3,488 research outputs found

    Institutional context of hotel social responsibility in the euro-region: a factorial análisis

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    [Abstract]The institutional context in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is investigated in this paper. The objects of the investigation are three, four and fivestar hotels located in the Euro-region of Galicia and Northern Portugal. The theoretical framework used in this investigation is Institutional Theory, which is based on three main pillars; institutional coercive, normative and cognitive (Scott, 1995). We aim to discover which of the three institutional pressures proposed by Deephouse (1996) puts more pressure on this environment. A quantitative study was carried out in which a questionnaire was used for data collection to achieve the proposed objective. This questionnaire was developed based on previously validated scales (Deephouse, 1996; Fernández, 2001; Kostova and Roth, 2002; Vargas- Sánchez and Riquel-Ligero, 2012; Gallardo, et al 2013; Llamas-Sánchez, et al 2013). The methodology applied to the variables proposed in our model was the factorial analysis by Varimax rotation in order to verify the weight that each one of the pressures carries. Once the one dimensional tests were carried out, we obtained the different factors that constitute our proposed research model. As a result we could reduce the information contained in a set of variables initially raised with minimal loss of information. As the main result of this research, coercive pressure and regulatory pressure are the main pressures influencing the institutional context of the Euro-region of our object of study[Resumen] Contexto institucional de la responsabilidad social hotelera en la Eurorregión: un análisis factorial. En este trabajo estudiamos el contexto institucional en el ámbito de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC). Nuestro objeto de estudio son los hoteles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas ubicados en la Eurorregión Galicia y Norte de Portugal. El marco teórico en que nos apoyamos es la Teoría Institucional, la cual tiene su base en los tres principales pilares institucionales coercitivo, normativo y cognitivo (Scott, 1995). En esta investigación pretendemos averiguar cual de las tres presiones institucionales propuestas por Deephouse (1996) ejerce mayor presión en este entorno. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto fue desarrollado un estudio cuantitativo en el que se utilizó un cuestionario para la recogida de datos. Este cuestionario se elaboró en base a la configuración de diferentes escalas ya validadas previamente (Deephouse, 1996; Fernández, 2001; Kostova y Roth, 2002; Vargas-Sánchez y Riquel-Ligero, 2012; Gallardo, et al 2013; Llamas-Sánchez, et al 2013). Con el fin de verificar el peso que ejerce cada una de las presiones aplicamos la metodología de Análisis Factorial por rotación Varimax a las variables propuestas en nuestro modelo. Tras la aplicación de las pruebas de unidimensionalidad de escala obtuvimos los diferentes factores que constituyen nuestro modelo de investigación propuesto. Con todo ello conseguimos reducir la información contenida en un conjunto de variables menor al planteado inicialmente, con la mínima pérdida de información. Como principal resultado de esta investigación sobresale que la presión coercitiva y la presión normativa son las presiones que más influyen en el contexto institucional de la Eurorregión de nuestro objeto de estudio

    A responsabilidade social corporativa no marco da teoría institucional

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    O objetivo deste trabalho corresponde a um enquadramento teórico ao analisar e correlacionar os fundamentos teóricos da teoria institucional e responsabilidade social corporativa (RSC), baseando-se na literatura académica relacionada. Aborda diversos conceitos, nomeadamente as principais características da RSC e do comportamento socialmente responsável pela adoção de práticas de RSC. A partir dessas relações foram estabelecidas as primeiras proposições a partir das quais a pesquisa se pode desenvolver. A base fundamental para a ligação de práticas de RSC e teoria institucional é através da legitimidade. A teoria institucional baseia-se em três pilares, os quais têm ênfases diferentes que levam a implicações diferentes. Existem diferentes tipos e fontes de legitimidade identificadas por vários autores que têm suas próprias características, para as quais as as empresas podem adotar diversas estratégias, e que se identificam com três mecanismos distintos de acordo com a literatura da teoria institucional. Este artigo apresenta uma nova orientação para tomada de decisões estratégicas quanto à legitimidade e à adopção de um comportamento socialmente responsável das empresas.O obxecto deste traballo corresponde ao marco teórico, analizando e relacionando os fundamentos teóricos da teoría institucional e a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) apoiándose na literatura académica. Analízanse diversos conceptos, as principais características da RSC e o comportamento socialmente responsable pola adopción de prácticas de responsabilidade social. A partir destas relacións establecéronse as primeiras proposicións cara a onde se pode derivar a investigación. A base fundamental da vinculación das prácticas de RSC e a teoría institucional é a través da lexitimidade. A teoría institucional fundaméntase en tres alicerces esenciais, nos cales se dispón unha énfase diferente e deriva en distintas implicacións. Existen diversos tipos e fontes de lexitimidade identificadas por varios autores que presentan características propias, segundo os cales as empresas poden adoptar diversas estratexias, desvelando tres mecanismos baseados na literatura institucional. Este traballo presenta unha orientación nova cara á toma de decisións estratéxicas en relación coa lexitimidade e a adopción de comportamentos socialmente responsables por parte das empresas. PalabrasThe objective of this paper corresponds to the construction of a theoretical framework by analysing and relating the theoretical basics of institutional theory and Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) and basing its arguments on related academic literature. Various concepts are analyzed, namely the main features of CSR and socially responsible behavior through the adoption of socially responsible practices. These relationships have established the first propositions which research can look into. The fundamental basis of the link between CSR practices and institutional theory is through legitimacy. Institutional theory is based on three essential pillars, which have a different emphasis and lead to different implications. There are various types and sources of legitimacy identified by various authors that have their own characteristics for which companies can adopt various strategies, identifying three institutional literature-based mechanisms. This paper presents innovative orientation in strategic decision-making in relation to legitimacy and the adoption of socially responsible behavior by firms

