108 research outputs found

    Youtube como herramienta de comunicación política: estrategias de uso e impacto en la ciudadanía

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015Este trabajo se centra en el estudio de Youtube como una herramienta de comunicación política, un sector que con la irrupción de Internet ha tenido que adaptarse a nuevos escenarios mediáticos, dando lugar a lo que hoy conocemos como Política 2.0. Esta investigación evidencia la presencia en el portal Youtube de todos los partidos políticos españoles que, en su intención por llegar a la ciudadanía, han ido trasladándose hacia una cultura digital. De esta manera, se presenta un análisis de los vídeos publicados y difundidos en las cuentas oficiales de tres partidos: Partido Popular, Podemos y Esquerra Unida del País Valencià durante el periodo pre electoral comprendido entre el 1 y el 24 de mayo. Así pues, la presente investigación analizara el contenido, los protagonistas y la frecuencia de actualización de los partidos para establecer una estrategia común así como la participación del usuario, el emisor y el debate generado para determinar el grado de repercusión que tiene este porta. Todo ello, será estudiado a partir de una tabla propia que atiende a los criterios claramente identificables en YoutubeThis Project focus on the study of Youtube as an ítem of political communication, a sector that with the appearance of Internet it had to fit to new media scenarios, taking place in what we know as 2.0 Politics. This investigation evidence the presence in Youtube of all the Spanish political parties which in their aim of going though the society, they have been going to a digital culture. In this way, it’s shown and analysis of published and spread videos in the official accounts of three political parties: Partido Popular, Podemos and Esquerra Unida del País Valencià during the pre-electoral period between 1th to de 24th of May. Thus, in this project it’s going to be analysed the content, the main characters and the frequency of updating to establish a common strategy, thereby the participation of the user, the speaker and the current debate to determine the relevance that Youtube has. Concluding, all of what we said before, will be studied by an own made table in the sense of the recognizable issues of this new media

    Análisis de las medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de las infraestructuras lineales del transporte desde el punto de vista de los órganos ambientales y sustantivos

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    Esta comunicación está basada en el proyecto de investigación realizado por el Departamento de Ordenación del Territorio, Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente de la E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos, de la U.P.M., subvencionado por el Ministerio de Fomento, relativo a la eficacia de las medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de los impactos ambientales negativos de las infraestructuras lineales del transporte. Como parte de la investigación, se realizaron encuestas a los principales órganos ambientales y sustantivos implicados directamente en la aplicación de las medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de proyectos de infraestructuras lineales de transporte, así como a las ingenierías y consultoras que trabajan en el proceso. Los resultados de las encuestas permiten obtener una visión real de cómo funcionan el diseño y aplicación de estas medidas

    Análisis de las medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de las infraestructuras lineales del transporte desde el punto de vista de las ingenierías y constructoras

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    Esta comunicación está basada en el proyecto de investigación realizado por el Departamento de Ordenación del Territorio, Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente de la ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, de la UPM., subvencionado por el Ministerio de Fomento, relativo a la eficacia de las medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias de los impactos ambientales negativos de las infraestructuras lineales del transporte. Como parte de la investigación, se realizaron encuestas a los diferentes sectores relacionados con el diseño y ejecución de este tipo de proyectos, como son las empresas de ingenierías y constructoras del país. Se elaboró un cuestionario que constaba de dos partes, la primera destinada a conocer la participación en el diseño, propuesta e implementación de las medidas preventivas, correctoras y compensatorias. En la segunda parte del cuestionario se presentaban las principales medidas preventivas y correctoras relativas a los siguientes elementos del medio; emisión de polvo, hidrología superficial y subterránea, ruido, suelo, fauna, vegetación y protección del patrimonio, para conocer la consideración respecto a la propuesta y aplicación real. También se recogen los resultados de la tendencia actual respecto a las medidas compensatorias relacionadas con la Red Natura 2000, así como la estimación del presupuesto que se destina a todas estas medidas

    On-Surface Hydrogen-Induced Covalent Coupling of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons via a Superhydrogenated Intermediate

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    The activation and subsequent covalent coupling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great interest in fields like chemistry, energy, biology, or health, among others. However, this is not a trivial process. So far, it is based on the use of catalysts that drive and increase the efficiency of the reaction. Here, we report on an unprecedented method in which the dehydrogenation and covalent coupling is thermally activated in the presence of atomic hydrogen and a surface. This mechanism, which requires of the superhydrogenation of the PAHs, has been characterized by high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and rationalized by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. This work opens a door toward the formation of covalent, PAH-based, macromolecular nanostructures on low-reactive surfaces, thus facilitating its applicability.Comment: This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 licens

