2,887 research outputs found

    Grid-Connected Energy Storage Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies

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    High penetration of renewable energy resources in the power system results in various new challenges for power system operators. One of the promising solutions to sustain the quality and reliability of the power system is the integration of energy storage systems (ESSs). This article investigates the current and emerging trends and technologies for grid-connected ESSs. Different technologies of ESSs categorized as mechanical, electrical, electrochemical, chemical, and thermal are briefly explained. Especially, a detailed review of battery ESSs (BESSs) is provided as they are attracting much attention owing, in part, to the ongoing electrification of transportation. Then, the services that grid-connected ESSs provide to the grid are discussed. Grid connection of the BESSs requires power electronic converters. Therefore, a survey of popular power converter topologies, including transformer-based, transformerless with distributed or common dc-link, and hybrid systems, along with some discussions for implementing advanced grid support functionalities in the BESS control, is presented. Furthermore, the requirements of new standards and grid codes for grid-connected BESSs are reviewed for several countries around the globe. Finally, emerging technologies, including flexible power control of photovoltaic systems, hydrogen, and second-life batteries from electric vehicles, are discussed in this article.This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research Global under Grant N62909-19-1-2081, in part by the National Research Foundation of Singapore Investigatorship under Award NRFI2017-08, and in part by the I2001E0069 Industrial Alignment Funding. (Corresponding author: Josep Pou.

    Tailoring the physical properties of electrodeposited CoNiReP alloys with large Re content by direct, pulse, and reverse pulse current techniques

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    This is the author's version of a work that was accepted for publication in Electrochimica acta. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Electrochimica acta, [96,(2013)] DOI10.1016/j.electacta.2013.02.077)The composition, surface morphology and structure of CoNiReP alloy films with large Re content (up to 27 at%), obtained in a citrate-glycine based electrolyte have been studied as a function of the electrodeposition technique. Direct current (DC), pulse plating (PP) and reverse pulse plating (RPP) were considered with cathodic current densities from −50 mA cm−2 to −250 mA cm−2. The mechanical and magnetic properties have been analyzed and the data obtained has been correlated with composition and crystallographic structure. For values of j (DC), jon (PP) and jc (RPP) below −100 mA cm−2, Co-rich, P-containing deposits are obtained. Beyond these current densities, both the quantities of Ni and Re increase simultaneously at the expense of Co and P, the latter virtually falling to zero. The highest Re percentage (25-27 at%) was achieved in both PP and RPP conditions at a cathodic pulse of −250 mA cm−2. All the films were either entirely nanocrystalline in nature or partially amorphous. Hardness values as high as 9.2 GPa have been found in PP plated Co64Ni18Re18 deposits. Besides the large hardness, the incorporation of Re in the films leads to high elastic recovery values. The magnetic character of the deposits ranges from soft to semi-hard ferromagneti

    Unexpected high toughness of Samia cynthia ricini silk gut

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    Silk gut fibers were produced from the silkworm Samia cynthia ricini silk glands by the usual procedure of immersion in a mildly acidic solution and subsequent stretching. The morphology of the silk guts was assessed by scanning electron microscopy, and their microstructure was assessed by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was found that both naturally spun and Samia silk guts share a common semicrystalline microstructure. The mechanical characterization of the silk guts revealed that these fibers show an elastomeric behavior when tested in water, and exhibit a genuine ground state to which the fiber may revert independently of its previous loading history. In spite of its large cross-sectional area compared with naturally spun silk fibers, Samia silk guts show values of work to fracture up to 160 MJ m, much larger than those of most of their natural counterparts, and establish a new record value for this parameter in silk guts

    Pathway selection as a tool for crystal defect engineering: A case study with a functional coordination polymer

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    New synthetic routes capable of achieving defect engineering of functional crystals through well- controlled pathway selection will spark new breakthroughs and advances towards unprecedented and unique functional materials and devices. In nature, the interplay of chemical reactions with the diffusion of reagents in space and time is already used to favor such pathway selection and trigger the formation of materials with bespoke properties and functions, even when the material composition is preserved. Following this approach, herein we show that a controlled interplay of a coordination reaction with mass transport (i.e. the diffusion of reagents) is essential to favor the generation of charge imbalance defects (i.e. protonation defects) in a final crystal structure (thermodynamic product). We show that this syn- thetic pathway is achieved with the isolation of a kinetic product (i.e. a metastable state), which can be only accomplished when a controlled interplay of the reaction with mass transport is satisfied. Account- ing for the relevance of controlling, tuning and understanding structure-properties correlations, we have studied the spin transition evolution of a well-defined spin-crossover complex as a model system

    Analysis of results of effective dose estimation obtained from RADAR 2017 dose assessment model for nuclear medicine procedures

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    EP-296 Aim/Introduction: To analyze the results of effective dose (E) estimation of the most frequent procedures using photon emitters in Nuclear Medicine, obtained from RADAR 2017 dose assessment model. To compare these results with those obtained from ICRP 128 (2015) recommendations, and to assess how using each dose assessment model can change E results. Materials and Methods: E estimation data was collected from photon emitter procedures performed during the last year in our department, obtained from RADAR 2017 dose estimation model for age groups: = 1 year old; >1-5 years old ; >5- 10 years old, >10- 15 years old and adults. Injected activity was the one recommended by international guidelines and EANM Pediatric and Dosimetry Committees. Hybrid exams (SPECT / CT) and procedures for which there is no RADAR 2017 dosimetry estimation were excluded. Results for (E) were compared with those obtained by using ICRP 128 (2015) recommendations. Results: With RADAR 2017 dose evaluation model we obtained a lower mean value of E on most of the procedures that were analyzed, being significantly lower for Renogram, Renal scintigraphy on >10-15 years old, Thyroid scintigraphy, Meckel’s scan and Bone Scan (0.12 to 1.16 mSv, 25% to 67%). Brain perfusion and Renal scintigraphy on ages under 10 obtained a significantly greater difference for E (0.33 to 2.85 mSv, 26% to 29%). Conclusion: These results are an updated collection of estimated E values for photon-emitting radiopharmaceuticals commonly used in Nuclear Medicine, considering RADAR 2017 dose assessment model compared to ICRP 128) recommendations. Methodological changes on estimation lead to lower E for most of diagnostic procedures using photon emitters, this is of special interest for patients undergoing repeated ionizing radiation (dosimetry history)

