11 research outputs found

    Comparison of unemployment rates of czech university graduates based on various factors

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    Observating unemployment of Czech university graduates while using different characteristics of them is a good foundation for evaluating their employability. Comparing unemployment rates between groups of students sorted for example by a study focus, type of a study program, or a gender can be valuable for evaluating actual work opportunities. Detailed analysis of the unemployment rates by different factors can also bring new knowledge regarding employment of the university graduates. Goal of this thesis is to compare the unemployment rates of the Czech university graduates by some of their key characteristics, and to evaluate the progression of aforementioned characteristics

    Mitochondrial permeability transition pore and its role in cardioprotection

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    The mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) is a non-specific voltage dependent channel which is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. High calcium concentration and oxidative stress are main inducers of MPTP opening in a tissue which is affected by ischaemia and subsequent reperfusion. Morbidity and mortality of pacients who suffer from acute myocardial infaction or cardiochirugical operation, depends on the size of ischemic- reperfusion injury (IRI). The methods of IRI attenuation are based on the inhibition of the MPTP through farmacological intervention or ischemic conditioning. This thesis summarizes the current knowledge about the MPTP structure, regulation and its role in cardioprotection. Key words: mitochondrial permeability transition pore, cardioprotection, ischemic conditioning, CsA, SAFE and RISK pathwa

    Education modules with Low-voltage logic gates

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    44 stran, 20 stran příloh :ilustrace +1 CD-ROMTato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací modulů s nízkou napěťovou úrovní, které jsou kompatibilní se stavebnicí RC didactic (Domino). Moduly slouží k výuce předmětů, zabývající se především číslicovou elektronikou. Práce je rozdělena do osmi základních kapitol. Druhá kapitola ''Výběr IO pro realizaci modulů'' obsahuje historii logických obvodů, přehled řad vyráběných technologiemi TTL a CMOS včetně komentářů. Kapitola třetí s názvem ''Použité napěťové úrovně v modulech'' popisuje napěťové úrovně využívané v číslicové elektronice a možnosti převodu určitých napěťových úrovní nejen mezi výrobními technologiemi TTL a CMOS, ale i v systémech obsahující jednu technologii. Čtvrtá kapitola ''Software použitý k návrhu modulů'' popisuje program Eagle, ve kterém byly navrženy schémata a
 desky plošných spojů modulů realizovaných v rámci této bakalářské práce a simulátor elektronických obvodů Tina-TI. Kapitola pátá pod názvem ''Přehled a popis výukových modulů'' popisuje schémata zapojení, realizaci a funkci modulů, včetně příkladu možné realizace ve výuce. Šestá kapitola ''Výroba a realizace navržených modulů'' komentuje výrobu modulů, od návrhu v softwaru Eagle přes osazení, pájení až po finální produkt. Kapitola sedmá ''Ověření funkčnosti, měření a vyhodnocení modulů'' obsahuje postup měření modulů s daným zapojením logické funkce včetně grafů a vyhodnocení daného měření. Poslední osmou kapitolu je ''Závěr'', kde jsou zmíněny výsledky této bakalářské práce. V přílohách je umístěn seznam použitých součástek, schémata a návrhy desek
 plošných spojů navržených modulů a možnosti zapojení logických funkcí hlavních součástek

    Education modules with Low-voltage logic gates

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    Evaluation of Dynamic Joint Stability in Women Knee by Y Balance Test

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    Jednou z řady možností testování dynamické stability kolenního kloubu je Y Balance Test. Ve srovnání s dalšími klinickými testy vyniká svojí jednoduchou proveditelností, nenáročností a citlivostí na možné riziko poranění. Hranicí vzniku možného rizika poranění je 90 % dle kompozitního skóre vypočteného z maximálního dosahu ve sledovaných směrech (anteriorním, posteromediálním a posterolaterálním). Z našich výsledků vyplývá, že lze tento test aplikovat v jakémkoliv prostředí, kde zajistíme rovinu ve výše zmíněných směrech. Průměrné kompozitní skóre námi sledované skupiny překročilo hranici 90 %, konkrétně na ¯x = 94,12 %. Nebyl nalezen rozdíl mezi testováním dominantní a nedominantní končetiny, pravou a levou stranou ani při srovnání anamnestickými údajů o užívání antikoncepce. Významnější rozdíl byl nalezen při porovnání průměrů sportujících a nesportujících probandek, což ukazuje na významnost neuromuskulárního tréninku pro zajištění dynamické stability kolene.One of the many options for testing the dynamic stability of the knee joint is the Y Balance Test. Compared to other clinical tests, it excels in its practicability, simplicity and sensitivity to the possible risk of injury. The limit of possible risk of injury is 90 % according to the composite score calculated from the maximum reach in the monitored directions (anterior, posteromedial and posterolateral). Our results show that this test can be applied in any environment where we provide a plane in the directions above. The average composite score of the group monitored by us exceeded the limit of 90 %, specifically at ¯x = 94.12 %. No difference was found between dominant and non-dominant limb testing, right and left side, or anamnestic data on contraceptive use. A more significant difference was found when comparing the averages of athletic and non-athletic probands, which indicates the importance of neuromuscular training to ensure dynamic knee stability

