98 research outputs found

    Etymology of Tuscarora

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    Dr. Blair A. Rudes has conducted linguistic and ethnographic work with members of the Tuscarora Nation of Indians in New York State since the early 1970s. In 1987 he published with Dorothy Crouse, a Tuscarora and historian, a two-volume collection of texts in Tuscarora and English entitled The Tuscarora Legacy of J.N.B. Hewitt: Materials for the Study of the Tuscarora Language and Culture. He is presently completing a dictionary of the Tuscarora language. Dr. Rudes received his doctorate in linguistics from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1976


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    Many foreign workers working in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), especially in Karimun Regency, Riau Islands Province. In 2017 there were 3 illegal foreign workers who were arrested in Tanjung Balai Karimun using temporary residence visas. The problem in writing this law is how the local government of Karimun Kabupaten takes action against foreign workers who do not extend their limited stay permit in Tanjung Balai Karimun. This legal research is an empirical legal research that focuses on social facts, and data collection through interviews and literature studies. The conclusion of this legal writing is that the local government in taking action against foreign workers in Karimun Regency who has passed the time limit for a residence permit is very good and in accordance with applicable regulations. However, in its implementation there are several obstacles, namely due to the number of human resources, the limited scope of work and the lack of transportation facilities, especially in the limited part of the sea by the Karimun Regency local government. by the local government of Tanjung Balai Karimun so as to achieve maximum supervision of foreign nationals. The existence of the procurement of the tools needed to carry out surveillance both on land and at sea has somewhat achieved extensive monitoring throughout the Tanjung Balai Karimun area

    O processo de acompanhamento e avaliação das transferências voluntárias de recursos do CNPq em parceria com as FAP

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2014.O objetivo desta dissertação foi o de analisar e compreender como é realizado o processo de Acompanhamento e Avaliação das Transferências Voluntárias de Recursos da União, descentralizados por meio do CNPq às Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa (FAP). Buscamos identificar os mecanismos para incentivar o estabelecimento da pesquisa e desenvolvimento em regiões com maiores proporções de desigualdades e ainda sem a infraestrutura necessária para se utilizar da ciência e tecnologia, visando o alcance do desenvolvimento regional. Políticas federais de interiorização da ciência e tecnologia editadas de forma planejada e estruturada, entre outras, tiveram o seu início há mais de duas décadas no país. Em políticas mais recentes, foram introduzidos novos instrumentos, como a descentralização de recursos federais e de seus programas e projetos, que eram de execução prioritária do Estado-Nação e que foram descentralizadas para outros entes da Federação. Foram analisados os procedimentos e rotinas utilizados pelo CNPq para a transferência de recursos da União e os mecanismos de acompanhamento, monitoramento e avaliação dos recursos transferidos por meio de parcerias institucionais com as Fundações de Amparo à Pesquisa (FAP). Foram examinados processos de concessão internos ao CNPq, e os procedimentos frente às exigências legais, a efetividade desse procedimento. Foram realizadas entrevistas com técnicos e gestores do CNPq, comprometidos com a execução e gestão das transferências voluntárias e realizada uma pesquisa junto às FAP que recebem essas transferências.The aim of this study was to analyze and understand how the Evaluation of Voluntary Transfer of Union Resources is carried out , decentralized by CNPq to the State Foundations for Research Support (FAP). We sought to identify mechanisms to promote the establishment of research and development in areas with higher proportions of inequalities and still without the necessary infrastructure to use science and technology, aimed at achieving regional development. Federal policies of internalization of science and technology edited in a planned and structured way, among others, were initiated in the country more than two decades ago. In more recent policies, new instruments were introduced, such as the decentralization of federal funds and its programs and projects, which were of priority implementation to the State-Nation and that were decentralized for other entities of the Federation. Procedures and routines used by CNPq for the transfer of federal funds and monitoring mechanisms were analyzed, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the resources transferred through institutional partnerships with the State Foundations for Research Support (FAP). CNPq’s internal granting process were examined, and the procedures to face legal requirements, as well as the effectiveness of this procedure. Interviews were conducted with staff and managers from CNPq, committed to the implementation and management of the voluntary transfers and a survey to the FAP receiving such transfers

    “Dolls or teddies?”: constructing lesbian identity through community-specific practice.

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    The concept of ‘community’ often presents a problem for queer linguists. ‘The gay community’ is often viewed as an impossible site for research due to its imagined status, whilst local communities of gay people have been considered too heterogeneous and idiosyncratic to draw conclusions from. In this article, however, it is argued that both of these aspects of community can, and should, be a central focus of an investigation into language and sexual identity. Through the analysis of a conversation emerging from a lesbian group, using a sociocultural linguistics framework, it is argued here that the community of practice approach can play a crucial role in understanding how ideologies from ‘the gay community’ are used to construct a coherent sexual identity on a local level. The analysis reveals how the group engages in practices that enable them to construct micro-level personas in direct response to broader, ideological structures of heteronormativity

    Desa Grogol dengan Potensi Perkembangannya

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    KKN 78 UAJY or KKN Society 5.0. using online method, so there is no direct contact with people who live in the village. Group 40 located in Grogol Village, Paliyan, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This village has a potential in tourism sector. This program aim to help Grogol Village for their development, support, and manage their potential resource. This KKN program using literature review method based on trusted source from internet, personal experience, and interview with the expert. The result of this method give us the information and idea that can relate with the situation of Grogol Village. The result is develop the tourism sector by build the tourist object such as Nature learning program using the human resource in Grogol because most of them are farmers, the second is build the outbond area using the forest or not used land, the third is build the rafting zone or develop the water travel, and the fourth is build the Culture Center because Yogyakarta is the city with strong Java Culture and Grogol is located in Gunungkidul that has a lot of tourist attraction, and the fifth is team up with the tour agency in purpose to introduce the Grogol Village to people inside or outside of Yogyakarta so they are interested to come to Grogol Village. Beside tourism, Grogol village can develop the shallot cultivation because shallot doesn’t need too much water and the climate and land condition is potential for shallot cultivation

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Livelihoods and Resource Use in the Case of Whale Shark Tourism in Oslob, Cebu, Philippines

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    Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2022Through an analysis of interviews with Tan-awan Oslob Sea Wardens and Fishermen’s Association (TOSWFA) members, government and elected officials, and community members, this analysis aims to identify the connection between a pandemic-related drop in whale shark tourism and changes in livelihoods, fishing effort, destructive fishing, and protection of whale sharks and marine reserves in Oslob. An analysis of semi-structured interviews with 29 respondents in 2021 suggests that the pandemic has had a significantly negative economic impact on Barangay Tan-awan and surrounding communities. Many fishers reverted back to fishing and construction in the absence of tourism. Welfare of community members also decreased, with higher levels of food insecurity and debt. While the financial impacts were significant, with a decrease in whale shark tourism ticket sales of 79% from 2019 to 2020, and the majority of respondents indicating a decrease in personal income, the perceived impacts on the environment were not as clear. Many respondents perceived that local fishing effort had increased with more fishers than pre-pandemic, but they indicated that the levels of marine resource protection were adequate. Despite this, the majority of respondents expressed a desire for more environmental protections, underscoring a possible connection between well managed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and additional socio-economic benefits

    Could Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy be the missing link?

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    Die selektive submuköse Entfernung des Os turbinale als alternative Komponente der funktionell-ästhetischen Rhinoplastik

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