181 research outputs found

    Photosynthesis, resource acquisition and growth responses of two biomass crops subjected to water stress

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    This study compares photosynthesis, growth, 13C and 15N labelling patterns of two biomass crops (Arundo donax L. and Panicum virgatum L.) grown under water stress in greenhouse conditions. Plants were exposed to three water stress levels: control (C, 100% Pot Capacity), mild stress (MS, 50% PC) and severe stress (SS, 25% PC). Photosynthesis, fluorescence parameters and relative water content were measured at the beginning (Ti) and the end of the experiment (Tf). Biomass parameters were measured at Tf. Short-term double labelling with 13C and 15N stable isotopes was performed in both species. Isotopic analyses of total organic matter, total soluble sugars and the CO2 respired were undertaken at T0 (prelabelling), T1 (24h after labelling) and T2 (7 days after labelling). Immediately after the 13C and 15N labelling, stems and rhizomes seemed to be the main sinks for labelled carbon and nitrogen in both species. Moreover, not all of the labelled carbon and nitrogen substrate was used by plant metabolism after seven days. Decreases in photosynthesis parameters were observed as a consequence of the increase in water stress (WS) in both species, with a greater magnitude decline in giant reed than in switchgrass. A decrease in height, number of green leaves and total dry weight due to WS was observed in both species. Both species were more 13C-enriched and more 15N-depleted during the increases in WS due to lower stomatal conductance and transpiration. In general, WS accelerated plant phenology and, consequently, the accumulation of storage compounds in the rhizome occurred in response to stress. This effect was more clearly visible in switchgrass than in giant reed


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    El artículo tuvo como objeto analizar la asociación del proceso de recepción, evaluación y atención de denuncias, con la acción de oficio posterior del órgano de control institucional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local, Región Ica 2020. El enfoque metodológico fue cuantitativo, no experimental, con un diseño descriptivo-correlacional lineal, el cuestionario aplicado, contó con la participación de 69 directores de instituciones educativas de la Región Ica. Concluyendo que, el proceso de recepción, evaluación y atención de denuncias, se asocia significativamente con la acción de oficio posterior del órgano de control institucional en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local. Esto se refleja en la opinión de los directivos, es decir, en la medida que los procesos de recepción, evaluación y atención de denuncias sean eficientes la ejecución de acciones de oficio posterior será favorable

    Drought Impact on the Morpho‐Physiological Parameters of Perennial Rhizomatous Grasses in the Mediterranean Environment

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    The selection of non‐food crops for bioenergy production in limiting environments is a priority for energy security and climate change mitigation. Therefore, more studies are needed on the interactions between species and environmental factors in specific sites which allows their selection for biomass production. The objective of this work is to study the impact of drought on the morpho‐physiological parameters of perennial rhizomatous grasses Panicum virgatum L., Miscanthus × giganteus, and Arundo donax L. in the Mediterranean environment. Plants were grown on field and trials were carried out under support‐irrigation and rainfed conditions during two consecutive years. Morpho‐physiological parameters were measured in May, June and August, and dry biomass at the end of the experiment. Under rainfed conditions, A. donax presented the highest photosynthesis rate (25, 15 and 10 CO2 m−2 s−1), relative water content (85-90%), and dry biomass (~4500 g plant−1) compared with P. virgatum (20, 5 and 5 CO2 m−2 s−1, 65-85% RWC and ~1400 g plant−1) and Miscanthus (18, 4 and 0 CO2 m−2 s−1, 80-10% RWC and ~260 g plant−1). It is concluded that A. donax would be the best perennial rhizomatous grass to be used as bioenergy crop under Mediterranean conditions

    Integrating curriculum-based dynamic assessment in computerized adaptive testing: Development and predictive validity of the EDPL-BAI battery on reading competence