    Mužšká inkontinence a možnosti fyzioterapie

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    Stresová inkontinence z pohledu fyzioterapeuta

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    Natural history of KBG syndrome in a large European cohort

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    KBG syndrome (KBGS) is characterized by distinctive facial gestalt, short stature and variable clinical findings. With ageing, some features become more recognizable, allowing a differential diagnosis. We aimed to better characterize natural history of KBGS. In the context of a European collaborative study, we collected the largest cohort of KBGS patients (49). A combined array- based Comparative Genomic Hybridization and next generation sequencing (NGS) approach investigated both genomic Copy Number Variants and SNVs. Intellectual disability (ID) (82%) ranged from mild to moderate with severe ID identified in two patients. Epilepsy was present in 26.5%. Short stature was consistent over time, while occipitofrontal circumference (median value: −0.88 SD at birth) normalized over years. Cerebral anomalies, were identified in 56% of patients and thus represented the second most relevant clinical feature reinforcing clinical suspicion in the paediatric age when short stature and vertebral/dental anomalies are vague. Macrodontia, oligodontia and dental agenesis (53%) were almost as frequent as skeletal anomalies, such as brachydactyly, short fifth finger, fifth finger clinodactyly, pectus excavatum/carinatum, delayed bone age. In 28.5% of individuals, prenatal ultrasound anomalies were reported. Except for three splicing variants, leading to a premature termination, variants were almost all frameshift. Our results, broadening the spectrum of KBGS phenotype progression, provide useful tools to facilitate differential diagnosis and improve clinical management. We suggest to consider a wider range of dental anomalies before excluding diagnosis and to perform a careful odontoiatric/ear-nose-throat (ENT) evaluation in order to look for even submucosal palate cleft given the high percentage of palate abnormalities. NGS approaches, following evidence of antenatal ultrasound anomalies, should include ANKRD11

    Natural history of KBG syndrome in a large European cohort

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    KBG syndrome is characterised by distinctive facial gestalt, short stature and variable clinical findings. With ageing, some features become more recognizable, allowing a differential diagnosis. We aimed to better characterise natural history of KBG syndrome. In the context of a European collaborative study, we collected the largest cohort of KBGS patients (49). A combined array-CGH and NGS approach investigated both genomic CNVs/SNVs. Intellectual disability (ID) (82%) ranged from mild to moderate with severe ID identified in two patients. Epilepsy was present in 26.5%. Short stature was consistent over time, while OFC (median value: -0.88 SD at birth) normalised over years. Cerebral anomalies, were identified in 56% of patients and thus represented the second most relevant clinical feature reinforcing clinical suspicion in the paediatric age when short stature and vertebral/dental anomalies are vague. Macrodontia, oligodontia, and dental agenesis (53%) were almost as frequent as skeletal anomalies, such as brachydactyly, short fifth finger, fifth finger clinodactyly, pectus excavatum/carinatum, delayed bone age. In 28.5% of individuals, prenatal ultrasound anomalies were reported. Except for three splicing variants, leading to a premature termination, variants were almost all frameshift. Our results, broadening the spectrum of KBGS phenotype progression, provide useful tools to facilitate differential diagnosis and improve clinical management. We suggest to consider a wider range of dental anomalies before excluding diagnosis and to perform a careful odontoiatric/ENT evaluation in order to look for even submucosal palate cleft given the high percentage of palate abnormalities. NGS approaches, following evidence of antenatal ultrasound anomalies, should include ANKRD11

    Rare germline heterozygous missense variants in BRCA1-associated protein 1, BAP1, cause a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder

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    International audienceNuclear deubiquitinase BAP1 (BRCA1-associated protein 1) is a core component of multiprotein complexes that promote transcription by reversing the ubiquitination of histone 2A (H2A). BAP1 is a tumor suppressor whose germline loss-of-function variants predispose to cancer. To our knowledge, there are very rare examples of different germline variants in the same gene causing either a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) or a tumor predisposition syndrome. Here, we report a series of 11 de novo germline heterozygous missense BAP1 variants associated with a rare syndromic NDD. Functional analysis showed that most of the variants cannot rescue the consequences of BAP1 inactivation, suggesting a loss-of-function mechanism. In T cells isolated from two affected children, H2A deubiquitination was impaired. In matching peripheral blood mononuclear cells, histone H3 K27 acetylation ChIP-seq indicated that these BAP1 variants induced genome-wide chromatin state alterations, with enrichment for regulatory regions surrounding genes of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). Altogether, these results define a clinical syndrome caused by rare germline missense BAP1 variants that alter chromatin remodeling through abnormal histone ubiquitination and lead to transcriptional dysregulation of developmental genes