    Postmortem fertilização in vitro

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    La fecundación in vitro postmortem (FIV postmortem) es una técnica mediante la cual se extrae semen del hombre ya fallecido para fecundar el óvulo de su esposa viva. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es conocer y comparar las distintas opciones de la FIV postmortem en varios países. Metodología: revisión de la literatura en diferentes bases de datos que nos devuelva una búsqueda en inglés o español con alta relevancia con el tema a tratar y disponible en texto completo como criterios de inclusión. Resultado: Actualmente en España se permite realizar esta técnica con una serie de requisitos y bajo unas condiciones legales, sin embargo existen muchas diferencias entre distintos países, en algunos no se permite el uso de esta técnica bajo ningún concepto, mientras que en otros el acceso a ella es libre para toda mujer viuda que lo desee dentro de las primeras horas del fallecimiento del hombre. Discusión: aún son pocos los países que tienen una legislación específica en cuanto a la FIV postmortem, y muy pocos los que permiten realizar la técnica, incluso teniendo la autorización del varón previa al fallecimiento. Conclusiones: Existe gran controversia en cuanto a la legislación en los diferentes países, por lo que sería necesario una investigación más profunda sobre este tema.Postmortem IVF is a technique by semen is extracted from the deceased man to fertilize the egg of his wife. The objective of this review of the literature is to know and compare the different options of postmortem IVF in several countries. Methodology: literature review in different databases that return a search in English or Spanish with high relevance with the subject to be treated and available in full text as inclusion criteria, being the absence of any of the above exclusion criteria. Outcome: Currently in Spain it is allowed to perform this technique with a number of requirements and under legal conditions, however in other countries there is a lot of discrepancy, some are not allowed to use this technique under any concept, while in others access She is free for every widow woman who wants it within the first hours of the man’s death. Discussion: Few countries have a current legislation on postmortem IVF, and very few countries allow the technique to be performed, even with the authorization of the male prior to death. Conclusions: There is a lot of controversy about the legislation in the different countries, so a deeper investigation on this topic would be necessary.IVF postmortem é uma técnica pela qual o sêmen é extraído do homem morto agora para fertilizar o óvulo da esposa viva. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura é determinar e comparar as diferentes opções de IVF postmortem em vários países. Metodologia: revisão da literatura nas bases de dados diferentes que você retornar uma pesquisa em Inglês ou Espanhol com alta relevância para o tema e está disponível em texto completo como critério de inclusão, com a ausência de qualquer um dos critérios de exclusão acima. Resultado: atualmente na Espanha estão autorizados a realizar esta técnica com uma série de requisitos e condições legais, mas em outros países há muito discrepância em algum uso desta técnica de qualquer forma não são permitidos, enquanto no acesso outros é livre para qualquer viúva que deseja dentro das primeiras horas da morte do homem. Discussão: Poucos países têm legislação sobre postmortem fertilização in vitro, e muito poucos que permitem a técnica, mesmo com autorização prévia do sexo masculino até a morte. Conclusões: Há muita controvérsia sobre a legislação em diferentes países, de modo mais pesquisas sobre este assunto seria necessário

