126 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Spirit Drinks

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    There are many prescribed methods for the analysis of important components and parameters of spirit drinks. Nevertheless, there is a continuous search for new rapid and simple alternative methods that can be used together with recommended methods. The aim of the chapter is to make a review about themes such as quantification of individual components in the spirit drinks, classification of spirit drinks, and determination of adulterants. The chapter shows that fluorescence spectroscopy has a significant potential for being used in spirit drink research because many alcoholic beverage products contain intrinsic fluorophores. Fluorescence spectroscopy allows the determination of some compounds at concentration as low as 0.1–1 μg/L often without sample preparation, there is no use of chemicals and the time of analysis can be very short. The combination of fluorescence data with chemometric tools is a promising approach for the classification of spirit drinks and for the detection of spirit drink adulteration

    Potential of NIR spectroscopy to predict amygdalin content established by HPLC in intact almonds and classification based on almond bitterness

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    [EN] In this study, 360 intact almonds, half sweet and half bitter, were assessed by near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to predict amygdalin content (established by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)) and by applying partial least squares (PLS) to the spectral data. After optimising amygdalin extraction and chromatographic conditions, the amygdalin contents found by HPLC were not detected or below to 350 mg kg-1 for sweet almonds, and between 14,700 and 50,400mg kg 1 for bitter almonds. The intact almond spectra resulted in good predictions of amygdalin content with R2p of 0.939 and RMSEP of 0.373. Almonds were correctly classified into sweet and bitter by linear discriminant analysis (LDA), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) and PLS-DA, with sensitivity and specificity values higher than 0.94 for evaluation set samples. Based on these results, it can be concluded that NIR spectroscopy is a good non-destructive alternative to be used as an automatic in-line classification system by food industry.Victoria Cortes Lopez thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports for the FPU grant (FPU13/04202). The authors wish to thank the cooperative Agricoop for kindly donating the almonds.Cortes-Lopez, V.; Talens Oliag, P.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Lerma-García, MJ. (2018). Potential of NIR spectroscopy to predict amygdalin content established by HPLC in intact almonds and classification based on almond bitterness. Food Control. 91:68-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.03.040S68759

    Financing of Cadastral Office for the region Olomouc

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    This thesis is focused on the topic of financing the organizational division of the state. The topic of this thesis is an analysis and an evaluation of the economy of the Cadastral office for the region of Olomouc in years 2011-2015. The evaluation of the economy is based on a detailed analysis of incomes and expenses in the monitored period. Based on the outcome of this analysis the author will then propose precautions to improve the economy of the Cadastral office for the region of Olomouc. The thesis contains an analysis of collecting the administrative charges depending on the maintnance expenses and a proposal of an optimalization of the height of these charges with respect to the overall effectivity of using the state funds. The first part of the thesis is focused on a research from specialised literature, where there is an explanation of the problems linked with financing the public sector, public funds or the economy of the organizational divisions of the state. In the second, empirical part there are the chracteristics of the author subject of choice and the information gathered is compared with practical application in the chosen subject of the administration, with the goal of proposing an optimalization to improve the economy

    Changes of movement abilities during ontogenesis in youth sports' children.

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    Title: Changes in motor skills during ontogenesis in young children of schoolage. Objectives: The aim of the work was to identify changes in movement abilities during ontogeny in sports children of younger school age. Methods: This work is processed by the method of data analysis, which we drew from the available literature, documents and professional articles. We also used the method of comparison, which was used to compare the data with the data we obtained from the elementary school Benešovo nám. and further compared them using graphs and tables. The research from the obtained data is carried out from the first stage of primary school, specifically from the 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade, and consists of tests for long jump, sprint for 60 m and throwing a ball. Here we used basic statistical characteristics such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation. Results: As a result of the work, the first hypothesis of non-linear change in the 60m run test between 3-5 was not confirmed. class. For the second hypothesis, smaller gender differences in the development of speed skills than in strength skills were confirmed. By evaluating for practice, we can say that children's motor skills change and it is important to focus on them individually. The development of individual abilities is very important and the..

