) reduced positive fusional vergence (PFV) at near (≤ 15∆ base-out break or failed Sheard's criterion). Results: The CI prevalence detected was 5.30% (33 children). Proportions of children with one or two signs of CI were 23.76% (148 children) and 12.20% (76 children), respectively. No differences in these CI rates by sex were detected. Conclusion: The clinically significant CI prevalence observed here suggests the need for more binocular vision screening programmes in school settings.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Antibacterial activity in three Chaetoceros microalgae species cultures by using antibiotics

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    Diatoms, such as Chaetoceros, grow in a mutualistic relationship with bacteria. However, in some cases, it is necessary to grow them in bacteria-free cultures. To reduce bacterial load, antibiotics are used, and on certain occasions it is necessary to use a mixture with more than one antibiotic. This work aimed to obtain a quick and effective protocol to reduce the bacterial load and evaluate the response of three Chaetoceros species with aquacultural importance. Single and mix antibiotics were used. Microalgal and bacterial growth was measured. The growth parameters for diatoms showed that the significantly highest cell concentration was for C. muelleri (3.15 x106 cells mL-1) and the lowest values to C. calcitrans (2.98 x106 cells mL-1). The significantly highest growth rate was for C. calcitrans (0.77 divisions per day), and the lowest values for Chaetoceros sp. (0.60 divisions per day). The growth parameters for heterotrophic bacteria showed that the significantly highest bacterial load was for Chaetoceros sp. (19.16 x106 CFU (Colony-Forming Units) mL-1) and the lowest values were for C. calcitrans (12.23 x106 CFU mL-1). The growth rate of the heterotrophic bacteria present in Chaetoceros cultures was similar among the three studied species. Streptomycin® and sulfate G41® produced a partial reduction of bacterial load. The most effective treatment for all three species was the use of an antibiotic mix composed of ampicillin® (250 μg mL-1), kanamycin® (200 μg mL-1), neomycin® (50 μg mL-1), and streptomycin® (100 μg mL-1) for three days. The mix prepared with the highest antibiotic concentration produced a reduction of bacteria (100%) for three days; however, it also induced a significant reduction of the growth of the three Chaetoceros species

    La imagen y la narración como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento del Valle

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    El acompañamiento psicosocial en los escenarios de violencia da lugar a la consideración de uso de ciertas herramientas metodológicas, para la investigación, intervención y evaluación de dichas acciones. A continuación, contextualiza la apropiación conceptual, alcanzada mediante la teoría y práctica de la psicología en escenarios de violencia. La compresión de la subjetividad colectiva, la imagen y la narrativa, los recursos de afrontamiento en la intervención psicosocial, se circunscriben a lo largo de este informe, el cual evidencia el acercamiento a los contextos de violencia y la aplicación de los recursos de profundización para el acompañamiento; permitiendo generar un abordaje integral psicosocial a las víctimas del conflicto armado. Los procesos de evaluación en eventos traumáticos desde el enfoque narrativo, realizados a casos reconstruidos por la Comisión de la verdad en Colombia, en donde se profundizaron aspectos psicosociales para proponer intervenciones. Se profundizó en el caso Luz y como método en la intervención se realizarán preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas. Además, se examinó el caso de la masacre ocurrida en el municipio del Salado, en el Departamento de Bolívar en el año 2000; tomando este doloroso suceso como sustrato para realizar el abordaje a esta población mediante estrategias de intervención psicosocial en este escenario de violencia. El presente informe recopila todo el proceso conceptual y metodológico sobre la fenomenología de los diferentes escenarios y actores que han tenido parte en el conflicto armado; proponiendo desde el quehacer de la psicología un abordaje integral y consecuente con el empoderamiento comunal.Psychosocial support in scenarios of violence leads to the consideration of the use of certain methodological tools for the research, intervention, and evaluation of such actions. Next, we contextualize the conceptual appropriation achieved through the theory and practice of psychology in scenarios of violence. The understanding of collective subjectivity, image, and narrative, as well as coping resources in psychosocial intervention, are addressed throughout this report, which demonstrates the approach to contexts of violence and the application of in-depth resources for support, allowing for a comprehensive psychosocial approach to victims of the armed conflict. Evaluation processes in traumatic events from a narrative approach were carried out in cases reconstructed by the Truth Commission in Colombia, where psychosocial aspects were deepened to propose interventions. The case of Luz was explored, and circular, reflective, and strategic questions will be used as a method in the intervention. In addition, the massacre that occurred in the municipality of El Salado, in the Department of Bolivar, in the year 2000 was examined; taking this painful event as a substrate for addressing this population through psychosocial intervention strategies in this scenario of violence. This report compiles the entire conceptual and methodological process on the phenomenology of the different scenarios and actors that have played a part in the armed conflict; proposing, from the psychology profession, a comprehensive approach that is consistent with communal empowerment

