220 research outputs found

    Chronic Lumbalgia

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    In literature there is a confusion about the etymology and the prevalence of lumbar pain, especially for chronic lumbar pain. Chronic lumbar pain generally defines that kind of a kind of chronic pathology which lasts more than 7-12 weeks. Some of the other authors define it as chronic disorder which is extended beyond the time that a cure or significant improvement is expected. Several authors have found a correlation between chronic back pain with a certain socioeconomic status and psychological or sociological problems of patients. Private or public health insurance companies use other criteria and often different for chronic lumbagos definition based on the financial compensation paid by them over a period of time. An average of 25-30% of people have at least one episode of lumbago in the last three months with a touchscreen that runs at 75-80% over the life of an adult person. In our study were included 469 patients from 35-65 years and were followed for a period of two years 43% (201 patients) females, 57% (268 patients) males.Keywords: back pain, lumbago, hernia, vertebral column

    Application Integration for Sustainability Smart Tourism Model in Indonesia

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    The existence of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past few years has made the tourism world slump, and Indonesia is no exception. However, this creates a potential use of IT not only for managing tourism activities but also for managing risks and conflicts that arise due to pandemics or others. The existence of various integrated managements on the economic, socio-cultural, and ecological dimensions can create tourism sustainability that is supported by technological advances. The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive and integrated model of sustainable tourism activities supported by the use of IS/IT infrastructure. The methods used in the formation of this model are Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) and smart thinking. From ISM, four key components are produced, namely innovation, local wisdom, local residents resources, and revitalization of tourist destinations due to disasters. The results of this study are in the form of a smart tourism sustainability model in Indonesia which is supported by an integrated application derived from the four key component


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari bagaimana figur malaikat digambarkan dalam novel Mortal Instrument : City of Bones karya Cassandra Clare melalui narasi dan dialog. Penulis memilih untuk melakukan studi ini karena fantasi urban sedang sangat popular di kalangan masyarakat dan penelitian tentang arketipe malaikat masih jarang dilakukan dibandingkan dengan arketipe pahlawan. Oleh karena itu, penulis menggunakan pendekatan arketipe Jung yang terdiri dari arketipe karakteristik, arketipe simbol dan situasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analytical studi dengan menaganalisis dialog atau narasi yang mengindikasikan arketipe malaikat.Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel Mortal Instrument : City of Bones ditemukan karakteristik arketipe malaikat berdasarkan Cassandra Clare, tiga general simbol yaitu; senjata, warna, dan gambar, serta 5situasi arketip

    The Socio-Demographic Data on Disabled People in the City of Cerrik

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    Priorities of the public health today in the whole world are the prevention of people’s disability, and especially the causes that lead to its terminal phase. The morbidity of the disease, the increase of the death rate by cardiovascular diseases at 53%, the increase of disease by tumors, the rapid increase of death cases due to road accidents in our country, the low access to health services make the public health services even more tangible. On the other hand the low quality of the health service, the lack of or the incomplete coverage due to high costs for the disabled persons, make the treatment of these patients an even more difficult task. The Albanian society spends large amounts of money on such categories of patients, who are considered parasite people, as their contribution to the society is scarce

    SCARF Osteotomy for Correction of Hallux Valgus

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    Aim: Hallux valgus deformity surgical treatment has improved during last years. The authors present and report their experience with a modified SCARF osteotomy with three years follow-up, with patients diagnosed and operated in the Universitary Clinic of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of Mother Teresa Hospital,from January 2011-March 2014. The presented technique provides predictable correction of moderate to severe hallux valgus deformities.Methods: Correction of hallux valgus deformities was achieved using a Z step osteotomy cut to realign the first metatarsal bone. A retrospective analysis was undertaken in 38 patients (54 feet).Results were analyzed by clinical examination, a questionnaire including the AOFAS forefoot score,modified, and plain roentgenograms.Results: Hallux valgus and intermetatarsal angle improved at mean 19.6° and 6.9°,respectively.Mean forefoot score improved from 50.1 to 91 points out of 100 possible points. Satisfactory healing time was expressed by an average return back to their atitude of 6weeks, without including phisiotherapy. Persistence or recurrence of hallux valgus was seen in 3 patients (8%). The complication rate was 5.4% including post operative pain, superficial wound infection,atrophy of the muscles, traumatic dislocation of the distal fragment.Conclusion: The presented technique provides predictable correction of moderate to severe hallux valgus deformities.Keywords: metatarsal, bone, osteotomy, angle, restore, deformity, syntheses, healing, pain, weight bearing

