137 research outputs found

    Undergraduate Kinesiology Student Involvement in the Department and Sense of Belonging by Employment Status

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    Many undergraduate college students find the need to work either on or off campus in order to pay for their tuition and expenses. It is unknown whether or not employment impacts a students ability to be involved in the department or feel like they belong and not typically reported for Kinesiology programs. PURPOSE: To assess the impact employment had on college students in relation to their sense of belonging and involvement with their home department and to investigate belonging and involvement in Kinesiology students. METHODS: Undergraduate college/university students (18+ years) at a public institution in Southern California were recruited via flyers, social media, announcements and word of mouth to participate in an IRB approved online research study. The cross-sectional Qualtrics survey consisted of a few demographic questions (age, gender, major, employment status, etc.), 9 questions specific to involvement in the department (6-point Likert scale: 1=strongly disagree to 6=strongly agree) and 11 questions for belonging divided into two domains; social acceptance and valued competence (same Likert scale as involvement). For the involvement and belonging questions an average and sum score were determined for each individual, which was used in the statistical analysis. For employment, participants were asked if they were employed (yes/no) during the Spring 2023 semester, which was then coded to form the groups. Statistical analysis software (IBM SPSS v.28) was used to assess the differences between those that indicated they were employed and not employed and a p-value of 0.05 was implemented for significance. RESULTS: College undergraduate participants (N=149, age; 24.3 土 5.7 years, gender identification; n=1 other, n=111 female, and n=37 male, and Kinesiology n=83, or other majors n=59) indicated they were employed (n=86) or unemployed (n=26) and Kinesiology students reported similar employment statistics (employed n=51 and unemployed n=11). An Independent T-Test found no significant differences (P\u3e0.05) in involvement or belonging for employment status in all students and for those who declared Kinesiology as their major during Spring 2023. CONCLUSION: Employment status had no significant impact on an undergraduate student\u27s involvement in their major department or their sense of belonging


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    Las Comunidades campesinas son organizaciones sociales tradicionales con existencia en el Perú desde tiempos ancestrales, cuentan con derechos individuales y colectivos reconocidos tanto en la esfera internacional como a nivel nacional, para protegerlas. El Estado tiene la obligación de generar y administrar un registro, a cargo de la Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos, para su reconocimiento legal, protección y desarrollo de sus derechos, pero hay ciertos aspectos no contemplados en el ordenamiento legal, así como una mala práctica en el sistema registral peruano, que vulnera los derechos comunales, entre otros los relacionados a los derechos lingüísticos, que colisionan con las normas internacionales reconocidas por el Estado, lo cual genera una desprotección y la necesidad de implementar una adecuada política pública.Peasant communities are traditional social organizations that have existed in Peru since ancient times; they have individual and collective rights recognized both internationally and nationally.  To protect these communities, the State has an obligation to create and manage a registry, which is the responsibility of the National Superintendency of Public Registries, in order to legally recognize, protect and develop their rights.   However, there are certain aspects not covered in the legal framework; as well as bad practices in the Peruvian registry system.  These violate the peasant communities’ communal rights, among others, those related to linguistic rights, which clash with other international instruments recognized by the State, causing a lack of protection by the State as well as the need to implement adequate public policy

    Estudio de viabilidad de mercado para la creación de una empresa de transporte marítimo de pasajeros en la bahía de Paita- año 2018

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    “El objetivo principal de la presente investigación fue determinar la viabilidad determinar la viabilidad de mercado para la creación de una empresa de transporte marítimo de pasajeros en la bahía de Paita. La investigación es de diseño no experimental, transversal y descriptivo. Se empleó la técnica de la encuesta, aplicándose un cuestionario a 22 administradores y jefes de operaciones de las empresas dedicadas al servicio marítimo y portuario en el Puerto de Paita. Los resultados del estudio evidencian que existe una demanda por el servicio de transporte de personas que no está siendo satisfecha, siendo sus principales requerimientos la rapidez, seguridad y formalidad del servicio brindado. Los demandantes están dispuestos en un 100% a hacer uso del servicio de la nueva empresa. En cuanto a la oferta esta es muy reducida logrando cubrir un promedio de 360 servicios anuales de los 1620 que se requieren por parte de las empresas de servicio marítimo y portuario asentadas en la localidad. Se concluye afirmando que si existe viabilidad de mercado para el negocio proyectado.