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    In recent decades, there have been significant changes in the conceptualization of reading as well as in the perception of how this activity should be assessed. Interest in the analysis of reading processes has led to the emergence of new explanatory models based primarily on the contributions of cognitive psychology. In parallel, there have been notable advances in measurement procedures, especially in models based on Item Response Theory (IRT), as well as in the capacity and performance of specific software programs that allow data to be managed and analyzed. These changes have contributed significantly to the rise of testing procedures such as computerized adaptive tests (CATs), whose fundamental characteristic is that the sequence of items presented in the tests is adapted to the level of competence that the subject manifests. Likewise, the incorporation of elements of dynamic assessment (DA) as the prompts are gradually offered allows for obtaining information about the type and degree of support required to optimize the subject’s performance. In this sense, the confluence of contributions from DA and CATs offers a new possibility for approaching the assessment of learning processes. In this article, we present a longitudinal research developed in two phases, through which a computerized dynamic adaptive assessment battery of reading processes (EDPL-BAI) was configured. The research frame involved 1,831 students (46% girls) from 13 public schools in three regions of Chile. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differential contribution on reading competence of dynamic scores obtained in a subsample composed of 324 (47% girls) students from third to sixth grade after the implementation of a set of adaptive dynamic tests of morpho-syntactic processes. The results achieved in the structural equation modeling indicate a good global fit. Individual relationships show a significant contribution of calibrated score that reflects estimated knowledge level on reading competence, as well as dynamic scores based on the assigned value of graduated prompts required by the students. These results showed significant predictive values on reading competence and incremental validity in relation to predictions made by static criterion tests

    Descentralización y Presupuesto por Resultados en Educación : balance de la última década

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    El informe identifica cuatro estrategias de política que juntas permitirán mejorar las condiciones educativas. Primero, fortalecer los elementos normativos y las capacidades de gestión en todos los niveles del sistema educativo, especialmente de las escuelas. Segundo, articular, en torno a objetivos de política comunes y bajo un modelo de gestión por resultados, las diferentes intervenciones que han mostrado efectividad en la mejora de la calidad educativa. Tercero, adoptar mecanismos de financiamiento basados en fórmulas capitadas (por alumno) que reflejen los costos totales de la provisión de servicios a diferentes poblaciones y en diferentes circunstancias, y que permitan viabilizar la gestión autónoma y participativa de la escuela. Y cuarto, crear un sistema integrado de información y administración educativa que produzca información actualizada, confiable y útil para la gestión descentralizada de la educación

    Sensitization to indoor aeroallergens in children who attended the Allergy Service of the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of Monterrey, Mexico

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    Background: Indoor aeroallergens are the main cause of sensitization in children and represent a risk factor for the development of allergic diseases. Objective: Identify the major indoor aeroallergens most often sensitized to pediatric patients treated at the Allergy Service at the “Dr. José Eleuterio González” University Hospital of Monterrey Methods: We performed an observational and descriptive study where we reviewed reports of positive skin tests to the following common indoor aeroallergens: Dermatophagoides farinae (D. farinae), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D. pteronyssinus), Canis familiaris (C. familiaris), Felis domesticus (F. domesticus), Blattella germanica (B. germanica) and Periplaneta americana (P. americana), found in patients under 16 years with symptoms of allergy, during the period of 2011-2012. Results: We performed 439 skin tests to aeroallergens in pediatric patients. Of these, 57.6% were male and 42.4% were female. Mean age was 6.3 years. The age groups were under 3 years: 17.8%, 3-5 years: 35%, 6-12 years: 36%, and 13-16 years: 11.2%. The main diagnoses were: allergic rhinitis (71.8%), asthma (16.6%), and atopic dermatitis (4.3%). In 57.9% of the cases, they had at least one positive skin test to any aeroallergen. The rate of sensitization to speciic aeroallergens was: D. Pteronyssinus 49.0%, D. farinae 44.6%, B. germanica 13.9%, P. Americana 10.9%, F. domesticus 10.7%, and C. familiaris 5.9%. Conclusion: Indoor aeroallergen sensitization can occur early in life, although it was more frequent in the preschooler and elementary school group. Dust house mites were the most commom cause of allergic sensitization

