199 research outputs found


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    The previous research that I conducted, the use of Team-Based Learning in Classroom Action Research (CAR) class is well accepted and gives a good inļ¬‚uence on the studentsā€™ learning. To have a responsibility to teach Action Research and to keep being reļ¬‚ective as a teacher, I am interested to implement TbL in anoth- er class of CAR which is aimed at knowing the constraints of its implementation and how the students cope with those constraints. The design of the research is qualitative research. The participants are one class ofĀ  Classroom Action Research class consists of Ā 16 students. The instruments are observation and questionnaires. The ļ¬ndings show that the constraints on the implementation of TbL in CAR class are dealing with the material, team work, and incomplete team member. To cope with the constraints, the students have dis- cussion and ask for opinions among the team member. In addition, instead of discussion, to have complete team member is the pos- sible solution to cope with the constraints


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    Salah satu cara untuk mendeteksi ada atau tidaknya gangguan osteoporosis dalam tubuh manusia adalah dengan menggunakan iridologi, yaitu suatu ilmu yang digunakan untuk mengetahu masalah tubuh melalui pola iris mata. Biasanya analisa iridologi dilakukan secara manual oleh pakar iridologi. Penelitian ini dikerjakan untuk membuat peragkat lunak yang dapat mengindentifikasiada atau tidasknya gangguan osteoporosis pada tubuh manusia, dengan menggunakan prinsip iridologi. sistem kerja dari perangkat lunak ini yaitu mengambil gambar mata secara offline dari harddisk kemudian mengkonversi citra dari RGB scale ke grayscale. Citra mata dalam grayscale kemudian dithresholding dengan nilai tertentu dan dihitung derajat keabuan dari tiap pixel dan dijumlahkan. Nilai dari intensitas keabuan ini kemudian dijadikan input untuk proses jaringan saraf tiruan yang selanjutnya dapat diketahuiapakah citra mata mengalami gangguan osteoporosis ataukah tidak. Dengan menggunakan jaringan saraf tiruan metoda backpropagation, sistem mampu mengenali citra iris mata yang diajarkan. Hasil proses pembelajaran optimal diperoleh dengan learning rate sebesar 0,7. Sistem ini memiliki tingkat keberhasilan 89,13%. Kesalahan pada sistem ini disebabkan karena pencahayaan yang tidak merata, besar kecilnya luas iris mata dan warna iris yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya


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    The objectives of the study are to figure out the strategies and problems in learning vocabulary of the fifth grade students of SD 7 Cendono Dawe Kudus in academic year 2019/2020. This present study is a descriptive study which employed questionnaire and interview guideline in collecting the data. The participants were 20 students, 11 boys and 9 girls of fifth graders Ā of SD 7 Cendono Dawe Kudus. The results revealed that the learning strategies utilized by the students in learning vocabulary are metacognitive strategy (21.45), memory strategy (18.95), compensation strategy (15.47), social strategy (14.96), cognitive strategy (14.71) and affective strategy (14.46).Ā  While the most problems faced by the students are spelling, pronunciation, memorizing,Ā  and meaning


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    Students at schools learn to write in order to express their ideas well. They should have a good ability in writingEnglish texts. However, many students find it difficult to express their ideas in a paragraph, and to make a composition correctly. The media factorseems to be one that makes the teaching-learning process unable to achieve its goal. Therefore, the authors propose to apply Cue Cards as teaching media to overcome the problem.The objective of the research is to scrutinize whether there is a significant difference between teaching writing of biography textbefore and that after being taught by using Cue Cards.This experimentemployed one group with pretest and posttest design was conducted at the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 KaranganyarDemakin academic year 2017/2018 insecond semester. There were 34 students of grade XI IPS 1 taken as the sample through cluster random sampling.The datasetsfor this research were collected through written test. Before cue cards were used in the treatment, the measn score was60. After cue cards were used in some meetings of treatment, the mean score is 82. The hypothesis of the research stated that there is a significant difference between teaching writing of biography text on the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1KaranganyarDemak in academic year 2017/2018) before and after being taught by using cue cardsis confirmed. It can be seen from the calculation of t-test, withdegree offreedom (df) = 33, Ī± = 0,05,Ā  t (critical) is Ā±2.042 and t (obtained) is 8.79. The analysis showed that Ho was denied and Ha was confirmed.Therefore, it is suggested to the English teacherto keep usingcue cardsin teaching writing of biography text

    Peer Review Teaching English to Young Learners through Traditional Games

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    Abstract: This is a report on an action research project conducted in Classroom Action Research (CAR) class. Being assigned as the lecturer of CAR course for four years; I see that presentation technique that have been applied years before seems not really effective in helping the students to learn better. The proposal as the project of the course that the previous year students made has not been maximal yet. Few students even still write that the design of the research is other design instead of action research. Thus, I consider utilizing Team-based Learning (TBL) instead of presentation. Team-based Learning is a small group instructional strategy highlights both conceptual and procedural knowledge through team-learning. The design of the present research is action research which is aimed at investigating: 1) the influences of TBL on the studentsā€™ learning, and 2) the studentsā€™ responses on the implementation of TBL. The participants of the research are 44 students of CAR A class consists of 9 males and 35 females. The data were obtained from the observation, teacherā€™s journal, and classroom discussion. The result shows that The implementation of Team-based Learning in Classroom Action Research class seems to positively influence the studentsā€™ learning. Particularly, they become well prepared and active in the team discussion when they make a consensus for the team-test. In addition, the students also learn and perform better in the application phase. The studentsā€™ response are positive, they are excited to have a new experience in learning concept of action research through TBL. They really enjoy the small group discussion in which they can share and get some suggestions from the team. They also have a better understanding on the course content by making a proposal draft in the application phase. Keywords: action research, Team-based Learning (TBL

