172 research outputs found

    Optimal utforming av liggebÄs for mjÞlkeku : effekt pÄ reinhet, mjÞlkeytelse, helse og atferd

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    LiggebĂ„sens utforming er av stor betydning for blant annet hygiene og kuenes atferd i et lĂžsdriftfjĂžs ettersom kua tilbringer hoveddelen av tida si her, hovedsakelig liggende men ogsĂ„ stĂ„ende i bĂ„sen. For Ă„ unngĂ„ at kua velger Ă„ legge seg andre steder enn i liggebĂ„sen, mĂ„ utformingen vĂŠre slik at den utgjĂžr den foretrukne liggeplassen. Dette innebĂŠrer at kyrne mĂ„ tilbys en liggeplass tilpasset deres behov. HovedmĂ„lsetningen med dette studiet var derfor Ă„ evaluere effekter av liggebĂ„sutforming pĂ„ reinhet, mjĂžlkeytelse, helse og atferd. Denne avhandlingen er basert pĂ„ tre delstudier; en spĂžrreundersĂžkelse om liggeunderlag basert pĂ„ 363 besetninger, et feltstudie i 232 besetninger og et kontrollert preferansestudie med 16 kyr. I dette studiet ble det funnet at liggeunderlag med en mjukhet pĂ„ minimum 16 mm nedbĂžyning positivt hang sammen med Ăžkt mjĂžlkeytelse (+ 3.9 til 4.5 %) og redusert forekomst av mastitt (inntil 19.9 % reduksjon eller 2.8 prosentpoeng) og spenetrĂ„kk (inntil 82.4 % reduksjon eller 1.4 prosentpoeng), mens betong som liggeunderlag er en risikofaktor for utrangering. Studiet har videre vist at detaljer i utformingen av liggebĂ„sen er viktig for bĂ„de dyras og bĂ„sens reinhet, noe som ogsĂ„ virker inn pĂ„ jurhelse og mjĂžlkekvalitet. Det ble funnet sammenhenger der fĂžlgende forutsetninger var av betydning for reine bĂ„ser; bruk av strĂž (> 0.2 liter per bĂ„s), avstand diagonalt fra oppkant bak i bĂ„s til nakkebom bĂžr ikke overstige 1.96 m, nedre hodebom i front av bĂ„sen bĂžr fjernes, bĂ„sens lengde bĂžr ikke vĂŠre lenger enn 2.30/ 2.45 m, brystplanke med hĂžyde pĂ„ maksimum 0.1 m bĂžr brukes, men den har mindre effekt pĂ„ bĂ„sreinhet dersom den plasseres mer enn 1.83 m fra bakkant i bĂ„sen. Øvre hodebom bĂžr plasseres minimum 0.7 eller helst opp mot 1.0 m over golv i liggebĂ„s. Bredde og lengde hadde betydning for reinhet, men mindre enn forventet. I tillegg til andre parametre som pĂ„virker reinhet, viser dette studiet at det er av stor betydning for bĂ„sreinhet at fronten av liggebĂ„sen er av en Ă„pen konstruksjon, antakeligvis fordi dette i minst mulig grad innvirker pĂ„ dyras naturlige legge- og reisebevegelse. Det ble ogsĂ„ funnet at fĂžlgende variabler var risikofaktorer for skitne kyr; bruk av lite strĂž (< 0.5 l per bĂ„s), ”tett” liggebĂ„sfront, flere enn ei ku per liggebĂ„s, lite tamme kyr samt hĂžy eller lav temperatur og hĂžy relativ luftfuktighet. I et kontrollert forsĂžk hvor fleksible bĂ„sskiller av enkel utfĂžrelse ble sammenliknet med tradisjonelle fritthengende bĂ„sskiller med tanke pĂ„ dyras liggeatferd, ble det funnet at de fungerte like godt. Utformingen av liggebĂ„sene i dette forsĂžket var basert pĂ„ funn nevnt over som bidro til reine bĂ„ser og kyr. Det ble ikke funnet forskjeller i liggeatferd, men kuene viste likevel en klar preferanse for de fleksible bĂ„sskillene. BĂ„sene holdt seg bemerkelsesverdig reine under hele forsĂžket.Design of the free stall is of major importance to e.g. cleanliness and cow behaviour because the cows spend the majority of their time in the stalls, mostly lying but also standing. To avoid that cows chose to lie other places than in the free stalls, the design has to be such that it is the preferred place for lying. An implication of this is that the free stall has to be adapted to the demands of the cows. The main aim of this study was therefore to evaluate effects of free stall design on cleanliness, milk yield, health and behaviour. The thesis is based on three studies; one questionnaire about free stall base in 363 dairy herds, one field study in 232 dairy herds and one controlled preference test with 16 dairy cows. In present study it was found that soft stall bases with a minimum softness of 16 mm impact was associated with increased milk yield (+ 3.9 to 4.5 %), decreased incidence of clinical mastitis (up to 19.9 % reduction or 2.8 percent points) and teat lesions (up to 82.4 % reduction or 1.4 percent points), whereas concrete as lying surface seem to be a risk factor regarding removal. Present study also found that details of the free stall design are of importance for stall and animal cleanliness, factors influencing on udder health and milk quality. Clean stalls were associated with use of bedding (> 0.2 L per stall), maximum diagonal distance from rear curb in stall to neck rail of 1.96 m, lower head rail not present, length of stall base not more than 2.30/ 2.45 m, and brisket locator with maximum height 0.1 m should be used. However, the effect on stall cleanliness is minor if located more than 1.83 m from rear curb. Upper head rail should be positioned minimum 0.7 or preferably closer to 1.0 m above stall floor. Associations between stall cleanliness and stall width and length was found, however were of less importance than expected. It was found that an open front in free stalls is of importance for stall cleanliness, possibly because an open front will interfere less with the lying and raising movements of the cows. Further, the following variables were found to be risk factors for dirty cows; use of less than 0.5 L bedding per stall, less open front in the stall, increasing cow number per stall, less tame cows and high or low temperature and high relative air humidity. Flexible dividers performed equally good as standard fixed cantilever stall dividers with regard to lying behaviour of the animals in a controlled study comparing flexible and fixed stall dividers. The design of the stalls was based on the findings that contributed to increased stall and cow cleanliness mentioned above. The cows clearly preferred stalls with flexible dividers, however no differences in lying behaviour were found. The stalls remained remarkably clean during the experiment.Foundation for Research Levy on Agricultural Products (Fondet for forskningsavgift pĂ„ landbruksprodukter) ; The Research Council of Norway (Norges forskningsrĂ„d) ; Agricultural Agreement Research Fund (Forskningsmidler over jordbruksavtalen