    Training in Mathematics in Colombia: a view from a standpoint of gender

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 251-264).This research shows an overview of what has been the scientific training of women in Colombia. For this purpose, and as a particular case, here are some theoretical references used to carry out the study of the history of mathematics in the Colombian universities from a gender perspective. This research was oriented to determine what participation Colombian scientist women have had in terms of contributions, access, development and permanence in the investigative processes of areas predominantly occupied by men, such as Mathematics. This led to analyze how the work developed by these scientist women has contributed to the existing educational processes. The model to analyze the object of study: women in Mathematics in Colombia was the historiographic current of social history in education. The analysis carried out offers indications that contribute to the disarticulation of certain gender stereotypes existing in the conception of science, seeking to provide some strategies that allow the process of women’s empowerment in the face of sciences to be improved.Esta investigación se centra en mostrar una panorámica sobre la formación científica de las mujeres en Colombia. Para este propósito, se relacionaron algunos referentes teóricos usados para llevar a cabo el estudio de la historia de la matemática en la universidad colombiana desde una perspectiva de género. La investigación se orientó a determinar qué participación han tenido las científicas colombianas frente a aportes, acceso, desarrollo y permanencia en los procesos investigativos propios de áreas mayoritariamente ocupadas por los hombres, como lo ha sido la Matemática. Esto conllevó a analizar cómo la labor desarrollada por estas científicas ha contribuido en los procesos educativos existentes. El modelo para analizar el objeto de estudio: las mujeres matemáticas en Colombia, fue el de la corriente historiográfica de historia social en educación. El análisis realizado ofrece indicios que coadyuvan en la desarticulación de ciertos estereotipos de género existentes en la concepción de la ciencia, buscando proporcionar algunas estrategias que permiten que el proceso de empoderamiento de las mujeres frente a las ciencias mejore.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 262-264

    Sexual and gender minority health in Chile: findings from the 2016–2017 Health Survey

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    OBJECTIVE: To expose visibility of the health concerns of sexual and gender minority groups in Chile, as well as to provide a platform to advocate for policies that support the health and well-being of SGM people in the country. METHODS: The health conditions and risk factors of participants identified as sexual and gender minority were compared to those identified as cisgender heterosexual using data from the 2016-2017 National Health Survey. RESULTS: Despite reporting higher self-rated health than heterosexual men, gay men had a higher risk of lifetime diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections. Compared to heterosexual women, the prevalence of depression was higher among bisexual women, who were also less likely to have been tested for HIV. Moreover, transgender participants were more likely to report depression and worse self-rated health than cisgender heterosexual participants. CONCLUSION: Small sample sizes of sexual and gender minority subgroups might have obscured some differences that would have been observable in larger samples. Despite this, we found statistically significant sexual and/or gender identity differences in several health areas, especially mental, sexual, and overall health

    ICT mediated pedagogic strategy to learn respiratory mechanics taking account of problem-solving situations and learning styles

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    Advances in knowledge and current technological developments require changes in education, redirecting it towards a student’s leading role in autonomous, meaningful and collaborative learning with thoughtful teachers and open to the search for new strategies. Medical education shares these challenges that demand critical, adaptive physicians who understand and use technological resources to solve health problems in their patients and populations.Objective. Was To design a pedagogical strategy based on problems situations and learning styles, mediated by ICT, to improve the development of competencies on respiratory mechanics.Methodology. It was designed with an experimental group and a control one, with measurements before and after in both groups. Population: Third semester medical students at a Colombian university.Results. The group that took the strategy based on problematic situations with materials adapted to the learning style and mediated by ICT, improved in comparison with the control group (p < 0.001); There was a better performance in the intervention Group (P = 0.017). The use of the pedagogical strategy did not improve the memorization of contents compared with the control (P = 0145). The satisfaction of the strategy was found in high degree.Conclusions. This strategy is a new and innovative alternative, incorporating ICT for individual and collective learning in respiratory mechanics. There should be diversity in evaluation strategies that are not limited to questionnaire-type summative assessments that do not know other evaluation processes related to meaningful learning.Los avances en el conocimiento y desarrollos tecnológicos actuales exigen cambios en la Educación, reorientándola hacia un papel protagónico del estudiante en el aprendizaje autónomo, significativo y colaborativo junto a docentes reflexivos y abiertos a la búsqueda de nuevas estrategias. La educación médica comparte estos retos que demandan médicos críticos, adaptativos y que entiendan y utilicen recursos tecnológicos para resolver problemas de salud en sus pacientes y poblaciones.Objetivo. Diseñar una estrategia pedagógica basada en situaciones problémicas y estilos de aprendizaje, mediada por TIC, para mejorar el desarrollo de competencias sobre la Mecánica Respiratoria.Metodología. Diseño con un grupo experimental y uno de control, con mediciones antes y después en ambos grupos. Población: estudiantes de tercer semestre de Medicina en una universidad colombiana.Resultados. El grupo que tomó la estrategia basada en situaciones problémicas con materiales adaptados al estilo de aprendizaje y mediada por TIC, mejoraron en comparación con el grupo de control (p < 0.001); hubo mejor rendimiento global en el grupo de intervención (p= 0.017). El uso de la estrategia pedagógica no mejoró la memorización de contenidos comparándose con el control (p= 0.145). La satisfacción de la estrategia se encontró en alto grado.Conclusiones. Esta estrategia es una alternativa novedosa e innovadora, incorpora las TIC para el aprendizaje individual y colectivo en mecánica respiratoria. Debe existir diversidad en las estrategias de evaluación que no se limiten a valoraciones sumativas de tipo cuestionario que desconocen otros procesos de evaluación relacionados con aprendizaje significativo

