160 research outputs found

    Acceleration of Oxygen Ions in Dipolarization Events: 1. CPS Distributions

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    This paper represents the second part of an investigation of the acceleration of energetic oxygen ions from encounters with a dipolarization front (DF), based on test particle tracing in the fields of an MHD simulation. In this paper, we focus on distributions in the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL). O+ beams close to the plasma sheet boundary are found to be less pronounced and/or delayed against the H+ beams. The reason is that these particles are accelerated by nonadiabatic motion in the duskward electric field such that O+ ions gain the same amount of energy, but only 1/4 of the speed of protons. This causes a delay and larger equatorward displacement by the E × B drift. In contrast, the O+ beams somewhat deeper inside the plasma sheet, where previously multiple proton beams were found, are accelerated at an earthward propagating DF just like H+, forming a field-aligned beam at a similar speed as the lowest-energy H+ beam. We found that the source location depends on the adiabaticity of the orbit. For larger adiabaticity, the beam ions originate initially from the outer plasma sheet, but later from the opposite PSBL or lobe, but for low adiabaticity, sources are well inside the plasma sheet. The energy gained from a single encounter of a DF is comparable to the kinetic energy associated with the front speed. Assuming maximum speeds of 500–1,000 km/s, this yields a mass dependent acceleration of about 1–5 keV for protons and 20–80 keV for oxygen ions, independent of their charge state.publishedVersio

    Assessing the time dependence of reconnection with Poynting's theorem: MMS observations

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    We investigate the time dependence of electromagnetic-field-to-plasma energy conversion in the electron diffusion region of asymmetric magnetic reconnection. To do so, we consider the terms in Poynting's theorem. In a steady state there is a perfect balance between the divergence of the electromagnetic energy flux S\nabla \cdot \vec{S} and the conversion between electromagnetic field and particle energy JE\vec{J} \cdot \vec{E}. This energy balance is demonstrated with a particle-in-cell simulation of reconnection. We also evaluate each of the terms in Poynting's theorem during an observation of a magnetopause reconnection region by Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS). We take the equivalence of both sides of Poynting's theorem as an indication that the errors associated with the approximation of each term with MMS data are small. We find that, for this event, balance between JE=S\vec{J}\cdot\vec{E}=-\nabla\cdot\vec{S} is only achieved for a small fraction of the energy conversion region at/near the X-point. Magnetic energy was rapidly accumulating on either side of the current sheet at roughly three times the predicted energy conversion rate. Furthermore, we find that while JE>0\vec{J}\cdot\vec{E}>0 and S<0\nabla\cdot\vec{S}<0 are observed, as is expected for reconnection, the energy accumulation is driven by the overcompensation for JE\vec{J}\cdot\vec{E} by S>JE-\nabla\cdot\vec{S}>\vec{J}\cdot\vec{E}. We note that due to the assumptions necessary to do this calculation, the accurate evaluation of S\nabla\cdot\vec{S} may not be possible for every MMS-observed reconnection event; but if possible, this is a simple approach to determine if reconnection is or is not in a steady-state.Comment: Resubmitted to GRL after minor rev. on 1 February 201

    Structure of the Current Sheet in the 11 July 2017 Electron Diffusion Region Event.

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    The structure of the current sheet along the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) orbit is examined during the 11 July 2017 Electron Diffusion Region (EDR) event. The location of MMS relative to the X-line is deduced and used to obtain the spatial changes in the electron parameters. The electron velocity gradient values are used to estimate the reconnection electric field sustained by nongyrotropic pressure. It is shown that the observations are consistent with theoretical expectations for an inner EDR in 2-D reconnection. That is, the magnetic field gradient scale, where the electric field due to electron nongyrotropic pressure dominates, is comparable to the gyroscale of the thermal electrons at the edge of the inner EDR. Our approximation of the MMS observations using a steady state, quasi-2-D, tailward retreating X-line was valid only for about 1.4 s. This suggests that the inner EDR is localized; that is, electron outflow jet braking takes place within an ion inertia scale from the X-line. The existence of multiple events or current sheet processes outside the EDR may play an important role in the geometry of reconnection in the near-Earth magnetotail

    Higher-Order Statistics in Compressive Solar Wind Plasma Turbulence: High-Resolution Density Observations From the Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission

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    Turbulent density fluctuations are investigated in the solar wind at sub-ion scales using calibrated spacecraft potential. The measurement technique using the spacecraft potential allows for a much higher time resolution and sensitivity when compared to direct measurements using plasma instruments. Using this novel method, density fluctuations can be measured with unprecedentedly high time resolutions for in situ measurements of solar wind plasma at 1 a.u. By investigating 1 h of high-time resolution data, the scale dependant kurtosis is calculated by varying the time lag τ to calculate increments between observations. The scale-dependent kurtosis is found to increase towards ion scales but then plateaus and remains fairly constant through the sub-ion range in a similar fashion to magnetic field measurements. The sub-ion range is also found to exhibit self-similar monofractal behavior contrasting sharply with the multi-fractal behavior at large scales. The scale-dependent kurtosis is also calculated using increments between two different spacecraft. When the time lags are converted using the ion bulk velocity to a comparable spatial lag, a discrepancy is observed between the two measurement techniques. Several different possibilities are discussed including a breakdown of Taylor’s hypothesis, high-frequency plasma waves, or intrinsic differences between sampling directions.</p

    Near-Earth plasma sheet boundary dynamics during substorm dipolarization.

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    We report on the large-scale evolution of dipolarization in the near-Earth plasma sheet during an intense (AL ~ -1000 nT) substorm on August 10, 2016, when multiple spacecraft at radial distances between 4 and 15 R E were present in the night-side magnetosphere. This global dipolarization consisted of multiple short-timescale (a couple of minutes) B z disturbances detected by spacecraft distributed over 9 MLT, consistent with the large-scale substorm current wedge observed by ground-based magnetometers. The four spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale were located in the southern hemisphere plasma sheet and observed fast flow disturbances associated with this dipolarization. The high-time-resolution measurements from MMS enable us to detect the rapid motion of the field structures and flow disturbances separately. A distinct pattern of the flow and field disturbance near the plasma boundaries was found. We suggest that a vortex motion created around the localized flows resulted in another field-aligned current system at the off-equatorial side of the BBF-associated R1/R2 systems, as was predicted by the MHD simulation of a localized reconnection jet. The observations by GOES and Geotail, which were located in the opposite hemisphere and local time, support this view. We demonstrate that the processes of both Earthward flow braking and of accumulated magnetic flux evolving tailward also control the dynamics in the boundary region of the near-Earth plasma sheet.Graphical AbstractMultispacecraft observations of dipolarization (left panel). Magnetic field component normal to the current sheet (BZ) observed in the night side magnetosphere are plotted from post-midnight to premidnight region: a GOES 13, b Van Allen Probe-A, c GOES 14, d GOES 15, e MMS3, g Geotail, h Cluster 1, together with f a combined product of energy spectra of electrons from MMS1 and MMS3 and i auroral electrojet indices. Spacecraft location in the GSM X-Y plane (upper right panel). Colorcoded By disturbances around the reconnection jets from the MHD simulation of the reconnection by Birn and Hesse (1996) (lower right panel). MMS and GOES 14-15 observed disturbances similar to those at the location indicated by arrows