    Hot water in the inner 100 AU of the Class 0 protostar NGC1333 IRAS2A

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    Evaporation of water ice above 100 K in the inner few 100 AU of low-mass embedded protostars (the so-called hot core) should produce quiescent water vapor abundances of ~10^-4 relative to H2. Observational evidence so far points at abundances of only a few 10^-6. However, these values are based on spherical models, which are known from interferometric studies to be inaccurate on the relevant spatial scales. Are hot cores really that much drier than expected, or are the low abundances an artifact of the inaccurate physical models? We present deep velocity-resolved Herschel-HIFI spectra of the 3(12)-3(03) lines of H2-16O and H2-18O (1097 GHz, Eup/k = 249 K) in the low-mass Class 0 protostar NGC1333 IRAS2A. A spherical radiative transfer model with a power-law density profile is unable to reproduce both the HIFI data and existing interferometric data on the H2-18O 3(13)-2(20) line (203 GHz, Eup/k = 204 K). Instead, the HIFI spectra likely show optically thick emission from a hot core with a radius of about 100 AU. The mass of the hot core is estimated from the C18O J=9-8 and 10-9 lines. We derive a lower limit to the hot water abundance of 2x10^-5, consistent with the theoretical predictions of ~10^-4. The revised HDO/H2O abundance ratio is 1x10^-3, an order of magnitude lower than previously estimated.Comment: Accepted by ApJ; 12 pages in emulateapj format; 7 figure

