Financing of Cadastral Office for the region Olomouc


This thesis is focused on the topic of financing the organizational division of the state. The topic of this thesis is an analysis and an evaluation of the economy of the Cadastral office for the region of Olomouc in years 2011-2015. The evaluation of the economy is based on a detailed analysis of incomes and expenses in the monitored period. Based on the outcome of this analysis the author will then propose precautions to improve the economy of the Cadastral office for the region of Olomouc. The thesis contains an analysis of collecting the administrative charges depending on the maintnance expenses and a proposal of an optimalization of the height of these charges with respect to the overall effectivity of using the state funds. The first part of the thesis is focused on a research from specialised literature, where there is an explanation of the problems linked with financing the public sector, public funds or the economy of the organizational divisions of the state. In the second, empirical part there are the chracteristics of the author subject of choice and the information gathered is compared with practical application in the chosen subject of the administration, with the goal of proposing an optimalization to improve the economy

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