    An Analysis of Speech Act Used in London Has Fallen Movie

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    The most significant thing in speech act is the message that speaker wants to convey. It means when using language is not only produces a sentence but also perform an action. The aims of the research are (i) to find out the kinds of speech act used in London Has Fallen Movie (ii) to find out the way of speech act and the classifications of illocutionary act used in London Has Fallen Movie. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. This research figures out the kinds of speech act and the classifications of illocutionary act used in London Has Fallen Movie. The result of the research shows that: (i) there are 76 utterances of speech act used in London Has Fallen Movie which is the most dominant is illocutinary act consist of 37 utterances. (ii) there are 99 utterances of the classifications of illocutionary act and the most dominant categories are directive with 32 utterances and expressive with 23 utterances

    Peluang dan Tantangan Berwirausaha bagi Mahasiswa Universitas Muria Kudus di Masa Pandemi

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    Artikel ini menyajikan peluang dan tantangan mahasiswa dalam berwirausaha dalam masa pandemi. Pada tahun pertama Pelaksanaan Progam Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muria Kudus (PPK FKIP UMK) telah menghasilkan 8 wirausahawan baru dengan hasil evaluasi bahwa mindset, motivasi, dan kerjasama tim perlu ditekankan pada tahun kedua. Hal tersebut diperkuat pada tahun kedua ini dimana pelaksanaan program bertepatan dengan pandemi Covid-19. Mahasiswa sebagai sasaran program melaksanakan pembelajaran jarak jauh (daring). Aktivitas aktivitas lain di kampus ditiadakan sesuai dengan regulasi pemerintah. Semua kegiatan akademik dan non akademik dilaksanakan secara daring. Hal tersebut memberikan banyak dampak dalam persiapan, pelaksanaan, serta evaluasi program. Masalah yang dihadapi para calon tenant adalah wirausaha tidak dapat dilakukan secara langsung di kampus, menentukan jenis bisnis yang tetap dapat dijalankan selama pandemi, dan bagaimana supaya wirausaha bisa tetap bertahan dalam masa pandemi. Sesuai dengan masalah yang dihadapi oleh calon wirausaha baru (tenant), maka tujuan dari program PPK pada tahun kedua ini yaitu membantu para mahasiswa untuk dapat menyikapi peluang dan tantangan berwirausaha dalam situasi seperti ini, dan menghasilkan tenant yang siap berwirausaha. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi, workshop, eksekusi usaha, coaching dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan pengamatan selama proses coaching, peluang yang dimiliki tenant meliputi penggunaan media sosial untuk mempromosikan produk dan berinovasi menciptakan produk buatan sendiri. Sementara tantangan yang dihadapi berupa motivasi berwirausaha dan pembatasan sosial

    Rancang Bangun Catu Daya Tenaga Surya Untuk Perangkat Audio Mobil

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    Perangkat audio mobil membutuhkan catu daya, dan selama ini catu daya audio mobil diperoleh dari accu pada mobil. Akibat kelebihan beban, accu mobil menjadi drop dan sulit untuk menghidupkan mesin mobil. Hal ini merupakan salah satu kerugian apabila memasang audio mobil dan catu dayanya langsung dari accu mobil. Salah satu solusi masalah tersebut adalah dengan membuat catu daya yang dayanya berasal dari energy alternative, salah satunya dengan mengkonversikan energi cahaya matahari menjadi energi listrik, maka energi listrik yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk mengisi batere. Pada Penelitian ini akan memanfaatkan solar cell sebagai pengubah energi cahaya matahari menjadi energi listrik dengan kapasitas sel surya yang digunakan sebesar 10 watt-peak sebanyak dua yang dipasang paralel untuk memperbesar arus keluarannya. Tegangan keluaran dari solar cell perlu diturunkan atau dinaikkan mencapai 14,5 Volt dengan menggunakan rangkaian Buck-boost Converter. Kontrol duty cycle PWM pada buck-boost converter adalah salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk pengaturan tegangan. Output converter terlebih dahulu dibaca oleh ADC pada mikrokontroler, kemudian mikrokontroler menentukan hasil berupa duty cycle yang harus dibangkitkan sampai mencapai set point tegangan dengan program kontrol oleh mikrokontroler untuk membangkitkan sinyal PWM


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    AbstractBased on the observation conducted at Putra Mandiri inclusive school Surabaya, there are autistic children who are hyperactive, such as easily distracted by noise, easily to make noise, easily to move their body, leg and head when they are sitting, easily jump without instruction and easily leave their sit. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of sensory integration approach to decrease autistic children’s hyperactive behavior at Putra Mandiri inclusive school Surabaya. This research is experiment quantitative research by using single subject research method and A-B design. Based on the data analysis, mean level in the baseline phase (A) is 17,3 and intervention (B) is 14,5. It shows that the hyperactive behavior is decreased as 2,8. It tends to change in the positive way. The overlap precentage is 0%. Therefore, it can concluded that the sensory integration approach can decrease autistic’s hyperactive behavior at Putra Mandiri inclusive school Surabaya.Keywords: hyperactive, sensory integration approac
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