    Identifying Improvement Areas in Production Planning Meetings by Assessing Organisation and Information Systems at a Small Production Company

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    The increased mass-customisation of production requires operators to manage an increasing number of complex work tasks. From a social sustainability perspective, better sharing and dissemination of production information supports operators cognitively to manage and understand their work tasks, which in turn improves quality of work. So, the focus of this paper is to study how production planning meetings can be improved. Previous research suggests that the MEET model can be used as a framework for improving meetings and information sharing by studying 10 different areas within a company’s Organisation System (OS) and Information System (IS) whilst considering the time and place prerequisites and aims for these meetings. In this paper, the applicability of the MEET model and its 10 areas are tested at a small production company by applying two different approaches. First, a questionnaire was presented to and filled out by a manager, the results of the questionnaire identifies the improvement potential of each of the 10 areas. Second, a comprehensive current-state analysis based on observations on the shop-floor and interviews with operators were carried out with regards to the 10 areas. The results from these two approaches were compared and the comparison showed that both approaches point towards similar areas for potential improvements. This paper concludes that the MEET model can be used as a general framework to inspire change by suggesting areas with potential improvement in information sharing. While the selfassessment questionnaire can identify a direction, additional information and involvement of other stakeholders are recommended for actual implementations of change. For future research, the methods based on the MEET model will be further developed to improve accuracy and the suggestions provided to the case company in this paper will be tested as a validation of the model

    Outflow forces of low mass embedded objects in Ophiuchus: a quantitative comparison of analysis methods

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    The outflow force of molecular bipolar outflows is a key parameter in theories of young stellar feedback on their surroundings. The focus of many outflow studies is the correlation between the outflow force, bolometric luminosity and envelope mass. However, it is difficult to combine the results of different studies in large evolutionary plots over many orders of magnitude due to the range of data quality, analysis methods and corrections for observational effects such as opacity and inclination. We aim to determine the outflow force for a sample of low luminosity embedded sources. We will quantify the influence of the analysis method and the assumptions entering the calculation of the outflow force. We use the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope to map 12CO J=3-2 over 2'x2' regions around 16 Class I sources of a well-defined sample in Ophiuchus at 15" resolution. The outflow force is then calculated using seven different methods differing e.g. in the use of intensity-weighted emission and correction factors for inclination. The results from the analysis methods differ from each other by up to a factor of 6, whereas observational properties and choices in the analysis procedure affect the outflow force by up to a factor of 4. For the sample of Class I objects, bipolar outflows are detected around 13 sources including 5 new detections, where the three non-detections are confused by nearby outflows from other sources. When combining outflow forces from different studies, a scatter by up to a factor of 5 can be expected. Although the true outflow force remains unknown, the separation method (separate calculation of dynamical time and momentum) is least affected by the uncertain observational parameters. The correlations between outflow force, bolometric luminosity and envelope mass are further confirmed down to low luminosity sources.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by A&

    Alternative tilknytningsformer for arbeid i privat helse- og omsorgssektor

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    Hensikten med denne oppgaven er Ä undersÞke fordeler og ulemper i forbindelse med fleksibel organisering. Oppgaven er avgrenset til Ä undersÞke bruken av alternative tilknytningsformer i den private helse- og omsorgssektoren i Norge. Aleris Ungplan & BOI, som er en del av det private helsekonsernet Aleris, benyttes i denne forbindelse som forskningsobjekt. Oppgavens hovedproblemstilling er: Hvilke fordeler og ulemper kan Aleris Ungplan & BOI mÞte i forbindelse med deres bruk av tilknytningsformer? Med denne problemstillingen er hensikten Ä gjÞre en redegjÞrelse av fordeler og ulemper knyttet til fleksibel organisering bÄde for ledelsen og for de som jobber i systemet. For Ä svare pÄ denne problemstillingen er det benyttet kvalitative metoder. Datainnsamlingen har foregÄtt gjennom Ätte kvalitative dybdeintervjuer med informanter tilknyttet Aleris Ungplan & BOI. Videre er informasjonen fra disse intervjuene analysert og tolket. UndersÞkelsens resultater viser at Aleris Ungplan & BOI i stor grad baserer sin virksomhet pÄ Ä leie inn selvstendig nÊringsdrivende. Dette innebÊrer at bedriften oppnÄr stor fleksibilitet og sparer personalkostnader. Organiseringen byr imidlertid pÄ uforutsigbarhet i tilgangen pÄ arbeidskraft. De selvstendig nÊringsdrivende oppnÄr ogsÄ hÞy grad av fleksibilitet knyttet til en fleksibel arbeidstid. Samtidig medfÞrer dette uforutsigbarhet i forbindelse med trygghet for arbeid og inntekt