    Changes of movement abilities during ontogenesis in youth sports' children.

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    Title: Changes in motor skills during ontogenesis in young children of schoolage. Objectives: The aim of the work was to identify changes in movement abilities during ontogeny in sports children of younger school age. Methods: This work is processed by the method of data analysis, which we drew from the available literature, documents and professional articles. We also used the method of comparison, which was used to compare the data with the data we obtained from the elementary school Benešovo nám. and further compared them using graphs and tables. The research from the obtained data is carried out from the first stage of primary school, specifically from the 2nd, 3rd and 5th grade, and consists of tests for long jump, sprint for 60 m and throwing a ball. Here we used basic statistical characteristics such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation. Results: As a result of the work, the first hypothesis of non-linear change in the 60m run test between 3-5 was not confirmed. class. For the second hypothesis, smaller gender differences in the development of speed skills than in strength skills were confirmed. By evaluating for practice, we can say that children's motor skills change and it is important to focus on them individually. The development of individual abilities is very important and the...Název: Změny pohybových schopností v průběhu ontogeneze u sportujících dětí mladšího školního věku Cíle: Cílem práce bylo identifikovat změny pohybových schopností v průběhu ontogeneze u sportujících dětí mladšího školního. Metody: Tato práce je zpracovaná metodou analýzy dat, které jsme čerpali z dostupné literatury, dokumentů a odborných článků. Dále jsme zde použili metodu komparace, která sloužila k porovnání zjištěných dat s daty, které jsme získali ze ZŠ Benešova nám a dále je porovnali pomocí grafů a tabulek. Výzkum ze získaných dat je proveden z prvního stupně ZŠ, konkrétně z 2., 3. a 5. ročníku. Skládá se z testů na skok daleký, sprint na 60 m a hod míčkem. Zde jsme využili základní statistické charakteristiky jako je aritmetický průměr a směrodatnou odchylku. Závěry: Výsledkem práce jsme nepotvrdili první hypotézu nelineární změny v testu běhu na 60m mezi 3-5. třídou. V druhé hypotéze jsme potvrdily menší genderové rozdíly ve vývoji rychlostních schopností než u silových Vyhodnocením pro praxi můžeme říct, že pohybové schopnosti u dětí se mění a je důležité se na ně jednotlivě soustředit. Rozvoj jednotlivých schopností je velmi důležitý a musí se zachovat posloupnost s ohledem na věk a genderové rozdíly, které zde hrají velkou roli. Potvrdil se odlišný vývoj jednotlivých pohybových...Laboratoř sportovní motorikyFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor

    Zemlinky Quartet

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    The work is aimed to Zemlinsky quartet, dealing with its appearance, the most important moments and professional as well as personal lives of its members. It is also describes the personality of Alexandr Zemlinský with the preoccupation of his chamber work. Even though the Zemlinský quartet is a young ensemble without a very large history, it definitely deserves our attention

    The Vowel directionality analysis

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    This final thesis attends to comparing different vowels, words and sounds recorded from five individual narrators. In this work the differences and similarities of the male and female speech or pronounciation, the distinction and resemblance in character of Slovak and Czech narrator are all discussed. Work also approaches the difference in pronounciating words which contain the vowel „r“ pronounced subjectively correctly and also spoken by a person with Rhotacism, a speech impediment. During a recording in an anechoic chamber the position of microphone system creating a semicircle was switched from horizontal to vertical axis while rotating the voice actor‘s position from facing the microphones to turning their back to them. For the comparison of sound recordings, signal‘s spectogram and spectograph generated in MatLab environment were used alongside with Praat – speech and phonetics environment. Polar graphs, mapping the directivity of vowels come from Microsoft Excel and LPC graphs from Praat software as well

    The Issue of Lifelong Learning in a Specific Company.

