222 research outputs found

    Concerning the forty years of the World Cup and the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Differences between the Argentina and Spanish post-dictatorship

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    En el Mundial del 78 –Mundial de Argentina– la selección albiceleste triunfó con la ayuda del «Matador» Kempes. No obstante, entre 1976 y 1983 se produjeron violaciones aberrantes de los derechos humanos, incluso durante los momentos de excitación futbolística. Tras la Dictadura se juzgó a los responsables de las atrocidades acaecidas. Mientras tanto, al otro lado del Atlántico, en España, en 1978 volvía a instaurarse un régimen democrático, con la promulgación de la Constitución española. Atrás quedaron los hechos sucedidos durante la Guerra Civil española y la Dictadura franquista. Nada se investigó, nada se juzgó… Y todo quedó en el olvido.In the World Cup of 1978 year –World Cup in Argentina– the Albiceleste national football team got the triumph with the help of the «Matador» Mario Alberto Kempes. Nevertheless, between 1976 and 1983 the most serious and aberrant human rights violations took place, even at the time of highest football excitation. After the Civil-military dictatorship the perpetrators and others officers responsible were tried and sentenced. Meanwhile, in Spain in 1978 year returned of democracy with the promulgation of the Spanish constitution. The events that took place during the Spanish Civil War and Franco dictatorship remained in the past. No investigation, no prosecution, no trials… So, whole was forgotten

    Aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento: su aplicación en la docencia del derecho penal

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    El papel de la educación a cualquier nivel basada en la pura enseñanza memorística, parece haber ofrecido una ingente cantidad de síntomas que denotan su naufragio a la hora de capacitar a los estudiantes de cualquier institución educativa. Por ello, el presente artículo analiza cómo se podrían aplicar las tesis del aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento en la enseñanza universitaria.Para cumplir este objetivo, primeramente, se examinará los basamentos en los que se asienta esta tipología de aprendizaje, sus principios y sus fundamentos. Posteriormente, se estudiarán las diversas técnicas docentes utilizadas en clase sobre las que descansa este constructo.Finalmente, para cada técnica se observará ejemplos de aplicación y articulación de los preceptos y métodos del aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento en el aula universitaria, específicamente en la Facultad de Derecho, en la disciplina jurídico-penal; al efecto de facilitar la comprensión de las teorías de este modelo de enseñanza y de favorecer la utilización de esta modalidad de aprendizaje en la educación universitaria y en la enseñanza de las ciencias jurídicas y penales.De este modo, el sistema educativo se revolverá hacia postulados más eficaces en la consecución de los objetivos que debe perseguirse a la hora de enseñar en el ámbito universitario, que no es otro que hacer comprender, reflexionar, pensar, pero sobre todo capacitar a los individuos que quieren desarrollar una determinada profesión

    Role of CaCO3° neutral pair in calcium carbonate crystallization

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    The molecular structure of the units that get incorporated into the nuclei of the crystalline phase and sustain their growth is a fundamental issue in the pathway from a supersaturated solution to the formation of crystals. Using a fluorescent dye we have recorded the variation of the pH value in time along a gel where CaCl2 and NaHCO3 counter-diffuse to crystallize CaCO3. The same pH–space–time distribution maps were also computationally obtained using a chemical speciation code (phreeqc). Using data arising from this model we investigated the space-time evolution of the activity of the single species (ions and ion pairs) involved in the crystallization process. Our combined results suggest that, whatever the pathway from solution to crystals, the neutral pair CaCO3° is a key species in the CaCO3 precipitation system.European Research Council (European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) grant agreement no 340863, and Spanish MINECO grants MAT2014-60533-R and CGL2010-16882 cofounded with FEDERPeer reviewe

    Influence of the soil water content and distribution on both the hydraulic and transpiration performance of 'Manzanilla' olive trees