    La Piezosurgery come metodica alternativa alla strumentazione rotante tradizionale nell'estrazione di ottavi inferiori inclusi. Revisione della letteratura

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    La presente dissertazione si occupa di esporre la validitĂ  della piezosurgery nell'estrazione di ottavi inclusi inferiori come alternativa alla strumentazione rotante tradizionale. Ne vengono illustrati vantaggi e svantaggi con particolare attenzione al tempo impiegato per l'intervento, alla riduzione delle complicanze e al miglioramento del decorso postoperatorio, il tutto sulla base di una revisione sistematica che la letteratura propone su questo argomento corredata dall' esposizione di una serie di casi clinici

    Digitalization of Whiteboard for Work Task Allocation to Support Information Sharing between Operators and Supervisor

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    The increase of complexity in modern production systems has put new demands on shop-floor operators. Therefore, proper sharing of information on shop-floors has become more important as means to support operators’ cognition. To this aim, the development of Information and Communication Technology has provided new support tools, but many of these tools lack empirical testing in live production. This paper studies how information sharing between operators and supervisor, at a small production company, is affected by the use of one of these tools: namely, replacing a whiteboard for work task allocation with a digital counterpart. In this study, questionnaires, polls, and interviews about the operators’ perception towards shared information and its quality were assessed. This assessment was based on the MEET model, which includes both an organizational and an informational perspective for studying various areas that affect meetings and information sharing. The results indicate that, while the information quality was improved by the digital whiteboard, the Organization System supporting the changed Information System need to keep up with the changes. Future practice needs to better match the two systems, and research needs to study the relations of the subcomponents of the two systems

    Investigating cow−calf contact in a cow-driven system: performance of cow and calf

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    In this research communication we describe the performance of dairy cow−calf pairs in two cow-driven CCC-systems differing in cows' access to the calves through computer-controlled access gates (smart gates, SG). We investigated cows' machine milk yield in the automatic milking system (AMS), calf growth, and intake of supplemental milk and concentrate. Two groups each with four cow-calf pairs were housed in a system with a cow area, a calf creep and a meeting area. SG's controlled cow traffic between the meeting area and the cow area where cows could obtain feed, cubicles and the AMS. Calves had ad libitum access to supplemental milk and concentrate. During the suckling phase of 31 d, cow access to the meeting area was free 24 h/d (group 1) or restricted (group 2) based on milking permission. Following the suckling phase, cow access was gradually decreased over 9 d (separation phase). During the suckling phase, cows' machine milk yield (mean ± sd) in the AMS was 11.4 ± 6.38 kg/d. In the separation phase, the yield increased to 25.0 ± 10.37 kg/d. Calf average daily gain (ADG) was high during the suckling phase: 1.2 ± 0.74 kg. During the separation phase, ADG decreased to 0.4 ± 0.72 kg which may be related to a low intake of supplemental milk. Calves' concentrate intake increased with age, and all calves consumed >1 kg/d after separation. We conclude that cows nurse the calf in a cow-directed CCC system well resulting in high ADG, and AMS milk yields were, at least, partially maintained during the suckling phase. Although the AMS yields increased in response to separation, calf ADG was decreased. A low sample size limits interpretation beyond description but provides a basis for hypotheses regarding future research into CCC-systems.publishedVersio

    Effekter av redusert jordarbeiding og forbedrede jordarbeidingsteknikker pĂ„ klimagassutslipp i planteproduksjon – et forprosjekt.

