111 research outputs found

    A multifunctional toolkit for target-directed cancer therapy

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    Here we present 2shRNA, a shRNA-based nanobinder, which can simultaneously attack two therapeutic targets involved in drug resistance pathways and can additionally bind accessory molecules such as cell targeting peptides or fluorophores. We create 2shRNAs designed to specifically kill HER2+ breast cancer cells in the absence of a transfecting agent

    Estudo da Distribuição Geoquímica de Bário, Estrôncio, Titânio, Nióbio, Lantânio, Zircônio e Ítrio, em Rochas Alcalinas da Área Canguçu-Piratini, RS.

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    Foi desenvolvido neste trabalho o estudo espectroquímico quantitativo dos elementos: bário, estrôncio, titânio, nióbio, lantânio, zircônio e ítrio em rochas alcalinas, caracterizadas, petrograficamente, como traquito-fonolíticas, de Canguçu-Piratini, RS. Dos dados analíticos obtidos para a província petrográfica alcalina, foi feito um estudo comparativo com valores já conhecidos de outras áreas do Brasil (Guimarães e Dutra, 1962) e de Magnet Cove (Ericson & Blade, 1963), Arkansas, USA

    Evolución del acceso a la universidad y de la elección de titulación universitaria entre la población joven en Cataluña

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    Este trabajo se ha financiado con una ayuda a la investigación de la AQU (Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari Català)En este artículo se analiza la evolución del acceso a la universidad a lo largo de doce años en los que ha habido cambios institucionales y de contexto importantes. Con datos para Catalunya, primero se analizan los cambios en el acceso según el nivel educativo de los progenitores de los nuevos estudiantes. Los resultados muestran que se han dado oscilaciones en las tasas de nuevo acceso a la universidad que pueden ser atribuidas a modificaciones del contexto, pero la distancia entre los diversos grupos sociales se mantiene a lo largo del tiempo. A continuación se observa la evolución de la frecuencia de elección de titulaciones de precio alto y dificultad alta constatando que se han producido cambios en las elecciones de los estudiantes. Son principalmente las mujeres las que han cambiado sus pautas de elección, pero polarizando sus comportamientos en función de la nota de acceso y de su nivel formativo familiar.This paper analyses the university access trends though 12 years. Some important contextual and institutional changes have occurred. With Catalan data, we first analyse access ratios trends by family educational background. Results show that have been some shifts of access ratios for new stu¬dents, related to contextual changes. Nevertheless, the inequalities between social backgrounds are the same through this period. Then, we analyse the choice of high difficulty and price degree programs, and we observe that there have been some changes in educational choices. Specifically for female students, with a polarized behaviour due to family educational background and access qualifications

    The importance of population contextual data for large-scale biomonitoring using an apex predator: The Tawny Owl (Strix aluco)

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    Top predators are often used as sentinel species in contaminant monitoring due to their exposure and vulnerability to persistent, bioaccumulative and, in some cases, biomagnificable contaminants. Some of their ecological traits can vary in space and time, and are known to influence the contamination levels and therefore information on ecological traits should be used as contextual data for correct interpretation of large-scale contaminant spatial patterns. These traits can explain spatiotemporal variation in contaminant exposure (traits such as diet and dispersal distances) or contaminant impacts (traits such as population trend and clutch size). The aim of our research was to review the spatial variation in selected contextual parameters in the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), a species identified by the COST Action European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility as one of the most suitable candidates for pan-European biomonitoring. A considerable variation in availability of published and unpublished contextual data across Europe was found, with diet being the most extensively studied trait. We demonstrate that the Tawny Owl is a suitable biomonitor at local scale but also that taking spatial variation of other contextual data (e.g. diet) into account is necessary. We found spatial gaps in knowledge about the species ecology and biology in Southern Europe, along with gaps in certain population parameters (e.g. population trends) in several countries. Based on our findings, we proposed a minimal recommended scheme for monitoring of population contextual data as one of the first steps towards a pan-European monitoring scheme using the Tawny Owl

    The Origins and the Biological Consequences of the Pur/Pyr DNA·RNA Asymmetry

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    We analyze the physical origin and the chemical and biological consequences of the asymmetry that occurs in DNA·RNA hybrids when the purine/pyrimidine (Pu/Py) ratio is different in the DNA and RNA strands. When the DNA strand of the hybrid is Py rich, the duplex is much more stable, rigid, and A-like than when the DNA strand is Pu rich. The origins of this dramatic asymmetry are double: first, the apparently innocuous substitution dT → rU produces a significant decrease in stacking, and second, backbone distortions are larger for DNA(Pu)·RNA(Py) hybrids than for the mirror RNA(Pu)·DNA(Py) ones. The functional impact of the structural and dynamic asymmetry in the biological activities of hybrids is dramatic and can be used to improve the efficiency of antisense-type strategies on the basis of the degradation of hybrids by RNase H or gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology

    Propuesta Estratégica de Mejora en la Implementación de los Estándares Mínimos del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SG-SST) en la empresa Audiocom IPS para el segundo semestre del 2019 y primer periodo 2020.

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    Reconocer la importancia de la Gerencia del Talento Humano como proceso para lograr integrar los distintos conceptos y temáticas relacionados para la creación de estrategias que permitan potenciar las empresas a través del desarrollo y contención del talento humano que las componen, armonizando con las necesidades de la organización y que colaboren a la consecución de los objetivos organizacionales.Recognize the importance of Human Talent Management as a process to integrate the different concepts and related topics for the creation of strategies that allow companies to be strengthened through the development and containment of the human talent that compose them, harmonizing with the needs of the organization and that collaborate to the achievement of the organizational objectives

    La composició social de l'accés a la universitat

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    En aquest treball fem una aproximació a què ha passat en termes de volum i taxes generals i segons l'origen social dels joves que accedeixen a la universitat. També s'analitzarà quina ha estat l'evolució de les tries de carrera en funció dels grans canvis institucionals assenyalats: llargada dels estudis, el preu i les expectatives laborals en el context de crisi

    Efficient siRNA-peptide conjugation for specific targeted delivery into tumor cells

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    Despite the broad applicability of the Huisgen cycloaddition reaction, the click functionalization of RNAs with peptides remains still a challenge. Here we describe a straightforward method for the click functionalization of siRNAs with peptides of different size and complexity. Among them, a promising peptide carrier for the selective siRNA delivery into HER2+ breast cancer cell lines