240 research outputs found

    Guide to the Linfield College Photograph Collection

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    This collection contains photographs, glass lantern and plastic slides, and film negatives depicting the many-layered facets of life at Linfield College on its McMinnville and Portland campuses. The photography features (without limit to): students, faculty and staff, commencements, guest speakers and performers, buildings, activities and clubs, athletics, the arts (studio and performance), residence life, social, and study scenes

    Beleidsmeetnet verdroging Noord-Brabant

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    Het afgelopen jaar is door provincie, waterschappen, terreineigenaren en waterleidingmaatschappijen in Noord-Brabant gezamenlijk het beleidsmeetnet verdroging opgezet. De partijen maakten afspraken over de uitvoering van de monitoring. Met behulp van een verdrogingsmeetlat wordt de mate van verdroging aangegeven. Het vaststellen van verdroging is zeer complex. In elk gebied manifesteert verdroging zich weer op een andere manier, in het ene gebied zijn fluctuaties van de grondwaterstand bepalend, in het andere de waterkwaliteit. Om de mate van verdroging te analyseren en te kwantificeren is een methode ontwikkeld waarmee op een gestandaardiseerde manier verdrogingstoestand wordt bepaal

    The need of data harmonization to derive robust empirical relationships between soil conditions and vegetation.

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    Question: Is it possible to improve the general applicability and significance of empirical relationships between abiotic conditions and vegetation by harmonization of temporal data? Location: The Netherlands. Methods: Three datasets of vegetation, recorded after periods with different meteorological conditions, were used to analyze relationships between soil moisture regime (expressed by the mean spring groundwater level - MSLt calculated for different periods) and vegetation (expressed by the mean indicator value for moisture regime Fm). For each releve, measured groundwater levels were interpolated and extrapolated to daily values for the period 1970-2000 by means of an impulse-response model. Sigmoid regression lines between MSLt and Fm were determined for each of the three datasets and for the combined dataset. Results: A measurement period of three years resulted in significantly different relationships between Fm and MSLt for the three datasets (F-test,/? <0.05>. The three regression lines only coincided for the mean spring groundwater level computed over the period 1970-2000 (AfSLclimate) and thus provided a general applicable relationship. Precipitation surplus prior to vegetation recordings strongly affected the relationships. Conclusions: Harmonization of time series data (1) eliminates biased measurements, (2) results in generally applicable relationships between abiotic and vegetation characteristics and (3) increases the goodness of fit of these relationships. The presented harmonization procedure can be used to optimize many relationships between soil and vegetation characteristics. © IAVS; Opulus Press Uppsala

    Acetabular dysplasia and the risk of developing hip osteoarthritis at 2,5,8, and 10 years follow-up in a prospective nationwide cohort study (CHECK).

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    Objective: To assess the relationship between acetabular dysplasia (AD) and the risk of incident and end-stage radiographic hip osteoarthritis (RHOA) over 2,5,8 and 10 years. Design: Individuals (n = 1002) aged between 45 and 65 from the prospective Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK) were studied. Anteroposterior pelvic radiographs were obtained at baseline and 2,5,8, and 10-years follow-up. False profile radiographs were obtained at baseline. AD was defined as a lateral center edge angle, an anterior center edge angle, or both <25° at baseline. The risk of developing RHOA was determined at each follow-up moment. Incident RHOA was defined by Kellgren & Lawrence (KL) grade ≥2 or total hip replacement (THR), end-stage RHOA by a KL grade ≥3 or THR. Associations were expressed in odds ratios (OR) using logistic regression with generalized estimating equations. Results: AD was associated with the development of incident RHOA at 2 years follow-up (OR 2.46, 95% CI 1.00–6.04), 5 years follow-up (OR 2.28, 95% CI 1.20–4.31), and 8 years follow-up (OR 1.86, 95%CI 1.22–2.83). AD was only associated with end-stage RHOA at 5 years follow-up (OR 3.75, 95% CI 1.02–13.77). No statistically significant associations were observed between AD and RHOA at 10-years follow-up. Conclusion: Baseline AD in individuals between 45 and 65 years is associated with an increased risk of developing RHOA within 2- and 5 years. However, this association seems to weaken after 8 years and disappears after 10 years

    Herstel- en ontwikkelplan Schraallanden

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    Ecologische beschrijving van de schraallandtypen, standplaatsen en processen, Landschappelijke ligging van schraallanden, Historisch en huidig voorkomen van schraallanden in Noord-Brabant: Blauwgrasland, Dotterbloemhooiland, Kleine zeggenmoeras, Vochtig heischraal graslan

    Prevalence of small osteophytes on knee MRI in several large clinical and population-based studies of various age groups and OA risk factors