    SCARF Osteotomy for Correction of Hallux Valgus

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    Aim: Hallux valgus deformity surgical treatment has improved during last years. The authors present and report their experience with a modified SCARF osteotomy with three years follow-up, with patients diagnosed and operated in the Universitary Clinic of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of Mother Teresa Hospital,from January 2011-March 2014. The presented technique provides predictable correction of moderate to severe hallux valgus deformities. Methods: Correction of hallux valgus deformities was achieved using a Z step osteotomy cut to realign the first metatarsal bone. A retrospective analysis was undertaken in 38 patients (54 feet). Results were analyzed by clinical examination, a questionnaire including the AOFAS forefoot score, modified, and plain roentgenograms. Results: Hallux valgus and intermetatarsal angle improved at mean 19.6° and 6.9°, respectively. Mean forefoot score improved from 50.1 to 91 points out of 100 possible points. Satisfactory healing time was expressed by an average return back to their atitude of 6 weeks, without including phisiotherapy. Persistence or recurrence of hallux valgus was seen in 3 patients (8%). The complication rate was 5.4% including post operative pain, superficial wound infection, atrophy of the muscles, traumatic dislocation of the distal fragment. Conclusion: The presented technique provides predictable correction of moderate to severe hallux valgus deformities

    Diksi dalam Judul-judul Berita Harian Lampu Hijau

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    Judul berita dalam suatu media massa (koran) merupakan kepala berita yang berfungsi sebagai pengantar pengetahuan pembaca tentang isi dari berita yang akan diuraikan. Sebagai suatu pengantar, judul berita harus memenuhi syarat- syarat judul yang baik. Ketepatan penggunaan kata pada judul, cakupan isi judul, maupun struktur gramatika judul akan menentukan judul tersebut sudahkah memenuhi syarat ketentuan judul yang baik. Dalam hal ini penulis menspesifikkan judul berita kriminal sebagai topik pembahasan. Masalah yang diteliti adalah judul berita kriminal yang paling dominan dalam harian Lampu Hijau, fungsi prefiks di- pada judul berita kriminal harian Lampu Hijau dan sudahkah judul- judul berita tersebut memenuhi syarat ketentuan judul yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mengeksplanasikan judul berita paling dominan dalam harian Lampu Hijau, 2) mendeskripsikan fungsi prefiks di- pada judul berita kriminal harian Lampu Hijau, 3) mengetahui judul berita kriminal harian Lampu Hijau sudahkah memenuhi syarat ketentuan judul yang baik. Metode pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Data diambil dari kalimat-kalimat judul berita kriminal harian Lampu Hijau yang terbit pada bulan November 2011. Data dianalisis berdasarkan klasifikasi ketidaktepatan diksi. Selanjutnya yaitu proses mengorganisasikan informasi yang ditemukan yang memungkinkan penarikan simpulan. Langkah terakhir yaitu penarikan simpulan. Penyajian hasil analisis dilakukan menggunakan kata-kata biasa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam berita utama Lampu Hijau ditemukan persentase tindakan kriminal kejahatan terhadap jiwa seseorang paling dominan, lalu terjadi banyak proses morfologis khususnya prefiks -di yang memunculkan banyak fungsi (kehematan judul, mendampingi ungkapan khusus, menambah rasa ingin tahu pembaca), yang terakhir adalah berdasarkan aspek sintaksis judul- judul berita kriminal pada harian Lampu Hijau tidak memenuhi syarat ketentun judul yang baik terlihat dari (cakupan judul yang terlalu luas, klausa judul yang masih terlalu panjang, maksud dari judul yang masih berbelit-belit serta menimbulkan makna yang kabur