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    Norsk: Denne rapporten er resultatet av et forprosjekt gjennomfĂžrt som et samarbeid mellom Ruralis – Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning og HĂžgskolen i Innlandet. TilnĂŠrmingen er todelt; der del 1 er en innledende litteraturstudie som gir oversikt over relevant norsk og internasjonal forskning omkring redusert jordarbeiding og forbedrede jordarbeidingsteknikker, med hensyn pĂ„ reduserte klimagassutslipp og miljĂžbelastninger. Del 2 er hoveddelen av rapporten, og er en pilotstudie som omhandler bĂžnders interesse for og erfaring med redusert jordarbeiding i sin daglige drift, og er basert pĂ„ intervjuer med i alt 12 gĂ„rdbrukere pĂ„ Østlandet og i TrĂžndelag. Med redusert jordarbeiding menes endringer i antall operasjoner og tilpasning til nye redskapstyper, slik at det benyttes fĂŠrre operasjoner enn tidligere for Ă„ bearbeide og bruke jorda. I mange tilfeller betyr redusert jordarbeiding bortfall av veltefjĂžlsplog, men ikke alltid. Vi belyser bĂžndenes teknikker for jordarbeiding, som harving og andre arbeidsoperasjoner pĂ„ jordbruksarealene. Valgene av teknikker og operasjoner tas for eksempel hos enkelte bĂžnder som fĂžlge av tilpasninger til vĂŠrforhold, Ăžkonomisering av drift, eller forsĂžk pĂ„ Ă„ redusere klimagassutslipp, i noen tilfeller alt sammen. Andre bĂžnder kjenner til mulighetene for, eller har forsĂžkt Ă„ endre teknikker og operasjoner, men har likevel valgt Ă„ fortsette som tidligere. Alle bĂžndenes valg bunner ifĂžlge dem selv i deres ideer om best mulig bruk av jorda. Rapporten inneholder funn som det vil bygges videre pĂ„ i utformingen av hovedprosjekt innen fremtidige valg av jordarbeidingsstrategier i Norge, tilpasset et endret klima, krav til lavere energibruk ved jordarbeiding og bedret virkningsgrad i arbeidsoperasjonene tilknyttet jordarbeiding og planteetablering.English: This report is the result of a preliminary project conducted in a collaboration between Ruralis – Institute for Rural and Regional Research and HINN – Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Our approach consists of two parts; Part 1 is a literature review of relevant Norwegian and international research on reduced soil tilling and improved techniques of soil cultivation, including effects on climate gas emissions and environmental hazards. Part 2 is the main part of the report and, is a pilot study about farmers’ interest in and experiences with reduced soil tillage in their daily farming operations. This qualitative study is based on interviews with 12 farmers in two areas, the Østlandet area in the eastern part of Norway and TrĂžndelag county in the middle part of Norway. What is meant by reduced soil tillage is changes in number of operations and adjustments to new equipment, resulting in reduction in number of operations compared to former practices to cultivate the soil. In many instances reduced soil tillage is involves exclusion of the tillage plough, but this is not always so. We investigate the farmers’ techniques for soil tillage, such as harrowing and other operations in the fields. Their choice of techniques and operations are based on, amongst other things, the weather conditions, economization of the farming, or attempts in reducing climate gas emissions, in some instances all of them at once. Other farmers know about the opportunities for, or have tried to change, techniques and operations, but have chosen to continue previous procedures. All the farmers’ choices are, according to themselves, based on their own ideas regarding how to best cultivate the soil. The report contains results which we will build on in our preparations for a main project researching future choices of soil tillage strategies in Norway, that is, strategies adapted to a changing climate, resulting in reduced energy consumption and improved efficiency in the operations on soil and plant cultivation
