241 research outputs found

    El funcionamiento del mercado de deuda pública anotada en España

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    Estudio de caracter descriptivo en el que se expone la organizacion, funcionamiento, operaciones y agentes participantes del Sistema de Anotaciones en Cuenta de Deuda del Estado (SACDE). El trabajo consta de seis secciones. Tras una introduccion, en la seccion segunda se describe el nuevo sistema de contratacion que ha resultado de la creacion de las anotaciones en cuenta. La seccion tercera se refiere a la estructura de miembros de mercado y sus diferentes metodos de negociacion. En la seccion cuarta se describen las relaciones entre los miembros del mercado y los tenedores ultimos de deuda. La seccion quinta se ocupa de las operaciones que tienen lugar en los diferentes segmentos de contratacion y los agentes que participan en cada caso. Por ultimo realiza un analisis comparativo de este sistema en relacion con otros mercados financieros. Incluye graficos y bibliografia. Un resumen de este documento se publico, con el mismo titulo, en el Boletin Economico de marzo de 1992.(be-jha

    The location of creative clusters in non-metropolitan areas: A methodological proposition

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    This article studies creative clusters outside metropolitan areas in Spain. Both the notion of cluster and that of creative activity tend to be associated by mainstream research with urban settings; thus, situating them in an non metropolitan or rural localities has required us to adapt the usual methodology to the scale and idiosyncrasies of a rural setting. Based on this new focus, we have been able to identify 761 municipalities that could host creative clusters within an initial area of study of 7367 non-metropolitan municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants. This methodology also has allowed us to measure intensity, internal composition, and localization, so that those of a more mature or advanced character, having a greater level of specialization and diversity, predominate in places close to metropolitan areas and the Mediterranean axis, whereas in the inner Spain, they are found in a lower proportion and in a more scattered and discontinuous manner. Activities belonging to the Functional Creations sector prevail over those from Communication and Patrimony in the configuration of the clusters, although there are differences in relative specialization according to their mature or advanced level. In addition, some of the most significant indicators of rural dynamism e population growth, human capital, unemployment, and economic activity e show much better behaviour in municipalities with creative clusters

    Regions of interest computed by SVM wrapped method for Alzheimer’s disease examination from segmented MRI

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    Accurate identification of the most relevant brain regions linked to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is crucial in order to improve diagnosis techniques and to better understand this neurodegenerative process. For this purpose, statistical classification is suitable. In this work, a novel method based on support vector machine recursive feature elimination (SVM-RFE) is proposed to be applied on segmented brain MRI for detecting the most discriminant AD regions of interest (ROIs). The analyses are performed both on gray and white matter tissues, achieving up to 100% accuracy after classification and outperforming the results obtained by the standard t-test feature selection. The present method, applied on different subject sets, permits automatically determining high-resolution areas surrounding the hippocampal area without needing to divide the brain images according to any common template.This work was partly supported by the MICINN under the TEC2012-34306 project and the Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andalucía, Spain) under the Excellence Projects P09-TIC-4530 and P11-TIC-7103. Data collection and sharing for this project was funded by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI; National Institutes of Health Grant U01 AG024904).This research was also supported by NIH grants P30 AG010129, K01 AG030514, and the Dana Foundation

    Evolución de los flujos de rentas por intereses en España entre 1995 y 1999

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    Artículo de revistaLas variaciones de los tipos de interes afectan, entre otros, a las rentas que los agentes obtienen y pagan por sus activos financieros y pasivos, pero no es posible establecer a priori si el impacto de esos cambios favorece la transmision de la politica monetaria, pues esto depende, entre otros factores, del saldo financiero inicial de cada agente. En este articulo se ha evaluado este ultimo tipo de efectos y su contribucion a la transmision de dicha politica. (ad

    Chitosan Films Incorporated with Exopolysaccharides from Deep Seawater Alteromonas sp.

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    Two Alteromonas sp. strains isolated from deep seawater were grown to promote the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS, E611 and E805), which were incorporated into chitosan solutions to develop films. The combination of the major marine polysaccharides (chitosan and the isolated bacterial EPS) resulted in the formation of homogenous, transparent, colorless films, suggesting good compatibility between the two components of the film-forming formulation. With regards to optical properties, the films showed low values of gloss, in the range of 5–10 GU, indicating the formation of non-glossy and rough surfaces. In addition to the film surface, both showed hydrophobic character, with water contact angles higher than 100 º, regardless of EPS addition. Among the two EPS under analysis, chitosan films with E805 showed better mechanical performance, leading to resistant, flexible, easy to handle films.This research was funded by the Economic Development and Infrastructures Department of the Basque Government (grant number KK-2019/00076) and the Quality and Food Industry Department of the Basque Government (grant number 22-2018-00078)