    Trastornos del comportamiento en daño cerebral adquirido

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    Behavioural disorders (BD) after brain injury are some of the most relevant issues in neuropsychology. This relevance is remarkable in three main areas of clinical neuropsychology: conceptual issues, assessment and rehabilitation. (1) BD is an heterogenous group of superficially defined symptoms, traditionally included under the term Frontal Lobe Syndrome. Its fractionning into subtypes allowed a more comprehensive and specific approach to BD, although evidence is still not able to explain its causes. Recent theoretical approaches (somatic markers, Theory of mind) suggest interesting directions for research in this area. (2) Assessment of BD is not as developed as other areas (memory, attention...), and it lacks of standarized tests with satisfying psychometric requirements. (3) Rehabilitation processes are severily interfered by BD, which are generally chronic and may even get worse with the years. Behaviour Therapy and psychopharmacological interventions have proven some usefullness in symptom reduction, although in symptoms of diminished motivation (apathy) treatment often fails to succeed.ResumenLas alteraciones de conducta como consecuencia de un daño cerebral adquirido, son consideradas como algunos de los déficit más relevantes en la neuropsicología. Su importancia se pone de manifiesto en tres aspectos fundamentales de la neuropsicología clínica: conceptualización del déficit, evaluación y rehabilitación. (1) Conceptualmente, se trata de un grupo confuso y precariamente definido de síntomas, que tradicionalmente se han englobado bajo el epígrafe «síndrome del lóbulo frontal (SLF)». Su fraccionamiento en subtipos ha permitido una aproximación a estos déficit más exhaustiva y específica, aunque todavía no es posible alcanzar niveles explicativos con evidencias sólidas. Recientes propuestas teóricas (marcadores somáticos, Teoría de la Mente, etc.) aportan marcos atractivos desde los que comenzar la búsqueda de causas. (2) Por otra parte, en el proceso evaluador existe una manifiesta falta de instrumentos estandarizados para su descripción individualizada. Este hecho es especialmente llamativo si se compara con la amplia oferta de test y escalas existentes para otros déficit (memoria, atención, etc.). (3) Por último, el proceso rehabilitador se ve interferido en gran medida por la presencia de un trastorno de este tipo, lo cual remarca su relevancia. Además, estas patologías son especialmente persistentes, pudiendo incluso empeorar a lo largo del tiempo, si no existe una intervención específica. Enfoques como la terapia de conducta y la psicofarmacología han demostrado ser útiles en la reducción de síntomas no deseados, aunque en algunos casos, como en la apatía, el tratamiento apenas resulta eficaz.AbstractBehavioural disorders (BD) after brain injury are some of the most relevant issues in neuropsychology. This relevance is remarkable in three main areas of clinical neuropsychology: conceptual issues, assessment and rehabilitation. (1) BD is an heterogenous group of superficially defined symptoms, traditionally included under the term Frontal Lobe Syndrome. Its fractionning into subtypes allowed a more comprehensive and specific approach to BD, although evidence is still not able to explain its causes. Recent theoretical approaches (somatic markers, Theory of mind) suggest interesting directions for research in this area. (2) Assessment of BD is not as developed as other areas (memory, attention...), and it lacks of standarized tests with satisfying psychometric requirements. (3) Rehabilitation processes are severily interfered by BD, which are generally chronic and may even get worse with the years. Behaviour Therapy and psychopharmacological interventions have proven some usefullness in symptom reduction, although in symptoms of diminished motivation (apathy) treatment often fails to succeed

    Internalization of the anti-carcinogenic IBB1, a major Bowman-Birk isoinhibitor from soybean (Glycine max), in HT29 colon cancer cells

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    Proceedings of the I Congress PIIISA celebrado en la Estación Experimental del Zaidín (Granada), en mayo de 2013.Protease inhibitors of the Bowman-Birk type, a major protease inhibitor family in legume seeds, which inhibit potently trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteases, are currently being investigated as colorectal chemopreventive agents. Although the therapeutic target/s and the action mechanism/s of Bowman-Birk inhibitors (BBI) have not yet been elucidated, the emerging evidence suggests that BBI exert their chemopreventive properties via protease inhibition; in this sense, serine proteases should be considered as primary targets in early stages of carcinogenesis. In this work, we have demonstrated that IBB1, a major protease inhibitor of the Bowman-Birk family in soybean (Glycine max), exerts anti-proliferative effect in human colorectal HT29 cancer cells at concentrations higher than 15 μM, in a dose dependent manner. By using confocal microscopy, we have demonstrated that IBB1 is taken up by HT29 colon cancer cells in a time-dependent manner, being the bulk of the internalized protease inhibitor localized in the cytoplasm where might interact with their potential therapeutic target/s.This work was supported by ERDF-co-financed grants AGL2011-26353 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and PE2010-CVI-5767 (Junta de Andalucía).Peer reviewe

    Designing for Shape Memory in Additive Manufacturing of Cu–Al–Ni Shape Memory Alloy Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion

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    Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are functional materials that are being applied in practically all industries, from aerospace to biomedical sectors, and at present the scientific and technologic communities are looking to gain the advantages offered by the new processing technologies of additive manufacturing (AM). However, the use of AM to produce functional materials, like SMAs, constitutes a real challenge due to the particularly well controlled microstructure required to exhibit the functional property of shape memory. In the present work, the design of the complete AM processing route, from powder atomization to laser powder bed fusion for AM and hot isostatic pressing (HIP), is approached for Cu–Al–Ni SMAs. The microstructure of the different processing states is characterized in relationship with the processing parameters. The thermal martensitic transformation, responsible for the functional properties, is analyzed in a comparative way for each one of the different processed samples. The present results demonstrate that a final post–processing thermal treatment to control the microstructure is crucial to obtain the expected functional properties. Finally, it is demonstrated that using the designed processing route of laser powder bed fusion followed by a post–processing HIP and a final specific thermal treatment, a satisfactory shape memory behavior can be obtained in Cu–Al–Ni SMAs, paving the road for further applications.This research was supported by the Industry Department of the Basque Government through the ELKARTEK–CEMAP (KK–2020/00047) project, as well as from the GIU–17/071 from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. Financial support was also received from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO, through the project MAT2017-84069P. This work made use of the facilities from the Electronic Microscopy and Material Microanalysis Service of the SGIKER from the UPV/EHU. M.P.-C. acknowledges the pre–doctoral grant (PRE_2019_2_0268) from the Education Department of the Basque Country. J.F.G.-C. thanks the post–doctoral grant (ESPDOC18/37) from the UPV/EHU