    The feeding of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), Redfish (Sebastes marinus) and Cod (Gadus morhua) in the Flemish Cap during July 1988

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    A randomly stratified bottom-trawl survey was realized in the Flemish Cap (NAFO Div. 3M) in July 1988. The stomach contents of three species were studied: 320 of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides), 203 of redfish (Sebastes Marinus) and 468 of cod (Gadus morhua). The cod specimens were classified taking into account age groups; in the case of other species by length classes. The food items, the prey occurrence index and the diversity index were determined too. The Schoener overlap index was calculated to study the intraspecific diet overlap in cod and the interspecific diet overlap between the three species. The relation between predator size (cod) and prey size (redfish) was also studied

    Palliative care coverage across European National Health Systems: proposal of a synthetic indicator

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    Background: The coverage of palliative care (PC) may be understood as a country’s capacity to offer prevention and relief from serious health-related suffering in relation to an existing need. The aim of this study is to estimate European countries´ coverage capacities. Method: Secondary analysis of three indicators, including the number of specialized services (SSPC), integration capacity scores (ICS) and the PC needs. By means of a K-medians clustering supervised algorithm, three coverage profiles were obtained: (1) Advanced: countries with high ICS and SSPC, and low PC needs; (2) Limited: countries with low ICS and SSPC, and low PC needs; and (3) Low: countries with low ICS and SSPC and high PC needs. Results: On average, the ratio of specialized services per population was 0.79 per 100,000 inhabitants, the average ICS was 19.62 and the average number of deceased patients with SHS per 100,000 inhabitants was 5.69. Twenty countries (41%) reached an advanced coverage profile. Nine countries (18%) demonstrated a limited coverage profile; and 20 countries (41%) fell under a low-coverage capacity. Conclusion: The level of palliative care coverage across Europe shows that 59% of European countries have either limited or very low availability of PC resources as regards their palliative care needs

    Development of an atlas of palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region through a stakeholder participative process

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    Background: The increasing number of people experiencing serious health-related suffering due to severe illness is an urgent issue in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). Although palliative care can mitigate much of this suffering, its current development and indicators to measure progress remain unknown. Aims: To describe the development of the Atlas of palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2021. Methods: Recently, the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, together with a network of palliative care experts, identified the best indicators and collected data across the Region. These indicators include national palliative care strategies, number of specialized palliative care services per population, inclusion of palliative care in the health benefits package and national health budget, and the use of pain medication. These and other useful information form the Atlas of palliative care in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2021. Results: The Atlas shows that provision of specialized palliative care services and pain medication in the Region is low. Several of the indicators suitable to the region are new and include the level of public awareness of palliative care, inclusion of palliative care in health insurance plans, availability of centres of excellence for palliative clinical care, and availability of grants to finance palliative care research. Conclusion: Adoption of favourable policies, educational initiatives, and the involvement of stakeholders, represent an opportunity for future development of palliative care in the EMR