155 research outputs found

    Relations between national parliaments and the European Parliament: opportunities and challenges

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    This paper provides an insight into how interparliamentary cooperation between national parliaments and the EP is evolving, what forms it is taking and what its main advantages and flaws are. The Lisbon Treaty contains important provisions for a greater presence of national parliaments at the EU level and increasing possibilities for cooperation between them and the European Parliament (EP). If national parliaments want to make full use of the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty and to play an increasing role at the EU level they will need to develop effective sifting and scrutiny systems. In this context, parliamentary cooperation could be a cost-effective exercise reducing information gaps and providing an entry gate for national parliaments at the EU level. At the same time, due to its full-time focus on European politics and its position in the EU’s political system, the EP has the capacity to act as a leader of this cooperation and to shape it according to its preferences. Based on recent developments this paper provides an insight into how interparliamentary cooperation between national parliaments and the EP is evolving, what forms it is taking and what its main advantages and flaws are

    El papel de los Parlamentos Nacionales en la UE y la función de sus Oficinas de Representación en Bruselas

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    Este ARI estudia la función de las oficinas de representación de los parlamentos nacionales en Bruselas a la luz de los cambios en el papel de los parlamentos nacionales en la estructura institucional de la UE. El papel de los parlamentos nacionales en la UE ha ido incrementándose con las sucesivas reformas de los tratados. Concretamente, el Tratado de Lisboa contiene importantes reformas encaminadas a otorgar una mayor presencia a los parlamentos nacionales en la futura estructura política de la UE. Pero éstos deberán ser capaces de dotarse de herramientas que les permitan sacar el máximo provecho de su nueva situación. En este contexto, la apertura de una oficina de representación en Bruselas es solo un primer paso, aunque un paso esencial. Por ello, la decisión de las Cortes de abrir una oficina de representación en Bruselas es una excelente noticia. Si se gestiona de manera eficiente una oficina de representación puede resultar muy beneficiosa. Entre otras cosas, estas oficinas facilitan el flujo de información entre los diferentes parlamentos de la Unión, incluido el Parlamento Europeo. También facilitan el acceso a las instrucciones europeas y además pueden multiplicar las oportunidades de cooperación interparlamentaria. Éste es un punto a tener en cuenta dada la creciente importancia de las relaciones interparlamentarias. En resumen, la presencia en Bruselas hace posible, en términos prácticos, que los parlamentos nacionales jueguen un papel más activo en la UE y, por ello, los parlamentos ausentes estarán perdiendo esta oportunidad

    Citizen Representation in the EU after the 2009 elections to the European Parliament: The Role of National Parliaments

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    The EU has a democratic deficit and some reforms have been proposed to increase the involvement of national parliaments in its political system. The existence of the EU implies a dispossession of national parliaments that has only partly been resolved at the European level. This classic definition of a democratic deficit leaves two possible solutions. The immediate solution is to increase the power of the European Parliament (EP) so that it can fully compensate the loss suffered by national parliaments. However, problems relating to the EP 19s legitimacy and its currently limited capacity to engage with citizens restrict this solution 19s possibilities. A second option is to involve national parliaments in the EU. This option is not problem-free, given the limited capacity of national parliaments to equally represent European citizens regardless of their nationality. As a result, a third option is proposed: cooperation between the European Parliament and national parliaments. In this respect, the establishment of a representative office for national parliaments in Brussels can be considered the best possible investment

    El desarrollo de las prácticas interparlamentarias: el caso del control parlamentario de Europol