    Development and characterization of novel nanobiocomposites containing various nanofillers to improve barrier and other physical properties of interest in food packaging and coating applications

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    The development of novel biobased materials with tailored properties for food biopackaging applications is a topic of significant interest within academic and industrial laboratories. The current PhD thesis deals with the development and characterization of novel biocomposites and nanobiocomposites of biopolyesters, polysaccharides and proteins containing different micro and nanoadditives. The main aim of the work was to provide novel solutions, making use to the extent possible of natural additives, to enhance the gas and vapour barrier properties of the various biopolymers while retaining the good properties of the matrix and even adding novel functionalities such as antimicrobial character. The transport of low molecular weitght compounds through polymeric materials, i.e. the so-called barrier properties, is known to be a significant limiting factor for the widespread application of biopolymers in packaging, coating and membrane applications. To that end, different micro and nanobiocomposites were formulated which contained as reinforcing elements food contact complying nanoclays, amylopectin, natural extracts, carbon nanofibers and nanotubes, cellulose microfibers and cellulose nanowhiskers. From the work novel biocomposites were developed which exhibited enhanced gas, vapour and UV light barrier and which simultaneously were able to provide controlled release of natural antimicrobials. These new property balanced composites can have significant potential in the design of novel biopackaging and biocoating materials.Sánchez García, MD. (2011). Development and characterization of novel nanobiocomposites containing various nanofillers to improve barrier and other physical properties of interest in food packaging and coating applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10361Palanci

    Agroturismo y desarrollo local en destinos turísticos del interior: el caso de Finca Hacienda los Granadicos en Moratalla (Murcia)

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    The aim of this paper is to highligh the relevance of enterprising capacities in promoting local development and territorial dynamisn. With this purpose, an agrotourist product is analysed: this is the case of Finca-Hacienda Los Granadicos, a farm placed in the northeastern area of the region of Murcia. Los Granadicos is a good example of responsible business management, whose main resources are based on the culture of the area, thus involving the local population and mininimizing the environmental impact.Este trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto la importancia de la capacidad emprendedora para propiciar dinamismo territorial y desarrollo local. Para ello se presenta un producto de agroturismo, Finca Hacienda Los Granadicos, localizado en la Comarca Noroeste de la Región de Murcia, ejemplo de una gestión empresarial responsable que considera la cultura de este medio como principal recurso, involucra a la población local y minimiza los impactos medioambientales

    The Ecology of Law. Toward a Legal System in Tune with Nature and Com, Fritjof Capra & Ugo Mattei, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., Oakland (CA), USA, 2015, 216 pages [Book Review]

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    Reseña del libro de Fritjof Capra y Ugo Mattei: (ISBN 9781626562080) This is a remarkable work for better understanding the evolution of human thought tied to the scientific paradigms that have led humans to the exploitation of natural resources. As the title suggests, the present book is a joint venture undertaken by two scientists working out the emergence of a new legal order: an ``eco-legal'' order

    Competitividad e innovación en el producto turístico rural de la Región de Murcia

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    The Region of Murcia has managed to consolidate a rural/interior tourism product which has grown quantitatively, on quality parameters, appearing as an economic function to consider. However, in a complex socioeconomic context as we have nowadays, there is a need to call for ways to increase the competitiveness, sustainability and excellence in destinations and products, and endorse that innovation is a key factor to achieve these objectives. For this, the aim of this paper is making an estimation, looking forward to know the degree of innovation applied to this type of accommodation, through the opinions gathered among an important group of proprietors of rural houses of the regional space, an necessary information for its application to a suitable sectorial arrangement.En la Región de Murcia se ha consolidado un producto turístico rural/interior que ha crecido cuantitativamente bajo parámetros de calidad, convirtiéndose en una actividad económica a considerar. Sin embargo, en un contexto socioeconómico complejo como el actual, se aboga por fórmulas que aumenten la competitividad, la sostenibilidad y la excelencia en destinos y productos turísticos, y en este sentido, la innovación es factor clave para alcanzar estos objetivos. Por tanto, el estudio pretende aproximarse al conocimiento del grado de innovación aplicado a esta oferta turística, a través de los testimonios de un grupo importante de empresarios de alojamientos rurales en la Región, una información necesaria para su aplicación en una ordenación sectorial adecuada
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