    Caracterización de un concreto geopolimérico fibrorreforzado para su aplicación en elementos constructivos

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    This article presents an analysis of the physical-mechanical characterization of a fiber-reinforced geopolymeric concrete, whose HCV matrix is ​​made up of 90% fly ash (CV) and 10% ordinary portland cement (OPC), using as an alkaline activator a solution composed of silicate and sodium hydroxide (NaOH, Na2SiO3) and water. The reinforcement used was SikaFiber Xorex steel fibers incorporated into the matrix in proportions of 50 and 75 kg/m3. The HCV-50 mix reported a compressive strength of 26.77 MPa at 28 days of curing, classifying it as structural concrete according to NSR-10. At the same curing age, indirect tensile strength of 3.49 MPa, modulus of elasticity of 29.32 GPa, flexural strength of 5.15 MPa and toughness up to cracking deflection (δf) of 1971,9 N.mm were obtained. This mixture, considered optimal, was used in the manufacture of concrete slabs, which presented a rupture deflection δf of 4.45 mm, ultimate deflection of 16.15 mm, maximum load supported 15.6 kN, tenacity of 49464, 8 N.mm up to δf and 145847.3 N.mm up to 3 times δf. The fiber-reinforced geopolymeric material is also proposed to be used in the production of shotcrete (Shotcrete), and in the construction of lightweight tiles.  Este artículo presenta un análisis de la caracterización físico-mecánica de un concreto geopolimérico fibrorreforzado, cuya matriz HCV está conformada por 90% ceniza volante (CV) y 10% cemento portland ordinario (OPC), utilizando como activador alcalino una solución compuesta por silicato e hidróxido de sodio (NaOH, Na2SiO3) y agua. El refuerzo utilizado fueron fibras de acero SikaFiber Xorex incorporadas a la matriz en proporciones de 50 y 75 kg/m3. La mezcla HCV-50 reportó una resistencia a la compresión de 26,77 MPa a los 28 días de curado, clasificando como concreto estructural según la NSR-10; a la misma edad de curado se obtuvo resistencia a la tracción indirecta de 3,49 MPa, módulo de elasticidad de 29,32 GPa, resistencia a la flexión de 5,15 MPa y tenacidad hasta la deflexión de agrietamiento (δf) de 1.971,9 N.mm. Esta mezcla considerada la óptima, fue empleada en la fabricación de losas de concreto, las cuales presentaron una deflexión de ruptura δf de 4,45 mm, deflexión última de 16,15 mm, carga máxima soportada 15,6 kN, tenacidad de 49.464,8 N.mm hasta δf y 14.5847,3 N.mm hasta 3 veces δf. El material geopolimerico fibrorreforzado se propone además para ser utilizado en la producción de concreto proyectado (Shotcrete), y en la construcción de losetas aligeradas

    Transformación de la práctica pedagógica orientada al fortalecimiento de la comprensión de lectura en la Institución Educativa Municipal Técnico Luis Orjuela

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    350 PáginasLa presente investigación, denominada Transformación de la Práctica Pedagógica orientada al Fortalecimiento de la Comprensión de Lectura en la IEM Técnico Luis Orjuela, se realizó en el municipio de Zipaquirá con los grados cuarto, quinto, décimo y undécimo. Su objetivo es transformar la práctica pedagógica a partir de la reflexión constante, orientado hacia el fortalecimiento de los niveles de comprensión de lectura. Se planteó en el marco de la enseñanza para la comprensión (EpC), partiendo del contexto y las necesidades de los estudiantes, al implementar diferentes estrategias pedagógicas y didácticas en las que resaltan las rutinas de pensamiento

    Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the general population (COMET-G) study.

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    INTRODUCTION: There are few published empirical data on the effects of COVID-19 on mental health, and until now, there is no large international study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, an online questionnaire gathered data from 55,589 participants from 40 countries (64.85% females aged 35.80 ± 13.61; 34.05% males aged 34.90±13.29 and 1.10% other aged 31.64±13.15). Distress and probable depression were identified with the use of a previously developed cut-off and algorithm respectively. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Descriptive statistics were calculated. Chi-square tests, multiple forward stepwise linear regression analyses and Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tested relations among variables. RESULTS: Probable depression was detected in 17.80% and distress in 16.71%. A significant percentage reported a deterioration in mental state, family dynamics and everyday lifestyle. Persons with a history of mental disorders had higher rates of current depression (31.82% vs. 13.07%). At least half of participants were accepting (at least to a moderate degree) a non-bizarre conspiracy. The highest Relative Risk (RR) to develop depression was associated with history of Bipolar disorder and self-harm/attempts (RR = 5.88). Suicidality was not increased in persons without a history of any mental disorder. Based on these results a model was developed. CONCLUSIONS: The final model revealed multiple vulnerabilities and an interplay leading from simple anxiety to probable depression and suicidality through distress. This could be of practical utility since many of these factors are modifiable. Future research and interventions should specifically focus on them