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho, Departamento de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Fecha de lectura: febrero de 2015The increasing role of national parliaments at EU level points in the direction of greater possibilities for the development of interparliamentary practices, particularly for parliamentary control purposes. However, research has paid little attention to the way these interparliamentary practices develop and work in practice. This thesis studies the interparliamentary practices developed in the context of the parliamentary control of Europol, the European Police Agency. Europol has evolved from its original institutional design as an intergovernmental body established by an international convention into a supranational agency fully integrated into the EU. Against this background, this research looks at the evolution of the parliamentary control of Europol in this process as a case of institutional development within EU representative-democratic institutions and discusses the relationship between integration (as institutional incorporation) and democratisation. Originally the European Parliament (EP) had almost no scrutiny role regarding Europol. However, in 2010 Europol became an EU agency and the EP acquired, among other things, some degree of control over the budget of Europol. On the other hand, the Lisbon Treaty provides for the political monitoring of Europol to be done by national parliaments and the European Parliament together (TFEU Art.88). Provisions of the Lisbon Treaty has not yet been implemented but changes in the parliamentary practices have already taken place in preparation for the new modality in which both national parliaments and the EP will be involved. Given this background, the key question is how is the involvement of national parliaments and the EU in the parliamentary control of Europol best balanced? In this regards this thesis provides insights in the relative salience of interparliamentary coordination as compared to a strengthened role for the EP in the process of institutional incorporation of Europol

    Trabajo final de máster profesional

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Traducció Medicosanitària. Codi: SBA031. Curs: 2021/2022El presente trabajo de fin de máster profesional tiene como objetivo exponer y analizar la traducción realizada en la asignatura «SBA033 - Prácticas profesionales» del Máster Universitario en Traducción Médico-Sanitaria de la Universitat Jaume I del curso 2021/22. Tal y como se explica más adelante, las prácticas profesionales son parte del itinerario profesionalizante del máster, donde se demuestran los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del curso en un encargo de traducción por parte de la Editorial Médica Panamericana. Para comenzar, es necesario aclarar la estructura que sigue este trabajo. En primer lugar, se presenta la introducción en la que se especifican la ubicación temática y los contenidos de la obra, se analiza el género textual de los textos origen y meta, además de la situación comunicativa, y se mencionan los aspectos específicos del encargo de traducción. A continuación, se incluyen el texto original y la versión individual del texto traducido para, así, poder comparar ambos textos y, en las siguientes páginas, se comenta la traducción, ahondando en aspectos como la metodología, los problemas de traducción encontrados y su solución. Seguido, se expone la evaluación de los recursos y herramientas que se han empleado. La siguiente sección comprende el análisis de la terminología presente en el texto, expuesta en una tabla con el término en inglés seguido de la definición, la traducción al español y las fuentes. Por último, se incluyen los textos paralelos y recursos empleados y que más útiles han resultado, además de una breve conclusión. Así pues, este trabajo constituye una memoria de las prácticas realizadas en la que se pretende integrar los conocimientos y destrezas adquiridos a lo largo del máster, y aplicarlos a un encargo real de traducción del ámbito médico-sanitario, al que muchas nos hemos enfrentado por primera vez

    L'éducation selon Rabelais

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    29 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 28-29Ce travail de fin d’études a comme objectif de montrer la vision de l’éducation du célèbre auteur de la Renaissance François Rabelais, et de rendre compte des caractéristiques de l’éducation au Moyen Âge ainsi que de celle de la Renaissance pour montrer par la suite les différences entre elles. Tout d’abord nous nous intéresserons sommairement à l’état de l’enseignement au Moyen Âge, qui n’était pas si teintée d’ignorance et de fanatisme religieux qu’on aurait pu le croire. Ensuite nous nous pencherons sur les innovations dans la pédagogie grâce aux faits qui sont à l’origine de l’avènement de la Renaissance. En effet à la Renaissance il y aura un fort questionnement de la façon d’enseigner et de la façon de considérer l’éducation, ce qui impliquera beaucoup de changements dans le domaine du savoir. Par ailleurs nous aborderons en détail les différents éléments qui ont façonné l’éducation à l’époque, comme l’enseignement des langues ou l’éducation chez les jésuites. Puis, nous arriverons au noyau du travail et nous analyserons quelques passages de deux oeuvres majeures de Rabelais, qui présentaient l’histoire de géants la plus connue de la littérature française : Gargantua et Pantagruel. Premièrement nous aborderons les attaques de Rabelais à l’éducation sophiste pour après contempler l’évolution dans la formation dispensée au géant et comment celle-ci se rapproche de l’idéal humaniste grâce à l’intervention du précepteur Ponocrates. Ensuite, nous examinerons la lettre qui envoie Gargantua à son fils, Pantagruel, pour l’exhorter à suivre une éducation « le plus complète possible » comme le conseillent les humanistes, mais toujours avec l’humilité qui impose la foi en Dieu. Pour finir avec les études, nous analyserons le portrait de la société idéale présentée par Rabelais, c’est-à-dire de l’utopie de l’abbaye de Thélème et le mode de vie de ses habitants, les ‘thélémites’. Finalement, on a pu conclure que Rabelais est un auteur qui a beaucoup apporté au domaine de l’enseignement grâce à ses textes. Ses récits donnent comme résultat la parfaite combinaison du nouvel esprit humaniste avec les éléments les plus remarquables de la formation du Moyen Âge, le tout dans un programme éducatif qui met au centre l’élève

