139 research outputs found
The role of artificial intelligence, knowledge and wisdom in automatic image understanding
In the paper, the roles of intelligence, knowledge, learning and wisdom are discussed in the context of image content understanding. The known model of automatic image understanding is extended by the role of learning. References to example implementations are also given
One of the most serious problems faced by researchers studying eating disorders is denial of illness in individuals with anorexia
nervosa. Importantly, the term “denial” not only has different meanings, but in the case of anorexia nervosa its very nature still
remains obscure. It is not even known whether it is deliberate or unintentional. Denial of illness in anorexic patients has serious
consequences for evaluation of the reliability of information obtained from those individuals. Indeed, the most frequently used
screening questionnaires, such as the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT) (Garner & Garfinkel 1979) and the Eating Disorder Inventory
(EDI) (Garner et al. 1983), may not reflect the psychological state of the subjects due to distorted responses. The objective of this
review article is to elucidate, at least in part, the nature of denial of illness in anorexic individuals and, importantly, to present
methods for direct or indirect measurement of this variable. The authors emphasize the detrimental effect of denial of illness on the
quality of information obtained from the patients and the notorious unreliability of self-report data. The final part of the paper
contains suggestions as to methods of bypassing the pitfalls associated with the influence of denial of illness on the results of studies
involving anorexic individuals; for instance, it is recommended that one should build an honest and trustful relationship with the
patient. Last but not least, the focus is placed on the potential of experimental psychology, which offers tools producing robust data,
resistant to deliberate distortion by patients
Sygna\u142 mowy
S\u142owa kluczowe: artykulacja i percepcja mowy; analiza i rozpoznawanie naturalnego sygna\u142u mowy polskiej; metody opisu sygna\u142u mowy; sygna\u142y mowy w automatyce; sygna\u142y mowy w telekomunikacj
New Opportunities, New Challenges and New Threats to Education Resulting from Increasing Immersion of Students in Cyberspace
The development and increasing number of diverse forms of all age students' immersion in cyberspace (e.g., common participation in social networking services, intensive use of electronic communication,
widespread acquisition of information primarily from the Internet etc.) leads to the necessity of considering the above-mentioned factors also in any discussion about the current education.
After the propagation of Internet facilities across the whole population and the emergence of numerous easily available sources of data and other information on the net – the relation between teachers and students must necessarily change in a dramatic way. Instead of the traditional role assigned previously to the teacher – that of the source of information acquired by students – now the
teacher must be rather a guide in the “information jungle” sprawling over cyberspace than an information
provider. The quantity and diversity of information available on the net is totally incomparable with the information that can be given to students by even the most educated and generous teacher. However, the collection of information acquired by a student from electronic sources alone is not equivalent to knowledge. There is a saying that knowledge consists of information, like a house is made of bricks. But not all heaps of bricks are houses, and not all collections of information can be considered knowledge. Both the bricks in the house walls and the information in knowledge systems must be formed by an expert. A contemporary teacher should be an expert in knowledge
formation rather than an information provider. We can see here the opportunities generated by the vast amount of information available to students from the cyberspace, much bigger than the amount of information available from the teacher, or even all textbooks in the traditional teaching
model. Yet we must also see the threats posed by the huge amount of imprecise, obsolete and even incorrect information which is also available on the Internet, and is often indistinguishable from the
true information, the information solely valuable from the viewpoint of merit. Moreover, also examination of students is a source of threats, because the frequently employed test exams are useful for checking the information acquired by students, but are inadequate when we need to evaluate
their knowledge. All the problems pointed out above are discussed in the paper, which also proposes and examines some futuristic ideas.3369935Studia Edukacyjn
Spo\u142eczno\u15b\u107 Internetu
S\u142owa kluczowe: internet \u2013 zasoby, narz\u119dzia, prawo, polityka i etyka; spo\u142ecze\u144stwo informacyjne a spo\u142eczno\u15b\u107 internetu; internet w Unii Europejskiej \u2013 kompetencje cyfrowe spo\u142ecze\u144stwa i rozw\uf3j systemu telekomunikacyjnego; u\u17cytkownik internetu \u2013 profil psychologiczno-socjolgiczny; internet jako medium komunikacyjn
Problemy biocybernetyki
S\u142owa kluczowe: modelowanie cybernetyczne system\uf3w biologicznych; neurocybernetyka \u2013 neuronowe metody przetwarzania informacji i systemy modeluj\u105ce struktur\u119 ludzkiego m\uf3zgu i zachowanie cz\u142owieka; sieci neuronowe; teoria rozpoznawania obraz\uf3w; logika matematyczn
Podstawy elektroniki medycznej. Cz. 1
S\u142owa kluczowe: elektronika w biologii: w\u142asno\u15bci sygna\u142\uf3w biologicznych, pomiary biopr\u105d\uf3w i biopotencja\u142\uf3w; elektronika medyczna: akustyka medyczna, diagnostyka ultrad\u17awi\u119kowa; badania radioizotopowe; techniki endoradiosond; diagnostyka i badania biologiczne z wykorzystaniem elektronicznej aparatury pomiarowej i kontrolne
S\u142owa kluczowe: modelowanie cybernetyczne system\uf3w biologicznych; procesy informacyjne w \u17cywych organizmach; biocybernetyczne modele systemu nerwowego i system\uf3w percepcyjnych cz\u142owieka; sztuczna inteligencja; logika matematyczn
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