3,764 research outputs found

    Crossing Borderlands: The Face of Chicana Border Literature

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    Chicana literature details the trials and tribulations of Chicana life at the borderlands of the United States and Mexico. In particular it focuses on different challenges Chicana women face at the borderlands they must cross. While borderlands are usually represented as physical, many are not. Using Sandra Cisneros’ Women Hollering Creek, Denise Chavez’s Loving Pedro Infante, Maria Amparo Escandon’s Esperanza’s Box of Saints, and Alicia Gaspar de Alba’s, The Mystery of Survival, I will explore several common themes that relate to Chicana identity and the struggles that they must go through to overcome these barriers. I will examine the Chicana experience with racism, generational gaps, religions and culture

    Manejo de las intoxicaciones agudas

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    El tema a tratar en este trabajo es el manejo de las intoxicaciones agudas, es decir, los cuidados generales aplicables a cualquier paciente que acuda a un servicio sanitario por una intoxicación, independientemente del origen de esta. Se detalla la valoración incial que se debe hacer a todo paciente intoxicado (entrevista, exploración fisica, pruebas diagnósticas.) y el abanico de tratamientos disponibles (así como sus indicaciones y contraindicaciones), que van destinados a : preservar las funciones vitales, prevenir o disminuir la absorción del tóxico, facilitar la eliminación del tóxico o neutralización del tóxico. Tambien se contempla el protocolo a seguir ante una intoxicación voluntaria y los criterios para incluir un antídoto en un determinado nivel asistencial

    Practices and importance of living nobly. The example of Diaz de Escoba in Cordoba

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    Daily life study will allow us to know, not only the habits and characters from people in the past, but also is an excellent way to understand the strategies for social ascent of certain group of families who chose to emulate the material and immaterial habits of his higher contemporaries in order to be gradually assimilated into the privileged class. This article is about cordobesians Díaz de Escobar who had that wish.El estudio de la vida cotidiana no es sólo una forma como otra cualquiera de acercarse al conocimiento del pasado, analizando cómo vivía y se comportaba, en nuestro caso, la nobleza, sino que también es una excelente plataforma para comprender los mecanismos de ascenso social de determinadas familias que optaron por imitar los hábitos materiales e inmateriales de sus superiores a fin de irse asimilando paulatinamente al estamento privilegiado. Ese es el caso de los cordobeses Díaz de Escobar sobre los que trata el presente artículo

    Abundance, composition, distribution and fate of floating marine litter in the south-east Bay of Biscay

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    151 p.This PhD thesis presents a first overview of floating marine litter pollution in the south-east Bay of Biscay through a combination of harmonized observations, sampling methods, and numerical modelling techniques. Abundance and composition of floating marine litter (FML) were assessed combining net tows and visual observations in coastal and open waters of the Bay of Biscay. Floating riverine litter was also collected to explore the floating fraction of marine litter transported via rivers to the south-east Bay of Biscay. Simulations performed at regional (Bay of Biscay) and sub-regional scale (south-east Bay of Biscay) provided insights into the seasonal distribution patterns and fate of fishing-related and riverine litter items according to their observed buoyancy. The model was previously calibrated with data obtained from drifters released in the south-east Bay of Biscay and forced with hourly estimated and measured winds and currents. Data collection in the coastal waters of the south-east Bay of Biscay highlights the occurrence of submesoscale convergence zones for FML (¿litter windrows¿) during Spring and Summer. Fishing, shipping, and aquaculture sectors were the main source of macrolitter (size>2.5 cm) for litter windrows. Abundances derived from sampling the south-east Bay of Biscay revealed that the area is a hotspot for microplastics (size<5 mm). Most modelled particles released both in coastal andopen waters did not abandon the Bay of Biscay, reinforcing that the basin acts as accumulation region for FML. Results also demonstrated the impact of buoyancy and wind effect on FML behaviour, mainly in summer, when highly buoyant items strongly affected French Marine Protected Areas and Gipuzkoa and Pyrénées-Atlantiques regions. This thesis represents a milestone for supporting future science and policy actions in the south-east Bay of Biscay oriented to prevent and mitigate FML at local, sub-regional and regional scale

    Flooded Settlements in the Italian Mountains as Consequence of the Construction of Dams – Case Studies and their Relationship with Vernacular Architecture

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    This work is part of an international research with a principal aim to study and understand the pro-cesses related to heritage caused by the massive construction of dams and reservoirs during the central decades of the past century in Spain and Italy. We studied the repercussions, not only from a building restoration perspective, but also associ-ated fields - such as memory, politics, geography, sociology or anthropology - in order to manage all the “reactions” that engage the topic of collective memory. Furthermore, the study constitutes an op-portunity to build new concepts with which to ana-lyse (and design) contemporary fields of study for the improvement of strategies for the conservation of the values of villages in areas with high seismic risk or hydro-geological instability. We present different examples of flooding pro-cesses that are significant in understanding the complexity of these operations acted in a differ-ent way, one with a negotiated reconstruction, the other one with demands on the part of the inhabit-ants that made the operation infeasible or the most extreme case, the last one without reconstruction of the villag

    Aplicación del análisis didáctico al diseño de una herramienta de análisis de los textos de Andrés Manjón para la enseñanza de las matemáticas