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá identifikací potřeb celoživotního vzdělávání ve společnosti Chládek a Tintěra, Pardubice a. s. Zaměřuje se na návrh vhodného konceptu způsobu vzdělávání s ohledem na potřeby konkrétních pozic, dále stanovením pravidel a zásad pro poskytování celoživotního vzdělávání s podporou společnosti. Závěr práce je věnován návrhu využití informačního sytému podniku.This thesis deals with the identification of lifelong learning needs in the company Chládek a Tintěra Pardubice, a. s. It focuses on the design of a suitable concept of the way of business education with regard to the needs of specific positions, as well as establishing rules and principles for providing lifelong learning with the support of the company. The thesis concludes with a proposal for use of the information system of the company.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudentka přednesla obhajobu práce s názvem Problematika celoživotního vzdělávání ve vybrané firmě. Cílem práce byla identifikace potřeb celoživotního vzdělávání ve vybraném podniku. Návrh vhodného konceptu způsobu celoživotního vzdělávání s ohledem na potřeby konkrétních pozic. Stanovení pravidel a zásad pro poskytování celoživotního vzdělávání s podporou společnosti. Návrh možnosti využití IS podniku pro vysílání na školení a kontrolu pracovníků. Během rozpravy nebyly položeny dotazy dle posudku vedoucího diplomové práce: studentka dle vedoucího pracovala samostatně a všechny připomínky do práce zapracovala. Otázky oponenta: O1: Hodnotila jste (zjišťovala, konzultovala), do jaké míry jsou naplňovány firemní vzdělávací cíle? O2: Navrhla jste konkrétní školení pomocí virtuální reality. Konzultovala jste s manažerkou vzdělávání, zda je to v dohledné době realizovatelné? O3: Řešila (konzultovala) jste ve firmě i motivaci pracovníků pro absolvování soft skills školení? Následně byly během rozpravy položeny doplňující dotazy: O1: Praktická práce začíná na str. 29, poté máte velmi krátkou praktickou část, tabulky, obrázky apod. – co je tedy přínosem, proč praktická část není detailněji rozpracovaná, proč není práce rozsáhlejší? O2: Ve své DP jste nesledovala cíle – zda jsou naplňovány, měří však firma cíle? Studentka na položené otázky reagovala s určitými nedostatky. Klasifikační stupeň je navržen s ohledem na nedostatečnou hloubku provedené analýzy. Analytická část obsahuje zejména popis oblasti systému vzdělávání, chybí provedení hlubší analýzy.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo


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    Bakalársky projekt sa zameriava na fenomén časopisu Burda style, ktorý už vyše 50 rokov sprostredkuváva svojim čitateľom strihy odevov spolu s postupmi, tipmi a trikmi. Umožňuje tak čitateľovi zaplniť šatník aktuálnimi trendami, ktoré by si mal byť schopný zhotoviť sám. V projekte si vyberám jedno konkrétne číslo časopisu 07/17, ktoré som celé previedla do materiálu podľa danej predlohy a pracovného postupu. Zachovaná je i orientačná mapa krajčovského jazyka (za použitia sieťotlače), ktorá tvorí design a ucelý celú kolekciu. Cieľom je tak na jednej strane otestovanie funkčnosti a pravdivosti ponúkaných strihov odevov v časopise, no zároveň je dôraz kladený na remeslo krajčoviny, ktoré podľa popularity časopisu má stále svoje viditeľné miesto. Ako? Kde a kam to speje? Má tento sociálny artefakt v tejto presýtenej konfekčnej dobe stále ešte zmysel?The bachelor project focuses on the phenomenon of the Burda style magazine, which for more than 50 years has been advertising to its readers about pattern making, along with tips and tricks. This allows the readers to fill the wardrobe of current trends that they should be able to make themselves In this project, I chose one specific issue from 07/17 magazine, which I transferred from patterns provided with the material needed according to the template and workflow. I kept the original sewing method using the orientation map provided by the designers (using a silk screen), which forms the design of the whole collection. The aim is, on the one hand, to test the functionality and the practicality of the offered dresses in the magazine, but at the same time emphasis is put on the quality of craftsmanship. According to the popularity of the magazine, this quality still has its visible place in the fashion industry. How? What is this heading towards? Does the social artefact of this confection still make sense in this era?