    The Impact of Digital Health on Smoking Cessation

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    Background: Smartphones have become useful tools for medicine, with the use of specific apps making it possible to bring health care closer to inaccessible areas, continuously monitor a patient's pathology at any time and place, promote healthy habits, and ultimately improve patients’ quality of life and the efficiency of the health care system. Since 2020, the use of smartphones has reached unprecedented levels. There are more than 350,000 health apps, according to a 2021 IQVIA Institute report, that address, among other things, the management of patient appointments; communication among different services or professionals; the promotion of lifestyle changes related to adopting healthy habits; and the monitoring of different pathologies and chronic conditions, including smoking cessation. The number of mobile apps for quitting smoking is high. As early as 2017, a total of 177 unique smoking cessation–relevant apps were identified in the iPhone App Store, 139 were identified in Google Play, 70 were identified in the BlackBerry app store, and 55 were identified in the Windows Phone Store, but very few have adequate scientific support. It seems clear that efforts are needed to assess the quality of these apps, as well as their effectiveness in different population groups, to have tools that offer added value to standard practices. Objective: This viewpoint aims to highlight the benefits of mobile health (mHealth) and its potential as an adjuvant tool in health care. Methods: A review of literature and other data sources was performed in order to show the current status of mobile apps that can offer support for smoking cessation. For this purpose, the PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane databases were explored between May and November 2022. Results: In terms of smoking cessation, mHealth has become a powerful coadjuvant tool that allows health workers to perform exhaustive follow-ups for the process of quitting tobacco and provide support anytime and anywhere. mHealth tools are effective for different groups of smokers (eg, pregnant women, patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, patients with mental illness, and the general population) and are cost-effective, generating savings for the health system. However, there are some patient characteristics that can predict the success of using mobile apps in the smoking cessation process, such as the lower age of patients, dependence on tobacco, the number of quit attempts, and the previous use of mobile apps, among others. Therefore, it is preferable to offer these tools to patients with a higher probability of quitting tobacco. Conclusions: mHealth is a promising tool for helping smokers in the smoking cessation process. There is a need for well-designed clinical studies and economic evaluations to jointly assess the effectiveness of new interventions in different population groups, as well as their impact on health care resource


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    El yacimiento de El Malagón está situado junto al cortijo del mismo nombre en el altiplano de Chirivel, a unos 14 km, al este de Cúllar-Baza (Granada) y en su término municipal. Dicha zona puede considerarse como una prolongación por el este de la altiplanicie de Baza-Huéscar, que sirve de comunicación con los caminos que enlazan con la costa mediterránea.FICHEROS ADICIONALES:1. El Malagón. Planta del corte 4.2. El Malagón. Conjunto de vasos procedentes de la cabaña F

    Seis mil años de gestión y dinámica antrópica en el entorno del Parque Natural de los Collados del Asón (Cordillera Cantábrica Oriental)

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    El conocimiento acerca de la evolución de los espacios de montaña resulta ser una problemática de gran interés tanto desde el punto de vista paleoambiental como en relación con las ocupaciones humanas. En este trabajo analizamos la composición y evolución de la vegetación de la turbera de Sotombo, en las cercanías del Parque Natural de los Collados del Asón (Cantabria) en los últimos 6000 años, a través del estudio de pólenes, esporas y microfósiles no polínicos, apoyados por una serie de 8 dataciones radiocarbónicas. Los principales resultados señalan en el inicio de la secuencia el dominio de los bosques caducifolios junto con pinares ca. 5926-2418 cal BP. A partir de este momento se evidencia claramente la antropización del paisaje, en fechas contemporáneas a la expansión de los hayedos. Con posterioridad (desde ca. 596 cal BP) se inicia el desarrollo de las praderas montanas que dominan el paisaje actual.ABSTRACT. The knowledge about the evolution of the mountain areas is a very interesting issue from the palaeoenvironmental stand point, but also from the archaeological view in relation with human occupations. In this paper we analyze the composition and evolution of the vegetation of the peat bog of Sotombo, located in the vicinity of the Collados del Asón Natural Park (Cantabria) over the last 6000 years, through the study of pollens, spores and non-pollen palynomorphs, with the support of 8 AMS radiocarbon dates. The main results point the dominance of deciduous forests with pines between ca. 5926-2418 cal BP. From this moment is clearly evident the anthropogenic activities, in contemporary to the expansion of the beech forests. Subsequently (from ca. 596 cal BP) starts the development of mountain meadows, that dominate the current landscape.Los autores agradecen a los organismos e instituciones que han favorecido el desarrollo de este trabajo, especialmente a la Dirección General de Montes de la Consejería de Desarrollo rural, Ganadería, Pesca y Biodiversidad del Gobierno de Cantabria, por su apoyo financiero y por la ayuda logística a través de la Guardería de Montes y Biodiversidad, y al Plan Nacional I+D+I, CSO2009-14116-CO3-02