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    Objective: Osteophytes, also small ones, are an important imaging feature of OA. However, due to their high prevalence on MR, the question has arisen whether these are truly pathophysiologic features of early OA, a result of physiologic aging, or rather a merely transient phenomenon. The aim of this study was to explore the prevalence of osteophytes on MR in various locations of the knee, with special emphasis on small osteophytes, across multiple large studies conducted in our institution comprising a wide range of subjects at different ages. Method: Retrospective explorative study of the prevalence of osteophytes, particularly grade 1 according to MOAKS, among four studies with a wide variety in age and OA risk factors. Results: A large number of grade 1 osteophytes were found in all four studies. The largest number of osteophytes were present in the youngest age group of &lt;30 years (69.6%) compared to 36.8% in the age group of ≥30 ​&lt; ​50 years and 54,3% when aged ≥50 years, of which most were grade 1 osteophytes. Conclusion: Small osteophytes are highly prevalent among populations with varying age and OA risk factors, in particular among young subjects without other OA features. This might suggest that these “osteophytes” do not necessarily represent early OA, but rather indicate a transient physiologic phenomenon.</p

    Evaluating strategic environmental assessment in the Netherlands: Content, process and procedure as indissoluble criteria for effectiveness

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    To assess the effectiveness of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) we distinguish between its contribution to the quality of the ultimate policy choice (usefulness, applicability), the procedural quality of the planning process (transparency, timeliness) and the quality of stakeholder participation in the planning process (openness, equity, dialogue). In the context of two case studies involving Dutch planning practice, we argue that when and how an SEA is applied is crucial to understanding its e

    The role of diet and exercise and of glucosamine sulfate in the prevention of knee osteoarthritis: Further results from the PRevention of knee Osteoarthritis in Overweight Females (PROOF) study

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    Background and objectives: The PRevention of knee Osteoarthritis in Overweight Females (PROOF) study (ISRCTN 42823086) described a trend for a decrease in the incidence of knee osteoarthritis (OA) by a tailored diet and exercise program (DEP) or by oral glucosamine sulfate in women at risk for the disease, using a composite clinical and/or radiological outcome. The aim of this updated post-hoc analysis was to re-assess the results according to more precise techniques and take advantage of the 2×2 factorial design. Methods: A total of 407 overweight (BMI ≥ 27 kg/m2) women of 50-60 years of age with no diagnosis of knee OA were randomized to: (1) no DEP + placebo (Control, N = 102), (2) DEP + placebo (DEP, N = 101), (3) glucosamine sulfate + no DEP (GS, N = 102), and (4) DEP + glucosamine sulfate (DEP + GS, N =102) and followed for 2.5 years, with standardized postero-anterior, semiflexed (MTP) view knee radiographs at baseline and end of the study. DEP consisted of a tailored low fat and/or low caloric diet and easy to implement physical activities. Glucosamine was given as oral crystalline glucosamine sulfate 1500 mg once daily, double-blinded vs. placebo. Incident knee OA was defined as radiographic progression of ≥1 mm minimum joint space narrowing (mJSN) in the medial tibiofemoral compartment, as previously assessed by the visual (manual) technique and by a new semi-automated method. Logistic regression analysis was used to calculate the odds ratio for the effect of the interventions. Results: After 2.5 years, 11.8% of control subjects developed knee OA. This incidence was decreased with glucosamine sulfate, either alone or in combination with the DEP, but not by the DEP alone. Since there was no statistical interaction between treatments, the 2×2 factorial design allowed analysis of patients receiving glucosamine sulfate (= 204) vs. those not receiving it (= 203), similarly for those on the DEP (= 203) or not (= 204). Glucosamine sulfate significantly decreased the risk of developing knee OA: odds ratio (OR) = 0.41 (95% CI: 0.20-0.85, P = 0.02) by the manual JSN assessment method and OR = 0.42 (95% CI: 0.20-0.92, P = 0.03) by the semi-automated technique. Conversely, there was no decrease in risk with the DEP. Conclusions: Glucosamine sulfate decreased the risk of developing radiographic knee OA over 2.5 years in overweight, middle-aged women at risk, as determined by medial mJSN progression. Conversely a tailored diet and exercise program exerted no preventive effect, possibly because of the lower than expected effect on weight loss

    Waterwijzers Landbouw en Natuur : Kwantificering effecten waterbeheer en klimaat

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    Landbouw en natuur stellen specifieke eisen aan de waterhuishouding, vooral aan beschikbaar water in de wortelzone. Bestaande beoordelingssystemen houden echter geen rekening met de gevolgen van klimaatverandering voor respectievelijk landbouwopbrengsten en natuurdoelen. Daarom zijn er nu twee systemen in ontwikkeling die dat, zo goed mogelijk, wel doen: de Waterwijzer Landbouw en de Waterwijzer Natuur. Beide kunnen worden gebruikt voor het vaststellen van schade aan landbouw en natuur, maar ook voor het optimaliseren van de waterhuishouding