1,710 research outputs found

    POLA KOMUNIKASI KOMUNITAS PENDAKI GUNUNG REGIONAL BANDUNG ( Studi Deskritif Kualitatif Pola Komunikasi Komunitas Pendaki Gunung Regional Bandung)

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    Judul penelitian yang penulis ambil yakni POLA KOMUNIKASI KOMUNITAS PENDAKI GUNUNG REGIONAL BANDUNG.Semakin meningkatnya para penggiat,pendaki gunung di Bandung dewasa ini,menarik minat penulis untuk meneliti lebih lanjut tentang pola dan proses komunikasi dalam komunitas ini. Peneliti menggunakan konsep yang dibuat oleh Fisher untuk mengenal pola yang relatif lebih konsisten tentang empat fase yang dilalui oleh diskusi kelompok.pertama fase Fase orientasi merupakan suatu proses adaptasi dimana dia berada dilingkunganya, fase orientasi yang ada di KPGRB dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang. Latar belakang individu pasti berbeda beda.hal ini menimbulkan hambatan,ada hambatan internal dan eksternal. Kedua,Fase Konflik.konflik yang sering terjadi ialah konflik yang disebabkan oleh antarpersonal namun terkadang konflik itu sendiri terbawa ke komunitas. cara musyawarah ialah hal yang sering dilakukan oleh komunitas ini dalam menyelesaikan konflik. Ketiga,Fase timbulnya sikapsikap baru. Fase ini muncul dikarenakan tingkat emosi individu yang berubah ada yang negatif ataupun positif. keempat,Fase dukungan yang merupakan suatu kekuatan dimana setiap anggotanya dapat bertahan berada didalam komunitas. Pola komunikasi yang ada di KPGRB mempunyai sub-sub yang bisa ditelaah dengan bentuk pola-pola yang berbeda yang disesuaikan dengan KPGRB diantaranya lingkaran. Berdasarkan fase di atas maka jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kualitatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang naturalistik atau alamiah dikarenakan fakta-fakta dan data-data berdasarkan pengamatan yang berada dilapangan, metode yang digunakan ialah Deskritif Kualitatif. Deskritif Kualitatif ini merupakan suatu penelitian yang dimana peneliti mencari datadata yang ada dilapangan kemudian menjabarkanya, membandingbandingkan, memfokuskan kemudian mengambil kesimpulan untuk menjawab rusmusan masalah di Komunitas Pendaki Gunung Regional Bandung untuk melihat fenomena-fenomena yang ada serta menjelaskan pola berkaitan dengan konsep Fisher

    La externalización como estrategia de creación del tercer canal. El caso de la Televisión Autonómica de Murcia

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    Within the area of public regional television management in Spain, the phenomenon of outsourcing was embraced by both the public and private sectors in the 80s. The aim of this article is, on the one hand, to clarify the concept of outsourcing in its application to the public sector and determine its legal limits in public regional audiovisual companies and, on the other, to analyse Murcia Autonomous Television as a unique Spanish case in which outsourcing has been carried out at various levels. As there is very little scientific research on this subject, the research techniques in this article are based on the analysis of documentation that outlines the outsourcing procedures in addition to consultations with the agents involved from the different public radio and television broadcasting firms

    La externalización como estrategia de creación del tercer canal : el caso de la Televisión Autonómica de Murcia

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    Within the area of public regional television management in Spain, the phenomenon of outsourcing was embraced by both the public and private sectors in the 80s. The aim of this article is, on the one hand, to clarify the concept of outsourcing in its application to the public sector and determine its legal limits in public regional audiovisual companies and, on the other, to analyse Murcia Autonomous Television as a unique Spanish case in which outsourcing has been carried out at various levels. As there is very little scientific research on this subject, the research techniques in this article are based on the analysis of documentation that outlines the outsourcing procedures in addition to consultations with the agents involved from the different public radio and television broadcasting firm