    Salinity and Water Stress Effects on Biomass Production in Different Arundo donax L. Clones

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    Perennial rhizomatous grasses are regarded as leading energy crops due to their environmental benefits and their suitability to regions with adverse conditions. In this paper, two different experiments were carried out in order to study the salinity (S) and water stress (WS) effects on biomass production in giant reed (Arundo donax L.). In Experiment 1, eight clones of giant reed were subjected to four salinity (S) and water stress (WS) treatments: (1) well watered with non-saline solution, (2) water stress with non-saline solution, (3) well watered with saline solution and 4) water stress with saline solution. In Experiment 2, five clones of giant reed were subjected to increasing S levels in two locations: University of Catania (UNICT-Italy) (1) well watered with non-saline solution and (2) well watered with mild saline solution; and University of Barcelona (UB-Spain) (3) well watered with non-saline solution and (4) well watered with severe saline solution. Photosynthetic and physiological parameters as well as biomass production were measured in these plants. According to our data, giant reed seems to be more tolerant to S than WS. Both stresses mainly affected stomatal closure to prevent dehydration of the plant, eventually decreasing the photosynthetic rate. The differential performance of the giant reed clones was ranked according to their tolerance to S and WS by using the Stress Susceptibility Index. 'Agrigento' was the most WS resistant clone and 'Martinensis' was the most S resistant. 'Martinensis' and 'Piccoplant' were found to be the most suitable clones for growing under both stress conditions. Moreover, 'Fondachello', 'Cefalú' and 'Licata' were the most resistant clones to increasing S levels

    Employability of specialists in health auditing, graduates of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga- CES agreement, cohorts from 2008 to 2010

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    Medir la empleabilidad de los egresados del postgrado de Auditoría en Salud de la UNAB en convenio con el CES de las cohortes años 2008 a 2010, determinando cuántos de ellos ejercen la especialización, el tipo de empresas donde trabajan, su rango salarial, y la percepción y satisfacción que tienen en cuanto a la formación recibida, datos que servirán de información actualizada a la UNAB. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal que incluyó: 1) censo de las cohortes años 2008 a 2010 y cruce de variables y asociaciones por SPSS 5.1. 2) Aplicación de la encuesta en modalidad combinada a los egresados que cumplían los criterios. 3) Recolección de resultados y análisis estadístico utilizando el programa SPSSS para la tabulación y codificación de la información. Resultados: Se encontraron 67 egresados; de éstos, 27(40.3%) ejercen la especialidad, de los cuales 9(33%) se encuentran vinculados con el sector público y 18(67%) al sector privado. 18 egresados (67%) tienen ingresos superior a 2.4 SMLMV. El 91% perciben buena y excelente la formación y están satisfechos con el postgrado. Conclusiones: Se encontró que la especialización Auditoria en Salud permitió adquirir conocimiento y habilidades para desempeñar mejor el trabajo y ascender laboral y profesionalmente.Universidad CESINTRODUCCIÓN 11 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 14 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN DE LA PROPUESTA 15 3. PREGUNTA DE INVESTIGACIÓN 17 4. OBJETIVOS 18 4.1 Objetivo General 18 4.2 Objetivos Específicos 18 5. METODOLOGÍA 19 5.1 Enfoque Metodológico de la Investigación 19 5.2 Tipo de Estudio 19 5.3 Población de Estudio 19 5.4 Variables Preliminares 20 5.5 Criterios de Inclusión 20 5.6 Criterios de Exclusión 20 5.7 Consideraciones Éticas 20 5.8 Recolección de Información 20 5.9 Herramienta de Recolección 20 6. MARCO TEÓRICO 21 7. RESULTADOS 23 8. CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 30 9. RECOMENDACIONES 31 REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 32EspecializaciónTo measure the employability of the graduates from Health Audit program of UNAB-CES university, 2008 to 2010 cohorts, by determining how many practice the specialization, the companies where they work, their salary range, the satisfaction and perception of the program that gives a global update information for UNAB-CES. Method : descriptive and retrospective study ,transversal cohort, that included: 1) census of cohorts 2008 to 2010 and crossing variables and association by SPSS5.1 2) application of combined modality survey applied to the graduates who fullfill the criterion 3) data collection and statistical analysis using the SPSS program for coding and tabulate the information, Results: was found of the 67 graduates, of which 27 specialists (40.3%) are employees, 9 (33%) are linked in the public sector ,and 18 (67%) to private sector. 18 (67%) has wage income above to the 2.4 current monthly salary. 91% considered it was a good training and are satisfied with the postgraduate .Conclusions: it was found that in the specialization in health audit was a opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to perform the jobs ,and ascend professional and in the labor way.Modalidad Presencia

