48 research outputs found

    Using Songs and Movies in Teaching Listening Comprehension by the English Teacher at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta

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    This research has purpose to (1) To describe the implementation of using songs and movies in teaching listening at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta. (2) To investigate advantages and disadvantages of using songs and movies in teaching listening at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subject in this research was the English teacher at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta who teach listening comprehension using songs and movie. The data were gathered using two techniques: interview and document review. There were three activities to analyze: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The analysis was done to describe the implementation using songs and movie in teaching listening as well as its advantages and disadvantages. The results show that (1) the use of songs and movies is well implemented by the teacher and brings the advantages of the use of songs and movies as media to teach listening in the EFL classroom. The teacher always prepare lesson plan before teaching, there are teaching steps that consists of introduction, core activity, and closing or closure activity, teaching material, and evaluation. (2) The use of songs and movies in teaching listening has advantages and disadvantages. The use of songs is able to motivate and entertain the students in the learning, songs can make the learning more fun, also help the students to easily memorize vocabulary and practice the pronunciation. Meanwhile, the use of songs is sometimes not suitable to all students, difficult to monitor students in listening songs, and the vocabularies provided by the songs can be poor or non-standard. The use of movies bring some advantages to help students experience to the use of language in the real contexts, movies increase the motivation of students in the learning, movies help students increase their attention and focus, movies help students to experience the real language and how the language is used based on the movies. Meanwhile, movie is time consuming and boring due to the long duration, students can only pay attention to the actor or actress in the movie and forget about the task, English movies in the EFL classroom will reduce students’ time to do classroom activities such as writing or having discussion, and it is difficult to monitor students in watching movie independently at home during distance learning. It is recommended to the teacher to apply songs and movies with various teaching techniques to help students in listening comprehension

    Single-cell analysis of human glioma and immune cells identifies S100A4 as an immunotherapy target.

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    A major rate-limiting step in developing more effective immunotherapies for GBM is our inadequate understanding of the cellular complexity and the molecular heterogeneity of immune infiltrates in gliomas. Here, we report an integrated analysis of 201,986 human glioma, immune, and other stromal cells at the single cell level. In doing so, we discover extensive spatial and molecular heterogeneity in immune infiltrates. We identify molecular signatures for nine distinct myeloid cell subtypes, of which five are independent prognostic indicators of glioma patient survival. Furthermore, we identify S100A4 as a regulator of immune suppressive T and myeloid cells in GBM and demonstrate that deleting S100a4 in non-cancer cells is sufficient to reprogram the immune landscape and significantly improve survival. This study provides insights into spatial, molecular, and functional heterogeneity of glioma and glioma-associated immune cells and demonstrates the utility of this dataset for discovering therapeutic targets for this poorly immunogenic cancer

    Covid-19 and the role of smoking: The protocol of the multicentric prospective study COSMO-IT (covid19 and smoking in italy)

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    The emergency caused by Covid-19 pandemic raised interest in studying lifestyles and comorbidities as important determinants of poor Covid-19 prognosis. Data on tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity are still limited, while no data are available on the role of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTP). To clarify the role of tobacco smoking and other lifestyle habits on COVID-19 severity and progression, we designed a longitudinal observational study titled COvid19 and SMOking in ITaly (COSMO-IT). About 30 Italian hospitals in North, Centre and South of Italy joined the study. Its main aims are: 1) to quantify the role of tobacco smoking and smoking cessation on the severity and progression of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients; 2) to compare smoking prevalence and severity of the disease in relation to smoking in hospitalized COVID-19 patients versus patients treated at home; 3) to quantify the association between other lifestyle factors, such as e-cigarette and HTP use, alcohol and obesity and the risk of unfavourable COVID-19 outcomes. Socio-demographic, lifestyle and medical history information will be gathered for around 3000 hospitalized and 700-1000 home-isolated, laboratory-confirmed, COVID-19 patients. Given the current absence of a vaccine against SARS-COV-2 and the lack of a specific treatment for COVID-19, prevention strategies are of extreme importance. This project, designed to highly contribute to the international scientific debate on the role of avoidable lifestyle habits on COVID-19 severity, will provide valuable epidemiological data in order to support important recommendations to prevent COVID-19 incidence, progression and mortality

    Synphilin-1 Enhances α-Synuclein Aggregation in Yeast and Contributes to Cellular Stress and Cell Death in a Sir2-Dependent Manner