    Population Pharmacokinetics of Levetiracetam and Dosing Evaluation in Critically Ill Patients with Normal or Augmented Renal Function

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    Levetiracetam is a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug commonly used in intensive care units (ICUs). The objective of this study is to evaluate the adequacy of levetiracetam dosing in patients with normal or augmented renal clearance (ARC) admitted to the ICU by population modelling and simulation. A multicentre prospective study including twenty-seven critically ill patients with urinary creatinine clearance (CrCl) > 50 mL/min and treated with levetiracetam was developed. Levetiracetam plasma concentrations were best described by a two-compartment model. The parameter estimates and relative standard errors (%) were clearance (CL) 3.5 L/h (9%), central volume of distribution (V1) 20.7 L (18%), intercompartmental clearance 31.9 L/h (22%), and peripheral volume of distribution 33.5 L (13%). Interindividual variability estimates were, for the CL, 32.7% (21%) and, for V1, 56.1% (29%). The CrCl showed significant influence over CL. Simulations showed that the administration of at least 500 mg every 8 h or 1000 mg every 12 h are needed in patients with normal renal function. Higher doses (1500 or 2000 mg, every 8 h) are needed in patients with ARC. Critically ill patients with normal or ARC treated with levetiracetam could be at high risk of being underdosed.This research was funded by Department of Education of the Basque Government, grant number PIBA 2019-57; and by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, grant number GIU20/048. A.A.-L. thanks the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for her research grant, number PIFG19/23

    Mapping the entire functionally active endometrial microbiota

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    STUDY QUESTION Does endometrium harbour functionally active microorganisms and whether the microbial composition differs between proliferative and mid-secretory phases? SUMMARY ANSWER Endometrium harbours functionally alive microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, archaea and fungi whose composition and metabolic functions change along the menstrual cycle. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY Resident microbes in the endometrium have been detected, where microbial dysfunction has been associated with reproductive health and disease. Nevertheless, the core microorganismal composition in healthy endometrium is not determined and whether the identified bacterial DNA sequences refer to alive/functionally active microbes is not clear. Furthermore, whether there are cyclical changes in the microbial composition remains an open issue. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION RNA sequencing (RNAseq) data from 14 endometrial paired samples from healthy women, 7 samples from the mid-secretory phase and 7 samples from the consecutive proliferative phase were analysed for the microbial RNA sequences. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS The raw RNAseq data were converted into FASTQ format using SRA Toolkit. The unmapped reads to human sequences were aligned to the reference database Kraken2 and visualised with Krona software. Menstrual phase taxonomic differences were performed by R package metagenomeSeq. The functional analysis of endometrial microbiota was obtained with HUMANn2 and the comparison between menstrual phases was conducted by one-way ANOVA. Human RNAseq analysis was performed using miARma-Seq and the functional enrichment analysis was carried out using gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA; HumanCyc). The integration of metabolic pathways between host and microbes was investigated. The developed method of active microbiota mapping was validated in independent sample set. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE With the novel metatranscriptomic approach, we mapped the entire alive microbiota composing of >5300 microorganisms within the endometrium of healthy women. Microbes such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea were identified. The validation of three independent endometrial samples from different ethnicity confirmed the findings. Significant differences in the microbial abundances in the mid-secretory vs. proliferative phases were detected with possible metabolic activity in the host-microbiota crosstalk in receptive phase endometrium, specifically in the prostanoid biosynthesis pathway and L-tryptophan metabolism. LARGE SCALE DATA The raw RNAseq data used in the current study are available at GEO GSE86491 and at BioProject PRJNA379542. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION These pioneering results should be confirmed in a bigger sample size. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS Our study confirms the presence of active microbes, bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaea in the healthy human endometrium with implications in receptive phase endometrial functions, meaning that microbial dysfunction could impair the metabolic pathways important for endometrial receptivity. The results of this study contribute to the better understanding of endometrial microbiota composition in healthy women and its possible role in endometrial functions. In addition, our novel methodological pipeline for analysing alive microbes with transcriptional and metabolic activities could serve to inspire new analysis approaches in reproductive medicine.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER): grants RYC-2016-21199 and ENDORE SAF2017-87526- R; FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento: MENDO (B-CTS-500-UGR18) and by the University of Granada Plan Propio de Investigacio ́n 2016 - Excellence actions: Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES) (SOMM17/6107/UGR). A.S.-L. and N.M.M. are funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PRE2018-0854409 and FPU19/01638). S.A. has received honoraria for lectures from Merck. The funder had no role in this study