    La formación docente. Innovaciones en la Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia de la UNT

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    Para atender problemas multifactoriales propios de la educación superior y lograr acreditar sus carreras, la Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) respondió adecuando sus Diseños Curriculares, creando un sistema de tutorías y comités académicos para cada carrera y fijando lineamientos específicos. Una de las funciones de los comités es promover la capacitación pedagógica de los docentes tendientes a mejorar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para tal fin se diseñó un programa con ofertas de formación permanente que busca las mejores propuestas de cambio. En la dimensión académica, se asumió que los problemas detectados pueden ser superados si se reconoce la importancia de articular el dominio de los conocimientos disciplinares con los de la didáctica y la pedagogía. En este trabajo se explicitan acciones, propósitos, destinatarios y se reflexiona sobre los resultados parciales obtenidos

    Inversión en la percepción binaural: Diseño y validación de un pseudófono

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    El estudio empírico de procesos adaptativos en seres humanos resulta significativo para conocer los principios sensoriomotores que subyacen al aprendizaje de habilidades perceptivas. Los protocolos experimentales que introducen perturbaciones y permiten readaptaciones ofrecen una importante ventana para estudiar cómo una persona aprende nuevas dinámicas sensoriomotoras. En este sentido, la utilización de dispositivos que modifican las claves perceptuales permite generar al usuario un nuevo espacio perceptivo que lo obliga a generar nuevos patrones sensoriomotores. A fines de estudiar estos fenómenos en la audición binaural se desarrolló un dispositivo llamado Pseudófono, que invierte las claves de audición espacial, produciendo que las ondas sonoras que arribarían al oído izquierdo estimulen el oído derecho y viceversa. En este trabajo, se presenta el diseño del Pseudófono y distintos análisis llevados a cabo con el propósito de validar de manera objetiva y subjetiva su funcionamiento. Se realizaron pruebas acústicas y electroacústicas para verificar una correcta inversión sonora, baja diafonía y diferencias interaurales de tiempo y nivel adecuadas. Asimismo, se analizó la respuesta en frecuencia del sistema y se realizaron pruebas subjetivas de localización de fuentes sonoras para evaluar su usabilidad. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se pudo determinar que el dispositivo es adecuado para realizar pruebas de adaptación sensorial. Además, se realizan recomendaciones sobre posibles modificaciones a tener en cuenta en el diseño de este tipo de herramientas de investigación.Fil: Gilberto, Lucas Guillermo. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Bellini, Imanol. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; ArgentinaFil: Bermejo, Fernando Raul. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; Argentina. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; ArgentinaFil: Cravero, Gabriel Agustín. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; ArgentinaFil: Ferreyra, Sebastián Hernán. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; ArgentinaFil: Lunati, Valentín Ignaci. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Arias, Claudia. Centro de Investigación y Transferencia en Acústica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; Argentin