    Perkembangan Digital Forensik Saat Ini dan Mendatang

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    Ilmu forensik adalah ilmu yang digunakan untuk tujuan hukum, bersifat tidak memihak yang merupakan bukti ilmiah untuk digunakan dalam kepentingan peradilan dan penyelidikan. Digital forensik atau sering disebut juga sebagai komputer forensik adalah salah satu cabang dari ilmu forensik yang berkaitan dengan bukti legal yang masih terdapat pada sebuah atau lebih komputer dan media penyimpanan digital lainnya sebagai bukti-bukti digital yang digunakan dalam kejahatan komputer dan dunia maya. Seorang Pakar digital forensik harus benar-benar terlatih dan berpengalaman dalam menggunakan cara untuk mengumpulkan semua data-data yang diperlukan sehingga bisa dijadikan bukti legal yang semuanya sudah diatur dalam undang-undang informasi dan transaksi elektronik. Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dewasa ini dalam informatika da komunikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk aktifitas kejahatan di dunia maya maka dapat diupayakan peralatan investigasi dan aplikasi-aplikasi yang dapat digunakan di dunia sekuriti dan berguna untuk digital forensik pada saat ini dan mendatang

    Structural Investigations for the Refurbishment Project of the Municipal Building of Gjakova

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    This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the structural investigations performed on the existing municipal building of Gjakova, intended to be refurbished as part of the Refurbishment project by the European Commission. The municipal building of Gjakova built in the end of 1960s is a reinforced concrete structure with bearing masonry walls which are scattered without any logical pattern. This structural system poses a great challange for the seismic assessment of this building. In order to obtain the confidence factors and the mechanical parameters for the appropriate numerical modeling, a series of structural investigations is carried out in detail. Initially a visual inspection is conducted, and a photographic survey is carried out with a detailed marking of each picture to visualize the building and plan the detailed inspection. The detailed plan is drafted in compliance with the gathered information and the existing documentation, so that maximal information concerned with the structure is acquired with the most minimal interferring. The detailed scrutiny is carried out in a series of frequent site visits and through the help of the measurement techniques a precise geometry is formed which supports the following phases. To obtain the correct mechanical parameters with very few damages to the structural elements a combination of destructive and non-destructive methods is utilized. Reinforced concrete core samples and reinforcement samples are drilled from the structural elements and combined with the rebound hammer measurements, a correlation is formed between these two. The reinforcement is located with the help of the profoscope and a discrepancy between the old drawings and the actual structure is noted. Afterwards, a spreadout testing utilizing the rebound hammer and the profoscope is carried out to achieve the required number of measurements. A compilation of all this information is utilized to assess the structural integrity of the structure and obtain the mechanical parameters. A qualitative measurement is performed for the structural arrangement of the elements and the regularity parameters are assessed as per the Eurocode 8 demands. With the data obtained from the measurements and the testing, reliable mechanical parameters and confidence factors are achieved to form a numerical model which represents appropriately the real building


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    Nowadays general different kind of recurrent network applications on mobile phones are like: news feed, podcast and e-mail which mostly run in the background and are a significant source of power consumption on battery limited mobile phones. Theory of scheduling such applications by prioritizing and evaluating step by step based on many conditions (or even parameters, timers) like radio network parameters, timeout values, coverage conditions or RSSI, switching between 2G and 3G on packet data, etc is our main focus on this paper. Cellular network providers typically try to control these timeout values, though some mobile devices use a technique called fast dormancy in order to reduce the time out duration which mostly results in huge power consumption for end user. The duration of this timeout, which ranges from a few seconds to ten seconds or more, is chosen to balance the cost of signaling for resource allocation to move a radio into active state (and the resulting latency and energy costs on the device) and the wasted resources due to maintaining a radio unnecessarily in active state. We also illustrate the significant energy savings that can be achieved via scheduling of recurrent mobile phone applications considering some network parameters, conditions and also user activity time (clock time) and phone battery condition as an add. These kinds of applications such as email syncing, facebook or photo uploads can defer communication, up to a point, without sacrificing service and user perception. Other applications such as on-demand streaming can prefetch content in anticipation of future need and this will not be considered for now on our study. The other very common service for mobile users is voice and by transmitting data when a call is active brings an extension on mobile phones battery life
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