93 research outputs found

    Giant enhanced diffusion of gold nanoparticles in optical vortex fields

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    We study the diffusion of a metal nanoparticle in the nonconservative force field of an optical vortex lattice. Radiation pressure in the vortex array is shown to induce a giant enhancement over the free thermal diffusion. Langevin dynamics simulations show that the diffusion coefficient of (50 nm radius) gold particles at room temperature is enhanced by 2 orders of magnitude at power densities of the order or smaller than those used to trap nanoparticles with optical tweezers

    Controlling dispersion forces between small particles with artificially created random light fields

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    Appropriate combinations of laser beams can be used to trap and manipulate small particles with optical tweezers as well as to induce significant optical binding forces between particles. These interaction forces are usually strongly anisotropic depending on the interference landscape of the external fields. This is in contrast with the familiar isotropic, translationally invariant, van der Waals and, in general, Casimir-Lifshitz interactions between neutral bodies arising from random electromagnetic waves generated by equilibrium quantum and thermal fluctuations. Here we show, both theoretically and experimentally, that dispersion forces between small colloidal particles can also be induced and controlled using artificially created fluctuating light fields. Using optical tweezers as a gauge, we present experimental evidence for the predicted isotropic attractive interactions between dielectric microspheres induced by laser-generated, random light fields. These light-induced interactions open a path towards the control of translationally invariant interactions with tuneable strength and range in colloidal systemsThis work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation through project numbers 132736 and 149867, and through the National Centre of Competence in Research Bio-Inspired Materials. J.J.S. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish MEC (grant number FIS2012-36113), Comunidad de Madrid (grant number S2009/TIC-1476-Microseres Program-) and by an IKERBASQUE Visiting Fellowship (J.J.S.

    Band gap formation and Anderson localization in disordered photonic materials with structural correlations

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    Disordered dielectric materials with structural correlations show unconventional optical behavior: They can be transparent to long-wavelength radiation, while at the same time have isotropic band gaps in another frequency range. This phenomenon raises fundamental questions concerning photon transport through disordered media. While optical transparency in these materials is robust against recurrent multiple scattering, little is known about other transport regimes like diffusive multiple scattering or Anderson localization. Here, we investigate band gaps, and we report Anderson localization in 2D disordered dielectric structures using numerical simulations of the density of states and optical transport statistics. The disordered structures are designed with different levels of positional correlation encoded by the degree of stealthiness χχ. To establish a unified view, we propose a correlation-frequency (χχ– νν) transport phase diagram. Our results show that, depending only on χχ, a dielectric material can transition from localization behavior to a band gap crossing an intermediate regime dominated by tunneling between weakly coupled states

    Transport of light in amorphous photonic materials

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    Amorphous photonic materials based on dense assemblies of high refractive index spherical particles are presented. Light transmission through these photonic glasses shows a nontrivial wavelength dependence. The transmission spectra can be quantitatively reproduced by modeling the optical properties starting from their building blocks. Our results emphasize the relevance of including short range order correlations and an appropriate effective refractive index in the analysis of light transmission through amorphous photonic materials

    Fluctuations of the electromagnetic local density of states as a probe for structural phase switching

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    We study the statistics of the fluorescence decay rates for single quantum emitters embedded in a scattering medium undergoing a phase transition. Under certain circumstances, the structural properties of the scattering medium explore a regime in which the system dynamically switches between two different phases. While in that regime the light-scattering properties of both phases are hardly distinguishable, we demonstrate that the lifetime statistics of single emitters with low diffusivity is clearly dependent on the dynamical state in which the medium evolves. Hence, lifetime statistics provides clear signatures of phase switching in systems where light scattering does not

    Self-diffusion and structural properties of confined fluids in dynamic coexistence

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    Self-diffusion and radial distribution functions are studied in a strongly confined Lennard-Jones fluid. Surprisingly, in the solid–liquid phase transition region, where the system exhibits dynamic coexistence, the self-diffusion constants are shown to present up to three-fold variations from solid to liquid phases at fixed temperature, while the radial distribution function corresponding to both the liquid and the solid phases are essentially indistinguishable