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    8 páginas, 4 figuras, 20 referencias.-- VI International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, celebrado del 2-6 de noviembre de 2006 en Viña del Mar, Chile.-- [email protected] work was made with mature 'Manzanilla' olive trees in an orchard of a semi-arid area in southern Spain. Three water treatments were considered: Rainfed, in which the trees had rainfall as the only source of water supply; FAO, in which the trees were under localized irrigation to replace the crop water demand, with some roots left in drying soil; Pond, in which the whole rootzones of the trees were maintained under non-limiting soil water conditions for the whole dry season. Our aim was to obtain information on the mechanisms behind the reduction of transpiration (Ep) in the FAO trees, as compared to the Pond trees. Our results show a near-isohydric behaviour of the FAO trees, i.e. those trees under localized irrigation in which some roots are left in drying showed lower stomatal conductance than the Pond trees in which all roots were in wetted soil. This helped the FAO trees to maintain similar leaf water potentials than the Pond trees. In addition, the FAO trees maintained a constant difference between the water potential of the canopy and that in the soil. This has been described as an isohydrodynamic behaviour, and it is thought to be an improvement over a typically anisohydric behaviour. These mechanisms were behind the similar values of tree hydraulic conductance (K p) found in the FAO and Pond treatments. The Rainfed trees showed lower Kp values because of the low Ep values of those trees, due to the low soil water availability in that treatment. Our results show, however, that the Rainfed trees were able to maintain similar values of Kp all throughout the dry season, which shows that the hydraulic efficiency of the xylem of those trees was little affected by embolism, despite of the high demanding conditions in the area.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, research project No.AGL2006-04666/AGR, and by the EU, research project ref. STREP 023120.Peer Reviewe

    Hydrotherapy as a recovery strategy after exercise: a pragmatic controlled trial

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    Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01765387Background Our aim was to evaluate the recovery effects of hydrotherapy after aerobic exercise in cardiovascular, performance and perceived fatigue. Methods A pragmatic controlled repeated measures; single-blind trial was conducted. Thirty-four recreational sportspeople visited a Sport-Centre and were assigned to a Hydrotherapy group (experimental) or rest in a bed (control) after completing a spinning session. Main outcomes measures including blood pressure, heart rate, handgrip strength, vertical jump, self-perceived fatigue, and body temperature were assessed at baseline, immediately post-exercise and post-recovery. The hypothesis of interest was the session*time interaction. Results The analysis revealed significant session*time interactions for diastolic blood pressure (P=0.031), heart rate (P=0.041), self perceived fatigue (P=0.046), and body temperature (P=0.001); but not for vertical jump (P=0.437), handgrip (P=0.845) or systolic blood pressure (P=0.266). Post-hoc analysis revealed that hydrotherapy resulted in recovered heart rate and diastolic blood pressure similar to baseline values after the spinning session. Further, hydrotherapy resulted in decreased self-perceived fatigue after the spinning session. Conclusions Our results support that hydrotherapy is an adequate strategy to facilitate cardiovascular recovers and perceived fatigue, but not strength, after spinning exercise

    Effects of Albumin Treatment on Systemic and Portal Hemodynamics and Systemic Inflammation in Patients With Decompensated Cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: We investigated the effect of albumin treatment (20% solution) on hypoalbuminemia, cardiocirculatory dysfunction, portal hypertension, and systemic inflammation in patients with decompensated cirrhosis with and without bacterial infections. METHODS: We performed a prospective study to assess the effects of long-term (12 weeks) treatment with low doses (1 g/kg body weight every 2 weeks) and high doses (1.5 g/kg every week) of albumin on serum albumin, plasma renin, cardiocirculatory function, portal pressure, and plasma levels of cytokines, collecting data from 18 patients without bacterial infections (the Pilot-PRECIOSA study). We also assessed the effect of short-term (1 week) treatment with antibiotics alone vs the combination of albumin plus antibiotics (1.5 g/kg on day 1 and 1 g/kg on day 3) on plasma levels of cytokines in biobanked samples from 78 patients with bacterial infections included in a randomized controlled trial (INFECIR-2 study). RESULTS: Circulatory dysfunction and systemic inflammation were extremely unstable in many patients included in the Pilot-PRECIOSA study; these patients had intense and reversible peaks in plasma levels of renin and interleukin 6. Long-term high-dose albumin, but not low-dose albumin, was associated with normalization of serum level of albumin, improved stability of the circulation and left ventricular function, and reduced plasma levels of cytokines (interleukin 6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist, and vascular endothelial growth factor) without significant changes in portal pressure. The immune-modulatory effects of albumin observed in the Pilot-PRECIOSA study were confirmed in the INFECIR-2 study. In this study, patients given albumin had significant reductions in plasma levels of cytokines. CONCLUSIONS: In an analysis of data from 2 trials (Pilot-PRECIOSA study and INFECIR-2 study), we found that albumin treatment reduced systemic inflammation and cardiocirculatory dysfunction in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. These effects might be responsible for the beneficial effects of albumin therapy on outcomes of patients with decompensated cirrhosis. ClinicalTrials.gov, Numbers: NCT00968695 and NCT03451292

    Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is a biomarker of acute-on-chronic liver failure and prognosis in cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a syndrome that occurs in cirrhosis characterized by organ failure(s) and high mortality rate. There are no biomarkers of ACLF. The LCN2 gene and its product, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), are upregulated in experimental models of liver injury and cultured hepatocytes as a result of injury by toxins or proinflammatory cytokines, particularly Interleukin-6. The aim of this study was to investigate whether NGAL could be a biomarker of ACLF and whether LCN2 gene may be upregulated in the liver in ACLF. METHODS: We analyzed urine and plasma NGAL levels in 716 patients hospitalized for complications of cirrhosis, 148 with ACLF. LCN2 expression was assessed in liver biopsies from 29 additional patients with decompensated cirrhosis with and without ACLF. RESULTS: Urine NGAL was markedly increased in ACLF vs. no ACLF patients (108(35-400) vs. 29(12-73)μg/g creatinine; p<0.001) and was an independent predictive factor of ACLF; the independent association persisted after adjustment for kidney function or exclusion of variables present in ACLF definition. Urine NGAL was also an independent predictive factor of 28day transplant-free mortality together with MELD score and leukocyte count (AUROC 0.88(0.83-0.92)). Urine NGAL improved significantly the accuracy of MELD in predicting prognosis. The LCN2 gene was markedly upregulated in the liver of patients with ACLF. Gene expression correlated directly with serum bilirubin and INR (r=0.79; p<0.001 and r=0.67; p<0.001), MELD (r=0.68; p<0.001) and Interleukin-6 (r=0.65; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: NGAL is a biomarker of ACLF and prognosis and correlates with liver failure and systemic inflammation. There is remarkable overexpression of LCN2 gene in the liver in ACLF syndrome. LAY SUMMARY: Urine NGAL is a biomarker of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF). NGAL is a protein that may be expressed in several tissues in response to injury. The protein is filtered by the kidneys due to its small size and can be measured in the urine. Ariza, Graupera and colleagues found in a series of 716 patients with cirrhosis that urine NGAL was markedly increased in patients with ACLF and correlated with prognosis. Moreover, gene coding NGAL was markedly overexpressed in the liver tissue in ACLF

    Systemic inflammation in decompensated cirrhosis: Characterization and role in acute-on-chronic liver failure.

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    Acute‐on‐chronic liver failure (ACLF) in cirrhosis is characterized by acute decompensation (AD), organ failure(s), and high short‐term mortality. Recently, we have proposed (systemic inflammation [SI] hypothesis) that ACLF is the expression of an acute exacerbation of the SI already present in decompensated cirrhosis. This study was aimed at testing this hypothesis and included 522 patients with decompensated cirrhosis (237 with ACLF) and 40 healthy subjects. SI was assessed by measuring 29 cytokines and the redox state of circulating albumin (HNA2), a marker of systemic oxidative stress. Systemic circulatory dysfunction (SCD) was estimated by plasma renin (PRC) and copeptin (PCC) concentrations. Measurements were performed at enrollment (baseline) in all patients and sequentially during hospitalization in 255. The main findings of this study were: (1) Patients with AD without ACLF showed very high baseline levels of inflammatory cytokines, HNA2, PRC, and PCC. Patients with ACLF showed significantly higher levels of these markers than those without ACLF; (2) different cytokine profiles were identified according to the type of ACLF precipitating event (active alcoholism/acute alcoholic hepatitis, bacterial infection, and others); (3) severity of SI and frequency and severity of ACLF at enrollment were strongly associated. The course of SI and the course of ACLF (improvement, no change, or worsening) during hospitalization and short‐term mortality were also strongly associated; and (4) the strength of association of ACLF with SI was higher than with SCD. Conclusion: These data support SI as the primary driver of ACLF in cirrhosis