    Use of a new enrichment nanosorbent for speciation of mercury by FI-CV-ICP-MS

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    Mercury is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants and its effects on human and ecosystem health are well known. All mercury species are toxic, with organic mercury compounds generally being more toxic than inorganic species. Chromatography techniques (GC, HPLC) coupled to element specific detectors, are able to separate mercury species in order to elucidate mercury transformation and transport processes where the determination of all mercury species is desirable. However, in practice, especially in sampling campaigns for sea water analysis where a large number of samples are collected over a longer period of time, a combination of methods is usually applied to accurately determine the most toxic mercury species. These include non-chromatographic methods based on the different chemical and/or physical behavior of the mercury species. These non-chromatographic methods can be less time consuming, more cost effective and available, and present competitive limits of detection. Especially when mercury could vapor (CV) generation technique is employed, which reduces salt effect on the analytical signal and improve the sensibility. Among non-chromatographic methods, solid phase extraction and microextraction (SPE and SPME) which is becoming increasingly popular for sample preparation in organic analysis, found its way to speciation analysis of organometals. SPE/SPME is the most popular sample preconcentration method for its simplicity, high enrichment factor, low or no consumption of organic solvents and feasibly to be automated. On the other hand, the exploration of new materials, especially nanometer sized materials, as the support phase is another active research area in SPE/SPME for mercury determination. The use of nanoparticles leads to higher extraction capacity/efficiency and rapid dynamics of extraction originated from the higher surface area to volume ratio and short diffusion route. In this work, a new enrichment nanosorbent functionalized with 1,5 bis (2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohidrazide was synthesized and characterized. From the study of its adsorption capacity toward metal ions, Hg2+ was observed to be one of the most retained 173.1 µmol g-1 at pH 5. Thus, a flow injection solid phase extraction and cold vapor generation method for its determination and speciation based on the use of this new chelating nanosorbent was optimized. The method developed has showed to be useful for the automatic pre-concentration and sequential speciation of mercury and methylmercury in environmental and biological samples. The system was based on chelating retention of the analytes onto a mini-column filled with the new nanosorbent and their sequential elution by using two different eluents, 0.2 % HCl for CH3Hg+ and 0.1 % thiourea in 0.5 % HCl for Hg2+. The determination was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Under the optimum conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the enrichment factors were 4.7 and 11.0; the detection limits (3σ) were 0.002 and 0.004 µg L-1; the determination limits (10σ) were 0.011 and 0.024 µg L-1; and the precisions (calculated for 10 replicate determinations at a 2 µg L-1 standard of both species) were 2.8 and 2.6 % (RSD); for CH3Hg+ and Hg2+, respectively. Linear calibration graphs were obtained for both species from the determination limits to at least 70 µg L-1. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, LGC 6016 estuarine water and SRM 2976 mussel tissue were addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values. The method was successfully applied to the speciation of mercury in sea-water samples collected in the Málaga Bay.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Testing caffeic acid as a natural antioxidant in functional fish-fibre restructured products

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    7 páginas, 4 figuras, 5 tablasThe antioxidant effectiveness of caffeic acid addition to minced fish muscle with or without wheat dietary fibre added was studied. Wheat dietary fibre showed a significant prooxidant effect on minced fish muscle during chilled storage that was significantly inhibited in presence of 100 mg/kg caffeic acid. In samples containing caffeic acid and wheat dietary fibre, lipid oxidation was completely inhibited after 10 days. Results obtained from the instrumental texture profile analysis showed that the inclusion of wheat dietary fibre with or without caffeic acid lowered the texture profile analysis parameters. Caffeic acid did not render any changes on the water binding capacity. These results prove that caffeic acid can be successfully used as a natural antioxidant in wheat dietary fibre minced fish restructured products.This work was performed within the Integrated Research Project SEAFOODplus, contract No FOOD-CT-2004-506359 and the research project AGL2006-26016-E/GAN. The [partial] financing of this work by the European Union and the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Incorporación de la Educación Emocional en la etapa de infantil (4 años) en la programación de aula en un centro concertado

