318 research outputs found

    Can Tinturé. Historia y arquitectura

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    Con este proyecto se pretende dar a conocer la historia y arquitectura de la casa Can Tinturé, actual museo de la colección de azulejo muestra de Salvador Miquel, mediante el estudio histórico y arquitectónico de la obra y el levantamiento gráfico del edificio. Can Tinturé se encuentra ubicado en la calle de la Esglèsia, en el término municipal de Esplugues de Llobregat. La obra, de autoría del arquitecto Claudi Duran i Ventosa, data de 1898, fue un encargo de su primer propietario Joan Tinturé Campreciós, prohombre y posterior alcalde de Esplugues (1910-1915). El edificio, de tendencias arquitectónicas eclécticas de finales de siglo XIX, está configurado como un cuerpo de tres crujías, desarrollándose en una planta baja, planta piso y planta cubierta plana, con el cuerpo de las escaleras en un extremo, rematado por una torre con cubierta a cuatro aguas. La edificación se sitúa en un espacio conformado por un jardín con una gran variedad de especies arbórea

    Plasma physics code contribution to the Mont-Blanc project

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    This work develops strategies for adapting a particle-in-cell code to heterogeneous computer architectures and, in particular, to an ARM-based prototype of the Mont-Blanc project using OmpSs programming model and the OpenMP and OpenCL languages

    Comparison of fuel consumption of Continuous Descent Operations with required times of arrival

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    Continuous descent operations (CDOs) with required times of arrival (RTAs) have proven to deliver major environmental benefits in terminal maneuvering areas (TMAs) without degrading capacity. When traffic density is high, air traffic controllers (ATC) have to delay flights and assign an RTA different from the aircraft's estimated time of arrival (ETA). In such case, aircraft may have to follow a non-optimum speed profile and possibly be forced to fly powered descents instead of neutral CDOs. Furthermore, ATC may also stretch the planned route to keep the safety of the operation. In that case, aircraft might be able to fly neutral CDOs, but at the expense of flying a longer route. In this paper, the differences in fuel consumption between powered descents and path stretching are quantified. A simplified scenario has been defined in which an Airbus A320 is approaching a generic airport with a finite number of arrival routes (i.e. distances to go), and several fictitious RTAs. Then, an optimal control problem has been formulated and solved in order to generate several trajectories meeting the assigned RTAs. In terms of fuel consumption results show that, for RTAs later than the ETA, although in the beginning path stretching represents a higher fuel consumption, in the end flying powered descents is the strategy that consumes more fuel. For RTAs earlier than the ETA, path stretching shows lower consumption values. The methodology presented in this paper could help to define a ground supporting tool to help ATC to decide which would be the best decision under the trajectory based operations paradigm.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Una illa al cim, el cim d’una illa : singularitat i conservació de la flora vascular del Puig Major

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    No hi ha cap altre lloc a l‟illa de Mallorca amb major concentració d‟espècies de flora vascular endèmica, en perill d‟extinció i singular que als darrers 400 metres de la muntanya del Puig Major de Son Torrella. En l‟última dècada, en el marc del Pla de Conservació de la Flora Vascular Amenaçada del Puig Major, s‟han incrementat considerablement les prospeccions botàniques al cim, el que ha esdevingut en un major coneixement de la distribució, demografia i biologia de les espècies, així com de la problemàtica de conservació que pateixen. El Coristospermum huteri, l‟Agrostis barceloi i el Cotoneaster majoricensis són tres endemismes exclusius i molt amenaçats sobre els quals s‟inverteixen grans esforços de conservació per afavorir-les. El marcatge d‟exemplars, el seguiment biològic, els tancats d‟exclusió d‟herbívors (la cabra és l‟amenaça principal per la flora del Puig Major i de tota la Serra), les actuacions de reforçament, l‟eliminació d‟espècies autòctones competidores i la recol·leccions de llavors per bancs de germoplasma són les principals actuacions de gestió in situ que es porten a terme. Les proteccions físiques contra la pastura de les cabres ha sigut l‟actuació més efectiva i que més incidència ha tingut en benefici d‟aquestes tres espècies i de les 28 restants incloses també al Pla de Conservació. La majoria de les poblacions han augmentat considerablement el nombre d‟exemplars, cada vegada hi ha més individus reproductors i el percentatge de germinacions naturals també s‟ha incrementat. Però malauradament, aquests resultats estan fortament condicionats per l‟excessiva pressió d‟herbívors incontrolada

    Les empreses innovadores a Catalunya

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    Com és sabut, l'esforç realitzat per Espanya en R+D dista encara de ser equiparable al que realitzen els principals països europeus i els més avançats del món, malgrat les millores experimentades en els darrers anys. Pel que fa a la component principal dels recursos destinats a aquest objectiu, és a dir la recerca i el desenvolupament, l'any 2008 últim per al qual es disposa de dades la despesa espanyola representava l'1,35% del PIB, valor que situava el país entre les posicions més baixes entre els principals estats europeus. De fet, si la comparació s'estableix amb la UE-15 i amb alguns dels països més avançats del vell continent i de la resta del món, tan sols Itàlia mantenia una posició pitjor en el darrer exercici de la sèrie considerada

    Optimal assignment of 4D close-loop instructions to enable CDOs in dense TMAs

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Continuous descent operations (CDOs) with required times of arrival (RTAs) represent a potential solution to reduce the environmental impact in terminal maneuvering areas without degrading capacity. However, flight management systems require to know the remaining distance to the metering fix in order to compute the CDO complying with the CTA. This paper assesses the feasibility of replacing the current air traffic control sequencing and merging techniques, which are mainly based on open-loop vectoring, by a control based on RTAs over known and pre-defined arrival routes (i.e., with known distances to go). An optimal control problem has been formulated and solved in order to generate CDO trajectories, while a mixed-integer-linear programming model was build in order to solve the aircraft landing problem in the metering fix. The assessment has been performed for Berlin-Schonefeld airport (Germany), by using arrival traffic gathered from historical data and by taking advantage of its tromboning procedure. Furthermore, a second scenario was studied by adding more simulated traffic to the existing one. Results show that, after assigning an RTA and a route to every arriving aircraft, a time separation of 120 is ensured in the metering fix, while at least 90 seconds of separation are maintained in the the rest of waypoints of the procedure.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Generation of RNP approach flight procedures with an RRT* path-planning algorithm

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We present a framework capable of generating required navigation performance authorization required approach (RNP AR APCH) procedures by using a combination of the optimal version of the path-planning rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT*) algorithm and Dubins paths. Procedures are generated by taking into account design constraints defined by the international civil aviation organization (ICAO) procedures for air navigation services - aircraft operations (PANS-OPS). The framework is used to compute several approach procedures for two airports in Japan, Kumamoto and Kitakyushu airports. Several feasible procedures are successfully obtained in a low amount of computational time, many of them resembling the actual procedures published in the selected airports. The output of our framework represents a valuable input for procedure designers, who could later refine the obtained results with specific flight-procedure-design software.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analysis of weather impact on flight efficiency for Stockholm Arlanda Airport arrivals

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    Analysis of punctuality of airport arrivals, as well as identification of causes of the delays within transition airspace, is an important step in evaluating performance of the Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA) Air Navigation Ser- vices. In this work we analyse how different weather events influence arrival punctuality and vertical flight efficiency on example of Stockholm Arlanda airport. We quantify the impact of the deviations from the flight plans influenced by different weather events, by demonstrating that they result in significant arrival delays, vertical inefficiencies and calculating how much extra fuel is wasted due to vertical flight inefficiency within Stockholm TMA.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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