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    En nuestro trabajo presentamos una herramienta de análisis de textos escolares de matemáticas fundamentada en la perspectiva moderna y en la estructura que proporciona el análisis didáctico. Con dicho instrumento realizamos un análisis del contenido de las lecciones de Aritmética y Geometría presentes los textos escolares redactados por Andrés Manjón, lo cual nos permitirá en última instancia caracterizar la enseñanza de las matemáticas llevada a cabo en sus Escuelas del Ave María de Granada entre 1889 y 1923, justificándola dentro de los planteamientos pedagógicos y metodológicos del propio Manjón, muy influenciados por el contexto educativo y social de la España finisecular

    Cine, música y valores : de Blancanieves a Tiana

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    De la tradición popular, pasando por los escritos de Los Hermanos Grimm y Charles Perrault, hasta llegar a las producciones cinematográficas de Walt Disney, los cuentos clásicos han sufrido numerosos cambios para poder adaptarse a las nuevas formas narrativas. Sin embargo, si hay algo que caracteriza a las historias infantiles son las enseñanzas y moralejas que se desprenden de las acciones de los personajes; muchos de esos valores se encuentran también en las canciones que han sido creadas ad hoc para llevar los cuentos a la gran pantalla. En las películas infantiles de animación, y más concretamente en el cine de Disney, la música, además de ser un elemento más dentro del discurso narrativo audiovisual, juega un papel significativo en el desarrollo inicial de la “inteligencia fílmica” de los más pequeños, estimulando el recuerdo y la comprensión de las imágenes y argumentos cinematográficos, así lo han puesto de manifiesto diversos estudios. Esta investigación parte de la hipótesis de que las canciones de las películas de dibujos animados son importantes instrumentos para la transmisión de valores, ya que trascienden a la gran pantalla para instalarse en las aulas, en los videojuegos o incluso en los momentos de ocio familiar con los más pequeños. Tomando como objeto de estudio el cine de animación de Disney, proponemos una investigación donde, mediante una metodología basada en el análisis de contenido se pretende desarrollar un modelo de análisis de los discursos cantados de las películas clásicas de Disney. Tras el análisis de las canciones de los míticos filmes Blancanieves y los siete enanitos (1937), Cenicienta (1950) y La Bella Durmiente (1959), películas que se han convertido en los mejores exponentes de los valores tradicionales (amor, bondad, generosidad, compasión, amistad etc.), buscaremos similitudes y diferencias con las nuevas letras de los temas que componen la banda sonora de la última película de animación de la factoría norteamericana Tiana y el Sapo (2009), que relata la historia de la primera princesa de color de la historia Disney.From popular tradition through Grimm brothers and Charles Perrault´s writings till Walt Disney cinema productions, classic tales have evolved in order to adapt to new narratives. Nevertheless education and moral consequences from characters´ actions are common characteristics in children stories. Many of these values are also present in sound track music lyrics developed ad hoc as part of the screen version. In children animated feature films and specifically in Disney movies, music is not only part of media narrative discourse but plays a significant role in the development of children “filmic intelligence”: it stimulates memory and picture and story line comprehension as it has been revealed in several studies. In this research we part from the hypothesis that children animated feature films´ sound track music lyrics are important tools to transmit values. This is because they go beyond films to be part of schools, videogames and even leisure time within family. Our objects of study are Disney animated feature films: Snow White (1937), Cinderella (1950) and Sleeping Beauty (1959) which are exponent of traditional values (love, goodness, generosity, compassion, friendship, etc.). Our main goal is to create a qualitative methodology based on content analysis which becomes a model to analyse music lyrics from the quoted Disney movies. We seek for similarities and differences with the content of the last animation feature film´ s sound track music lyrics The Princess and the frog (2009), which tells the story of the first black princess in Disney history

    High-performance 16-way Ku-band radial power combiner based on the TE01-circular waveguide mode

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    This work presents a 16-way Ku-band radial power combiner for high power and high frequency applications, using the very low loss TE01 circular waveguide mode. The accomplished design shows an excellent performance: the experimental prototype has a return loss better than 30 dB, with a balance for the amplitudes of ( 0.15 dB) and ( 2.5 ) for the phases, in a 16.7% fractional bandwidth (2 GHz centered at 12 GHz). For obtaining these outstanding specifications, required, for instance, in highfrequency amplification or on plasma systems, a rigorous step-by-step procedure is presented. First, a high-purity mode transducer has been designed, from the TE10 mode in the rectangular waveguide to the TE01 mode in the circularwaveguide, with very high attenuation (>50 dB) for the other propagating and evanescent modes in the circularwaveguide. This transducer has been manufactured and measured in a back-to-back configuration, validating the design process. Second, an E-plane 16-way radial power divider has been designed, where the power is coupled from the 16 non-reduced-height radial standardwaveguides into the TE01 circularwaveguide mode, improving the insertion loss response and removing the usual tapered transformers of previous designs limiting the power handling. Finally, both the transducer and the divider have been assembled to make the final radial combiner. The prototype has been carefully manufactured, showing very good agreement between the measurements and the full-wave simulationsThe authors would like to thank INMEPRE S.A., the diligence in the manufacturing process. This work was supported by the Spanish government under Grant (ADDMATE) No. TEC2016-76070-C3-1/2-R (AEI/FEDER/UE) and the program of Comunidad de Madrid S2013/ICE-3000 (SPADERADARCM