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    La educación emocional está ganando importancia en estos últimos años. Tras el best seller de Goleman sobre Inteligencia Emocional, son muchas las investigaciones y aplicaciones que encontramos para el ámbito de la Educación Infantil. Pero, ¿son todas las aplicaciones de Educación Emocional válidas y efectivas? No se trata de aplicar actividades aisladas como tema transversal, sino de implantar programas socio-emocionales con objetivos claros, alcanzables y evaluables. Mediante la observación y el análisis de una práctica de Educación Emocional, abordo la conclusión de que es necesario programar si queremos atender de forma efectiva el mundo de las emociones. De esta forma una nueva forma de entender la educación es posible: educar cognitiva y emocionalmente, como dos partes de un todo que no se entienden de forma aislada.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Modelos de gobierno de las radiotelevisiones públicas autonómicas en España : el caso de la Corporación Catalana de Medios Audiovisuales

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    Este texto se enmarca en el proyecto de i+d+i "Impacto de Internet en la redefinición de servicio público de las televisiones públicas autonómicas españolas", dirigido por Juan Carlos Miguel de Bustos y financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Referencia: CSO2009-11250 (subprograma SOCI)En este artículo se realiza una primera aproximación a los modelos de gobierno de las empresas públicas de radiotelevisión autonómica existentes en España, en un momento en que la nueva legislación audiovisual nacional anula las previsiones normativas vigentes desde principios de los años ochenta en relación con la organización y funcionamiento del audiovisual público regional. El texto analiza con detalle la reforma ya emprendida en Cataluña y los decepcionantes efectos que de ella se han derivado durante los tres primeros años de su implantación.This article offers an initial insight into the governance models of regional public broadcasting corporations in Spain at a time when new national broadcasting legislation has repealed the regulatory provisions in force since the early 1980s on the organisation and operation of regional public broadcasting. It contains an in-depth analysis of the reform already under way in Catalonia and the disappointing impact that its implementation has had in the first three years

    Perfeccionando el procesamiento de la información en investigaciones pedagógicas desde una relación metodológica cualitativa-cuantitativa

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    Within the essential aspects of all research is its scientific rigor. However, there are currently inadequacies in pedagogical research using the criteria of validity and reliability during the processing of qualitative-quantitative information. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the application of a method for integrating information processing in social research favors the rigor of the pedagogical research process, by conceiving this process as a complex informational system that manages, extracts and applies relevant information. For the evaluation, a mixed methodology was used. The result was an increase of scientific rigor in 30 pedagogical investigations that applied the method, favoring also its innovative potentiality from the qualitative-quantitative processing of information


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    We present the most common inadequacies in the training of researchers in relation to social information processing. It elaborates a system of methodological procedures to improve the processing of information in social researches. This system is based on the integration of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, aimed at the formation of an innovative potentiality in researchers. The system was corroborated by an expert consultation and applied successfully in doctoral and master's theses and well as postgraduate courses. It was showed that the system contributed to researchers to manage and transform data into relevant information and the latter in essential knowledge to transform social reality and themselves researchers.Se presentan las insuficiencias más comunes en la formación de investigadores en relación con el procesamiento de la información social. Se elabora un sistema de procedimientos metodológicos para mejorar el procesamiento de la información en las investigaciones sociales. Este sistema se basa en la integración de metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas destinadas a la formación de una potencialidad innovadora en los investigadores. El sistema fue corroborado mediante una consulta a expertos y aplicado con éxito en tesis doctorales y de maestría y también en cursos de postgrado. Se demostró que el sistema aportado facilita a los investigadores la gestión y transformación de los datos en información relevante y dicha información en conocimiento esencial para transformar la realidad social y a los propios investigadores

    Retos de la Didáctica de la Estadística: formación del pensamiento estadístico en la sociedad informacional/Challenges of the Didactics of Statistics: formation of statistical thinking in the information society

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    The present work aims to provide a set of recommendations since the Statistic Didactics to enhance the formation of "statistical thinking" in university students, as a valid option to solve a variety of problems inherent in the "information society". In this sense, the role of Statistic in said society is argued, are revealed shortcomings in the teaching-learning process of this science and its implications in the application of its methodology. In addition, some goals are defined at the international level of the teaching-learning process of statistic at the university level. Finally, a set of recommendations is specified to enhance the formation of the aforementioned thinking, from the teaching-research experience of the authors