    RFID Presenter: A New Way to Feel a Talk

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    RFID is a key which enables technology for the Internet of Things paradigm, allowing the virtualization of the physical objects into the Internet. There are uncountable applications whereby these connected objects can be a breakthrough for new business models, and this work shows a good example of that. We present the RFID Presenter as the evolution of a classical consumer electronic product to a novel connected Internet product with the addition of the RFID technology. It supposes a new way to manage the conference talks in a personalization way, improving the end-user interaction and providing services that were impossible before. The design, implementation, and validation of a real gadget are well explained in order to give a real example of how the Internet of Things can be integrated into daily objects and enhance the end-user experiences

    CytoCy5S™, a compound of many structures. in vitro and in vivo evaluation of four near-infrared fluorescent substrates of nitroreductase (NTR)

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    CytoCy5S™, a quenched, red-shifted fluorescent probe, has been used to exploit the imaging potential of the nitroreductase (NTR) reporter gene platform. Its use has been reported in a number of publications, however there are discrepancies in both the reported structure and its physicochemical properties. Herein, we aim to highlight these discrepancies and to define the best candidate of the four substrates under study for preclinical work in NTR reporting by optical applications. We report the synthesis, purification and characterisation of four NTR substrates, including alternately described structures currently referred by the name CytoCy5S. A comparative NTR enzymatic assay was performed to assess the spectroscopic characteristics of the different reductively activated probes. The NTR expressing triple-negative breast carcinoma cell line, MDA-MB-231 NTR+, was employed to compare, both in vitro and in vivo, the suitability of these fluorescent probes as reporters of NTR activity. Comparison of the reporting properties was achieved by flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy and optical imaging, both in vivo and ex vivo. This study evaluated the different spectroscopic and biological characteristics of the four substrates and concluded that substrate 1 presents the best features for oncological in vivo preclinical optical imaging.publishedVersio

    EVI1 as a Prognostic and Predictive Biomarker of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    The transcription factor EVI1 plays an oncogenic role in several types of neoplasms by promoting aggressive cancer features. EVI1 contributes to epigenetic regulation and transcriptional control, and its overexpression has been associated with enhanced PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling in some settings. These observations raise the possibility that EVI1 influences the prognosis and everolimus-based therapy outcome of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). Here, gene expression and protein immunohistochemical studies of ccRCC show that EVI1 overexpression is associated with advanced disease features and with poorer outcome-particularly in the CC-e.3 subtype defined by The Cancer Genome Atlas. Overexpression of an oncogenic EVI1 isoform in RCC cell lines confers substantial resistance to everolimus. The EVI1 rs1344555 genetic variant is associated with poorer survival and greater progression of metastatic ccRCC patients treated with everolimus. This study leads us to propose that evaluation of EVI1 protein or gene expression, and of EVI1 genetic variants may help improve estimates of prognosis and the benefit of everolimus-based therapy in ccRCC