    Light in correlated disordered media

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    The optics of correlated disordered media is a fascinating research topic emerging at the interface between the physics of waves in complex media and nanophotonics. Inspired by photonic structures in nature and enabled by advances in nanofabrication processes, recent investigations have unveiled how the design of structural correlations down to the subwavelength scale could be exploited to control the scattering, transport and localization of light in matter. From optical transparency to superdiffusive light transport to photonic gaps, the optics of correlated disordered media challenges our physical intuition and offers new perspectives for applications. This article reviews the theoretical foundations, state-of-the-art experimental techniques and major achievements in the study of light interaction with correlated disorder, covering a wide range of systems -- from short-range correlated photonic liquids, to L\'evy glasses containing fractal heterogeneities, to hyperuniform disordered photonic materials. The mechanisms underlying light scattering and transport phenomena are elucidated on the basis of rigorous theoretical arguments. We overview the exciting ongoing research on mesoscopic phenomena, such as transport phase transitions and speckle statistics, and the current development of disorder engineering for applications such as light-energy management and visual appearance design. Special efforts are finally made to identify the main theoretical and experimental challenges to address in the near future.Comment: Submitted to Reviews of Modern Physics. Feedbacks are welcom

    Caracterización de los determinantes sociales en salud relacionados con la educación en personas con discapacidad en el municipio los Patios, Colombia

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: caracterizar los determinantes sociales en salud relacionados con la educación desde la perspectiva de las personas con discapacidad del municipio de Los Patios, Norte de Santander, año 2018. MÉTODOS: a una muestra de 246 personas que presentaban algún tipo de discapacidad con residencia en el municipio Los patios, Norte de Santander, Colombia, bajo selección no probabilística intencionada, se administró el instrumento “Registro para la Localización y Caracterización de Personas con Discapacidad (RLCPD), para identificar los determinantes sociales de salud relacionados con la educación. RESULTADOS: los resultados muestran que las personas con discapacidad aún tienen limitaciones para su inclusión y consecución en el sistema escolar al percibir que no tienen la infraestructura y la formación necesaria para incorporarse al campo laboral. ANÁLISIS Y DISCUSIÓN: aunque se han desarrollado políticas gubernamentales para incorporar a la población con discapacidad al sistema escolar. CONCLUSIONES: pareciera que es necesario que estas transiten del enunciado a acciones concretas

    Automatic segmentation of a meningioma using a computational technique in magnetic resonance imaging

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    Through this work we propose a computational techniquefor the segmentation of a brain tumor, identified as meningioma(MGT), which is present in magnetic resonance images(MRI). This technique consists of 3 stages developed inthe three-dimensional domain: pre-processing, segmentationand post-processing. The percent relative error (PrE) is consideredto compare the segmentations of the MGT, generatedby a neuro-oncologist manually, with the dilated segmentationsof the MGT, obtained automatically. The combination ofparameters linked to the lowest PrE, provides the optimal parametersof each computational algorithm that makes up theproposed computational technique. Results allow reporting aPrE of 1.44%, showing an excellent correlation between themanual segmentations and those produced by the computationaltechnique developed

    Segmentación automática de un meningioma usando una técnica computacional en imágenes de resonancia magnética

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    Through this work we propose a computational technique for the segmentation of a brain tumor, identified as meningioma (MGT), which is present in magnetic resonance images (MRI). This technique consists of 3 stages developed in the three-dimensional domain: pre-processing, segmentation and post-processing. The percent relative error (PrE) is considered to compare the segmentations of the MGT, generated by a neuro-oncologist manually, with the dilated segmentations of the MGT, obtained automatically. The combination of parameters linked to the lowest PrE, provides the optimal parameters of each computational algorithm that makes up the proposed computational technique. Results allow reporting a PrE of 1.44%, showing an excellent correlation between the manual segmentations and those produced by the computational technique developed.Este trabajo propone una técnica computacional para la segmentación de un tumor cerebral, identificado como meningioma (MGT), que está presente en imágenes de resonancia magnética (MRI). Esta técnica consta de 3 etapas desarrolladas en el dominio tridimensional: preprocesamiento, segmentación y postprocesamiento. El porcentaje de error relativo (PrE) se considera para comparar las segmentaciones de la MGT, generadas por un neurooncólogo de forma manual, con las segmentaciones dilatadas de la MGT, obtenidas automáticamente. La combinación de parámetros vinculados al PrE más bajo proporciona los parámetros óptimos de cada algoritmo computacional que conforma la técnica de cálculo propuesta. Los resultados permiten informar un PrE de 1.44%, mostrando una excelente correlación entre las segmentaciones manuales y las producidas por la técnica computacional desarrollada