    Biological behavior of familial papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: Spanish multicenter study

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    Purpose Familial papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (FPTMC) can present a more aggressive behavior than the sporadic microcarcinoma. However, few studies have analyzed this situation. The objective is to analyze the recurrence rate of FPTMC and the prognostic factors which determine that recurrence in Spain. Methods Spanish multicenter longitudinal analytical observational study was conducted. Patients with FPTMC received treatment with curative intent and presented cure criteria 6 months after treatment. Recurrence rate and disease-free survival (DFS) were analyzed. Two groups were analyzed: group A (no tumor recurrence) vs. group B (tumor recurrence). Results Ninety-four patients were analyzed. During a mean follow-up of 73.3 +/- 59.3 months, 13 recurrences of FPTMC (13.83%) were detected and mean DFS was 207.9 +/- 11.5 months. There were multifocality in 56%, bilateral thyroid involvement in 30%, and vascular invasion in 7.5%; that is to say, they are tumors with histological factors of poor prognosis in a high percentage of cases. The main risk factors for recurrence obtained in the multivariate analysis were the tumor size (OR: 2.574, 95% CI 1.210-5.473; p = 0.014) and the assessment of the risk of recurrence of the American Thyroid Association (ATA), both intermediate risk versus low risk (OR: 125, 95% CI 10.638-1000; p < 0.001) and high risk versus low risk (OR: 45.454, 95% CI 5.405-333.333; p < 0.001). Conclusion FPTMC has a recurrence rate higher than sporadic cases. Poor prognosis is mainly associated with the tumor size and the risk of recurrence of the ATA

    Gas exchange at whole plant level shows that a less conservative water use is linked to a higher performance in three ecologically distinct pine species

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    Increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation in large areas of the planet as a consequence of global warming will affect plant growth and survival. However, the impact of climatic conditions will differ across species depending on their stomatal response to increasing aridity, as this will ultimately affect the balance between carbon assimilation and water loss. In this study, we monitored gas exchange, growth and survival in saplings of three widely distributed European pine species (Pinus halepensis, P. nigra and P. sylvestris) with contrasting distribution and ecological requirements in order to ascertain the relationship between stomatal control and plant performance. The experiment was conducted in a common garden environment resembling rainfall and temperature conditions that two of the three species are expected to encounter in the near future. In addition, gas exchange was monitored both at the leaf and at the whole-plant level using a transient-state closed chamber, which allowed us to model the response of the whole plant to increased air evaporative demand (AED). P. sylvestris was the species with lowest survival and performance. By contrast, P. halepensis showed no mortality, much higher growth (two orders of magnitude), carbon assimilation (ca. 14 fold higher) and stomatal conductance and water transpiration (ca. 4 fold higher) than the other two species. As a consequence, P. halepensis exhibited higher values of water-use efficiency than the rest of the species even at the highest values of AED. Overall, the results strongly support that the weaker stomatal control of P. halepensis, which is linked to lower stem water potential, enabled this species to maximize carbon uptake under drought stress and ultimately outperform the more water conservative P. nigra and P. sylvestris. These results suggest that under a hotter drought scenario P. nigra and P. sylvestris would very likely suffer increased mortality, whereas P. halepensis could maintain gas exchange and avoid water-induced growth limitation. This might ultimately foster an expansion of P. halepensis to higher latitudes and elevations.This work was supported by the projects ECOLPIN (AGL2011–24296) and Remedinal 3 (S2013/ MAE- 2719) of the Madrid Government, by a FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU13/03410) to DS and by EU Marie Curie (FP7–2013-IOF-625988) fellowship to EPSC

    Estudio de redes neuronales para el pronóstico de la demanda de asignaturas

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    La planeación de cursos de un centro educativo o universidad está compuesta por múltiples problemas complejos como lo es la asignación de horarios para los alumnos, salones y profesores para cada asignatura. Uno de los problemas iniciales es determinar la cantidad de asignaturas que se ofertarán; este problema parece sencillo a simple vista ya que una vez que se tenga la información de la cantidad de alumnos aprobados para cada asignatura, se puede calcular fácilmente la siguiente demanda de asignaturas. Sin embargo, existen ocasiones en los que la planeación de cursos del siguiente período inicia antes de tener la información relativa a la aprobación de los alumnos. Lo cual nos lleva al problema del pronóstico de los porcentajes de aprobación para calcular la demanda de asignaturas de los alumnos. En este trabajo se compara el desempeño de modelos causales contra modelos estadísticos para el pronóstico de los porcentajes de aprobación y reprobación de los alumnos. Los resultados finales muestran una ventaja importante de los métodos causales sobre los métodos estadísticos para los casos de prueba. Consideramos que esta ventaja ocurre debido a que el modelo causal aprende los patrones de comportamiento de los datos de entrenamiento de forma independiente en vez de generalizar porcentajes de acreditación. Además de lo anterior, el método estadístico puede presentar problemas importantes al tratar de pronosticar porcentajes de acreditación para situaciones que no se encuentren en los datos de entrenamiento, mientras que el modelo causal utilizará la información aprendida para pronosticar dichas situaciones
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