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    © 2010 Büttner et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background: Parkinson’s disease is characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic inclusions, known as Lewy bodies, containing both aggregated α-synuclein and its interaction partner, synphilin-1. While synphilin-1 is known to accelerate inclusion formation by α-synuclein in mammalian cells, its effect on cytotoxicity remains elusive. Methodology/Principal Findings: We expressed wild-type synphilin-1 or its R621C mutant either alone or in combination with α-synuclein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and monitored the intracellular localization and inclusion formation of the proteins as well as the repercussions on growth, oxidative stress and cell death. We found that wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 formed inclusions and accelerated inclusion formation by α-synuclein in yeast cells, the latter being correlated to enhanced phosphorylation of serine-129. Synphilin-1 inclusions co-localized with lipid droplets and endomembranes. Consistently, we found that wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 interacts with detergent-resistant membrane domains, known as lipid rafts. The expression of synphilin-1 did not incite a marked growth defect in exponential cultures, which is likely due to the formation of aggresomes and the retrograde transport of inclusions from the daughter cells back to the mother cells. However, when the cultures approached stationary phase and during subsequent ageing of the yeast cells, both wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 reduced survival and triggered apoptotic and necrotic cell death, albeit to a different extent. Most interestingly, synphilin-1 did not trigger cytotoxicity in ageing cells lacking the sirtuin Sir2. This indicates that the expression of synphilin-1 in wild-type cells causes the deregulation of Sir2-dependent processes, such as the maintenance of the autophagic flux in response to nutrient starvation. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings demonstrate that wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 are lipid raft interacting proteins that form inclusions and accelerate inclusion formation of α-synuclein when expressed in yeast. Synphilin-1 thereby induces cytotoxicity, an effect most pronounced for the wild-type protein and mediated via Sir2-dependent processes.This work was supported by grants from IWT-Vlaanderen (SBO NEURO-TARGET), the K.U.Leuven Research Fund (K.U.Leuven BOF-IOF) and K.U.Leuven R&D to JW, a Tournesol grant from Egide (Partenariat Hubert Curien) in France in collaboration with the Flemish Ministry of Education and the Fund of Scientific Research of Flanders (FWO) in Belgium to JW, MCG and LB, a shared PhD fellowship of the EU-Marie Curie PhD Graduate School NEURAD to JW, MCG and LB, grants of the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Austria) to FM and DR (S-9304-B05), to FM and SB (LIPOTOX), and to SB (T-414-B09; Hertha-Firnberg Fellowship) and an EMBO Installation Grant, a Marie Curie IRG, and a grant of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/SAU-NEU/105215/2008) to TFO. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Using State Space Exploration to Determine How Gene Regulatory Networks Constrain Mutation Order in Cancer Evolution

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    Cancer develops via the progressive accumulation of somatic mutations, which subvert the normal operation of the gene regulatory network of the cell. However, little is known about the order in which mutations are acquired in successful clones. A particular sequence of mutations may confer an early selective advantage to a clone by increasing survival or proliferation, or lead to negative selection by triggering cell death. The space of allowed sequences of mutations is therefore constrained by the gene regulatory network. Here, we introduce a methodology for the systematic exploration of the effect of every possible sequence of oncogenic mutations in a cancer cell modelled as a qualitative network. Our method uses attractor identification using binary decision diagrams and can be applied to both synchronous and asynchronous systems. We demonstrate our method using a recently developed model of ER-negative breast cancer. We show that there are differing levels of constraint in the order of mutations for different combinations of oncogenes, and that the effects of ErbB2/HER2 over-expression depend on the preceding mutations

    Governance and Conservation Effectiveness in Protected Areas and Indigenous and Locally Managed Areas

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    Increased conservation action to protect more habitat and species is fueling a vigorous debate about the relative effectiveness of different sorts of protected areas. Here we review the literature that compares the effectiveness of protected areas managed by states and areas managed by Indigenous peoples and/or local communities. We argue that these can be hard comparisons to make. Robust comparative case studies are rare, and the epistemic communities producing them are fractured by language, discipline, and geography. Furthermore the distinction between these different forms of protection on the ground can be blurred. We also have to be careful about the value of this sort of comparison as the consequences of different forms of conservation for people and nonhuman nature are messy and diverse. Measures of effectiveness, moreover, focus on specific dimensions of conservation performance, which can omit other important dimensions. With these caveats, we report on findings observed by multiple study groups focusing on different regions and issues whose reports have been compiled into this article. There is a tendency in the data for community-based or co-managed governance arrangements to produce beneficial outcomes for people and nature. These arrangements are often accompanied by struggles between rural groups and powerful states. Findings are highly context specific and global generalizations have limited value